General News Notes Of The Day., Daily Racing Form, 1917-05-09


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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. The Allies have asked Japan to furnish transports for tiie American troops soon to go to Kurope. and whether Japan will csmteaceaJ to furnish tie- transports is a question which is bothering official Washiagtoa. It is kaowa that Japan intends to sewd an army to the Bussian front within a short apace of time, although, so far. the evident desi.-e of Nipponese statesmen to bring an army into touch with the Preach aad Baglish apoa the western front baa been browned noon by tin- ADtee. Japan is known, also, to look with disfavor apoa American financing of lie new Russian rail lines asoa to 1k ieiili ami weald Black prefer to retain her mastery of the financial and coamaercial interests of the for east, threatened by the advent of American capital. AVar news of the day is as follows: I.ieHon reports German counter attacks south of "sarin ■ sanguinarily repulsed. Fighting in the vicinity of Rallecoort contiaaes. Lull in German coaster attacks on ChemiaeVs-Damea, Paris reports. French enlarge positioas northwest of Br ken Namber of prisoners taken by Fr« noli since April Id total about Ill. 000. Berlin reports battle on British f. nt spreads further to east in BalhifOWll sector. Preach attempts to mtrance reported failures. Preach, aided by VesriaeUst contingents, make advance e-i three mile front in hfaeedeeda in tic- region of Lymaiis i. Serbia. Paris reports. Co— tea tin-. pie reports repsdse of Bu-sian caralry on Diala rrrer in Mesopotamia. The German counter attacks near Prennoy, situated in the Hiadeaborg line aad which was oe-enpied by tie- British forces on .Mia lay. were su--- cessfal in easting the British am! Canadian forces oa a short part of tin- line, according to advices from Berlin, Immewat groups of top forces of the Crown Prince, sent forward without regard for the Uk. ■ of lif... have succeeded in momentarily oeck-iag the advance of the English ami overseas forces, sltliongh the check is only temporarily, it. is |k--lieved. The British are now way sheas of the sehedub-d time iii their drive aad another big ad-raac - is looked for. The government baa decided to toad Great Britain 8100,000,000 to meet her needs in this reentry daring May. A second installment of 825,000.000 was transferred to tie- British embassy today, making, with tie- ;j:it,. loaned her Satarday, a total af one-half of tin- May loan. The decision to advance Great Britain s1 t0,«00.uoo daring :.y agrees with estimate; that tl-N government crnuM i e raited upon to finance the aBiea ap to ;.t leant S4OO,008vO08 a month. Two years ago Monday t!. Lnsitonia was sunk off the southern tip of inland, while bsond for Liverpool from Ameri-a. Rhe had aboard abowt 2,008 people, most of them paseewgers. 83 ■ a hundred and ninety-cigl t went down with the ship. Among the notables who went down akmg with the oth r passengers were Jacob Aster, Alfred c Van-derbilt, Ch irh-s Frahman, Elbert Habbard and wife, fladoa Rates, Jr.. Charles Klein and Major Archibald Butt. That President WRsoas BM ssage has aroused Germany and that the present aossestie tavha-teace is due in part to us a»iawsl by tie- b-r-maa public, is the gist of message said t- have been carried from Cerniany by travelers arriving in Bwilseilaad. The officials will not admit it. it is said, but the results obviously apeak for them-selves. Powerful representations are abowt to be made to Premier Lloyd George ami the war cabinet by representatives of labor as to tie- urgtimj for a settlement of the Irish question. It is uaoer.t.,., t that unless a satisfactory settlement is qsdrkly arrived at, the father iic mbers of the gov emaseat may be compelled to reconsider their peattJ m. The steel mills of the country have been eaRed upon by the gov: ram lit t- over their entire output for the use of the country i.i celibating the submarine, the only mills exempted from the order being those found raw lltlsl lor other awrpeaes. A great merchant fleet of StCll and wooden vessois will be built within tiie next two years. Subscriptions to the lilu rty loin for the Allies have been ceasing into the treasury d- partment at Washington so fast that the extra force of links on hand has been augmented. Franco ban received the two hundred million dollar loan, the money being turned over to the sister republic Tuesday. The House of Representatives can not decide whether B loscvelt should be allowed to send a division of troops to France. The Senate has given permission but there is a group of men in the House who are thoroughly apaaaed to the volunteer army, especially since the Coionel is to lead it in Banana. American owned vessels, owned by a resident of Milwaukee and operating along the Atlantic sea-boarJ. are supplying ierman submarines in the Atlantic with fuel and supplies, aceording to members of the crew of the steamer Manitowoc of the Auicrican-Trans-Atlantic company. Colorel Roosevelts division for fighting in France has been filled, according to advices from New-York, where the recruiting was being handled. Two hundred thousand were number; d ill the division, which is said to be composed mostly of westerners and southerners. An explosion in Osaka, Japan. Sunday, in which four thousand residences, thirty warehouses and several factories and public buildings were destroyed, killing about 400 people, has been traced to an incendiary fire. Alien plotters were suspected. It has been announced by the State Department that any official giving information concerning the war preparations of the Inited States or any other information of value to an enemy, will be dismissed from the seivice of the government. Turkeys peace terms have been received at Washington, it is announced fiom official sources at that city. Turkey, fearing that Busaia will insist upon Constantinople, is anxious to have her peace terms known at the present time. The Chilean euvcy 4o Germany lias demanded his passports according to advices sent out from the Central news bureau.

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