Jefferson Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-27


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Jefferson Park Form Chart NEW ORLEANS LA MONDAY FEBRUARY 26 1923 Jefferson Park 1 mile Eleventh day Jef ¬ ferson Parish Fair Association Spring Meeting of 2S days Weather cloudy temperainro 08 Stewards T A Mnrpliy II P Conkling and J B Campbell Judges J McLennan J R Rccder nnil J II Campbell Starter W Rnyilor Racing Secretary J B Campbell Racing starts at 1115 p in Chicago time 215 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 3 12 Furlongs Feb 21 1320 42 2 114 Purse 703 2yearolds Claiming Net valuo to winner 25 second 115 third 60 Index Horses AAVtPPSt U 14 si Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 5 AUNT JANK T Brooke W J Daniel 2 3 3 C5 12 A J BUJA I Morris K K Bryson 10 12 13 5 21 212i = LEE ADRIN ADRINROMAN A Abel W H Fizcr 2i 3 13545 25 ROMAN GIRL GIRLHOMER II ThurbcrB J Brannon 15 15 15 C 3 HOMER HOMERCASTING F Smith J II Tcvi3 10 15 15 6 3 CASTING LOVE H Thomas A Morgan 15 15 15 G 3 BONNIE JACK G Mein C Phillips 23 20 20 8 4 2 JIM SANDA P MurphyJ I Holland SI 4 2 45 13 INK J Owens AV Perkins 15 20 20 8 4 I GOLDMARK GOLDMARKOU1DA K Martz G Peterson 30 60 50 20 8 OU1DA R MthcwsG L Blackford 30 30 30 10 5 Winner B f by Polymelian Seemly by Torpoint trained by O K Tons bred by nimyar Stnd StndWent Went to post at 1217 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the Kame AUNT JANE kept in the best going for the entire race moved up with a rush in the last eighth and outlicishcd A J BUJA The latter set a good pace from the start and made a game finish LEE ADRIN was forced to come through the deepest going in the stretch and began tiring in the last six ¬ teenth ROMAN Gllir finished fast JIM SAMA was caught iu a jim at the start startScratched Scratched GS34GMidnight Follies 117 CS3SG Patsy Howe 117 C834G Bessie Hope 106 CS2C5 Nettie May 101 GS M Domination 110 110Overweights Overweights A J Buja pounds 6GAA SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs Dec 1C 1919 10514 4 112 700 Added 4year OdfcdtO olds and upward Claiming Not value to winner 525 setaad 13075 third 7050 AWtPPSt K i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II G P 782S5 GOLDEN FLOSS wn 7 113 5 1 1J 1s 1 Il B Harvey W M Cain S5 35 G5 25 16 1608I32CAMOUFfAGE 08I32CAMOUFfAGE WB 7 113 74 4 4s 2s 2 I Morris G C Winfrey 2 2i 2J 4513 GS387MAVURNEEN wu 5 106 33 3 31 4T 33 R Doyle S N Holman 688305 C82GO W OF COROMAN w 5 113 2 2 2s 2 3 4 R RomclliW Carter 405 85 45 8325 ZONE DARMEE WB G 113 6 6 5 5 5 5 A Abel Southland StablelS 20 20 8 4 07879 FIRE CRACKER w 6 116 4 7 7 6 = C1 G E T MoorcD F Bryan 10 15 12 5 2 2GS225 GS225 MANNA WB 4 111 1 5 G 7 7 7 F Smith J Farley 20 20 20 8 4 4Time Time 24 49Vs 102 103 Track muddy muddyWinner Winner B g by Golden Maxim Floss S by Handspring trained by J B Partridge bred by Mr J C Ellis EllisWent Went to post at 230 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing GOLDEN FLOSS helped by the going and showing high speed raced into a loug lead in the first quarter hut had to be ridden hard for a time in the stretch to outstay the fustcoming CAMOUFLAGE The latter began slowly but gained steadily and was going fastest at the end MAVOURNEEN ran a good race and made a game finish WILLIAM OF COROTOMAN tired badly after going a good half mile The others were far back for the cntic race raceScratched Scratched GSllS Ogarite 10S 08132 Rolo 103 GS025 Reliability 105 GS327 Orlova 104 OG794 Assume 113 0X587 Quality 9S OSlllJoseph Brant 111 CS40SGuvnor 113 GSUMSpugs 110 G7S57 Delhi Maid 107 GS3S7 Simplicity 103 6S4 A A THIED RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Dec 4 1922 143 3 102 703 Added OTiC jCTT 3ycarolds Claiming Net value to winner 525 second 13075 third 7050 Index Horses AWtPPSt1 M = 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S CSXSl AL STEBLER v 113 2 1 4l 3 1 1 I1 E Martz G Peterson 25 3 1351 23 23G8J313RUPEIO G8J313RUPEIO v 108 a 3 3 2 2 24 2 F MurphyJ L Holland 3 4 13CG5 35 08400 GLABELLA v 100 4 4 21 41 41 3s 3s J ChalmersG AV Butler 3 41 4 75 35 08351 YORICK v 103 75 5 5J 5s 4 4i J Wallace J Randolph 10 15 12 5 2J 08216NUYAKA v 104 3 2 1 I1 31 5s 5 B Harvey G W Foreman 21 1C53 1 12 08331 BUDDUGIE WB 101 6777 7 G GJ A Abel J Arthur 30 30 30 10 5 5G7861iIINNIE G7861iIINNIE B w 100 l 6 6 CJ G1 7 7 W Fronk J S Barbeo 10 10 10 4 S5 S5Time Time 24 50 117 144 149 Track muddy muddyWinner Winner B g by Golden Maxim Lily Mac by Plaudit trained by G Peterson bred by Mr Thomas M Murphy MurphyWont Wont to post at 302 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing AL STEILER showing improvement because of the going was close up from the start and racing into the lead in the stretch held UUPEK safe in the final drive RUPEE ran a good race and was run ¬ ning gamely at the end GLARELLA raced well and had no mishaps but began tiring in the last eighth Y01UCK tired in the stretch NUYAKA set the early pace but quit after going threequarters MINNIE II was badly outrun outrunScratched Scratched GS331SlanderiT 110 GS40G IIillhouse 105 OS3G71Raliant 103 CS331sKennmare 103 GS407 Evelyn Sawyer 100 G8331 Irish Pat 107 6S407Poor Sport 10S GSlSlRoyal Crown 10G FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Dec 16 1919 105 4 112 EvangoUno Handi cap 1000 Added 3yearolds and upward Not value to winner 700 second 221 third 114 Index Horses AWtPPSt U A Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 08309 = MY REVERIE WD 4 1C3 5 G 5 2i I1 Il F Murphy G Drumheller 2 11535 35 14 07287 SAD AND BOOTS WB 4 107 1 1 1J8329snARRACUDA 2 3 21 2 J McCoy L Licblinjj 20 30 20 S 4 J8329snARRACUDA WB 4 104 3 2 11 11 3 3 R RomelliS N Holman 10 12 12 4 85 08204 BLUE NOSE w 3 102 4 4 41 5 5 4s A Abel I lle Hour S F 21 13511571013 08329 = ELMER 1C w G 114 G 63 3 3083G9 3l 4 41 5 J ChalmcrsT H Bcrnhart 233125 233125083G9 083G9 TRANSLATE WB 7 119 2 5 6 G G G J Owens W Perkins G 10 10 3 75 75Time Time 24 49 102 108 Track muddy muddyWinner Winner Br f by Ultimus Itcfler by Sir Dison trained by D Cannon bred by Mr Brownell Combs CombsWent Went to post at 329 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing MY REVERIE favored by the going began slowly and had to race around the others but moved up steadily and taking the lead in the stretch won going away SADDLE AND BOOTS showed speed and racing forwardly from the start finished gamely but tiring BARRACUDA set a fast pace but tired in the stretch BLUE NOSE was far back for most of the race ELMER 1C dropped back after Scratched 08321 = Wolfs Cry 113 08080 TONY BEAU w 5 111 3 2 2i 2 1 1 1 H ThoinasJ F Hynes 7 S 41 3545 08270 = T McTAGGART wn 9 111 164 34 2s 25 2 A Abel AV D Bernhardt 8531 1651 25 08390SCOURGEMAN w S 10S 5 4 5 41 4J 4s 3 G Mein T II Tevis 4 7 7 21 1 08350 TAN SON WR 5 lid 631 14 3 31 4 ° B Harvey AV M Cain 8585751215 08350 UNCLE AELO w 5 110 216 6 5J 5 5l R Doyle R McGarvey 888365 888365G8370SQUESADA G8370SQUESADA w 4 107 4 5 3 5 6 6 6 J AVallace R A Leigh 8 10 8 3 G5 G5Time Time 25 50 117 143 151 Track muddy muddyWinner Winner Ch g by Tony Bouero Glenwaltz by Guarantee trained by J F Uynes bred by Mr H L Franklin FranklinWent Went to post at 3 3 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AAon handily second and third driv ¬ ing TONY BEAU helped by the going raced forwardly from the start and passing TAN SON in the Jirst threequarters took the lead but had to be ridden out to outstay TOM McTAGGART The latter Ingan slowly and was ridden wide on the turns but moved up rapidly in the stretch only to tire near tne end SCOURGEMAN finished fast after making a slow beginning TAN SOX set the early pace but quit badly after going threequarters threequartersScratched Scratched GS327 = Tlie Peruvian 103 GS22G My Rosie 9S CS390 Doughnut 110 G7039 Ever Bold 103 6Q i A f SIXTH RACE 1 11C Miles March 17 1920 Id5 7 110 Pureo 700 4year QStJb a olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 525 second 115 third GO AWtPPSt U 3 = i StrFiu Jockeys Owners O II C P S 08390 GONDOLIER w 4 1G6J 6 5 S 51 2 = 11 Il E Martz J C Parsley 5 S S0828JTODY 0828JTODY w 5 105 7 4 21 3l 31 2 2 B HarveyII L Cnxin G 7 7 4 Va VaC82G9 C82G9 WYLIE WB 4 105 9 7 7i 4 GS 4l 31 H ThomasR McKeever 15 15 12 5 21 21i8072JBALLOTCAn i8072JBALLOTCAn w 5 107 1 2 61 G1 5 5 4 W Fronk H W Barnes G 8 7 21 75 75C837 C837 POUU BIRTHDAY WB G 111 2 1 I1 I1 I1 3 f J Owens E J Salt 3 3 1356535 08208 DEVONITK wn 4 107 833 71 7 C Gi J Majestic J Bishop 6 7 6 21 63 6308X70 08X70 HELLO PARDNER w G 110 4 3 5 S S Tl R Doyle S Jona 3 Ci 1GGS5 35 jai27KlRKLEVGTON WB 5 107 5 G 41 2 4 71 Si A Abel G R Allen S 12 12 5 2 2OGU31 OGU31 CUT UP w 5 103 3 S S 9 9 9 9 J Wallace M GooUpaster 10 12 12 5 21 21Time Time 24 50 117 144 151 Track muddy muddyWinner Winner B e by Alvescot Rosalie by Uiscau or Sempronius trained by J G Wagnon bred by Mr Eduard F Simms SimmsWent Went to post at 418 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing GONDOUEIJ given a guoii riile raced prominently from the start and taking the load in the Ktrttch won going away TODY ran a good race and finished well WYLIE olosed a gap in the stretch BALLOTCAR CMIUC from far back iu Hie last quarter DEVON ITU finished fast OUR BIRTHDAY set a good pjue but was raced into exhaustion in the first threequarters HELLO PARDNER was far back all the WHJ WHJScratched Scratched OS22SMay Bodine 109 CS270 Repealer 107 107Overweights Overweights Gondolier 1 pounds

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Local Identifier: drf1923022701_3_1
Library of Congress Record: