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BOX HOLDERS FOR BBUUHR TARK. j Twenty Reservations Have Already Ec"a Mr.le ior the Westchester Racing Association Meeting. New fork. May s. When Belmoal Park opens its e.atis May 20. there will lie not as many hoX - In I the grandstand and clubhouse enclosure as there] | have h i a in former years for the reason that the changes made ncicasjiy by the destructive firei wiped i ut si. ne of the box section, l.ut a liberal h.t are retained, and already many subscriptions have been received. Taenty reservation* were made np to tic end of last week ami many others will come la ilaily until the opening of the season. Those who have already made reservations are: Kiehard T. ilson. Captain lOdward It. Cassatt. Archibald Barklie, .lames Butler, Schuyler I.. Par sans, nhtord A. Cochran, August Bel t. Harry Payne Whitney. A. K. htacoauher, Gcesrre ] . WhJe- ner. Jesse l.owKohi,. 1lice McKinney. A. Me!.. Bar- lockcr. A. A. BeUly, Jaanes W. Oorrigaa, Alan Pin kerton. 11. K. Knapp, Thomas Hitchcock. Bdward P. Whitney, JJamea Bowe, Middle ton s. Berrile, David Stevenson, Morton L. Schwartz. II. C. HaBeabeck, C. K. 11. BiUtnga and Paul ;. Brown. The work of repair is being rushed forward aa the ldg stand ami it is asnaacd that all will lie in it adlnraa for racing ham before the opening date. It was originally intended that a hi-h feme would he onstructe.l through the middle of the stand and parallel with the hack vail, to hide iiie ne Stroyed portion, which was not pl.asanf to look upon, hut the detain has all lieen cleared away ami it won.. I In- possible to use much more of the haild-Ing than was at first planned, should it !»■ found necessary. Irolialdy the holiday crowds will make this addition to the stand now planned necessary and it will he ,eaiiy if needed.