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SEEK CONTROL OF RACING IN THE WEST. Golden Gate Thoroughbred Breeders Association Will Ask Charter from New York Jockey Club. San Francisco. Cal.. June 29. — The Golden Gate Thoroughbred Breeders Association took formal steps today to apply to the Jockey Club of New York for a charter to give it control of racing ii» the far west. Charles W. Clark, president and .lames C. Nealon. secretary of the association, met with Fred W. Keeley, secretary of the Pacific Coast Trotting Horse Breeders Association, and it was decided that the thoroughbred breeders should take a hand in controlling the sport. The action was brought about by the role recently adopted by the Tijuana Jockey Club setting forth that all associations, states and district fairs would be compelled to get a sanction from the Tijuana Club for its running races or the horses racing at those meetings would be barred from competing at Tijuana. Tin- Golden Gate Association took exception to Janes W. "off roth setting himself up as dictator of the turf in California. When his track is not even located in this country. The trotting horse men were up in arms that Coffroth should even attempt to regulate the 8|K rt at the California state fair and the other meets on the sulky circuit, which have programed two running races daily. If the Jockey Club grants a charter to the Golden Gate breeders, it may mean that Tijuana will have to apply for a sanction or have the horses ■uhjected to being barred. With the support of the parent turf body, the California breeders believe that they can handle the situation.