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■ ■ f 1 I t 1 1 a i a , DOUGLAS PARK FORM CHART. LOUISVILLE, KY.. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 28. 1915. -Douglas park. Eighth and lasr dav. Douglas Park Jockey Club. Autumn Meeting ot s days. Weather cloudy. Stewards, B. C. Hopper, Charles F. Price- sad John T. Ireland. Presiding Judge-. W. II Shelley. st.-u-ter. Harry Morri-sey. Racing Secretary, W. II. learcc. Racing starts at 2:1. p. 111. Chicago time 2:1." p. m.l. * Indicate s apprentice allowance. aOQl /l FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile". 2077" 1:1"V -•" — 1t«. i Purs.- ipuiM. :; year-olds and up- jfi O O JL rr ward. Selling. Net value to winner £450: second. 08; third. 888. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 SlrFii. Jockeys Owners Euiv. Odds Strt 23269*MARION GOOSBT w :: 100 1 I 1 1". 1 1- P .TucTv M C Moore 135-100 23154CARRIF. ORME w 3 --"i 4 S ::. j . !• _" H Stearns E J Oionnell S3O-1O0 23272 LITTLE STRING w :; 103 3 3 - I 4". V P ■ Pool M B Gnjber .365-100 23257 CHARTIER wn 8 111 3 4 .", :. :, P. R Goost Spi.-t ft Powers SSo-lflO 23257 BLACKTHORN wr. :: 88 6 2 2 V V E K Lanellh M A Colton 905-100 Time. 23«5. 48%, 1:15. Track muddy. mutuels paid, Marion GiMisby. .70 straight. .10 place, .40 show; Carrie tlrme 10 place S:: 00 show : Little String. .00 show. Eipiivalent bonk tag odds— Marion Goosby. 139 to RHi straight. 55 to 1K place. 20 to 188 show Cirrie Or 185 to loo place, 50 to 108 show: Little String. 30 to 100 show. Winner— Br. g. bv Marathon Pheeaie lickle 1 trained by W. Perkiaal. Went to post at 2:10. At i os| l minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; s md ami third driving MARION GOOSRY ran well in the going, showed the most speed and led for the entrie way but was -loiken up in the Stretch. CARRIE ORME moved up fast 111 the middle half, but tired in the last sixteenth. LITTLE STRING had no mishaps. CHARTIER was always outrun. RLACKTHORN quit badlv 1 he winner was catered for ,000; no bid. Scratched— 2.1200-Othello. 100. Overweights — Carrie Prase, 1 pound. QQ1 K SECOND RACE— 1 Mile. ill4— 1:.37%— .3— lop, 1915.sh00 Added. .Tvear-o!ds and up Q O X *J war.l. Maidens. Selling. Net value to winner 10; second. 42: third. S. Index Horses AWIPIst % :■ g Str Fin Jockeys Owners Ecpiiv. Odds Strt 22872 PoRCRIS w 3 107 :. 2 :.■ 4 V 1 1| C VanlVnH Pots MO H0 Continued on second page. i 1 1 1 | 1 . J , i i , , i i I i I , ; i • 1 I 1 I i 1 1 DOUGLAS PARK FORM CHART. Continued from first page. 22976 GALAWAT w 3 100 « 4 21 p 1.. f •• D CoaneUyV M Pittman ::7:.0-1W 23213 PROSPECT w-5 111 1 1 BJ 7 .V..:;- :; .1 I Vititoe I0M lot 22980 A 1. 1. K.N CAIN w 3 181 1 :! tj l |» 51 1- F Ihiliinsiiivyiim - Russell 18*6-181 22017 M! KAN SPH.KKR w 3 lOt I S « ti1 P P. d" F Judv B R Hradb y 346 Kmi 23269 MAKVA w 3 N8 11 I l1 2 | «* 6* ■ p Murphy Q Watts tSM 1«0 23213 IINSMAN wr. 3 103 M I If* 8« HtJ W, 7i K Pool M C Moore 8M8 -M8 23048 PETER STALWART w :: 1071 • 4 •"■ •■ 7*1 sh R Gk»oae B C Nnekola Jr 690 100 23181 MARGT BURKLET w 3 103 5 9 9" hi- 9* M i |t 1; Marco T P Asmen t 22976 .1. W. OSHKA aj 4 114 7 M 7". t V U »l H Uennler.I M Staebler 22978*PI.i:iRON II. w 5 188 12 1112 111 1P 11* 111" F Willms J H Woodford 2505 II TRICK WING w 4 111 - 12 111 12 1- 12 12 J Kederia T H Ryan lis IW tMutnel tieid. Time. 25, 50. 1:17. 1:4345- Track muddy. mntnela paid. Dercria, .2 i straight, 85.60 place .:so show; Galaway, 7.40 place. 8.70 » Proai 1 ct, show. *■— s Iapiivaleiit Ix.oklng o bls— IVneris. 2M1 to KM straight. ISO to 100 place. 115 to 1H show: Gillaway, 1270 to loo place. 7:15 to 100 show: Prospect. 2!K to 106 show. Winner— R. g. by Durante— O isscross trained by 1. K. Stewart. Went to post at 2:43. At Post 2 minutes. Start good an 1 slow. Won driving: second and third ihe same. DoitcRIS raced into the lead in the tirst three-quarters and held the others safe after rounding Into the Stretch. GALAWAY showed a good order of speed and outstayed PROSPECT. The latter fell back on the first turn, then finished gamely. ALLEN CAIN stumbled. TRICK WING ran green. The winner was entered for 8500; no bid. Scratched — 22430 Charles Frauds, 108; 21888 Money Maker. 100. Overweights— Galaway. :; pounds: Piter Stalwart. 21. 4 *__ *_ I /* THIRD RACK— 3-4 Mile. 20775 1:10%- ::—loo.i $«iio Added. 3-yepr-oMa and up QellO Ward. Selling. Net value to winner .1=500: second. 36j third. 4. Index Horses AWtlPSt t c. Str liit Jockeys Owners K.|iiiv. Odds Slrt 23122 SDS1I S w 1 100 i 1 ::■ 1*1 1* P- .1 Metemlf E Pat. -man IP IO0 23154 PAKM I.KAP w 4 100 1 1 P 23 2 8* 81 Pool C A Matlock 1524 100 23181*MISS FANNIE w3 88 fi 3 1"..",. n :!.. B Johnson J 1 1 Respeaa 115-100 22836 MERRICK wit 12 110 5 1 7 4 4 4*. W W Tlor.I Milam 1 lor, W 23298 TRANSPORT wr. 5 100 4 C 8* l* 8* 5* F Robins nJ FGaiTney 22B KM 23214 RANK BILL w 4 10! 7 5 7 fij 51 H- ** Murphy T M Irvin 300-103 23156 SWEETHEART SUEw 3 loo i 7 6* 7 7 7 1 ConnellyW S ThrelheM 13*7 5 H8 Time, 24H, 48%. 1:14. Track muddy. mutuels paid, SositM, .00 straight, .*::. 10 place. 83.30 show: Palm Leaf, 0.30 place. 86.20 show; Miss Fannie. 83.88 show. Ki|Uivalent booking odds — Sosiits. 145 to 100 straight. 70 to 1 » place, 05 to 100 show: Palm Leaf, 415 I 1 108 place. 210 to 100 show: .Miss Fannie. 80 to loo show. Winner— P.r. g, by Solitaire II.— Aya trained by M. GoldMatt. Went to at 3:00. At post 1 minute Start good and slow. Won easily: secOMd and third driving. SOS I US outclassed the others in tie going and. baring spread! aided his opposition, was eased up in the last eighth. PALM LEAF showed a good turn of. speed and outstayed MISS FANNIE in tli - linal strides. MISS FANNIE «as always prominent MERRICK had no mishaps. RANK RILL was taken wide all the way. The winner, entered for 8300, was bid up to ,005 and bought in. Scratched— 23156*Oakland, 108; 23300 Mack R. Eubanks, 104; 23300*8badraeh, 110; 23213Cadenaa, 100: 21439 Star Actress. 100. Overweights — Merrick, 1 pound: Sweetheart Sue. ". 4 Q Q 1 7 FOURTH RACK— 2 Miles. 11ST.4— 3:20— 4—102. Third Running Louisville Cup OOl I -*2.500 Added, -lyeandds ami up.vanl. Handicap. Ret value to winner ,110: second. jSOOj third. 50. Ipdex Horses AWtPPSt Vj 1 l/j Str Fin Jockeys Owners K iulv. Odds Strt 23107;IIOlx;K w 4 125 1 1 p.. P I" 1- t* It Goose W J Weber 206-100 23270-1. 1. NDKNTHAL w.3 101?. 1 J V. V. :• Ll. .. .1 Kederis .1 W Schorr 425-101 23270 SINGLING w I 100 5 3 2»| V * ::-::" J Metcalf F I Weir 340 l « 22908 RAINCOAT wn :: *.hi 1 :. | ;, :, :. 4* P. JohnaonG Straus 641 168 23258NK STEP w 3 103 Z 4 4,: 4-" P 4 .". K Pool J N Camden I70-M0 Time. 28. 55. 1:23. 1:50. 2:1625. 2:42%. 3:08%. 3:33%. Track muddy. mutuels paid. Hodge, 86.00 straight, .M place, .10 show: I.iiidcnthal, .20 place. .00 show: Ringilng, .00 show. K.piivalen: booking odds— Hodge, 200 to 100 straight. 100 to 100 peace, 53 to M8 show; I.imleuthal. 110 to 100 place. 45 to 100 sliow: BingUng, 45 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. g. by Ian the Terribb — Nannie Hodge trained by K. Spcneei. Went to pest at 3:37. At pest 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easih : m mil and third driving. HODGE was well ridden and kept In front for the entire way. shook off LINDENTHAL In the stretch and won easing up. LINDENTHAL had to be taken back several times and finished fast and gamelv. RIM; RING was always a contender, but tired in the stretch. RAINCOAT dosed a good gap. ONE STEP tired in the last half. Scratched— 23270 Hank 0Tay. 101: 23054 Kxpcctation. 102: 23258 Water Witch, OS; 23274 Worlds Wonder, 100: 23256*Disillo8ion, .mi. Overweights — l.iiulenthal. 3 pounds. i Q O 1 O 1T1-TH RACE— 1 Mile ar.d 70 Yards. 1 1707- 1 :42-. 4— 110. Purse 8700. -I year- £j O O X O oiP and upward. Handicap. Net value to winner 8560; second. 8100; third. SO. Index I buses AWtPPSt Vt % Str Pi:: Jockeys Owners Iapiiv. Odds S I r t 23270 JOHN OI NT WB 1 115 1 1 P 1*1 14 1* I* R Goose R f Maker "SO-IW 23273 I UK GRADER w 6 110 4 I ?,- * B LH Z F Murphy J T Looney !?5-10tl 23182 FOR FAIR WB 3 KO 3 1 PI 1- P H V B Pool G M Miller 4tiT.-1ii 23256TRAXSIT w 4 101 . 2 Z l« ll 8] 4- 41. .1 Kederis J W Gol.lblatt S9S 100 23258 EMBROIDERY wn 3 05 5 5 5 5 :. 5 5 II Stearns A 15 Hancock 450-160 Time. 24%, 49%. 1:15. 1:40, 1:44. Track muddy. mntnebl paid. John Qand, .O0 straight, .10 place. . SO Show; The Grader. .00 place. .50 -how : For Fair, .00 show. Eoniralent booking odds— John Gund, :;oo to 100 straight, 105 to 100 place, 40 to loo show; The Grader, 50 to KM place. 25 to 100 show: For Fair. 45 to 100 show. Winner — B. c by Peep oDay — My Gypa trained by A. Raker. W. nt to post at 4:05. At post 1 minute. Start good and alow. Won easilv: second and third driving. .PH1N GUND took the lead at the start and easily led for the entire way. THE GRADER raced well up throughout and outstayed FOR FAIR in the final drive. FOR FAIR showed a good order of speed and tin [shed gamely. TRANSIT tired. Overweights — For Fair. 2i pounds; Transit. 14. £ Q Q 1 O 8 1 X T I r~RA K 5~~l-2 Furlongrs. 1101 S— 1 :00— 2—117. i 1915.shM Added. 2-year-olds. aO O O A. */ Selling. Net value to winner 00: second. 30: third. 1. Index H. i rsi -s AWtPPSt % V4 :rj Str Fin Jockeys Owners F.piiv. Odds Strt 23236 * A I. PIERCE WB 101 I 4 21 I". !■"■ P K LapailleA B Gordon I .1 23260 INGOT wr. 104 I 1 P" J z- .• ■ Pool C I P.roekmilh r 1240 10 23158 p.kai TV SHOP wr. 108 1 M 7- 7:: :, ::- W AndreasGallaher Pros I95-1O0-. 23155 I. ADY MILDRED W 101 8 7 J" S?. 7". 4U F RobinsnW Straus 2r-::5 li-*** 21103 INTENTION WB 1011W 2 4 41 5.. 5.1. J Kederis J L Holland 250-160 23180 A "KI.DT v ! S 2 S 61 5?. 6l 8* C Hunt P J Milbtt lac 23105 P.ISY JOE w 100 9 3 5* 6J S1 7- F Murphv E R Bradley 1970 160 23052 Pot ISP. GREEN WB H 1 7 S It a- J* g H Stearns J S Evernian 4395-100 22161 DEIIRA w MB S "?. 8* P a" F Judy I* Schnckman 71." WO 23155 KMII.Y R. wit M*T| 1 :t N M 1« 1» J Hanover Rice tii Kurtz 6550-100 Time. 24 /5, 48I5, 1:01%, 1:08%. Track muddy. mutuels paid. Ai Pierce, 811.86 Straight, place. . SO show: Ingot. place. show: Beauty Shop, .4o show. Equivalent booking odda— AI Pierce. 405 to km straight, 210 to Hmi place, 88 ra loo show; ingwt, 375 to 100 pla.e. 885 to loo show: Beauty Shop, 7 to loo show Winner Br. •. by Dick Welles -Skyte trained by W. II. Snearley. Went to post at 4:::0. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third diiv :ng. AL PIERCE, Hhowing ranch apeed and dear of interference, moved into the bad in the first quarter • a canter. INGOT was hard ridden throughout and outstayed BEAUTY SHOP. The latter was away in a jam and forced to come wide through the last three-eighths. LADY MILDRED made up ground INTENTION tired. The winner was entered lor 0f: no bid. Scratched 239/18 Rrizz. 104: 23155*Owana, OS. Overweights P.eant y Shop. 2 pounds: Intention. -P.: Rusy Joe. 2: Kuiily R.. 1 .. fch *_ O £ i SEVENTH R K 1 3-16 Miles. 20743 1:58% — 4 103. Parse 860O 3-year-okhi and dfi O O dM y upward. Selling. Net value to winner 8450j second. : third. 0 . "index Horses AWtPPSt % L, % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Ivpiiv. Odds Strt 88858*RENO w 5 104 3 4 : 81 41 t* V H Stearns W II Ilogan 800 1-hi 23274 WRI.DS WONDER W •" 108 2 1 2l 2 l1 lh 2* R Goose J T Looney 980 MM 23274 ANY PORT w 7 100 1 7 S 6» 3J 3- 3* K Tool E E Mctargo 900-100 23188-FLYING FEET w 7 KXi 4 2 P 1J 2 4 4H F Murphy T M Irvin 535-100 23261*COMMAPRKTTA WB 3 04 7 •"• 5" S 6* 5* 6» C Hunt W J Weber 53S 1". 23272*1IARD RALL was 4 107 6 S 8* 4J 5* 8* 8* T Henrv J X Mounce 350-100 23217 .11 ST RED w 6 1071 B « 7* 7- 7° 7s 7ln .1 Hanov-rMiller ft Morcland 610-100 21219 BIG DIITKR wn 5 itH; :, 3 4t s s s g K LapallleM A Colton 2405-100 Time. 24y3, 50, 1:16. 1:43. 2:02Vi. Track muddy. mutuels paid. Reno, 814.00 straight, 86.60 place, 84.66 show: World- Wonder. 1. SO place. "ALSO Shaw: Any Port. .00 show. Equivalent linking odds— Reno. 888 to 100 straight. ISO to 100 place, 130 to 180 show; Worlds Wonder 40t to 160 place. 24o to 100 show; Any Port, lso to 100 show. Winner p.. m, by Hem. — My Bnela i trained by J. Began. Went to post at 4:55. At post 1 minute. Start bad and slow. Won driving: irntoild and third tii • same. RENO, favored by the going, gained steadily in the atretea ami :;of up t,, win in the las! rtrldes. WORLDS WONDER showed much speed and only succumbed riuht at the end. ANY PORT closed n -•■„! rap ami tired in the stretch. FI.YlNd FEET set the early pace ami also tired. COMMAI RKl IA ami HARD BALL got away poorly afier buinping into each other at the start. The winner was entered lor f.TOO; no bid Scratched - 23210 ijcimy Geddes, 100; 23274*Mockery, 106; 232302OIga Star. 101; 25208 Fitatrerahl 104; 23261 I- Is. 88; 2:;27l UoMr, KH5. In 1 -wights - Jnsl Red. 1 ■. pounds.