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_i4i.j 21462 Latonia iaionia o-i 3-4 l:12*4fast i:iz»«.rast 11 17 100 iwj 4 1 4 *«•*«* 4 6l 3" a E .mm Martin 111 7 1 Lit. Laic. 1 Father. -ainer. B. u. Goose, e.oose, B.sSister n. soisier FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. 2-year-olds. Selling. 1212s 1:11 -2— 105. HARRY GARDNER, b. g. 2 102 Bv Dick Welles— Fluid M, C. Mcore. 23260 Douglas 5 t 17%tast 32 Mil 4 •* 3 2* |s a Mott 11 L.Worthton, ILBeanty. R.Ster 23158 Douglas 51 t iMSgood 37-5 103. 5 S 2 2- 2" A Mott 13 Paymaster. Saviuo. Beauty Shop 23023 Lexgton r.-i f 1 :0S Vitas t 3 106 1 1-2" 3H II Goose 10 Cardome. Savino. Crown Velvet 22877 Lexgton 5J t 1*7 last Mj ltd 3 2 I 2 3* B Oooa* 10 Popnee. Cardome. Luekv R. 22530 Saratoga 5 t 1 :09-f,good 7 101 5 5 7 S 8,TiM Garner R High Horse, Tralee. Servia 22492 Saratoga 51 f l:l*%sloW 16-5 105 :, 2 1 2 . P|D Connelly 7 Tralee, Edna Kenna. Nolli PAYMASTER, br. c. 2 100 By Galveston— Nun A. B. Gordon. 2321s Douglas 5-8 1 :0l%fast 16 98 4 2 2 2- t* K I.apaillell Blancfaita. Illuminator. Paul-en 23158 Douglas 5.. f Dosagood fid 93 2 3 1 l1 I1 K Lapaille l:; H. Gardner. Saviuo. Beauty Shop 23023 Lexgton s1 f 1 65 98 6 5 :i an :;• K ranniUe 10 Cardome, Savino. II. Gardner 2l4e:; Latonia 511:3* hvy 22 103 3 3 2 3 CSJ E Pool 11 Mary II., TheCarmet. Lit. Digger 21185 Latonia 5-S 1:01 fast 23 HI9 9 7 8 8 1*1 M Gamer ! Franklin. John Jr.. Rochester 20979 latonia 5-8 l:02%slow 24-5 99 2 3 I 3 V K Lapaille 7 Nellie Welles. Dolina, Lynn L07 12 Douglas 5-S l:0iy5fast 44-5 103 I 6 3 51 6" M Garner S Amulet. Ralph S.. Lynn GYPSY BLAIR, b. f. 2 102 By Cyclades— Moonshine R. J. Austin. 23242 Wdblne 3-4 l:14U,fast fid lo:; I 9 S 4:: 1". -I CallahanlL I.lue Cap. Immune. LittleP-igger 22892 Dorsal 3 4 l:14%faat 39-5 102 7 5 4 2- D. J Callahan ! Ear Away, Trout Flv. Atnka 22769 BlueBon. 51 f 1:09 slow 6 107 J 2 11 8 104 914.1.A Sehugr 12 Shrapnel, Broom Com. Letfetti 22673 BlueBon. 2-4 1:15 fast 2S-5 112 6 6 4 4= 2; A SehjgrD! Damietta. Greenwd. Mavnie W. 22434 Windsor 5-S 1 :00%fast 23 109 10 9 7 6- 6";W Waitonl" S.ofPlsure. I.ODowd. B.Fellow 22301 Windsor 5?. f 1 :10%hvy Si 104 4 3 S 71 ft R MeDott 10 En. Will. Gahswinthe. J. Runny 21723 Windsor 5-8 l:00%fast 14-5 104 7 8 8 7 6?; V Roh:ns-n ft Water War. Servia. Tush Tush SAVINO. b. o, 2 105 By Voorhees — Corinna G. Barnes. 23158 Douglas :.. f 1 :ost%good 17 km; 7 4 3 3- :.■ n Stirling l.t Paymaster, H.Gardner, is. Shop 23023 Lexgton " •. f 1 :0Sif,fast 21 10" 7 7 s ."... 2". D Stirling lo Cardome, H. Garner. B. Velvet 22S77 Lexgton 5?. f 1 :07 fast 46 10s 3 5 5 B» 6- I Stirling 10 Popper. Cardonw, H Gardner 21403 Latonia 5?. f 1:10 hvy 28-5 106 4 7 5 6J C| W J 0*Bal1 Mary H.. TheCarmet. Lit. Bigger 21301 Latonia 5-S l:0:«f,slop 16 110 4 7 4 3* 2= W J OP.nll Disturber, Illuminator. En. Will 21124 Uitonia S-S 1 :02Vifast f Id 107 10 5 1 I] l1 W J OBnll Ingot, Investment, Disturber ILLUMINATOR, b. c 2 105 Bv Von Tromp — Candlewick J. Lowenstein. 23218 Douglas 5-8 l:0l%fast 11 103 8 5 t I] :t,; I Murphy 11 Blanchita, Paymaster, Paulson 23023 Lexgton -V. f 1 :0sUfast 131 w* - - 1 " " - Gentry 10 Cardome, Savino. n. Gardner 22191 FortErie 5. f 1 :09Vifast 32 105 3 2 2 U In L, Gentry » Tush Tush. Eddie T., Lynn 219*6 Hamton 5-S l:02%slow 7 113 3 6 7 1*« 10-" p Goldatu 11 Luekv R . Will ash. Yermak 21045 Windsor 5-S 1 :03+bslop 13 108 5 7 8 71 10» W War ton 11 Broom Straw. MissAtkin. Servia 21301 T.atonia 5-S l:03%slop 36-5 116 3 12 2" 3=», K Lapalllell Disturber, Savino. Uncle Will 21*37 Latonia 5-S 1 :03/5mud 16* loS 1 11 I] 3*1 A Mott g Infidel IL, Disturher. Baby Cal BLACK BEAUTY, blk. f. 2 97 By The Commoner— Hawkslight G. J. Long. --•Douglas 51 f l:o7-.-,fast 24 17 6 7 7 4-L :::; K l.aoaillell H.Gardner. L.Worthtoe S Sler 22488 Saratoga 5J f 1.-O9%slow 9-a 1*0 2 3 3 1 i; V Lilley 11 Imtant. B.of the Ken, II. Horse 22424 Saratoga GJ f 1 :07%f ast 31 1*0 4 S S r,1 »; , I . Ilaria. Good Counsel. BdnaKenna 2212;, Saratoga :, 1 i :i p.r,siow 13-5 n»7 s s fi 1- 3" m Garner 10 Disturber, Ilaria, Servia 22»15 Saratoga 5J f l:0814slow ] » M7 3 3 3 3 1". B ott 7 Feminist. Ilaria. Tralee 21124 Latonia 6-8 l:02".5fast 17-5 106 1 Fell. R on li Kariao. Ingot. Investment 20*69 Latonia 5-8 l:OHthvy 3 102 2 1 1 D 1- P. ott 7 landel II.. U Bigger, Intention 207*2 Douglas 5 I 1 :01: .fast 2 M4 1 I 2 !• 2" B Ott 19 A.Maiieini. InvcstUH-ut, N.Wells PETLAR, b. c. 2 103 By Collar— Petit Tor J. Livingston. •I" L. g G-8 i:iKri,.rast 17 M9 5 3 3 :: ;T .1 Kederis 5 Chocks. Prince Harry, Hops 22T84 Windsor 3 4 1 :1".4-.last 29 113 5 4 8 8J Tl V W.ntonH Invest ment. Glomer, Cardome 22:51 Windsor "... f 4S W* 5 5 5 IP CJ A Motl » Anita, Water War. Port Light 21901 Hamton 3-4 l:18%hvy 13-5 112J1 2 2 1 2* P Goldstn 7 Candle, Pde of Green way, Ilaria 21*2* Windsor 6-8 1 :oo«- -,fast 11 105 8 8 10 8 3»| M Garner 12 Regina, Port Light, Milestone 21464 FortErie 5-S l:ll%hT]r 32-5 110J3 1 1 li- 1 - W Andress 7 Ilaria. S. Stalwart. J.Z. Wiggins MARY H.. br. f. 2 105 Bv FlMi irn— Black Mantilla J. N. Huffman. Douglas 5jfi:07%fast 16 H6M 2 2 W3 He" M Garner 11 H.Gdner. L.Worthton, B.Buty 21403 Latonia •" t 1:1* hvv 32-5 103 2 1112!2 F Murphy 1! TheCarmet. Lit. Rigger. P.. Velvet 21320 I.atonia 5 f 1 :IOU,hvv 15 100 S 2 3 7- 713 A Mott .I Checks. Tbornwood. Cardome 303*6 Latonia 41 f 553/isnlud i MS ] I 1* la R 10 Intention, JaneStraith, MissAtkin 20715 Douglas 6-8 1:01 4 107 3 III- U R c, S Bessie N.. Intention, B.Skhmd 24W59 Douglas 6-8 1 :03%mud tT-M 1*2 1 3 3 4s 4- E Rohinson 6 Poppee. Important. B. Reautv 2*497 Douglas 5-S 1 :04 mud 2 10S 2 2 1 l4 : J MeCahe 8 Intention, Lou. Stone, Investment RIFLE SHOOTER, h. c. 2 105 By Star Shoot— Rahhie J. W. SehonO. •■•Douglas v. f i 14-5 107 9 s s 51 l*i J Kederis 11 H.Gdner. L.Worthton, R.p.utv 22941 Lexgton 5] f 1 :07%faat 7-4 112 3 ■ I I 1 • J Kederia 0 D. Williams, T.Cannet, J.Bunny 22874 Lexgton 51 f l:07*»faat 10J 112 6 6 7 4 47 .1 Kederia 7 J. 3. M dock. Votary. D.Williams 22472 Saratoga 51 f 1:08 fast 11-10 112 5 9 7 63 B*| J Kederia 13 Kealah. Boholink 22232 Saratoga 5» f 1 :12%hvy 12 114 6 7 8 51 P» J Kederis M L.R.Vale. Wat YrsIL, P.Ooal* IWEIDEL II., b. g, 2 102 Bv Radford— Miss Matthews Gatewood and BucVner. Douglas 55 l l:07%fasl ihl 102 8 M H 9- 9 II Stearns 11 H.Gdner, L.Worthton. B.Buty 23158 Douglas 51 f l:08%good 32 mi lo 8 s 6« 6*1 P Rohinanl" Paymaster, ll. Gardner, Savin., 21341 Latonia 5-8 l:01%good 20 100 5 3 4 4l 4" F Murphy s BlackieDaw. BuckShot, P.Hatrv 21037 Latonia 6-8 l:03%mud 41-1* 103 6 8 4 4*1 1*1 P Murphy S Disturber, Illuminator, Baby Cal 2 969 Latonia 5-S l:04%hvy 15 107 5 5 6 2* 2- W J oBn 7 R.Beautv. I. it. Bigger, Intention 20869 Iittoiia f. S 1 :O0*-,fast 13-5 110 2 4 4 3= 3 *tW J OBn ,ri Tliornwooil. Aspar.Rum, Lit. Cove 20*14 Latonia C-S l:02V;,fast 15 109 9 7 4 4 - 34 W J OBn ! M.Hamilton. B.Cotree. Mediation MURIELS PET, br. f. 2 102 Bv Marta Santa— Little Fraud A. P. Metzl. Latonia 4 f .v 4niud 41-10 MO 1 1 3. 7i A Motl 10 ftal Vanity. Increase. And. Austin 20946 Latonia 6-8 l:02*«hvy 24 110 1 11 1* 1° J Hanover 10 L.stone. Busy Joe. Nellie Welles 20834 41. f 54%fast lo no i; I s- *»«lf" Keogh 12 BrownVelvet. BessleN., Industry 20656 Douglas 41 f E7Hmud fid 111 I I 3* 4::» A Mott il Yermak. Chivator. A. Mancinl 20461 Douglas 4 A f 33 112 8 9 9 3*» A Pease 11 Impressive. Bessie N., MissAlkin 3*337 citurehill 4i f Miatnat fid 110 3 6 P 4J A Mott II Cardome, Bessie N., Onota TAKA. b. f, 2 98 Bv PrcomrtDrU— Rose of Pawn •. R. S«nnL I. t.i pton 1 t W fas! 6 HJ I 4 4 ■- l»| B Goose H mad, xidnt Blancblti 939 [jAxgton i ••• l i 06*4fast 48 106 I t 1 5* • II Steams s Checks, Franklin. Big Fellow K KortETric ... [ l:09«yivy 51 106 5 3 .. 6 51! .1 Smyth tl Bodge, KuigNeptuiio 21923 Hamton 5-S l:02ifchvy ." " 112 5 2 1 1- l:l V Goldstn B Bernice. Anita. Margery 2177s Hamton 61 f 1:06 fast 9 lol 6 6 5 5 4 P Lowder 8 Milestone. Dodge, pull Engar 216S2 Windsor 6-8 l:o5%hvy 29 105 I 6 5 53 4T1 W Cral 7 Dodge, King Neptune, Bernice aS6C FortErie 5-8 LoShvy 31-5 ia5 7 5 6 7 "ii W Lral 7 Pesky, Dodge, Golden List FATHER KELLY, br. c. 2 97 By Sain— Highland Queen J. J. OMalley. 20528 Douglas 5-8 l:03%raud 17-5 MM 2 1 1 44 4,u E Martin 5 Lynn. Paymaster, Illuminator 20377 Churchill 5-8 I :o2 good 8 108 5 6 6 62 01"3EJ Martin 8 T. Decision. Marg. V. SXeagae 20344 Churchill 5-8 l:01%fast fid 105 5 5 4 3i 25 E Martin 12: I.uzzi, Aunt Sal. Tbornwood 20302 Churchill 41 C 66 fast 5 110 4 3 4 9si E Martin » Tobacco Box. Paymaster. Sa.tno 19736 Jaares 1-3 31«tnst 4 115 2 2 34 4-5 T Rice » Julia L., Megaphone, lriskj 19620 Juarez 1-2 51 mud 2 113 2 2 3*1 l1 C Gross 5 Lit. Bigger. Tiajan, Schtlleu l.iCdO Juarez 3i f 41igood S l»8 4 in l* E Martin 8 C.Roberts, Schulenbg, F.Patson SIXTH SIXTH RACE— RACE— 1 1 1-16 1-16 Miles. Miles. 3-vear-olds 3-year-olds and and uoward. upward. Selling. Selling. 98881 9W8S— 1:44%— 1:4 1--. 5— 5 108. MM. -