Sixth Race [6th Hillcrest Park, Daily Racing Form, 1915-09-29

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1 t - 1 . 1 . t 1 . 1 ctvttj SIXTH oir*r RACE— 6 £• 1 O ** Furlongs. * O ~~ -,J_ J .1 Cli: 1-2 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. REBECCA MOSES, ch. f. 3 104 By Mexican or Johnr.y Harris— Rcse Thorpe M Maloney, 23243 Wdbine 3-4 l:13J,faat 2ft 101 :: 5 7 fii 5 B Craves 7 L. London. Comenaia Rerutmeer %£ R.U5e2n $%5 is°j!f?,and.r ? ,!r P, X Burner 7 Front, Pace. Black hief. Vaun 22867 Dufferin Ah., s . otast 107 :;• R Batep 7 Golden Buby. Pawn. Goggety 22805 Dufferin Ah., 8 13 slow 21 Li, »i u Batep a 1. Stevens K OBrien Montreal ....; Hillcrest AW. s l.-01%alow 4 105 1 3 3 4 4, A Finlev 7 S.Rymond J MGInnia B CWef 22423 Hlllcreal 61 f 1:23 fast 10 104 l_ * 3 3] 4*1 A Finiev 7 KWvlrth. Imprudent K ,.,K DROML ch. k. 6 115 By Solitaire II.— Guida M. Breecher. 23221 Mt.Royal 5-8 1:01 fast 4 in, 5 :: 2 2* A lickens 8 H. Stream Frontier Ii B Miller Dufferi sfti-SSrtop !• ipi J s :;J S • IV"Wi"-;1 »V"-».andSS 22971 Iiulleun «... t l.assiop t, 11. and« .1 i|,,Ward 7 Jeaaup Bum Maaaenet I it ivi,. -,.!: I"11 A1:.4",,li : "A Plcken, 7 Leialoha Yn,,; J, ,h Mar am Dufferin «fl:87 Rood ltf ,; ■ v Pickena S Stellata, Ortyx. Maaaenet 22097 Mneuve 01 f 1:24 last 1 IN 4 1 1 11 D Boland 9 T. Hare. SwedeSam HYKI. ch. e, 4 118 By Dr. Leggc— Norinne L. F. OLearv. r. Hillcreat AbS I 1.-02 Blow 7 M f T M,uin, n , .1 bnaon S of RockT Carhntor 23018 Dufferin fii f 1 :27,5slow 4 14 ti _ McCuUh s Davlihr • , e 22970 Dufferin fiiri:2ft slop 3-2 115 , x Burger 7 Mike Cohen i KBadfnrJl T M »k .. -s.,. Dufterm , last t. wi •_" x Burger 10 Scrlmmaae TbetTiwhtn i!,v...,.i 22828 Dufferin AhS-8 l :03%good 10 IM _ ,, 15olan1 [0 SSSlnUy: uXibeL BllJMiner ORTYX, b. t. 4 109 By Yankee— Partridre T Sheehanl 23324 Hillcreat 2 4 12oslow4 110 l» T McCulFOPalmi Hearthatone Martr Loa I Dufferin 61fl:27%alow 12 KdPelL J Dodd 8 SitrV. PMeVre Dumaa Barette 22995 Duff-rin 61 f l:26%hvy 1" MS Lost rider. J Dodd 7 Duqueane Const t t I s , ■-, 22871 Dufferin fii f 1:25 fast 4 112 4 1 II Watts S KateK. Lrialoha Sen ame7 22S31 Dufferin 4J f 127 good S 112 2 D Poland 8 Stellata. Maasenef" Mml MM Mneuve Abo-S 1:02 slow 12 115 6 8 7 4»J D Boland S .Some Kid, Ormead, JeaaagT Bur* MONTREAL, b. f, 4 110 By Albula or Hinsdale— Quebec E. L. Fitzgerald. 23493 Mt.Rovl 1 1-11 1:4« fast S Mi 1 4 4 4 5* K Cullcn s Mel-Yuan. Endurance. Cisko 22100 Mt. Royal 3-4 1:11 fast 10 112 3 7 o1 :■ R Lowe 10 Inqnieta. Belle Tern-. Bnohu 22945 Duffer in Ab*-8 1:03 rood 7 11:". 1- R Lowe s FrostyFace. Ut.Bebel. GIL Rose 22863 Dufferin AbS-S l:03y»fast 5 in;" 8*1 B Bstep D Mamita. B.OBlen, G.W.KIsker :. 805 Hull, mi Ab5-8 1:93 slow 10 hit 4-i V Hinphy i D. Stereos, B. Moses. B. OBrien 22439 Hillcrest Abo-8 l:iii0fast 1-5 lor. 4 3 :! 3= 8*1 ■ Cullen i; Y.I. adv. B.OBrleu, G.W.KIsker 22310 Hillcresi • l:2S%tast 2 169 3 2 l 31 CiRUx b Steftata, D.ofBbelby. B.efBoeks LITTLE EP. b. g. 6 112 By Planudes— Elizabeth B. CB. McDonald. 23015 Dufferin Ab5-8 1:03 slow 0, 113 :;-. N lodon H Jotan Mans. Yuen. Yankee I. ady 22860 Dufferin Ab5-8 IrtSlfcgood 10 113 3 N Foden 7 G. Baby, Hippocrates, L-Pender 22871 Dufferin 61 r 1:26 last fi 113 f.UN Foden s Kate K., Leialoba. Sen. Janus 22804 Dufforln 6J f l:26»Aslow :: 113 1" N Foden 0 Mother, Ravenal. Bloom. Posey 25481 Hi Merest 6J I l:26%slow 5 114 4 4 4 53 B*l N Foden :i Ci n-titm nt. K. Chilton, Vaa Ru AMAZEMENT, ch. g, 4 104 By Ogden— Unterock B. V. Haymaker. 22973 Dufferin 6] f l:27%slop la 112 S,,i¥ Lowe K BarnDance, IreUTiBr, S.ofBocka 22904 Dufferin 6 1 L:27%hvy 7 108 3*1 If Bstep 0 I.oul.anior. JnoCaitcns. Brynavia 22834 I turT.riii ;T. f l :_7 rood n 113 1* It Estop 9 Malik, Rescue. Lea Lanier 22*36 Mneuve 6 f l:23%fast 2J 114 I 8 7s 6" 1» Bolaad ..Cisko. Brynavia. Fawn 22565 Mneuve Ab5-8 l:04*4hvy 2 in 2 4 4 4-l J Peagast li Ynca, J ha Mailady. Virginia S. 2.T.I4 Mneuve Aba-8 1 :"",-.-,hvy 3 111 1 2 I 8*1 R Estop i Aincricus. Virginia S.. J. .Mans VIRGINIA S.. blk. f. 4 109 By Dick Welles— Fulvia J. E. Farnsworth. 22946 Dufferin Ab5-8 l:03%good 6 n : p A Pickens 0 Dusky Dare, Molsant, lawn 22731 Timium Ab5 8 58 fast 4 112 7V1, T M.Culln s Sheets, Si. Helen.-. Castara rimium Ai.F.f 56 slow 5 il, :: i T MeCuUh 7 F. Trump. Miss Brush, Moncrelf 22563 Mneuve Abo-8 l:04%hvy 21 112 5 :*, :: ::", T M.Cullh c Yi.ea. Jim Mailady. Amazement :".M i Mneuve Abo-8 l:05%hvy 5 19 5 1 2 2* C Whyink j Amerieus, Amazement, J. Ma its 22370 KingEd. 3-4 1:16 fast 6 111 1 1 1 21 T McCullli A Bertha V.. Auster, loin Marra 22288 KingEd. 3 1 1 :l ",.-last 2 107 2 1 1 l2 A PL-kens , Inlan, Phil Connor, Sir Giles VAN BU. ch. h, 7 112 By Chuctanunda — Molly Brant N. R. Sutherland. 23223 Ml Royal 5-8 l:OHfctast 6 IS 7 r. r.1 f V Dojrlc 7 Belfast Moss Bote, Comnack 23119 Mt. Roy* I 11-16 1:50 slow 20 117 2 4 5 b1 9"1T McCullh li Mycenae. Malik. Abbotsford 22868 Dufferin 6 f 1 :2."--,fast 10 11" li "ill Watts i; Curious. Energetic Befleethnl 22808 Dufferin 6 t 1 :27-slow a 1M 11 11 Watts 8 Qneed. Cisko. Charley MclVrrnn Hi sj f l:26%alow 3 117 3 2 2 B 81! O Caldwell !ic . nstitticnt. K.Chilton. Rescue 22420 Hillcrest «J f 1 :24»/5fast 4 117 r, 4 4 a| 5*1 B Watts 7 Sempsilla, Massenet, The Ircliin HIPPOCRATES, b. g. 3 109 By -Hippodrome — Renown C. L. Mack. 23020 Dufferin 61 f l:26%sl ow 7 107 4s A Pickens G Char. McFerran, Belfast. Qnml 22950 Dufferin Ab5-8 lBgood 3 la; 21 .1 Domick 7 Gold. Ruby, Lit.Ep, LadyPender 22S63 Dufft-rin Aba-8 l:02V»tand"t 4 MM I A Iickens ! Lady la!*, Spirelbi, Little Pete 2 639 Mneuve 61 f l:23%faat 4 105 3 1 fi" 6*1 .1 Howard : Don Moran. K.Iioy. L.lanocence 22609 Mneuve Ab5-8 l: W%fast C 10.7 4 4 2 i- .1 Howard 9 SptreUa, Major Belt, FrostyFace

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Local Identifier: drf1915092901_3_6
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