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HODGE A CAPITAL STAYER MAKES THE PACE FROM START TO FINISH AND EASILY WINS THE LOUISVILLE CUP. i Heavy Rain in the Morning Spoils the Going for the Last Day of the Douglas Park Fall Meeting — Churchill Downs Today. Louisville. Ky.. September 28. — TIip Louisville up. .it two miles. tli - first of the trio of lonir-distance race* t" lie run ;it Douglas Parte. Churchill Downs and I.atonia. m the feature of the closing l:iy"s ■ffering iit Doughtl Park. It was instrumental in bringing ont a large attendance, despite Meak weather Bad a possible continuance of the hard rain of this morning. As .1 result of the soil going that fallowed the drenching the track underwent in the morning, the lielil for the two-mile race was greatly reduced by withdrawals, as were aoaae of the other Belds. Tlie live starters all were accorded extensive sup-pert. Horsemanship played a great part in deleiai- inging the result and to Koscoe Qeoae went the tumors, for he snowed vastly superior .judgment as compared with Kederls and Metenlf. the riders of l.indeiithal and Bingliug, and it enabled Hodge 1" win. Goose allowed Hodge to set a steady pace under restraint and while in the lead gradually increased it according to the serioaaaeai of the lialleuge offered by Singling or Undeuthal and drew oat decisively in tlie stretch to win by a eoas-rortaMe margin. LinoVntbnl, in the Baal drive disposed of Singling. Raincoat, which finished fourth, saved ins entrance and starting fees. Tlie race was immensely enjoyed and all the starters came 0U of it in good condition. In addition to the ,410 that represented the winner s art share. • wner V. J. Weber was presented with a handsome silver cup by the association. On bis showing t- -day. when carrying 12."i pounds, and his decisivi sueeeas, Hodge appears to hold a fust iniulinfjc on tin- long-distance- races unless some of the eastern invaders should take his measure. Splendid racing was again the rule anil for thp first lime during the meeting hackers at favorites fared well. The handicap, intended as a secondary feature to the big race, went to John Guild, on which loose also bad the mount. riie running of tin- cap race attracted sauBaweas ut oi-town visitors, including J. II. Rees. the former well-known racing official. He eume from Memphis. Francis J. Pons came from his farm near Nashville t.i witness the race. A B. Hancocks go d colt Andrew M. died re- • i. illy a-- .1 re-ull of ld Kid poiSOniag following an evfiation. .1. c. .Milam contemplates disposing of a number nt his racers by suction during the I.atonia nice lag. Tlie rest of his string will rest during ho winter. I airy Bogeascbots, who is in charge of the La-lonia stables, arrived this morning to receive applications for stall room from horsemen. He reports that applications for 108 horses that raced in Canada have been received and that they will arrive from the Dominion within the next few days. Most of the owaera stabling ai Doaglas Park will retain their present quarters during the Churchill Downs meeting, which opens tomorrow. They will walk their iiorses over to the Downs whenever engaged in races. .1. 1". Ross, acting for the Kentucky State Racing Commission, has purchased the Palmetto Derby winner. Ivan Gardner for Breeding Barean purposes. The addition of Ivan Gardner gives the commission live stallions Unit will shortly be distributed to different parts of the state and used for the im provement of horse breeding. General Manager Hachmeister and his assistant. Frank Rruen. will leave for I.atonia on Saturday next to begin the preliminaries attending the opening of that naek on October 0. The meeting just terminated al Douglas Pari; was fairly successful, the losing days bringing :t 1 mii ■ t a satisfactory average. Bleak weather during ibe last two days caused a slump. The crowd this afternoon Wc uld probably have been the best of the meeting but for the Inclement weather. After S -in- won the third race trainer II. I. Brandt of the Jefferson Livingston stable bid him 1 up from 00 to ,000. The gelding was retained 1 bv Most! Goldbtatl f r !■:. Buteaaan.