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TORY MAID 1720-100 WON Monday. See under Commission horses. R, ok 210. TODAYS BEST: TAR 36. Two parlays and full card daily BMiled overnight, plain sealed envelope. 82 for two weeks. Trv it. American Thoroughbretl, Baltimore Bldg., Chicago. NEW BOOK NOW ON SALE at all news-stands that handle Pnicago Racing Eorni: 25 cents per copy. Good for one week, yesterdays Form Special lost. Daily ran third New. Service lost. Wednesdays Form Special: April— Orange— 50-35-32-22. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE. CHICAGO. Mail *1 for net Saturdays two bv wire. Son; -thing doing, boys. Yesterdays Special ran second. Getaway Special lost. TODAYS SPECIAL: No. 273. THE TURF REPORTER. NATIONAL RAGING REVIEW TODAYS SPECIAL: Arizona, Mosaic. Mighty, Robin. yesterdays Special ran srrostd. Room 44G, 321 South La Salle Street. Chicago, sg.