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+ — + THIRTY LEADING AMERICAN WINNING HORSES OF THE PRESENT YEAR + — 4. Some of the horses prominent in the racing of the present year are already figuring respectably in amounts of BMaej win. six having passed over tie .*10.immi mark. Of theae tare are lour year-olds, three thr.e -year-olds and one a iwo-ycar old. dinar Khayyams Kentucky Derby triumph serves to place him at the head of this select division, wilii the great French-bred colt. Ibmrless. second to him in money lo his credit. King Garbs, Liberty Loan. Colonel Venule and the fast two-year-old. laicullite. are the ether highly successful ones. All have won their honors worthily and are a bai.d of extra good race horses. Fruit Cake. Ft. ha. Kid Itosohud and ll.inovia constitute another group in sight of the comfortable sum named. The thirty leading money -earning horses and their accomplishments in that regard arc the following: Horse. Col. Sex. Age Pedigree. Owner. Sts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Tnp. Amt. dinar Khavvam bv .Marco Lisma W. Yi.ui :i 1002 8,000 Hourieea br. c. 3 bv Ncgofol Hour Glass II . Belmont 3 3 0 0 0 14,000 King Gorin ch. c. 4 by Transvaal — Kthel Simpson It. L. Baker 7 2 5 0 0 13.029 •Liberty Loan br. 0. 3 by Dick Fianell -Martha Palmer. A. K. Macombcr. IS 5 10 0 13,196 Colonel Veaaie ....b. c. 4 by Metea Shy Mhwie I. Livingston ...12 ."i 2 1 4 11,960 Lucullite br. c 2 bv Trap Lock— Lucky Lass . Belmont ... ."i 3 2 tl 0 11.170 Fruit Cake b. f. 3 by Dick Well -s— Iarisicnne E. T. Zollic.ITcr.19 10 2 4 3 9.960 llanovia ch. m. 5 by Fair Play— Miss Hanover . . . K. T. Cettoa...2d 7 11 0 S 8,040 old Boaebud b. g. « by Dade Ivory Bells II. c. Applegate.13 8 1 3 1 8.445 Eacoba br. c 2 bv Broomstick— Christmas Star..K. 1. Alexander. 6 4 0 10 sous Belle Mahor.e b. f. 3 bv Ypsilanti II. Irish Lass II.... E. Seagram.. 2 2 0 0 0 7. Mil Banes br. h. 6 by Voarheee— Ghifie Mtrasei stable .02034 7,740 Cudgel b. e. 3 bv Broomstick— Eugenia Lurch. ..I. YV. Schorr ...10 o 2 0 3 7,205 Charlie Levdeeker. .b. c. 2 bv.Iaek Atkin- Polly D E. McBride 0 4 10 4 7.000 Borrow br. g. 9 bv Hamburg— Forget II. 1*. Whitney., li 2 3 1 0 6.900 Opportunity b. g. 3 bv Toddlngton— Miaa Oertel W. Woodward. .29 9 7 S 8 6.840 Cherry Malotte ..b. at. s bv Orlando — Dot tie Greeatree stable. 4 2 0 11 6,000 h. c. 3 bv Rev Hindoo Dolly E. R. Bradley.. 7 4 0 2 1 6,203 Tracks, ml ch. c. 2 by I ncle--Plar.utoss A. K. Macombcr. 2 2 0 0 0 0,003 Kinney b. g. 4 bv Dick Wells Laily Strathniore.I. B. fluid— a.. 10 » 2 0 2 5.742 Virginia Yell g. 3 bv Ilaudit — Mary Sorilio J. 1. Jones 15 4 3 0 2 5.530 Pennant eh. h. 6 bv Peter Fan Koyal Bone H. P. Whitiey.. 4 3 0 10 5,400 Jas. T. Clark br. c. 2 bv Dick Finnell — Paradise Won.. J. W. Schorr ... S 2 2 2 2 5,315 Rosie OGrady br. f. 2 bv Hamburg — Cherokee Rose 11. . II. P. Whitney.. 3 2 0 0 1 5,200 Sasin b. g. 4 bv The Picket —Queen 0. Buxton 12 4 12.% 5,110 Gipaey George b. g. 4 by Dick Welles— Animosity J. P.. Goodman.. 10 4 2 13 5,041 Boots b. g. i by Hessian Little Flower . K. Macombcr. 3 10 0 2 4.900 Green Gold br. c. 2 by Celt- Follie Levy . A. Keilly ... 7 4 2 0 1 4.72." Prince S b. g. i by Campus — Sympathetic J. L. Paul 35 ti 7 7 15 4.710 Roainer b. g. i by Knight Errant — Rose Tree 1I..A. Mill r 5 2 1 1 1 4.000 •Formerly ran as Al M. Dick.