4th Race [4th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-27

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4th RACE RACEPLURALITY 1 Mile 1JS 4 41JS y 05 iml ni wartl Claiming Jane 17 It PLURALITY b 103 103Johnson By Pluvious Farewell by Oas ry ryBreeder Trainer J Johnson Owner X Johnson JohnsonSG Breeder T W 0 Bricn GR430 Tijuana Im70y l4Tsfast SG 110 7 H 91 63 EJ Fator 13 LUyPearl ScnDonlan McCroan 8239 Tijuana ImOy 153 hvy 6 108 2 2 2 2 E Petzoldt S AnitaK LitDcar LLarhmuud 08 108 Tijuana ImTOy 151 hvy 6 1CS 1 3 25 2l E Fator 7 Caliin Creek Balfotir Fizer 08 MG Tijuana 1 18 202 muI 4 10S 1 5 2J 21 E Fator 9 liacchus Little Dear Gen ISyng 081 OS Tijuana 34 11G fast 41 112 5 9 5i 2 E Fato 12 View Cannouball Obstinate 08041 Tijuana ImTOy 134 hvy 8 1C8 7 4 49f 4 4 E Fato 10 NKIteal PlStecl Tawasentha 07951 Tijuana 34 l17hvy 9f 107 3 3 21 21 E Fato 9 JackLcdi HansTopaz Yonltet 07914 Tijuana 34 l3Gmud 44 112 1 5 51 G E Fato S Delhimar JuslKight Pretender 07701 Tijuana 1 l43fast 13 112 3 6 6ISf 41 4Ti E Fato 10 Fircwortli Starlike San Iledron 07G17 Tijuana 5i f l09fast ISf 112 8 10 8J G5i E Fato 11 Midian Cancion Delancey DOVESROOST ch g 4 103 By Maintcnant Dovecote by Eiasston EiasstonTrainer Trainer F R Irwin Owner G Mackey Breeder G D Widener 08381 Tijuana 1 l43fast 3 103 7 2 2J 3 J Sington 8 Nizam Goldllryan SGentleman 08279 Tijuana 34 l16sslow G 107 8 4 2SJ 1 J SIngtonlO Caamano Cannonball Norain 081 15 Tijuana 34 119 mud 11 107 4 5 S 5T1 J SingtonlO ClovcrJimia Plunger AuUevoif 07853 Tijuana Di f 103 mud 415 92 7 7 7S 715 H Howard 8 HnriyD Incognance Jolm Jr 7770 Tijuana 55 f l07 fast 221 107 7 10 105 1011 O Studer IMCOUIIMIICP HontGgc TubbyA TubbyAGG305 GG305 Empire Ab 34 l10r fast CO 111 9 15 13 I5 = C Studer 10 Nightbt TaLing UrtLights UrtLightsCG208 CG208 Empire Ab 34 109 fast GO 103J 5 10 10s 9tl C Studer 13 Arrow ofGold HistVicw Daydue 05518 Aqueduct 1133 fast 31 110 3 6 10 10JJ C Studer 10 Jnijanus Esquire Nolimc NolimcC528G C528G Aqueduct GJ f l21Jy l21Jyfast fast CO 102J11 13 12l 1315 C Studer 13 SiCourt TaLing Clgli Jordan 05225 AmMallocyG4514 Aqueduct G f l19Ttfaat CO 101 7 9 9l 10 C Studer 10 Gladtor WlIMlier AmMallocy G4514 Saratoga 34 113 hvy 60 106 6 8 S S C Studer 10 French Furze SeaMint Roulette RouletteSOUTHERN SOUTHERN KingstonTrainer GENTLEMAN b h 6 113 By TJltimua Tsarina by Kingston Trainer A W Kraft Owner J McGinn Breeders J O G H lieene lieeneG8381 G8381 Tijuana 1 l fast 9 113 2 3 3 = 4s H S Jones S Nizam Gold ISryan Dovesroost DovesroostC83G1 C83G1 Tijuana 31 lllsfast 36 11510 7 4J 55S H S Jonesl2 Amkastiin SheibyVle Mf lower lower082G1 082G1 Tijuana 5J f l10hvy llf 102 3 1 21 7 H Milrick 0 EmWilliams Kimono Tklxdl 08213 Tijuana 4J f 57hvy 43 103 554 4J M Milrick 7 IlazclDale JoeTag UlackPrinco UlackPrincoG8222 G8222 Tijuana 51 f lllmud iO 108 3 3 2 21 M MilricklS Raisy Midian Itaffcrty 08171 Tijuana 31 llShvy 21 112 3 Z SJ S i M Mllrick 12 Philander SIIedron Lewis P 08125 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 3t 113 3 1 1J 1i E Donahuel2 JCampbell HtersPoint Review 08021 FicklcFancy0799G Tijuana 34119 mud 80 110 3 3 4J 3 3 M Milrick 8 DnnJose JacULedi FicklcFancy 0799G Tijuana CJ f laiTimud 21f 110 G 7 7s G M MUricklt Ciunzol TlieVcngce CharSmti 07933 Tijuana 58 101 hvy SSf 113 10 10 103 10 H S Jonesll FMIIope Philanderer Fullll 3 3G770t G770t Tijuana 12 4Slifaat 49 108 S 8 S S J Shaffer S Hazel Dale Joe Tag Joe Llair LlairBELLE BELLE CayngaTraicer FLOWER b m 5 111 By Meelicli Apple Bloom by Caynga Traicer V Ilafley Oxvaor W Hafley Breeder G L lilackfcrd lilackfcrdOK137 OK137 Tijuana ImTOy l43fast Of 106 S G 9 91 F SerembalS NebrLad HICndder WisoJudge 08314 Tijuana 5i i lOSl fast 107 111 5 7 GJ G S F Serembal2 Noi field Nizam Merry Iass 08241 Tijuana 5S 105 ihvy 19 165 7 C 4i 4si F Seremba S Midian Car Fickle Fancy 08144 Tijuana 34 119 mud 185f 105 2 2 1i 1 F Sercmba 9 Glad News Jsessit Young Jazz 07870 Tijuana 5S l03mud 32f 107 9 9 6i G l F Scrcmball TomRoacIi Squash Plantagenet Plantagenet07G72 07G72 Tijuana 58 102 fast 40f 107 10 9 10J 9 3 F Serembalt Fondilope NebrabkaLad Nizam NizamG5257 G5257 Hastings 1 11G l52 igood 31 107 2 G ISroadft 8 SenDonlaa Samllill RIIargan 05220 Hstings Ab 5S l00 slow 35 10S 3J F SercmbalO Vall ady Hookworni TvcHells 04810 Bghouse Ci f lOS ifast 10 112 SJ W Garganll AVotheWisp MHilily Review ReviewG42G2 G42G2 Hastings Ab 5S 53fast 43 113 10 C WtesidelO Col Snider EycUright Cascade CascadeCANVASBACK CANVASBACK ch g G 113 By Greenback Coronia by Voter VoterTrainer Trainer H C Porter Owner E Winters Bred by estate of 0 Lewisehn 08399 Tijuana 34 l14iiast T 115 5 G 5 551 J Maibcn 13 Mistake JoeCampbell PkTenny 08270 Tijuana 31 l16 slow 9 112 9 S 7 = k 51 E Dugan 10 Caamauo Dovesroost Cannonball 08101 Tijuana 34116 fast 13f 112 5 9 Cl 4 M Srghterl2 Plow Steel ISalfour Thrills 08021 Tijuana 34119 mud 32 110 8 7 7 = 1 6 M Slghter S DonJose JackLedi FickkFaccy 07801 Tijuana 34 IrlS mua 41 103 4 5 2i 2 M Slghterll VledColln MnFluke EWeller TheVjrcanceG73S7 07787 Tijuana 1 142 fast 24 10G 10 9 S1 712 F Peremba12 Hkamore Plger TheVjrcance G73S7 Tijuana 1 143 fast Sir 103 11 D 91 914 M Milrickll llaisy Ollie Wood Argento 07 07185 185 Tijuana Di f l12nvy S9f 104 555 653 H Long 9 II Rudder VeraRita MDunbar GC915 Tijuana 34 l16mud 3if 11G 10 S Sl S C Douglasll Kimono Chkliarkley LOrphaa METEOR b K By Flammarion Maraita by Peep oDay Trainer J Edwards Owner Maple Leaf Stable Breeder V K Hits 08435 Tijuana ImTOy 70y 147 fast fastG8181 50 110 4 3 3 2J D Powell 12 Italfour Hopover Cobrita Cobrita70y G8181 Tijuana ImTOy 70y 151 hvy 22 105 2 5 G5 4 F Cantrell 7 HpssieYng IMunscr GfnByns 08103 Tijuana 34 1K fast fast0792G 5f 107 1070792G 11 12 12 llJ W Martin 12 View Plurality Cannonball 0792G Tijuana 34 llSjhvy 14 108 4 8 751 73 E Petzoldtll ChoirMastor Jackl di lialfonr 07517 Tijuana 1 13 156 l5Gsfast jfast 11 105 3 2 21 3 AV Pool 8 IAVHarper AiVtici Tn Arbor 07245 Tliuana 34 l1114fast 217 103 103CG034 5 6 Ci 6 F Cantrell 7 Alleden Alazon Proclamation Proclamationi CG034 Tijuana 5i i f 111 hvy 50 107 107G5285 10 10 10 9 F Cantrell 10 OllicWcol VeniRSta Al Portci G5285 Hstlngs Ab 58 597jfast G 109 rl D Powell 10 CdcWcaver Ar Valley Minstrel 1 170y 05081 Hastings ImTOy 70y l5Himud 14 102 102G5034 G G Eroadft 7 Lola Mont Itelle R llarrigan j G5034 BEhouse 51 1 f lOS igood 26 105 41 G Bdfoot 9 Overstep Terncttc Olympiad MISS FRAULAND ch f 4 By Malamont Sister Baby by Lord Esterling Trainer B J Sheldon Owner Nebraska Stable Breeder A Brown 08399 Tijuana 34 l14fast 23f 305 10 9 91 9 i U Flynn 13 Mistake JoeCampbell PkTenny I 08339 Tijuana 58 102 fast 2Gf 301 30 9 7 7 1 F Watrousl2 Tabloid Jack Pot Coombs 08148 Tijuana 1 l4Tmud 166 IDS 4 5 G 6 = D Hurn G Pueblo Olympiad Jack Lodi 08124 Tijuana 5S l02 fast 25r 101 S 9 71 711 F Stevens 11 RabeRuth GalIerry TDimcan 07911 Tijuana 34 llG = iinud 110 105 3 6 S S15 P Hurn S Delhimar JustRight Pretender 07598 Tijuana ImTOy 143 fast S9f 105 4 8 8 Sc H Long 8 TomCraven Firewth Cafeteria 07573 Tijuana 51 f 103 fast 7f 105 7 9 91 S H Long 12 Gen Czar Midian Review G7297 Tijuana Ci f 103 fast 07 107 4 7 G G J E Fator 7 11 Rudder O Wood II Major

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923022701/drf1923022701_10_1
Local Identifier: drf1923022701_10_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800