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FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Fillies. Mares and Geldimrs. Seline. ll.-ILi;:, 1:42--. 1 — 11!.. 1 EAGLE, b. g, 3 97 By Yankee — Miss Kearney E. Kerz. £3264 H.deGce lm70yl:44 fast 5 !:i :: 2 :: 1 21 2- .1 McTaart .» Republican, Squeeler, Jesse Jr. 23285 H.deGo 5] 1 IM fast S 1.7 S 9 5 3 lJ L McAtee 11 Forum. Fuzzv Wusay, Jesse Jr. 23838 H.deGce Im70yl:46%fa«t 3 ios 2 1 1 1 :•. V 1. McAtee 11 Republican, Borax. Jesse Jr 22888 HdeOce ImlOyl :iiv5fast 4 1*5 5 2 3 2 ::■■ 8* i Cooper 8 Lb Teresa, Amain, D. MacdonahJ 1 llt.77 Saratoga 1 l:40%raat 21 97 1 1 3 1 23 2 A Collins r, Shyness, D. Xlaedonald. F. Star r 22487 Saratoga 3-1 l:U%alow 6 S3 6 5 3 4 3U L McAtee 8 XV. XViteh. Il.Irynne. UBarbary - BORAX, ch. g, 3 103 By Golden Maxim — Housewife H. G. Bedwell. 23237 H.deGce lm70yl :45%fast 1 w 7 8*7 4- 3° L, McAtee 13 Hedge, R. of Savov. Tamerlane 23*39 H.deGce lm70yl :4« ,fast 8 99 Is 11 8 4 1 2" 1. Xlink :i Republican, Ragle, Jess- Jr I Belmonl 1 l:41%fast E 85 12 3 2 2«* 23 M Gaaner G Ben Quince, Brian Bom, RusUa 22776 Belmont 3-4 st 1 :ll%fast 3D 98 15 13 13 13 13»» J McK*verlfi Tin.BelL Gloaming, Humiliation 22727 Belmonl «i f 1 : 20% fast 40 1 i9 6 7 7 41 4*| C F*htoer 7 Y.Notioas, S.W ..F.-.n. Kepfatbyi 22477 Saratoga ill", mud 8 105 2 2 4 6 5l 3,; J McTagrt 7 Carlton G.. Saueeler. Alheaa BEN QUINCE, ch. g. 4 106 Bv Peter Quince — Benita Brush E. Witte. 23172 H.deGo lm7*yl:45 good 5 1*2 2 2 1 1 1= 1= F c. r * Attena, Carlton G., KrisKrlngle 1 2854 Belmont 1 i:ir--.tast 5 1*7 2 11 1 1= IS .1 McTagrt B Borax, Brian Bora, Rusila 22880 Belmont 1 1 8 1:53 fast IS 95 8 8 9 9 3 8** L Mink . Dalngerneld. Amalfl, Guy Flsber 22781 Belmont 1 l:41%fast 1. Ml 4 111 21 4 X M Buxton 7 Robinetta. Gny Flsber, El Biod 23884 Belmont 1 1-M 1:48 fast 3 2 103 111 1 -* 23 L Mink 4 OSullivan. Baste* Star. Napier JAWBONE, b. g. 6 103 By Samson— Jennie J. J. 0. Talbott. 23087 H.deGce tm70yl:4S fast 10 104 3 3 3 2 1 l1 P Lewder 11 All Smiles, Tow Field. S. Helen D 23037 H.deGce lm7*yl:45Haat S M6 8 "• 4 7 :- I " . .1 McTagrt H Borgo, Daingerneld, His Ntta 227.".:; Belmont 1 1:41 fast 2* 112 3 2 3 3 3* r.9 J Butweli ]• His Nihs. Forecast, Daingerneld and 20730 Belmont 1 1:41 fast 2J lo7 3 3 3 4 4= 3=i F Hopkins G Chesterton. Dr.Dner, Bthoven ii 2*888 Belmont 1 1-8 152%faat 4 96 1 1 1 2 3 3« F Hopkins .1 Amalti. Al Block •4 Belmont 1 1:40 good 4-3 K7 434 5 5 43JG Byrne B XV. Shoes. Dr. Duenner. Orotund il STONEHENGE. b. g. 4 108 By Hastings — Linda Stone C. K. Rockwell. 23387 H.deGce] 1 M 1:48 fast 18 5 112 8 11 2 l1 1= It Trailer It Mary Warren. Petelns, T. Field I 232*4 H.deGce 1 1 u; 1 :47/5fast 10 99 2 111 1= 2 L Mink * Aiealli. Gny Flsber, TowtonFleld 23801 H.deGce lm70yl:4*%faat 6 I.S 4 4 5 5 6- 7;":X1 Buxton !• Ainhrose. Robinetta, Atteua 22831 Aqueduct 1 l:40%taat 4 112 111 1 1= 1= R Troxler 8 Orotund. Minstrel. Brian Born 21811 Aquedct 1 1-16 1:47 fast 12 M3 2 111 l"k 21! K Troxler •. Robinetta. G, XI. MUler, Napier 21728 Belmont 1 1-S l:53%fast 12 99 4 2 1 4 7= 7-2 L Alien 11 Polly 11.. OSullivan. Napier AMBROSE, b. g. 5 108 By Disguise — Ambrosine Marrone Stable. H.deGce lm70yl:47%mud 16-5 : s 1 1 1 1 I1 2- P Lowdar 8 Borgo. Nephtbys, Lasnli H.deGi lm70yl:46%faat 15 1*8 111 1 tt 1 1 Steward ! Robinetta. Attena. El Biod Saratoga i l:4l=/.,fast 40 107 4 12 3 5s 5""1 Steward 8 Lahore. Wanda Pitxer, Napier 2888* Saratoga 51 f l:08%fast 10 108 5 3 4 7* 8»i D Steward 11 Tnkl. Bell. Forecast. Gloaming " „ SHYNESS, ch. f. 8 111 By His Majesty— Krs. K. S. N. Nealy. 23364 H.deGce lra"0yl:44 fast SO 111 I I I 1 I : II Cavanb .1 Republican, Eagle. Sqaeeler 23059 H.deGce lm7*yl:46 fast 23 liu :: 5 6 8 6*1 5** B cav.inh 7 Runes, A:n.-lti. CoL Asbmeade 22818 Belmonl 1 i tl-Wast 4 112 E .". S E S 3*1 II Caranb 5 Nephtbys, Jesse Jr.. MylandGirl ., 22677 Saratoga 1 l:40%faat 9-5 86 3 2 1 2 T U M Garner 5 Ragle. D.Macdonald. RasterStar r 22191 Saratoga 1 1-8 l.-67%SlOW 7 93 5 3 3 3 21 2= K Lapaille .". Lahore, Polly ll.. XX. s Wonder r JESSE JR.. b. g, 3 108 By The Commoner— Bessie McCarthy J. XV. Hed- 1- rick. Jr.. i! ,1 Go lm70yl:43 faal 13-S 108 122 2 h V Oheri 14 Day Day, Santo, Mary Warren ll d G Im70 -1:44 last 40 lor, 2 5 4 5 4k 4?. XX Gi.ert • Republican. Ragle. Squeeler ■ " H.deGce 511 1:07 fast 20 104II 11 M 4 4*1 l i •.■ 11 Ragle, Forum. Fasay Wnmj 23087 H.deGce ImTOyl C fast 1". 108 12 2 1 3J 5" XI Buxton 11 Jawbone, All Smiles. Tow. Field d • H.deGce lm70yl I..-.fa-t 15 108 6 5 5 :. 4 4 XX" oi.ert li Republican, Borax, Ragle Belmonl 1 l:41%iaat 10 i i6 2 111 2»1 2J M xf thews •" Nephtbys, Shyness. MyMadGIrl l 22852 Belmonl 1 l:40%£ast 60 108 2 13 5 7 7,r1.l Gartner 7 TopHat, SandmanlL. P.andCaIls s MARY WARREN, b. f, 4 108 By Charles Edward— Pintsch Light J. Garson. Jp-M H.ibG 1 lm70yl 16 fast 3 UK 974 4«1 4 V Ulley H Day Day. Jesse Jr., Baato h ■ I! .1 Gce 1 1 16 1:48 fast s Ml 6 5 4 4 V 2s ". Byrne 10 Stoneheage, Petelus, Tow. Field ,1 H.d.F.-e 3-1 BHVigood 15 109 7 5 6 5i 21 J Butweli 13 CI iterton, Dei 1-1 I.. Orate « H.deGce lm7*yl:46 fast 11-3 109 4 2 2 2 25 ri J Butweli 9 Seaada, R. OUrer. Superstition 7 Saratoga 1 l:42%faat 20 10:517 4 4 2 41 :,■ 1. alien 12 Amalfl. Aixiade, Grosreaa* Saratoga H t l:ll%hvy 12 105 8 8 6 6 6 » XV I.illey S Devil Fish. F. XVuzzy. Bev.JameS ■ NEPHTHYS. ch. f. 8 108 By Isidor — Maiest J. J. Moran. 84 H.d .■• in.Tvlll fast 15 IOS I 8 8 6 7.. .1 McCahey !l Republican. Eagle Squeeler 138 H.deGce ImTOyl :47Hmud 12 98 i 1 3 4 8] V .1 McCahey a Borgo, Ambrose. Lasnli 22918 Belmonl 1 l:418fcfast 12 ia-_ 4 3 3 2 l1 1»| J MeCaii.-v 5 Jesae Jr., Shyness. MarrlandGlrl rl ;*7 Belmonl 6 f 1 Oafcfast :! Ill 5 3 3 2" 3*1 J McCahey 7 Y.Notlons. RlrW.Johnson. Bonn II ,,odu.t 1 I to- fast i S»7 E 6 r, A ;■- 1 1 1. .1 Mot:* her R AHM na. Hlvn.nn.r. Ray oLighl ■ I I Belmonl 1 l:41%fhsl 12 87 2 1 ! 2 3 rj .1 McCahey •". Flue ThKii... Reyhoura SONADA, eh. h. C 105 By Star Shoot — Janowood P. Powers. 1 II deGce lm70yl:48 fast v l.n1 Jill 1- l" 1. Deroade 8 M in .1. R.nn«er. Snpstltlon ,., i luarex 1 1 M fast 12 111 I E E 1 7 7 I Howard 8 Swish, Bert Retty, Chriatophtae ; Juarex I 1.3»%t»M 13 US 6 5 3 6 6 G"l 11 Cavanh 6 Truly. Brookfleld. Col. Marcbmut [ 1. loarez 2 4 Fit good 39 M8 8 8 8 8 8« F Teahan 8 MImorloso, Fseeit, Zim IM82 Lat-opia lm70y i;% tagt, 3J m 5 3 $ J T5 7iuiC VantVua S L.lI.Adair, li.P;ivate, MiUouB, I i I ! COLONEL ASHMEADE. b. g. 8 100 By Sain— Antipode C. C. Smithson. 23387 H.deGct 1 1 14 1:48 fast S 103 3 3 2 1 5= V L Allen 10 Stonebettge, XI. Warren. Petelus .3172 H.deGce lm7*yl:45 good 7 88 s s 7 « 5= 68 1. MmR :» Ben Quin.e. Aiiiena. Carlton G. 2305* H.deGce lm70yl:15 fast 60 102 2 11 1 21 3" L Mink 7 Banes, Amalfl, Hedge 22888 H.deGce lm7AT:44V5fast 60 100 7 5 4 3 41 C15 L Mink S Lady Teresa. Amalfl, Eagle 22760 Timium Abi-8 58 fast 1-2 116 3=1 R Troxler ! St.Helene. Page White, Moncreif 22887 Timium Ab6Jf 1:22 slow 2J 117 591 J Dennison ! O Tis True. V.Strome. E. Adams SINAI, b. f. 3 97 By Dr. Leggo— Norinne C. W. Gasser. _ : H.deGce lm70yl:45%faat 20 100 3 11 5 10" hP ■ I. .Mink 13 Hedge, Karl oi Savov . Borax 22663 Saratoga 5* f 1:08 fast 20 98 7 6 Fell. I. Xlink 14 Huntress, San Vena, Rev. James 21*76 Saratoga 8-4 1:13 fast 50 liojli 11 11 11 ll»lH cnvanbll Cos. Tower, Corslcaa, Palanquin 21601 Aqueduct 3-4 l:13%fast 20 108 5 6 7 6s 615 J Hanover 7 II. Barhee, Volant, Presumpfn 21560 Aqueduct 3-4 1 :16Vfeslop 20 95 3 6 9 8 S" L Mink 9 Isirose, Plantagcnet. S.ofValley COTTON TOP, b. g. 3 102 By Cottontown— Miss Doyle W. R. Mizell. 23284 H.deGce lm70yl:48 fast 30 107 10 11 10 8 92 8»J J Smyth 14 Day Day, Jesse Jr.. Santo 23038 H.deGce lm70yl:48tttast 80 1*8 11 111 11 8« 8" J Pitz 11 Republican. Borax. Ragle 22480 Windsor 1 l:42Vsa8t 85 94 11 11 9 6 6l 4 J A Merger 13 I.avana. XVihl Horse, Cadenza 22077 FortErie 1 l:42Vfcslow 60 94 8 8 8 7 T* 4G II Stearns S Wad. a Last. Doreris. I.avana 21827 Ham ton 3-4 l:16%hvy IS 104 Lost rider. A Collins 10 Africa Beau. Argent, R.Jennings 21399 Latonia 1 1:45 hvy 28 107 1 4 5 7 41 414 J McCabe ! Orange, Kris Kringlc, Mattle C