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d l s ,1 « ■ rl ■ I ,., [ THIRD TtTTDTl Clfr RACE 1 1 Mile, TW;l.. 9 .ra.r.AU. and o«, mmm! upward. Allowances. ill. — m—um—m r.iM hii.1. 33 I .-•- ■ 3 ■ aim — 3-year-olds 1:37% 88. LADY ROTHA. b. f. 3 97 By Goiden Maxim cr Fayette — Sandy Bar J. M. Henry. Sr . 2S183 Douglas 1 nv7oy l:42%fasl 59-10 108 12-2 2 li 2" T Henry 5 Rlngllng, Dr. Larrick. P.IIermis 22818 Belmont 11:38 fast 6 99 3 3 3 4 54 BH M Garner . Harry Shaw, T. Motions, Lahore 22751 Belmont 1 1-16 ] :45%rast 10 ios 2 4 4 5 41 47 J Butweli 8 T.byjury, Sharpshooter, T. Finn 22529 Saratoga 11:42 goods 100 4 4 4 4 .".. in XI earner 4 Van. Notions, Pom. Bleu. H.Shaw 22427 Saratoga 1 l:38%taat 31 ios | I I 2s 2-: XI Garner 4 Rnlv. Ladv Teresa, Sea Shell 22361 Saratoga 11:42 good 15 106 5 7 8 7 52 3«J XI Garner X Regret. Trial hy Jury. The Finn FD CRUMP, ch. c. 3 105 By Peep oDay— Evaline J. J. McCaffertv. 0 Douglas 3-4 l:l*Kgood S-5 MB 5 4 5 4" ll Kederis li P. Hermls, Dr. Larrick. SLGoose 2311* Douglas 11:38 good 3 hn 8 2 2 8 l1 1* -I Keeuris 0 Dr.Larrick, F.Riley. Brmghurst 22*43 Saratoga 3 4 l:18%mud 6 5 lit; :: 3 3 3 2-1 J Kederis .. Distant Shore. Capra 20607 Douglas 3-4 1:12 goodl3-10 110 7 7 6 62 6-J F Keogh 7 B.sChoiee. Chalmers, IronMask 2037S Churchill 1 1-16 l:46V5good 7-5 106 3 3 4 3 U 1- J Kederis 5 Ix»o Skolny. Rlngllng G.Huches 88227 Churchill 1 1-4 2:05%iast 6 117 4 4 5 4 101 lOJR Goose It! Regret. Pebbles. Sharpshooter 18329 Latonia 1 ld8%Cant 29-3 116 13 3 3 52 55 U Goose 7 Solly. Pif Jr.. Leo Ray OR LARRICK. ch. r. 3 1C0 Bv Malta Santa— Pirate Polly Elkins and Johnon. • l rla; I I I2*tgood«3-10 98 :: • i . r Mqrphy fi P. Ilermb Rot rioos . RdCramp .:• Dougln li..: i I iii 19-5103 211 l SJ Is 1 Murph.T : Rlngllng. LadyRutha. P Ilermrs •:ii.. Douglas I 1:38 good 38-5 tut ! :: :: * a • F Marphy !■ Rd Crump, I. Riley, Brmgburxt 23026 Lexgton 3-4 l:12%fa I 21-5 103 4 4 4 2- 2" F Murphy 5 Bos.Goose. L. Nephew, Liberator 2290R I . gton 11:29 fast 69 lo p.; ] | j j 31 «T| p xiurohv R Man Waite, Greville, Grmnpjr J2873 Lexgton 3 1 1 38-5 103 4 3 3 3,: !» F Marphy 5 Lit. Nenbcw. Othello. IT llermis 22809 Lexgton 1-4 l:12%fast 13 107 6 99 7i 7T1 F Mnrphs 8 Man Watte, .Tower. G.Hugbes 2 :i3o Windsor 1 1:10 Ust 3q V 1 4 I 1 1 1* Ji" F Murby S Foup.Fay, Cannonade, Priv.petal COMMONARA. eh, e. 3 105 By The Commoner— Nevada R. .T. Austin. ■■ :- dbin t 1 II i B good W W3 111 1 1- I* J cniishan a Mate ,h,. -. Prim* Mover _.•••• WMblue I i i :..»..».,i;im ys 10 MB ;; 3 i :; 31 ,•"• T * «,• s Rancher. Barnegat. Tactics 22698 Blue Bon. 1 11 2:0S last li M3 I J l -j p* 3=1 A Sehugr I Fount. Fay, Barnegat, RanclK-r 22657 BlueBon. 7-8 1:25 fast S lU 6 4 4 0 ii i 4a .1 Smyth s BackBay, P. Zareta. Commonada 22190 FortErie 1 1-16 l:4f M fast 21 107 6 112 | P F Keogh 7 Handler, Waterbass, Pardner 21947 Hamton 1 1-4 2:1HjkIow 11-10 107 5 11 2 31.1 . 4,»JW Obert S Tactics, Barnegat, Fountain Fay 21815 Hamton 1 1-S 1 :53 fast 3-2 109 2 1 1 1 1* l1 W War ton 4 BlIMpt, Expection. B.Hensley TRANSIT, ch. c. 4 108 By Transvaal— Resignation J. W. Goldblatt. 22318 Douglas ImTOy 1:14 mod I mi 2 2 3 3 4- 41 J Kederis 5 JohnGund. TbeGrader, KorFalr 23356 Douglas 11 10 1 : 47,2-fast 4 107 3 3 :: :: :: 3* .1 Metcalf :: Father Riley, Diaillosion 23971 Lexgton 3-4 l:lS%mud 91-10 MS 4 4 3 3* 3-?. J Metcalf 4 Vogue, FiUgree, The Grader 22911 Lexgton J-4 l:12--,fast 278 111 r 5 6 0* 6" J Metcalf 7 Iron Mask. Con. TOWCT, R. Toner 22483 Windsor 1 1:40 fast 31-5 107 2 4 7 I S 8"|A Mott S Dr. I.aniek. E. Fay, Cannonade 22414 Windsor 1 l:4*%fast 27-10 104 4 7 7 5 4" 4-». J Smyth 7 Recoil, Busby Dead, Eedland 22302 Windsor 1 1-16 1:51 hvv 9-5 103 2 2 2 3 V 1*1 A Mott 4 Barnegat, E. Fay, Expectation 21982 Aquedct 1 1-16 l:45%fast 4* 100 3 2 2 2 2s 2G J MrCahev 5 Bay. Candle. Lahore, llanovia 21823 Aqueduct 11:3SV6fast 20 102 2 5 6 a 5J Ci W Lilley u Hodge. Holiday. Coquette LOU BLUE, ch. f, 3 95 By Ogden— Hammerless J. E. Madden, 2S051 Lexgton 3-4 I:l245fast 68 103 4 1 I 4- 371 F Robins.. 5 llanovia. Con. Tower, GhetoGlrl 22531 Saratoga 7-8 l:31*fcgood 8-5 107 6 4 2 3 2.. 3r .1 MeTag n 7 K.Kringlo, Bdinage, PmeMover 21880 Aqueduct 3-4 l:i4%tast 1S-6 90 lo s S 7 M T Henry 12 Goodwood, Gallop. Kortbligfat 21748 Belmont 3-4 l:13%fast IM SSfl 5 6 4 4- 3- W I.illev ." Fenmoose, Dinah Do. Azylade 213*8 Aqueduct 5-8 l:01«fclast 60 103 10 11 11 102 lO11 Brady 11 Gilt Edge, W.Lilv. M.B.Kubanks 211*8 Jamaica 3-4 1 :14*4fast 30 102 8 6 6 64 6Ti L Alien i Carlavcroek, EvelynC. Gammon BEACH COMBER, hr. c. 4 115 By Rock Sand— Fairy Slipper E. R. Bradley. 23270 Douglas 1 1-8 l:51*4fast 41 mi r, 4 .". 1; 1; V* V Herbert . Hank ODay, Lladonthal, S.Star 22976 Lexgton ::-4 l:13%fast o3-lo 115 4 :. E 2- 2* C Bans 12 Dlmltri, St. .new 1. lua Kav 22809 Lexgton 3-1 1 :12*ifast 19 104 S 6 7 S1 V V Herbert 9 Man. Waite. C. Tower. G.Hughes 22020 Saratoga 11:44 slow 9-5 112 4 3 3 3 4° 4s C Ganz ." Light Wing-, Badinage, Kusila 2li6ii I.atonia lm70y 1 :45%fast 9-4 117 10 4 3 4 3h 3=1 C Ganz 12 Syrian. Prospect. Sir William 20835 I.atonia 3-4 l:12%fast 16 112 6 6 6 65 69 C Canz 7 H. ODav. Huntress. Fleetahelle 20388 Douglas 1 1:39 fast 32-5 115 7 2 2 2 21 2* C Ganz 12 Greville, Freeman. Fleuron II.