Daily Racing Form Handicaps, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-27

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MIL Y RA CING FORM HANDICAPS JEFFERSON PARK The horses which seem best in Tuesdays races arc arcJefferson Jefferson Park Xcw Orleans La Feb ¬ ruary 26 1523 1 Royal Crown Reformer Blue Bird 2 Sandalwood Marimba Emden 3 MONASTERY Wolfs Cry Golden Floss 4 Amole Shamrock Chiva Hermis Kemble Normal Vitamin 6 Loveliness Secretary Serbian SerbianJ J L Dempsey DempseyJferr Jferr Yorlc Ilaiidlcnp 1 Reformer Little Ann Bonfire Royal RoyalCrown Crown 2 Flibbertygibbet Sandalwood Lura Jack JackFairman Fairman 3 WOLFS CRY Monastery Canyon Golden GoldenFloss Floss 4 Shamrock Vennie Amole Chiva 5 Normal Neddam Vitamin Tulalip 6 Tulsa Serbian Buxom Loveliness LovelinessChicago Chicago and BnJTalo Handicap 1 Blue Bird Reformer Bonfire Dont Bother Me 2 Fusee Sandalwood Jack Fairman Diana 3 Wolfs Cry Monastery Mavourneen Golden Floss 4 SHAMROCK Vennie Chiva All Ameri ¬ can 5 Duke John Neddam Vitamin Normal NormalG G Buxom Exhorter Grace Daughterly Sec ¬ retary retaryObservers Observers Handicap 1 Reformer Dont Bother Me Blue Bird Lucidus 2 Diana Herald Jack Fairman Emden 3 Monastery Wolfs Cry Mavourneen Fernandos 4 SHAMROCK Chiva Vennie All Ameri ¬ can 5 Normal Duke John Neddam Vitamin VitaminC C Exhorter Secretary Serbian Buxom BuxomConsensus Consensus of Handicap 1 Reformer Royal Crown Blue Bird Bon ¬ fire 2 Sandalwood Flibbertygibbet Fusee Di ¬ ana 2 Monastery Wolfs Cry Golden Floss Mavourneen 4 SHAMROCK Amole Vennie Chiva 5 Normal Hermis Kemble Duke John Ned dam damC C Loveliness Tulsa Buxom Exhorter HAVANA The horses which seem best in Tuesdays races are Oriental Park Havana Cuba February 2C 1923 1 McMurphy Navisco Sporting Chance 2 Twenty Seven Bloomington Lost Fortune 3 Humpy Dinty Moore Two Eyes 4 Port Light Darnley Advance 5 Quanah Johnny OConnell Molly Puff 6 WAR IDOL Short Change Bounce 7 Col Chile Mallowmot Cromwell CromwellJ J K Lynch LynchjVewYorlc jVewYorlc Handicap 1 Caimito Jack Healey Navisco McMur McMurPhy Phy 2 Twenty Seven Sovereign II Walter WalterWhitaker Whitaker Juanita III 3 Humpy Good Enough Two Eyes Mab 4 KORAN Get Em Acosta Far East 5 Alameda Girl Quanah Johnny OConnell OConnellYankee Yankee Boy G War Idol Lady Rachel Indian Chant ChantPretty Pretty Baby 7 Isosceles Col Chile Salvo Wild Cat CatChicago Chicago and Buffalo Handicap 1 Caimito Navisco Mugivan Bridgette 2 Twenty Seven Minnie Mack Scintillate ScintillateCarruthers Carruthers 3 Forewarn Who Can Tell Pittsburg Smite 4 Koran Port Light Tony Sue Get Em 5 QUANAH Molly Puff Alameda Girl GirlJohnny Johnny OConnell G Bounce Lady Rachel Pretty Baby Short ShortChange Change 7 Salvo Isosceles Col Chile The Roll Call CallObservers Observers Handicap 1 McMurphy Mugivan Sporting Chance ChanceLittle Little Niece 2 TWENTY SEVEN Bloomington Juanita JuanitaIII III Minnie Mack 3 Humpy Good Enough Mab Forewarn 4 Koran Port Light Get Em Advance 5 Alameda Girl Quanah Johnny OConnell OConnellMolly Molly Puff G Lt Wm J Murray War Idol Indian IndianChant Chant Bounce 7 Cromwell Salvo Isosceles Col Chile ChileConsensus Consensus of Handicaps 1 McMurphy Caimito Navisco Mugivan 2 TWENTY SEVEN Bloomington Minnie MinnieMack Mack Juanita III 3 Humpy Forewarn Good Enough Two TwoEyes Eyes 4 Koran Port Light Get Em Advance 5 Quanah Alameda Girl Johnny OConnell OConnellMolly Molly Puff G War Idol Bounce Lt Wm J Murray MurrayLady Lady Rachel 7 Col Chile Isosceles Salvo Cromwell TIJUANA The horses which seem best in Tuesday Tijuana 3Icx February 2C 1923 1 J W Marchbank entry Allen Wilker son entry San Dimas 2 Rosco Goose Dode Adams Jack Pot 3 CEDRIC Virginus King of the Spa 4 Dovesroost Southern entleman Plu ¬ rality 5 Orleans Girl Piedra Gold Bryan 6 Motor Cop Joclla J Jack Bauer 7 Colonel Matt Nonsuit Harry Rudder RudderS S Black Betty Philanderer Blossom House G W Schilling SchillingXevr Xevr York Handicap HandicapT T Miss Leggo Snooksic Bradley Stargo A ALester Lester 2 Carl Roberts Jack Pot Bonnebelle Dode DodeAdams Adams 3 Virginius Cedric Knight Templar Occi Occidenta denta dentaT T Dovesroost Plurality Southern Gentle ¬ man Ganvasback 5 Black Thong Reydo Gold Bryan Orleans OrleansGirl Girl G MOTOR COP Lucky Button Jack Bauer BauerJoella Joella J 7 Jack Iedi Colonel Matt Nonsuit Doublo DoubloEye Eye 8 Frank Fogarty Philanderer Summer SummerSigh Sigh Blossom House HouseCliicaso Cliicaso and Buffalo Handicap 1 Setlis AkSarBen Snooksie Bradley Al AlHotfoot Hotfoot Miss Leggo 2 Dcde Adams Jack Pot Annettes Sister SisterRoscoe Roscoe Goose 3 Cedric King of the Spa Plutrel Occiden Occidenta ta 4 Plurality Dovesroost Southern Gentle ¬ man Belle Flower Reydo Orleans Girl Black Thong Piedra G MOTOR COP Joella J Jack Bauer Lucky LuckyButton Button 7 Colonel Matt Harry Rudder Shelbyville ShelbyvilleNonsuit Nonsuit S Frank BettySummer Fogarty Philanderer Black Betty Summer Sigh SighObservers Observers Handicap 1 Snooksie Bradley Seths AkSarBen Miss MissLeggo Leggo Rock Heather 2 Roscoe Gocse Dode Adams L Gentry GentryBonnebelle Bonnebelle 3 Cedric Knight Templar King of the Spa SpaScraps j Scraps 4 Southern Gentleman Canvasback Plural ¬ ity Dovesroost 5 Gold Bryan Reydo Orleans Girl Black BlackThong Thong G MOTOR COP Joclla J Polly Wale Due Duede de Guise 7 Colonel Matt Shelbyville Nonsuit Yukon 8 Summer Sigh Frank Fogarty Philanderer PhilandererBlack Black Betty 1 Snooksie Bradley Miss Leggo Setlis Ak SarBen Stargo 2 Roscoe Goose Carl Roberts Dode Adams Jack Pot 3 Cedric Virginius King of the Spa Knight Templar 4 Dovesroost Plurality Southern Gentle ¬ man Canvasback 5 Orleans Girl Black Thong Reydo Gold Bryan BryanG G MOTOR COP Joella J Jack Bauer Lucky Button 7 Colonel Matt Jack Ledi Nonsuit Harry Rudder RudderS S Frank Gogarty Black Betty Summer Sigh Philanderer

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923022701/drf1923022701_2_3
Local Identifier: drf1923022701_2_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800