Havana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-27


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Tho figures under the heading Rcc in tho entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1920 no matter where it finished In cases whcro record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track conditions Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 157 Superior muil runner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maideus Apprentice allowance b Blinkers First Race 5 12 Furlongs Purse 500 3yearoldn and upward Claiming Track record Jan 21 1917 10314 5 102 102Todays Todays TodaysAWtlIan AWtlIan Caimifo 107 108 4 112 725 Navisco 110 107 4 107X720 bMugivan 109 107 G 115X715 Itridgctte 95 108 J 107 710 little Niece 10S l07Hi G 110 710 bMcMurpliy 110 lOSii 12 115 710 Sporting Chance 108 109 C 115X710 bPnrol 112 lOS = fi 6 115X70 Jack llealcy 115 103 7 115X705 bTom Caro 108 103 10 115X700 115X700G Craincrow M 11 109 G 115 700 bTimothy J Uogan103 l S 5 115 700 Second Race 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsPUIFC PUIFC 50J 3ycarolds and upward Claiming Track record Jan 21 1917 105 5 102 683521 Twenty Seven 111 107 9 12G 2Gj725 G5G3S Minnie Mack 10i Jl07 4 C 121 21 720 720r 68032 Scintillate 10i 109 r 121 121CC071 21 715 CC071 Carrutliors 109 10J 4 122X 22X715 68377 Kloomington 112109 5 12ix 2iX7I5 6G981 Walter Whitakcr 8 I2C715 6S2101 bJtianita III 5 125X710 68210 = Sovereign II I14J1OS 10 20 710 71011G 68037 bCousin o Mine 11G 109 S 2li 705 C8294 lbin Rote M 111 110 12 2 700 68291 Bob Giles 115 109 9 20 700 Lost Fortune 120 110 12 126X7CO Third Race 5 5Purse 12 Furlongs Purse 500 3yearolds 3yearoldsTrack and upxvard Claiming Track record Jan 24 1917 105 5 102 683921 Forewarn M 109 107 3 102 25 68333 Wlio Can Tell 4 107 20 68333 PittsBurg 114 107 6 115 15 68291 Smite 101 105 6 115 15 68291 Two Kyes 7 107 5 IIOX15 6S3731 Humpy 109 108 5 115X15 68373 Mab 100 107 8 110X710 G5S33 Tail II 104 108 8 115X705 68373 Country Girl M1IO 100 8 110 700 1 68373 = bGood Knongh 110 108 7 115 700 70067SG3 67SG3 bFlying Orb 101 109 G 115X700 68333 = Diuty Moore 114 108 6 115X700 115X700Fourth Fourth Race 34 Mile j Purse 000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Jan 8 1920 111 G 102 65233 99i725CS429 = Koran 101 112 S 99i725 10707206S353 CS429 bPort Light 112 113 10 1070720 6S353 Tony Sue 108 113 4 101 715 68371 107x715G3357J et Km 108 lii 5 107x715 G3357J Acosta 101 113 4 109x715 68413 bAdvance 115 111 5 109 710 7106841SSJbColossus 6841SSJbColossus 104 114 4 101x710 61428 UFar Hast 115 113 C 10DX710 67823 Titania 109113 6104 705 68414 Black Top 105 112 5 100x705 100x70567421s 67421s iEHiator 100 111 6 114 y 705 7056S2123 6S2123 bUarnley 108 113 7 109 700 700Fifth Fifth Race 1 Mile and 50 Yards YardsPurse Purse ClaimingTrack GOO 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record March 6 191S 1 ll 5 117 68311 QLAXAII 98 145 4 107 725 63393 bMolly Puff 97 145 4 102 715 7156E179 6E179 AInnuil1 Girl 4 1040715 65393 = Johnny OConnell 100 144 6 120x705 68417 bPattl Mountain 111 140 6 11 OX705 63377 Yankee Boy M 105 116 5 109 700 700Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile and 50 Yards YardsPurse Purse COO 4ycarods and upward Claiming Track record March G 1918 141 5 117 68431 Itonnco 103 144 4 10 5x725 68215 bUidy Rachel J 144 7 105x720 Ci 105x720Ci 39S blretty Baby 105 143 8 105x715 65417 = Short Change 105 145 G 110X715 110X715G8S92 G8S92 bWnr Idol 7 110x715 110x715GS214 GS214 Miss Dixie IOC 140 5 108x710 68357 Ostelle 4101 710 GE33G 710GE33G = Mrs Cnindy 103 146 4 103x710 103x710C8377 C8377 blKdiaii Chant 110 145 10 113x710 113x710GSaoe GSaoe Lt Win J MurrayllO 1 5 113x705 113x705CS4173 CS4173 Kcrrctta 102 145 5 108 700 700GE41G GE41G Guardsman 107 115 S 117 700 Seventh Race 1 Mile Purse 700 3vearolds nd upward Truck record Dec G GCS275 1922 1 tS CS275 Salvo 68272 = Isosceles M C8429bCol Chile 68311s The Roll Call 105 13S OS234 bCromwell 110 138 CS311 Herroii 105 138 C8310 Wild Cut 91 13 68432s Hainan I9 139 62432 Mallowmot 97 139 C8415 Winuipoj 100 140 63418 Valiuoud 100 112

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923022701/drf1923022701_6_2
Local Identifier: drf1923022701_6_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800