Aqueduct Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1917-06-30

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AQUEDUCT FORM CHART. NEW YORK, FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1917.— Aqueduct. Fifth day. Queens County Jockey Club. Summer Meeting of M days. Weather wet. Steward to Represent Jockey Club. Schuyler L. Parsons. Judges. K. C. Smith and C. II. PettingttL Starter, Ma ra Caaaaty . _ Racing Secretary. F. ItelilM-rger. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30 p. 111.. Indicates apprentice allowance. Q I /IOU FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. Nov. 10. MM 59- 2— 120. 00 Added. 2-year-olds. O 4nTV/QO Fillies. Selling. Net value to winner S0; second, 00; third. 0. ~Indei Uorsea AWtPPStj jj % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H C P S 33893*L. LONGFELLOW W IM 1— 3 2 1" B KleeKer Beverwvc-k Stable6 7 C 2 1 SS4M «SUNROSE wMtM— I3 l3 2» J Mi-Tag- t R T Wilson 2J lS-.MS-57-r. 7-10 33708 FIKKSTILLA w M 7— 4 33 33 M Rowan W B Miller 2 2 I 5 I 5 1 1 33859s MI.NB BIG w 9s 4— 5 5 4 R Troise J AV McClelland 4 4 18 57 5 7 10 33893 ILEAL W MJ «— C- G- 51 J P Rvan R F Carman 20 20 30 10 5 33643 LADY GREY W 103 5— 72 7 6i M Garner S Ross M 30 30 10 5 33020 DAYZIE w 105 3 — 9l 95 71 A SchugrF R Doctor 20 30 30 10 i 33893 DUSTPAN TL w lot 2— 2J 4J 8= AV Obert O C Euseh 8 15 15 6 3 33913I:LI/-A1.ETH H. wb 103 8— S3 8 9* A Collins AV S Pavne C S 8 3 s5 33774 TURBAN W MI 9— M lo 10 F AVilson A Belmont 30 30 30 10 5 Time. 1:02%. Traok sloppy. Winner — B. f. by Zeus — Olivia Miekle trained by G. Zeigh-r; bred by Messrs. Williams and Radford. AVent to post at 2:29. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. LADY LONGFELLOW gained Iteadtty under punishment and wore STNKOSE down in the final strides. SINROSE beg:ii fast and raced into a long lead, but tired badly in the last sixteenth. FUOSTILLA easily outstayed the others when the tlnal drive came. JINE Blti finished extremely wide. The colors 1 were undistinguishable daring the early ranning due to rainfall. Scratched— 33X97 Ailcen ., 100: 33.S97 Souiuangha. 103. Overweights Dustpan II.. 1 pound. O /• /"k£?0 BkTCONB RACK— 6 1-2 Furlongs. May 5, 1910—1:18 — 4—122. 00 Added. 3-year-U jtUOl/ °IS J,I"1 upward. Fillies and Mares. Handicap. Net value to winner 20; sec- ond. 00: third. 0. Indei Horsea "AWtPPSt % Vz % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 5 H C _I*_S_ 33994 PAN ZARETA w 7 123 4 5 4J 3J Bi 1J A Mott E T Colton 21 5 4 8-5 4-5 S391* RHINE MAIDEN w 5 106 6 6 51 5 42 2- M Garner E F Whitney 3J Ji 21 1 2-5 33.TH8 FAIRY WAND WB 3 103 3 4 21 21 31 3» L McAtee G A Cochran 4 5 16-51 1-2 33071 OWAGA wb 3 97 5 2 Is Is U 41 R Troise J H McDonald 20 30 20 7 3 33403 MARIE MILLER wb 3 115 2 1 -3* 4s 5- 5l AV J OBnL F Marshall 21 4 4 8-5 7-10 ?3773»THE BNSHEE II. wb 3 103 7 t • T 7 7 61 J McTagt G D Widener Jr 6 6 41 8-5 4-5 33407 VERDANT w 3 101J 13 61 65 6» 7 L Lvkes A K Macomber 10 10 10 4 8-5 Time, 24. 47%, 1:14%, 1:22. Track sloppy. AAinncr — Ch. m, by Abe Frank — Caddie Griffith trained by E. T. Colton; bred by Mr. J. F. Newman. AAent to post at 3:00. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won ridden out; second and third driving. PAN ZARETA slipped through next to the rail in the homestretch and, passing FAIRY WAND in the last eighth, outstayed RHINE MAIDEN In the final drive. The latter was forced extremely wide while rounding the last turn, but finished fast through the last eighth and wearing the winner down. FAIRY WAND was a close contender in the early running, but tired in the stretch drive. OWAGA showed excellent speed in the going and set a fast pace, but tired in the last eighth. MARIE MILLER also tired and was not persevered with. THE BANSHEE II. began slowly and finished fast. Overweights — Verdant, 4%. pounds. Q A ■ri7iri THIUU RACE— 1 Mile. Juiy 1. 1916— 1:36%— S— 114. 00 Added. 3-year-olds and QrrU j V* upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 65: second. 00; third . 0. lades _Jiorses AWtPPSt »A % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 ~H C P 8 »4019LICITS wmtm 2 2 1» 1. 1 P 1 A BchagrB Davis 4-5 4-C13-20out— 33949 GLOOMY GUS w 3 112 3 1 23 2s 2» 2= 2* A Collins OC Basch 6-5 3-2 7-5 out— S3B4S* NASHVILLE w 3 104 1 3 I 3 3 3 3 J Mc-TagtD S Dryer 8 12 12 8-5 out Time. 24%, 49%. 1:14%, 1:41. Track sloppy. Winner — Ch. g. by Isidor — Roxane trained by N. Byer; bred by Mr. John Sanford. AVent to post at 3:LS. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. LUCIUS took the lead at once and drew away into a long lead, but was under a drive near the end to outstay GLOOMY GUS. The latter moved up menacingly in the final cpuarter, but tired in the last few strides. NASHVILLE did not run well in the going. Scratched -MSM Tin- Cock. 114. Q A ff~7 "I FOURTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. July 29. 1915— 1:44%— 7— 100. Midwood Handicap. and rk3 I JL 0X Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 50; second, 25; third. 5. Index Hones AWtPPSt 14 % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H C P 8 S3BB7»BAYB*RY CANDLEw 6 126 4 1 l2 l3 1* 1» 1T J AVilliamsJ W May 3-CT-1013-20out— 33997-FITTER! lOLD w 6 115 2 3 4 4 4 4 21 E AmbroscC A Muller 4 6 6 7-5 out 33916 iGARBAGE WSB 5 110 3 2 3« 3« 21 21 3J E CanipbllB B Cassatt 4 5 5 6-6 out 33861-DUETTISTE w 5 97 1 4 21 2» 3" 3* 4 I, McAtee J B Widener 4 4 41 6-6 out Time, 24%, 49%, 1:14. 1:41%, 1:48%. Track sloppy. Winner — Ch. m, by Cunard — Tower of Candles trained by J. W. May; bred by Mr. E. R. Bradley. AAent to post at 3:5H. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AVou ciiiteriug; second and third driving. BAYBERRY CANDLE, favored by the going, took the lend at once and won all the way under slight restraint. FLITTEROOLD was far back for the first tliree-cpjurters. but came to the outside of the leaders in the homestretch and easily passed GARBAGE. The latter was hard ridden in the homestretch and tired mar the nd. DlETTTSTE showed speed, but tired badly in the last quarter. Scratched— 33900 The Cock. 100: MjgO Whimsy, 107. _ Q /t f~T i FILTH RACE -1 1-8 Miles. June 25. 1917— 1:49%— 9— 117. Purse 75. 4-year- O Ml3 I dfi olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second. 00 : third, 0. "index Hcirses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 33860 BRICKLBTY W C MS 2 2 3 3 3*1 l1 1J AA Obert G C Walsh 1 C-511 101 4 out 340I6:,MA! . HERRMNNwB 4 Mfl 3 1 2» V I 3 2- F RobsonJ AV McClelland 21 14 513 57-10out SSSM*STALW*T HELEN wb 0 95 1 3 l2 l2 11 21 33 R Troise AMctory Stable 11-C21 2-5 out Time. 24%, 50%, 1:16%, 1:44, 1:58. Track sloppy. Winner— B. g, by Ort Wells— The Scold trained by AV. M. Sheedy; bred by Messrs. J. D. Carr and Bro.. Went to post at 4:23. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won ridden out; second and third driving. BRICKLEY. nnder stout restraint in the early running, took the lead when STALWART HELEN tired, but had to be hard ridden at the end to withstand the challenge of MADAME HERK-M INN. The latter finished gamely, but could not quite get up. STALWART HELEN set a good pace, but tired in the final eighth. Scratched --33*«0Old Broom. 115; 33915 Povedale, 105. Q/1 A7Q SIXTH BAGS 5-8 Mile. Nov. 10. mot; — 59— 2— 120. Purse 75. 2-year-olds. tJXiVj I O Ala idens. Special AVeights. Net value to winner 75; second. 0; third. 0. "index Horses AWtPPSt A % % Str Fill Jockeys Owners 0~ H C P S :;396.V DECISIVE w 115 C 4 21 1= 1- U J P Ryan A H Morris 7-5 8-5 3-2 3-5 1-3 33896 CHIEF LALLY w 115 1 7 51 51 53 2s J AVilliamsJ MacAlanus 6 7 6 2 1 aSSlSPRINCEPS w 115 4 3 41 3J 31 31 J Butwell A Belmont 21 I 2 7-101-3 ONE STAR w 112 10 1 P 4l 4 4= M Garner J E Madden 6 10 10 4 2 33952 -CVP w 115 5 6 l1 21 21 55 R Troxler O Lewlaohn 6 8 6 2 1 ;;381 TROPHY WB 115 3 8 61 73 ! 63 C Ugatne Ouincy Stable 15 15 15 6 3 ;~3711 JUSQITAU BOUT w 115 11 I 8 81 71 71 F Keogh J E AVidener 10 12 12 5 21 53893 IRISH HARP W 112 2 9 91 9; 91 8 C Fbther F R Doctor 30 30 30 10 5 33513 LONGH1 W IM D 11 M 10 10 94 B Klec-ger T P Thorne 30 30 30 10 5 33502 GEN L NIVELLE w 115 8 5 71 fij S= 10 A Collins AV Aiau 30 30 30 10 5 o3965 GAME COCK WB 115 7 ID Lost rider. M Rowan H L Pratt 15 15 15 6 3 Time, 1:02%. Track sloppy. Winner — Ch. c, by Marathon — Lottie Darr trained hv R. J. AValden; bred by Air. T. P. Hayes. AVent to jiost at 4:5S. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. DECISIVE raced into the lead in the first Barter and drew away under punishment, but tired i-i the closing strides and had to be hard ridden to withstand CHIEF LALLYS challenge. The latter closed a gap steadily and was gaining on the winner at the end. PKINCEPS raced wide at the elbow, but came fast in the final eighth. ONI STAR ran well. GAMS COCK lost his rider after going an eighth. S.-ratch.d- 33952 Qaarge Starr. 115; 33965 Wood Violet. 112; 33965 Paddy, 115.

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Local Identifier: drf1917063001_3_1
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