Latest Work-Outs, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-27

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LATEST WORKOUTS 197 NEW ORLEANS La February 26 To ¬ days training gallops here included the fol ¬ lowing FAIU G HOUNDS Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 19TA1 Paige 30 193Mcchanic 195Anonymous 7Vf 193Ilagazsa 192Black Hackle 385 194Bapid Stride 193Domination 190The Wit 36 36138Troilus 188Last Girl 138Troilus 33 192LKf fare 37 Half Milo 19iAIex II fl 193Pr of Umbria 54 54193Buxom 54s = s 193Buxom 53 lS9ltjmkin 48 48194Dont 194Dont Bher Me51 l 2Scottish Chief 51 51191G 191G Daugherty 54 ISSSerhian 32 32ISOHerald ISOHerald r3 191Scrvice Star 5 5187Illena 187Illena rO 191Sunny Girl CO CO193Marine 193Marine Corps TiO TiOj j 187Supcrbum 51 51IDlModna IDlModna 49 192Tip Witchet 50i 50i192NyIorae 192NyIorae 43r 43rFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile191BiIly 191BiIly Bern l0 Ub 191Jupiter 105 105187Chaplct 187Chaplct l02 i 177Miss Claire l05Vs l05Vs195High 195High Gear 101 191 Prince Welles 07 1s 1s190Juno 190Juno 103 19JSaudalwood 103 ThreeQuarters Mile 194Bennont 120 195Last Brush 118 118193Bess 193Bess L l17a lS7Mildred Iluthl17 Iluthl17193Gath 193Gath 119 195Minute Man 117 117Gipsy Gipsy Light 121 192Piralo MeGeel19 190Hadrian 117 117193Johu 190 Heel Foot 193Johu Q KellyllS 193 Ticklish SevenEighths Mils MilsKekab Kekab 139 139One One Mile 12C Arbitrator 147 195Fannie Bean 145 19 Beach Beautyl44 187Plantarede 19t515ridesmai 143 18SS Light III 144 19Jliike John 148 ISOWads Last 147 192Kxecutiou 144 J12FPE11SON PAIIK PAIIKWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Mile187Bessie 187Bessie Wright36 193Forty Two 30 30194CoI 194CoI Taylor 38 193Kehoma 37 37191Dantzic 191Dantzic 36 194Lampus 38 38194Kmden 194Kmden 39 182SevveIl Combs 41 41194Eulalia 194Eulalia 33 191T Franciscan 38 195Flibbergibbet 39 191White Boots 39 Half Mile MileI9GAttorncy I9GAttorncy Muir52 194Nan McKinney49 195Better Times 52 JOOPlum Blossom 50 50150Bonfire 150Bonfire 49 194Secretary 59 59191Exhortcr 5175193Jack 191Exhortcr 52 189Wrangler 5175 193Jack Fuiruiau50 Fuiruiau50FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile195Athlete 195Athlete 105 192Ri former 109 109195Ork 195Ork o Gold 103 191Tingliug l02o 195Jago l02o195Jago 104 104ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Mile193BooneviIle 193BooneviIle 123 190Loag Grass 120 192Uumbfouuder 121 194Major Chiltonl15 192Full o Fun 119 19oNeapolitan 123 1G1IC Carpenter 118 193Sagamore 117 Le Gaulois 117 117SevenEighths SevenEighths Milo 194Bfrom Homel33 188Futen 133 194Amanda 143 194Jieobenn 14G 14G192Bces 192Bces Wing 149 18t5OId Chap 147 147irJBravo irJBravo 144187Double 14S 193Stevenson 144 187Double CrossI48 187Vitamin 143 143193Ettahe 193Ettahe 140 193Warlike 144 144Dantzic Dantzic showed speed Major Chilton did his work welL Sagamore was under restraint Vitamin is fit and good Ramkin showed good speed High Gear seems at his best Hadrian did his work easily Bridesman was not fully extended

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Local Identifier: drf1923022701_12_3
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