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PIMLICO FORM CHART. PIMLICO, MB.. TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1017.— Seventh day. Maryland Jockey Club. Spring Meeting of 1.7 days. Weather cloudy __ - Stewards. Thomas Clyde, Frank J. Bryan and Spalding Jenkins. Judges, H. P. Conkling and E. C. Smith. Starter. A. B. Dade. Racing Secretary. W. P. Riggs. Racing starts BtslSO p. m. Chicago time 1:30 p. m.. Indicates apprentice allowance. 0 417£ 1 FIRST RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. May 3. 1912— .74%— 2— 11.7. Purse 00. 2-year- y aifjl olds. Maidens. Selling. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. "index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt S2112 AFRICAN ARROW w 112 6 3 2 2* 2* 1« T McTagtG H Browne 240-100 S-73S JIMNITA III. w 112 2 1 l"" 1» 1" 2 i J McTagt S Ross 780-100 33033 * PRODUCER w 112 5 4 4l 3« 3» 3»" T Par" ton Mirasol Stable 190-100 32«98 MOHICAN wb 112 4 2 5" 4" 4s 4» R Troxler AV P Burch 270-100 326! 8 LAUDATOR w 112 3 5 3i 55 5J 5J E ForehdAV Stockton 4165-100 GEO. AV. AAERY w 112 16 6666C Jackson Calumet Stable 6130-100 Time, 26%, 50%, 67. Track good. mutuels paid, African Arrow, 08.80 straight, .00 place, S2.50 show; Juauita III., .70 place, .S0 show: Producer. .30 show. Equivalent booking odds— African Arrow. 240 to 100 straiglit. 100 to 100 place, 25 to 100 show; Juanita IIP, lb.7 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show; Producer. 15 to 100 show. Winner— B. c, by Javelin— African Slave trained by D. R. M.Daniel: bred by Mr. II. Hartliy. ANent to post at 2:32. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow for all but GEORGE W. AVERY. Woo driving; second and third the same. AFRICAN ARROW raced in closest pursuit and outgamed JIANITA III. in the final drive. The latter began quickly and set a good pace, but was under pressure for the entire race. PBODUCEB ran well, but tired and just lasted long enough to outstay MOHICAN. 3=L tettcr_ finished gamely and close np. The others were always outpaced. • £ fj iG? O % SECOND BACB— I 1-2 Miles. Nov. 10. 191.1— 4: 51 "0— 0—100. Hunters Steeple-Ol 4 V J £t chase Handicap. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 50; second. 00 ; third. 0. Index Horses AAVtlPSt.l 10 1.7 10 Tin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 30410 MABG Y JAQTJB w 8 162 2 5 4- 3* 2= 1 1 MrAPIFvJrO B Fen wick 6.VP0O 111 715 RAPACIOUS ws s 155 :; 2 ll l3 11 23 2 * MrAJDex A J DoTeroaaa 430-100 GOBU4 w LIS 14 5 5 I 4;";;i MrRPSh R L Gerry 1245-100 27015 GOPDL w 6 151 4 1 31 4« V* V 4""Mr R Morp. Tuckerman Jr 1665-100 2101! YARICO flH 5 3 2* 2l 41 5 5 Mr T WireT H AViltshire 600-100 Time. 5:18. Track good. S2 mutuels paid, Margery Jaqae, 30 straight, .00 place, .00 show; Rapacious. .40 place. .90 show: Gohia, $:!.! show. Equivalent booking sdda Margery laaac, 09 to 100 straight. 50 to 100 place, 25 to 100 show; Ra-pacioas, 120 to loo place, M to loo show- Gohia, 70 to 1H» show. Winner Ch. m. by Margravtete Mi s laaae trained by P- Pone: bred by Mr. J. II. McGavock. Aci:t to pes: at 2:55. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVen driving: second and third the same. MABGEBY JAQCE fenced well and was under ristr.iint until in the last turn of the ■eat, where she dashed to the front bat tired right at the end. RAPACIOIS made the running and, after being passed, came agate ami finished with a rash. GOBIN was far back early, but finished fast and gaining. ♦ »V 7/ 0 THIRD RA P- 3-4 Milo. Nov. 4. 1910 -1 :11 r. —3 -133. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Oaid § UQ Allowances. Net valu- to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. ladex narses AAVtPPSt % ■; % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 3311? NEBRASKA w 112 6 5 2 V 41 isfc T McTagt R Parr BaVMO 32003 CORN TASSEL w 115 :; 6 P. 2 1 1| 2- J McTagt RT wlteon 320-100 32737 GOLDEN ROD WB 1101 E I 10 8| 6- 33 J AVilliainsII P Whitney 2350-100 S2021,COURTSH1P WB 116 10 M 1* li" E | 4i T Iarton Kentucky Stable 7,s.V100 30380ALVORD wa 112 4 I V 1 2- 5» R Troxler AV P Lurch 1120-100 S0221 NIC! IT OWL w 112 2 2 f.3 51 8l 6i T Rice ,T K L Ross 6320-M0 30452 ONWA wa 115 6 1 t;: 7- 9* 7- E Haynea .1 Byer 633M08 •■ F CUMMINGS wit 112 1 4 # 4" 8j s3 c KummerS McNaaghtoa M03P-M6 31070SIR WELLONS wn 115 0 I 9i as 7:. 91 a CoRtna S T Toloa 1150-100 333«SXCOMACHO w 112 7 7 » sj io 10 J Bod*gaaaJ C Fletcher 12f J5-lOO Time. 24, 49. 1:15?5. Track good. mutuels paid. Nebraska. .10 straight, .!0 place, .00 show: Corn Tassel. .40 place, .00 show: Golden jj,,,]. . .-,. .so show. l: mivalent bookiag odds -Nebraska. 10.7 to 100 straight. 45 to 100 place. 30 to 100 show; Corn Tassel, 70 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Goldea Rod. ISO to 100 show. Winn.r - It. c. by Ballot- Star of the West itraincd by W. Garth; bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Went to post at 3:31. At post 4 minutes. Start good ami slow. AVon driving: secoi.d and third the same. NEBRASKA, after 1« iug saved to the stretch turn, finished fast and gamely and outstayed CORN TASSEL. The tetter showed much speed la sshbhIIh from the stait. but tired in the last tiventv yards. GOLDEN POD closed a big gap and Baiahed with a rush. COURTSHIP ran well. ALYOBB raced into the lead and tireil as if short. NIGHT OWL and ONWA finished gamely. JAMES F. Llil-MINUS was a forward contender to the last eighth. Scratched-- 28700 .luliale.m. 107: 327.11 Starlinch. 112; rtaathssjer. 112. Overweights GoWea god. 3 ... pounds. 3i7 ft/i 1XIOBTH BACK 2 Miles. .May 8, 1313 8:43%— 8 -140. Ticket of Leave St.-eple-jQ I Ut chase, parse 0700. 4-year-oads and upward, htehhtaa, ABswaacas. Net value to winner $.1.10: secoad, 08; third. 0. 1 Bdej Horses AWtPPSt.3 C, I Kl Fin Jim keys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt :-o:;o-i TRUMPATOR wa 4 140 5 2 V 2- 3- 11 1- i Pyers G D Wldener Jr 3BO-M0 1 S2713 BHARPSHOOTER w 5 142 7 5 Is P" 1- 2:l V AV KeattegR L Gerry ;..0-10 TOMAHAWK III. W 6 141 6 4 S- :;• V 3" 2" L FrankiinT Hitchcock 400-100 32023 JULIET w E 15 I 6 0* 5» »» 4:" 4" X Brooks W Smith tThVMO i 32023 REDDEST w E 1 17 s s 6 .s= : 5" ,rv F Johason D Raymond 6626-166 32713 THE CARMET w 4 14612 12 12 Hlo-i 7s 6* S StevsoaC K Rockwell t 130202 BRYN CHANT ws 4 14016 7 61 7- 71 61 71 C Grand J E Davis 1105301 33033 CHEVRON w 5 147 110 7- J* 8] 9" s J Russell H G Bedwell t ! ■ c2623 D. OF NORFOLK w 7 151 2 1 irf 4n» 511 10 » V M 0*CoarC W Otwell 6125-100 I "2713 DISTANT SHOBB w 5 147 4 3 6 f,:!i; V W Y AVilTms Polly Farm Stable 175-100 132.707 AVLATOB w I 1W ? 11 IP 12 12 IP-IP1 K Wilson C R McClelland t S2030*MASTERFUL WB 4 140 il 8 5- 10= 11 12 12 AV Allen RParr 1015-100 IMatae! teht. Time. 3:59. Track good. mutuels paid. Trumpator. 2.20 straiglit. 3.20 place. 0.70 show; Sharpshooter. $ !.20 place, 85.10 show; Tomahawk III., .86 show. Bqaivaleat bookiag odds — Trnmpator, 3.110 to 100 straight. 1303 to 100 place. 435 to 100 show; Sharpshooter, 21Q to KM place. 1.1.1 to 1H show: Tomahawk 111.. 140 to 100 show. Wina r Ch. g. b] Garry Herrasaaa — Ambrosia trained by J. H. Lewis; bred by Mr. t;. D. AAidener, Went to post at 4:01. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. TRUMPATOB feaced well and was waited with until in the last turn of the field, then finished fast v.iuii called on Bad won goiag away. BHARPSHOOTER raced into a big lead in the first mile, then tired. TOMAHAWK 111. was a forward contends r most of the way. MA8TBBFUL struck several of the fences. DISTANT BHOBI quit badly. Scratched-- 22.:m .Maitinafa. 138; 32713 Bargrave, 110; 30299 Turmoil. 110; 32072"Tredette. 13S. Q i 1 TJ i • BT rilTB RACE -4 l-2 Furlongs. May 3, 1313 54 3 115. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Q I Q *3 claiming. Net vatee to winner $.1.10: second. 00; third. 1. ~Iadex_ Horses AWtPPSt_j4 !J~~Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds — Strt ::2si!l tit FOB "i AT w MO 1 4 2 2| 1** ** H Wakoff E McBride :ir,-ioo :-.271« LORD HERBERT w 112 4 3 3*3* 2= 2- T Par ton Mirasol Stable 1465-186 325M*LADY GBEY v KM 1 2 5 5 5 31 F MerimeeS Itoss COO-100 MISS FILLEY will 5 5 4 li J* 4»t T McTagt R L Gerry 890-100 32733 OLD HOMESTEAD WB 112 2 1 li 4,; 4- 5 J WilHarasG H Browaa 315-100 Time, 255. 50b, 57?5. Track good. mutuels paid. Tit for Tat. $;;.90 straight, .08 place, .30 Bhow; Lord Herbert. .50 place, .10 show; Lady Grey, .50 show. Eqaivaleal bookiag odda lit for Tat. 95 to 100 straight, 60 to 100 place, 15 to 100 show; Lord Herbert, 275 to 100 place, 105 to K»o show; Lady Grey, 7.1 to Phi ahaw. AVinner -i,. f. by Chacteaoada— Betaltettoa trained by w. Uviagston; bred by Mr. John Baaford. Went to past at 4:3ii. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow for all but MISS FILLPV. Won driving: secoad and third the same. TIT FOB TAT raced OLD HOMESTEAD into retirement on the stretch turn, where she came wide, but held LORD HERBERT safe ail of the last eighth. The tetter saved ground on all turns and made a game finish. LADY GBBY I egan slowly and finished fast. .Miss FILLEY was as good aa left. OLD HOMESTEAD quit after setting the early pace. Overweight Miss FDley, 2 poaads. Q07Ar SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Y.arcli. Sept. 23. 1911-1 :42.-. 3—00. First Running O £ I O O Pimlico Spring Eandicap. S2 500 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner .200: secoad, 00; third. 8253. ladex Horses A Wt PPSt U ; -U Str Fin J J eys Ovvr.ers Egniv. Odds Strt 32040 PENNANT w 0 131 I I 6 B» U 33 I F BobaooH P Whltaey 136-106 33717CBIMPEB wt? 4 117 2 2 1« I1 -. 2 2- T McTagt R Parr 670-M0 2207.1 RUNES BTB E B0 1 1 3 2* 2- 1| !• T Parton Mirasol Stable t20-l X S2040aLEOCHARES w 7 12s t; s 5= 4= 41 4i 4= E Haynea W P orr Stf-MO 32738 ■•-KKNMOPSI-; W5U018 I I* 7*6 V 54 B* .1 McTagtG A MaDer t 3207.1 BBERRY CANDLEw 6 121 I 2 2| 3" B» 01 « J AVilliamsJ AV May 020-201 32041 SAAD1 w 4 M 5M «" «J 0*8* 7"* .1 Dreyer T P TBorne t 33733*HAUBEBK wn 5 111 *J 5 10 0*0* 7 8*1 R McDott .1 F Sweeney 2555-100 02717WARSAW W 3 MO 4 4 S"10 10 6* f* A Collins T Clyde 4266-166 32070 NIGHTSTICK w 7 11.. 7 6 6* 01 9i 10 JO AV Ohert Kentucky Stab!" 2305-100 tMntnel Oeld. Added starter. Time. 25Vs. *0%, 1:15%, l.*41%, 1:46. Track good. niutti- Is paid, Pennant, .00 straight. .20 place, .10 show; Crimper. .10 place, .50 show; Runes, li. Id. .50 show. Eqaivaleal I king odds— Pennant. 130 to PK straiglit. 00 to 100 place. 20 to 100 show; Crimper, 105 to 100 place. 05 to 100 show; Runes, field. 7.1 to KK show. Winner- Ch. h. by Peter Pan— Royal Rose trained by A. Simons; bred by Messrs. .1. R. and F. P. Keeae. Went to pest at .1:07. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon driving: second and third the BBBse. PENNANT had a rough race is tl arly running, but moved up rapidly after rounding the far turn came around on the outside of CBIMPBB Bad, hnishing gamely, got up to win in the final strides. CRIMPER showed B One turn of early speed and heat bearing oat whfie rounding the far turn, but ran B good race and only succumbed right at the end. RINES was always a close up contender, but tired alter racing into a small lead in the stretch. LEOCHABBS raced gano ly. bat was always outpaced and did not -how his f BBtOWBrj speed. FENMOlSE Baiahed fast. BAYBBBBY CANDLE showed BBBad, but tired badly. Scratched — 32738 Woodstoae, 100: :t:.i!»2- Wooden Shoes, ill; 52337 J. J. Lillis. Ill: 32738 All bbbBsb, 100; 32704 -Christie. kit: 82076 Rhino Maidea, 101. Q » rj £* fj SEVEN ill BACB— 7-1 Mile. Sept. 10. 1307—1.30 I 106. Gwya Oak Beflteg O I 13 I HaaaBeap. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner $.150; see- ond. 00 ; third. 0. Index Horses AAVtPPSt % -- % Str Fte Jockeys Owiiers Equiv. Odds Strt 83«S«*MAlUANAO wiiVlbe-!-3— 3,-_ lt_ lTii l3 T Parton AV C Capps " 6600166 32714*HOPS wa 4 MO 4 2 1- 41 2l 8* 2 AV Collins S Louis 070-100 82733 TRANSIT wr. 6 110 0 5 2. 51 4- 4h 3 J AAilliamsMarrone Stable 4115-100 S2530XKEBO wit 3 105 I « $• gt -,- $] «s AV Obert AV Cahill 5H*1 32703 HARP.ARD wr. i 110 7 S S 7l V V 5r" H Boylan P Sheridan 525-MO S2030 FAREWELL w 4 lot 5 9 !» :» 0 8= CI L Knsor J H McDonald H85-266 32703 ESTIMABLE w 5 115 3 1 1" 2- 3 f»i 7= E J R Carlish- 595-100 3271S IHARA wn 5 98 8 7 : h 83 8J 8 SJ A Collins J F Sweeney 1DGO-100 32577 GOODWOOD w 5 108 2 4 4-l 3 fi1 V 9 H AVakoff AV C Capps f tCoaaled in betting as AV. C. Capps entry. Time. 25, 49%, 1:15%, 1:29%. Track good. S2 mutuels paid. AV. C. Capps entry. 3.20 straight. .50 plaee, .40 show: Hops, .00 place, .!0 show: Transit. .10 show. . ■ . ._. , Equivalent booking odds — AV. C. Capps entry. 500 to 100 straight. 22o to 100 place, 120 to 100 show; Hops. 2M to 100 place. 80 to 100 show; Transit. 120 to 100 show. AVinner— Ch. f, by The Commoner— Hortensia trained by J. A. Sykcs: bred by Messrs. Parmer, Went to post at 5:30. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AAon easily: second and third driving MABIANAO raced into an easv lead on the backstrotch and drew away after racing in the lead under restraint to the eighth post. HOIS saved ground on the far turn and finished fast and gamely. TRANSIT ran well and oatgBBMd KEP.O in the final drive. The latter met with no mishaps. ESTIMABLE set the early pace and ran well to the stretch. GOODWOOD showed speed for a half. Scratched 32701 Cannonade. 110. ■ • Overweights— Marteaao, 2 pounds: Transit, 2„: Farewell. -«.««, 3: Aliara, 2.