Delorimier Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-08-09

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DEL0RIMIER PARK FORM CHART MONTREAL, Quo., Tuesday, Aajust 8, 1022. Half mile. Third day. Dclorimicr Park Jockey Clubs summer meeting of 7 days. Weather dosdy. Steward representing the Quebec Breeders and Racing Association, W. J. Morrison. Presiding Stewards, 15. O. St. Tcre, W. W. Lyles and F. Calder. Judges, Sheridan Clark. Charles F. Cam-pcau and Sidney Render. Starter, W. Snyder. Itacing Secretary, Sheridan Clark. Racing starts at 3:00 p. m. Chicago time 2:00. fi4.flQ7 JFIR.ST HACE About 5-8 Mile. Purse V J u i 5500. 3-year-old3 and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 0. EqniT. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. C1078 Tom NorrU 105 ll P Gross 13271-100 639 19 Cremona 110 21 S Boylo 835-100 64 078 Redland 110 3 S Wida 835-100 63619 Edith K. 110 4" C Eames 320-103 , 64003 Foxhaven 104 5 F Bullmaai 3375-1C0 I 64079SC. A. Byrne 111 61 R Ball 450-100 58114 Pretty Baby 105 7s W Bogowski 225-100 63920 Thorn Bloom 103 8 C White 2C90-100 I 63902 Marcaret N. 110 9 F Hunt 3015-100 mutuels paid. Tom Norris, 8.55 straight, 1. CO place, .10 show; Cremona, .30 place, .15 show; Redland, show. Equivalent booking odds Tom Norris, 1327 to , . 100 straight, 480 to 100 place, 205 to 100 show; I Cremona. 3G5 to 100 place, 207 to 100 show; Redland, 202 to 100 show. Time, 1:07. Track haavy. Winner J. J. OConnors b. g, 4, by Chnc-tanunda . Nordlac, by Caldron trained by J. J. . OConnor; bred by Mr. James T. Vince. Went to postat 3:00. At post 1 minute. Start t good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched 3303IScvillian, 105; G407S,No Tnanpa, , ; ; ; ; ; , I I , . I . . t , 109; C3759 Suds. 103; 63903 C. 0. Doren, 108. r Overweights-Cremona, 3 pounds; Redland, 5; ; Edith K.. 3; Foxhaven. 2; Charles A. Byrne. 2; 1 Pretty Baby, 2; Margaret N.. 3. 64098 SEC0ND RACE About 5-8 Mile. Purso t 03. 3-year-olds and upward. Claim- -1 inc. Net valuo to winner S400; second, 0: third, 0. Eqniv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. C4003Eva Song 112 1 S Wkla 293-100 64062 sAlmirante U3 2 H Chappcll 335-100 64008 sCaptain B. 114 3 S Boylo 310-100 63955 Dependence 112 4l C Eames 825-100 638743Chantour 111 5 E Atkinson 1310-160 63667 Dorienno 110 6s C Forest 2720-100 64062 P. Lawrence 107 7 C White 1555-100 j 64062 Lady Betty 112 8 F Hunt 740-100 mutuels paid. Eva Song, .90 straight, .85 T l place. .80 show; Almirantc, .05 phice, .80 t show; Captain R., .30 show. J Equivalent booking odds Eva Song, 295 to 100 straight. 92 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Almir- v ante, 102 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Captain t It., 45 to 100 show. a a Time, 1:07. Track heavy. Winner M. F. Williams ch. f, 4. by Eustace Morning Song, by Jean Bereaud trained by R. Wurlield; bred by Mr. James H. Smith. t Went to post at 3:29. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third drlv- t 1 ing. Scratched 01077 Kellys Queen, 102; 04057 Hip 5 o Green, 112. j Overweights Eva Song, 3 pounds; Almirantc, 1; 1 Chantoiir, 2; Dorienne, 3. r 64099 THIJD RACE Ahsnt 5-8 Hile, Purse j . 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claim-in?. Net valuo to winner 00; second, 5; third, c 0. Equiv. Odds, t Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 64082 Avion 113 ll S Boyle 410-100 64058sLillian G. Ill 21 C White 570-100 6!957sRiposta 111 ff W Hinphy 233-100 6394SE1. Tranter 108 4" R Dovlo 5210-103 640C3Bon3telle 113 51 C Eames 210-100 1 03915 Crest 113 G W Bogowski 1940-100 . 64005Captn Greet 110 71 R Ball 1245-100 64004 Emden 113 8 H Chappell 1505-100 . mutuels paid, Avion. 0.80 straight, .45 place. .00 show; Lillian G.. .75 place, .30 show; Ripoata, .90 show. 1 Equivalent booking odds Avion, 440 to J.0 : straight, 172 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Lillian t G., 1S7 to 100 place, 95 to 100 show; Riposta. 45 to 100 show. , Time, 1:07. Track heavy. Winner W. G. Campbells b. g. 6, by Aeronaut Princess Chic, by Potomac trained by T. Shrr-rard; bred by Mr. H. B. Cassatt. Went to post at 4:00. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Woa easily; second and third driving. Scratched O40C2Flying Ford. 108; 64079Mnck Garner, 113; 64009sGratian. Ill; 640S0Ras, 116; 633S4 Debut, 107; 64079 DougMs Fairbanks, 113; ; G2S42 Fireworth, 113. Overweights Captain Greet. 2 pounds. 64100 SOraTH HACE About 5-3 Mile. Purse ?i00. 3-yoar-oHs and upward. Claiming. Net valuo to winner 00; second. 0: third. 0. , Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 63647 Rosa R, 112 1 W Hinphy 1224-100 63902s Uranium 104 2"t P Gross 4S5-1O0 63951 Dorkin 93 3i R Doyle 2G35-10Q 61339 Miss Dixie 107 4 W BogowBkl 730-100 ! 63920 San Marcus 112 5 W Atkinson 510-100 , 64 077 Fly. Beauty 102 61 F Bullman 1075-100 63920 Joe3 Sister 103 7 C White 2725-100 03759 Bonna A. 97 3 .1 Thomas 1625-100 mutuels paid, Ross R.. .45 straight. .10 place. ?2.H5 show; Uranium, .25 place, .50 show; Dorkin, .35 show. Equivalent booking odds Ross R., 122 to 100 straight. 55 to 100 place, 42 to 100 show; Uranium, 112 to 100 place, 75 to 100 show; Dotkin, 317 to 100 show. Time, 1:07. Track heavy. Winner W. M. Grants br. c. 4. by Textile Ashes, by Tremont trained by W. M. Grant- bred by Mr. Andrew Miller. Went to post at 4:30. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched 64003 Maybridge. 112; 84073L. Gentry, 109; 64078s ICayman. 100: 6407S Nick London. 105; 61000 High Olympu3, 109. g41 Qj PlJbTH RACE Ah out 3-4 Mile. Pursa 00. 3-year-clds and upward. Claim -int. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 0. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 01992 Mary Erb 103 11 C Eamea G90-100 63950 Thrills 103 2 V Jer.kin3 720-109 63672 Parol 104 3 H Chappell 29JO-100 03319 Onwa 112 4 R Ball 1700-100 63915Elack Pat 117 5n F Hunt 170-100 6 I00S Rey Ennis 111 GJ S Wlda 785-ltO 61057 Kathleen K. 107 71 C White 263-100 G3005 Tom Goose 111 8 E Atkinson 520-100 62022 Montperri 104 9 l Gross 3210-100 63313Jack Ledi 169 10 V Fulton 1345-100 mutuels paid, Mary Erb. S15.S0 straight. .85 place. .90 show; Thrills, .20 place, .75 show; Parol, .55 show. Equivalent booking odds Mary Erb, 690 to 100 straight, 192 to 100 place, 145 to 100 show; Thrills. 210 to 100 place, 137 to 100 show; Parol, 177 to 100 show. Timo, 1:35. Track heavy. Winner F. Harts ch. f, 4. by Waldo May Sutton, by Prince Esher trained by I. Hammond; bred by Mr. Benjamin A. Jones. Went to poU at 5:03. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and thud driving. Scratched 62833 Count Roris. 109; 63343Mess Kit, 112; C4057 F. G. Corley, 117; 640S1 IiJy lone, 115. Overweights Jack Ledi. 2 pounds; Tom Goose, 2: Rey I-hiuis, 2. 64102 SIXTH RACE About 7-3 Mile. Purso 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third. 0. , Eqniv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 63973 Hocnir 1U ll P Madeira 9S21-1O0 6397lJNeenah 113 2 E Atkinson 545-100 6 1057 Must Fancy 113 3 II Chappell 490-100 63902 Lewis B. 110 4l V Fulton 900-100 03765 Fair Lassie 113 5h C Eamea 470-100 63953 Shenandoah 11G 6 V Jenkins 1370-100 64009 Twenty Sen 113 7 W Hinphy 655-100 63903 Humpy 115 8 S Wida 350-100 mutucls paid. Hocnir, 1.65 straight. 1.00 place, .40 show; Neeuah, .30 place, .20 show; Just Fancy. .35 show. Equivalent booking odds Hocnir. 932 to 100 straight. 4S0 to 100 plnce, 220 to 100 show; Neenah, 265 to 100 place, 110 to lOo show; Just Fancy, 117 to 100 slfow. Time, 1:39. Track heavy. Winner It. Groves b. g. 11. by Voorhcc!" Emir, by Ducat trained by R. Grove; bred by Mr. Adolph ll. Spreckels. Went to po3t nt 5:34. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Wou easily; second and third driv-: ing. Scratched 640S3sHemlock, 119. Overweights Shenandoah, 1 pound. 64103 SEVENTH RACE About 7-3 Mile. Purse 00. 3-yeox-olds and upward. Claiming. Net valuo to winner 00; sacond, 0; third, 0. Squlv. Oddj. Ind. norse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 64006Le Balafro 111 1 C Eames 370-100 64 081 Chow US 2 F Hunt 260-100 63905 Smite 115 31 C Whito 1385-100 03B75 S". Stalwart 115 4 E Atkinson 981-100 63975 sO!d Red 115 51 R Ball 1G55-100 63723 Theresa 113 6 H Chappell 1810-104 04006Golden Red 115 7l P Madeira. 350-100 63969 Doylo 115 8 H Kins GS5-100 mutucls paid. Le Ralafre, .40 straight, .70 place, .45 show; Chow, .70 place, .10 show; Smite, .50 show. Equivalent booking odds Le Ralafre, 370 to 100 straight, 135 to 100 place, 72 to 100 show; Chow, 85 to 100 place, 53 to 100 show; Smite, 175 to 100 show. Time, 1:39 Track heavy. Winner R. Modes gr. g, 0, by Sir Wilfred Orey Agnes, by 1epper and Salt trained by J. Shea; bred by Mr. Henry T. Oxnard. Went to post at 6:00. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second aud third driving. Seratched C40S1 Ramona II., 113; G1032 Honiara, 115.

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Local Identifier: drf1922080901_3_1
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