Current Notes of the Turf, Daily Racing Form, 1915-09-29


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j , „ t 1 , ~ a i CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF. In race l.Slhs Joe Steins weigh! was ]o.", pounds. -lohn I. Smith, manager of II. II. Hewitts breed- lag farm has shipped to New York two yearlings to Mr. Hewitts trainer, A. J. Gotdsborough. The ■ yearlings an- a chestnut Ally by Ballot — Aviston. by Ayrshire, and a bay tilly by Star Shu t — Coy Maid. ■ by K in-rs|cin. Tin- broodmares Aitful. Miss Hamburg. Grcenv.tle, Hearts and ltlue Girl arrived at New York Saturday f from England and will at once be transferred to Harry Payne Whitney- Brookdale stud at Red 1 Rank. N". .1. They are supposedly in foal to noted I Knglish siallions. I!.rs|.uien will doubtless be pleased to learn of the appointment of Norton Inge as track superintendent t at I.auii-1. Inge was associated for twenty years with Prank Clarke at the old Sheepshead Ray course and pr .inises in have the track in great condition 1 for the running of the inaugural card at Laurel 1 Park.

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Local Identifier: drf1915092901_1_8
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