J. J. Murdock A Stayer: Takes The Latonia Feature Race Comfortably At A Mile And A Sixteenth.; Favorites Have Another Disastrous Day at the Milldale Track--Crystal Day and Butcher Boy Capture the Races for Two-Year-Olds., Daily Racing Form, 1917-06-30


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J. J. MURDOCK A STAYER TAKES THE LATONIA FEATURE RACE COMFORTABLY AT A MILE AND A SIXTEENTH. Favorites Have Another Disastrous Day at the Mill-dale Track — Crystal Day and Butcher Boy Capture the Races lor Two-Ycar-0!ds. La ton in. Ky.. .Tunc 9.— The racing lit Lntonin this afternoon was replete with upsets ami brought ■Mai the aneeeaahre overthrows of favorite* in most instances. The neat pronounced defeat sustained by an.v of the choice* eaaae with the running of the Mature race, a mile ami l mI ii t li dash, having a mom tary vnluo of ,401. Faux Col was an outstanding choice in it. hut he failed to race to H place. The winner tinned up in J. .1. Munlock. Which heretofore was not regarded as dangerous at the distance, but found no difficulty in staying the route, after having shown the way to the others from the start. I.ady Botha w.is preasiag him some near the nil. lint lie held his own gamely. Iaux-Col. after racing forwardly to the ttretrh, tired badly and was beaten by Queen Errant for third money. Aldeb.iran was another disappointment ill the race and never figured seriously in the running. Todays racing offering was a ditTieiilt one. with the limit number starting in three of the dashes. With the exception of the feature, an ordinary band made the contest in each instance. There are 715 horses at the track and. while over MO of theae are two year-olds, there is ronihlf r I Mr difficulty in filling races of other descriptions than selling or claiming. The usual pair of two year-old races was again carded and they resulted in victories for Crystal Pay and Butcher l.oy respectively. The former von in the opener, for which Jessie Ormsby xvas the favored one. but failed to get a place. T im Anderson furnished the upset in the second race by leading throughout and winning from Nightcap. Arthur .Middleton outstayed the favorite, Bribed Voter, in the fourth race. Reports from the hospital is that jockey Goose is improving satisfactorily, but is still regarded as in n bad way. The doctors, however, feel hopeful of his recovery. W. H. Baker Will Ship Stable East. W. H. Baker will ship eleven of his horses to the Empire City track at tin conclusion of the racing here. After the Empire City meeting the horses will be transferred to Saratoga for the racing there during August. Jockeys Shilling and Taylor were each suspended for the remainder of the meeting by the starter for disobedience at the post. James W. McClelland xvas among the visitors from New York, ile reports that the ruing in the cast this year is on a par with the good meetings of lust year, but added "the meetings there have nothing on the one here." John . Whitlow has decided to ship his hor ■ ■-.. next Sunday to Port Erie. The consignment will include the crack Westy Ilogan. W. B. Norvell. secretary of the Kenihvortli Park track at Windsor, sent ward today that the mini innin pane offered by his association will be 00 and that handicaps of ,200 value would be tea-turcil during the seven days of racing, beginning July 24 and ending July 31. Eddie Dolling has decide I to dispose of all his Interests that he held in the horses racing under the name of DeUing and 1 ink and will rtlurn to xvork for John V. Schorr. Cliff Kield was claimed out of the last race by It. F. Darteh for .300. Dortch was roppsentoi! in the race by Margaret E.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1917063001/drf1917063001_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1917063001_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800