Hamilton Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1917-06-30

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HAMILTON FORM CHART. HAMILTON, ONT., FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1917. — Fourth day. Hamilton Jockey Club. First Summer Meeting d7days. _Weather clear. __ Stewards to Represent Canadian Racing Association-. Francis Nelson and C. J. Fitz Gerald. Presiding Judge, F. W. Gerhardy. Starter. A. B. Dade. Pacing Secretary, A. R. Loudon. , Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30 p. m.. •Indicates apprentice allowance. O A f PC A EIRST RACE 5-8 Mile. June 21. 1H12— aP%— 9— 100. Purse 1917.sh00. 2-year-olds. Oit UQtT Allowances. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. __ Index Horses AWtlPSt % Vt % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt Km SINCERITY w 109 12 1" l1 Q li W Crump K T EoUlcoffer H Mai 33879 DALWOOD wb 107 I I :! 2»w 2 2" W Collins J K L Ross hhVM ?3879 SAINTS BRIDGE vv 107 4 7 7 6" 5 3J T Parton Mirasol Stable lix;,-lu 1 S8617 LADY OAYKTY w 106 2 1 2* 3= 3 4 D Stirling Q W Scott 12M-1M 33980*SAIANZA W 99 C C G1 7 6J fl H Jeffeott G M Hendrle 1005 100 33980 FRENCH V w 107 5 5 In* 5 7 6 J DminickG H Browne 1405-100 1 33980*HASEEN W 102 7 4 41 4i 4"*Fell.J Maji siieW H Fizer 545-100 1 Time, 25%, 61*5, 1:06%. Track heavy. mutuels paid. Sincerity, .10 straight, .70 place, .30 show; Dalwood, .40 place, .80 show: Saints Bridge. .31 show. i J ■ Equivalent booking odKfc — Sincerity". Ifj5 to 100 straight, 35 to 100 place, 15 to 100 show: Dalwood, 70 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Saints Bridge, US to 100 show. Winner— B. f, by Broomstick— Loyal trained by W. A. Burttschell; bred by Mr. Harry Fayne Whitney. Went to post at 2:48. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. SINCERITY moved into a safe lead quickly and came wide on the stretch turn, but hung on gamely in the final drive and won going away. DALWOOD raced on the outside of the leader all the way and just lasted long enough to outstay SAINTS BRIDGE. The latter saved ground on all turns und finished fast. HASEE.V crossed his legs and fell when inside the eighth post. Overweights — Lady Gayety, 2 pounds; Frenchy, 3. 0/|fprp!r SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. June 19. 1911— 1:11— 6— 113. Purse 1917.sh00. 3-year-olds tJZxJtJtJ and upwaid. Canadian-bred. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00: third ,_0. Index Horses AWtPPSt% % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odda Strt 3400 *KMI.R 7 9fi E I G 6** C l1 O Willis A T Stewart 16*5-100 32921 MOSS FOX w G 113 3 3 2i V li » J Majestic W C Weant 740-100 33845 ARMINE wk 4 M s 2 1J V l3 V- J Evans H biddings Tv. 100 33982 -IoplKU KING w 4 US 7 1 V l" :- 4" A ianipb11.1 K L Ross 165-100 33887 **RBX GATBTY wl If 10 8 41 4= 4 J :, I! Hamtonfi Osmsaco 510-100 33902 RAVENCOURT w 6 101 6 4 I»k Il 5 6« D Bird R Newell 700-100 87449* BANTAM 1 M 1 G 5- 61 74 7* G Suthand.l S Hendrie hahVIM 33177 GARISH SUN w 5 112 4 9 S» 8« 8» 8J H Louvre C Millar 2980-100 34005* L Y. HlNLEY wn 3 92 9 10 ! « 9 9 9 J Rodguey.J C Fletcher 1106-100 33985 HECLAS FLAME W 4 MS 2 7 M Pull. up. FJ Stalker M LeRoy 4170 TOO Time, 24%. 50%, 1:18%. Track heavy. mutuels paid, Exmer, 5.90 straight. #10.40 place, .80 show; Moss Fox, 0 90 place, .40 show; Armine, 1917.sh.40 show. i: luivalent booking odds — Exmer. 1095 to 100 straight. 720 to 100 place, 290 to 100 show; Moss Fox, 445 to 100 place, 170 to 100 show; Armine, 220 to 100 show. Winner — B. g, by Exclamation — Myra Monlla trained by T. D. Martin: bred by Mr. Wm. Wharton. Went to post at 3:25. At i ost 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. ENMER came through on the inside in the stretch and, finishing fast, got up to win in the Closing strides going away. MOSS EON ran well and outstayed ARM1NK in the final drive. The latter was much used in racing COPPER KING into defeat and tired. COPPER KING tired badly in the stretch. HECLAS FLAME was pulled up when her rider broke a stirrup iron. s. rati bed SSS82 Dorothy Carlin, 9S; 33934 Isabelle 1L, 90; Dusky Sal, 101; 34001 = Corn Broom, 117; 34001 "Prince Ihilsthoi pe, 90. QzlYsnla THIRD RACE— 1 1-1G Miles. Oct. 0. 1909— 1:45%— 4— 104. Purse 00. 3-year- O "T / * J " ejda and upward. Handicap. Net value to winner 00; second. 25; third, 5. Index Horses AWtlPSt H % -4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. OddsStrt SS9SDCOMACHO w :; 108 a 2 1- 1- 1»» 1»« 1* W frump J C Fletcher 70-100 33850"TiT w 4 107 7 4 5 J 2* 2 2- 2i F Merimeelt J Austin 905-100 3388-1 IMALHETR w 5 112 I G 4» 4- V S»l V D Stirling I. G .Miller 5f.7r.-100 33904 GOLU BOND w 3 100 2 3 3l 5= G10 4* 4* W Collins W Smith 4740-100 1 33898 KD BOND vv 4 112 G 1 7 S J ."," :,• r," B Haynea W L Oliver 2T.-100 32940 11! PRATHOR wn 3 105 4 E 2 » 43 G10 G- R McDott J Lowenstein Merles 33;20"FLFURON II. w 7 105 1 7 G 7 7 7 7 J MafaattcW H Fizer lllu-100 Time. 26%, 51. 1:18, 1:48. 1:53%. Track heavy. mutuels paid. Comadio, .40 straight, .S0 place, .70 show; Tito, .70 place, .70 show: Malheur. 1 10.40 show. Equivalent booking odds— Comacho. 70 to 100 straight, 40 to 100 place, 35 to 100 shew; Tito 135 to 100 place. 88 to 100 s|„,u: Malheur. 420 to 100 show. Winner B. e. by Celt— Mildred Shults trained by J. Arthur: bred by Messrs. J. O. and G. H. Keene. Went to post at 3:59. At post 1 minute. Start good and fast. Won easily; second and third driving. COMACHO moved into a long lead on the far turn and tired badly in thelast quarter, but won by a safe mar-in. TITO was slowly wearing the leader down after being forced wide on the first turn MALIIEI IB began slowly and Bnlshed well. ED BOND appeared unable to extend himself in the iroinir Scratched SMM rrtnlpas 1 . 112. O A fK 7 FOIRTH RACE-3-4 Mile. June 19. 1011—1:11—0—113. Burlington Selling Handi-OTtV/LI I Mp. |W0 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 50; second, 25; third, 5. Index Horses AWtlPSt 4 „; % Str Fin Jockeys Ow iters Equiv. Odds Strt 34039 LAZY I.OC wit I 99 1 4 » 1- 1 1 B KopmnW Smith 420-Ton S40«S2 DAVID CRAIG wit S 14S I 2 2i 21 :.4 21 W Crump J Lowe 136-laD 3:;7.-;l BLAISR w3 99 4 5 4- a* 2*3 J Bell W L Drake 14 m-100 33751 KINt; TUSCAN vi: 4 10S 5 1 5 41 43 4« W Collins H O Bedwell 230-101 33986ARISTl!lLLS WllMl 3 IU6 E E R McDott Riverside Stable 610-180 Time. 24%, 49%, 1:16%. Track heavy. mutuels paid. Lazy Lou, 0.40 straight, .00 place, .30 show; David Craig, S3. 10 place, .50 show; Blaise. tg.a| show. Equivalent, booking odds -Lazy Lou, 420 to 100 straight, 130 to 100 place, 05 to 100 show; David Craig. Si to 100 place. 25 to DM show: Ulaise. 96 to 100 show. Winner — Br. f, by Jack Atkin - Mrs. F. G. Began trained by F. Farrar; bred bv Mr. F. G. Hogan. Went to post at 4:33. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. LAZY LOT set a good pace and. drawing away while rounding the far turn, was easing up at the end. DAVID CRAB; racial gamely, but had to be hard ridden to outstay BLAISE. The latter moved up rapidly on the inside after entering the homestretch. KING TUSCAN closed a big gap. The winner, entered for .2"M. was bid up to ,006 and bought in. Scratched— 33903 Lady Moll, DM. AH ft FIFTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Oct. 0, 1909—1:45%— 4— 104. First Running Britan-O iV/ *J O nia Selling: Stakes. ,200 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner tl.tgp; second. S2K; third. . Index 5 orsos A Wt li St % % % Str TTii Jockeys Owners Eipiiv. Odds Strt 33753 -GOLIX REST HOY w .". llo 2 2 V !"J 2* 2 li K Havnes 5 V, Wagnnn 2*V!00 SSPStJACK RBHVEQ w 4 10". 1 5 I 4" 4i 4- 2 W Crump G H Murlman 860-100 33905 lALHENA w 5 ins 0 4 2 V ?,• 2- Sl Y Collins H Q Bedwell lf.MO-PJO 33930 HUBBUB Willi 4 1 1* 1» lil«t40 R Estop W J Press 44o-JnO S3691*S. OF PLFJASF, wk 4 113 1 3 4s 5 0 5 5 II Jeff, ott G M Hendrie 110-100 Time. 26. 50%. 1:17%. 1:44%. 1:51. Track heavy. mutuels paid. Goldciest Roy, 1917.sh.s0 straight. .«l place, .00 show; Jack Reeves, 40 place. .3o sharer; Athens, *4.5o show. Equivalent booking odds iolibrest Boy. 2-10 to loo straight. 90 to 100 place, 80 to 100 show; Jack Reeves, 220 to loo place. US to loo show. Alhena, 12S to loo show. Winner Br. g. by Plnndit- Polly Prim trained by J. O. Wagnon: bred by Mr. J. R. Wainwright. Went to post at 5:03. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. GOl.DCREST BO V was saved behind the leader until straightened out in the stretch, where he raced Into an easy lead to win 1 a -ing up. JACK REEVES, badly outrun early, as usual, closed a big gap and linished fast. ALHENA raced well np throughout. HUBBUB showed the most early speed, but tired after setting the pace to the last eighth. SANDS OF PLEASlEE was on the inside in deep going all the wav. Scratched M1W CraaanaaB, 105. Q/IOQ SINTII RACE— 1 Mile. June 29, 1909— 1:39%— 3— 90. Purse 1917.sh00. 3-year-olds and O t*J *J upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtlPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 3]tiiv. Odds Strt 83985 BROOM CORN wn 4 MS 4 4 ." 5° PI 1" l1 W— Crump F J Coleman 1710-100 3J000 -TOM CAUO Wl! 4 105 I 2 1= 1 | 1 21 2 F Merimee.M A Warn, r lOsO-100 S4M5*RBQUIRAM w it G US 1 1 21 4= 35 3« 31 B DonahueA Robertson 1i:,»100 SS9S8 LYNN wn 4 106 7 8 8 8 V 4"k 43 D Stirling J A Gibson 755-100 23092 -GOODWOOD 5 IDS 8 6 f. C Sl 6* El W Collins C E Fountain X.-100 844*5 *WH1TK CROWN rIM E 7 7° 7= 8 G- G« R Bolton H Neunteter 350-100 SSdSPTANKARD w n 7 105 I 5 4* 8» 4= 7s 7s R McDott 1: L Cole 2220-10C 8M47 DOUBLE CASS W « 100 2 :i * P* H I 8 G SuthandN R Sutherland 7315-100 Time. 25. 50, 1:17%, 1:4G%. Track heavy. mutuels paid. Broom Corn, 0.20 straight, 1.70 place, 1917.sh.70 show; Tom Caro, .70 place, .80 show: Reijiiiram. .S0 show. Bqnivalent booking odds -Broom Corn, 1710 to 100 straight. 4S5 to 100 place. 235 to 100 show; Tom Caro. S8S to loo place. 190 to loo show; Reqnirnm, 240 to loo anew. Winner— B. f, by Ben Brash -Tenawha trained by J. Arthur: brad by Mr. T. C. McDowell. Went to post at 5:38. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. BROOM CORN was saved under restraint to the stretch turn, from where she moved up fast on the inside and easily took the lead in the last quarter to win in a canter. TOM CARO set a good pace, but was tiring and driving hard nl the cud to outstay REQITRAM. The latter swerved to the inside at the end. LYNN closed a big gap. GOODWOOD ran a particularly bad race. Scratched— 33SS5Biika, 103; S8660 Scaramouch, 105; 33850 King Hamburg, 105; 34004 Eddie Henry, K.5. Overweights — Lynn, 1 pound. Q A f* 4 SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile on tho Turf. Aug. 17. 1911 -1:3S% — 4—109. Purse 00. fjdtV/UU 3 yi ar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net vaiue to winner 00; second, 25; third. 5 . Index Horses AWtlPSt j :■ % Str Pin Jockeys Owners Ei|uiv. Odds Strt 83938 LADY WARD w : 102 4 1 l3 1 1 1 li 1* H DonahueW J Foley SnVMI 339R5*Hi:.l TV SPOT W 2 101 7 fi V 4i Q !■ V W Crump N Macfarlane 1000-100 S4096*APRISA wnCMd 2 2 r. 5" V G5 ?. * J RednToezJ C Fletcher 2400-100 31001 GOLD GALORE wl •« I 4 V 21 4" 41 4l II Jeffeott J E Seagram 205 100 31039 BW. THAN SUGAR W J Ml 5 E V :-i 3° 23 5= W Collins .Mirasol Stable 800-100 34004 MEDDLING MiSS wis 1 M I 7 4J 8* 5» S ,nk W Meii-iiec-O ■ Pons US-MI S2852 ZAMORA w I UK 1 1 7 7 7 7 7 O Willis .1 O Keene 2825-100 Time, 25 SO. 1:175, l:45/5. Track heavy. mutuels paid. Lady Ward, 2.10 straight, .M place, .10 show; Beauty Spot, 1917.sh.70 place, 84.70 show; Aprisa. .20 show. Bqnivalent booking odds- Lady Ward, 505 to 100 straight. 190 to 100 place, 155 to 100 show; Beauty spot. 235 to 100 place, 136 to loo show; Aprisa, 200 to loo show. Winner -If. f. by HcGee Tinkle trained by S. Doyle; bred by Mr. Ch.is. W. Moore. Went to post at 0:OS. At post 3 manatee. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. LADV WAIII, outrunning the others from the start, drew away into an easy lead while rounding the first turn and raced ander slight restraint until in tho final quarter, where she drew away and won in a canter. BEA1TV SPOT was a forward and game contender thrmghout. APRISA finished with a rush. SWEETER MIAN 8UGAB and MEDDLING MISS crowded each other at the start.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1917063001/drf1917063001_2_7
Local Identifier: drf1917063001_2_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800