Leading American Jockeys, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-27


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LEADING AMERICAN JOCKEYS F Stevens tenaciously holds on to his proud position at the head of the American jockey list He rode four winners last week thereby gaining a lead of three winning mounts over T Burns and E Petzoldt who are tied for second place G Mein had the high score last week with six victories to his credit W Martin A Abel and A Claver also did well each piloting four winners The standing of the thirty leaders from Jan ¬ uary 1 to and including the racing of Satur ¬ day follows Jockey Mts 1st 3d Unp PCLW Stoena F 201 35 32 101 17 4 Burns T 129 32 Pctroldt K 222 32 3217G Mein G 17G 29 Pool W 142 29 Brothers If 119 23 10 51 Corcoran J 177 27 21 110 Still ts U 170 20 201S2 27 92 Long H 1S2 25 23 120 Balls C 172 24 31 89 Pool H 105 20 14 54 Smallwood H 125 19 15 72 Thompson C 99 19 12 58 McUennott U UHum 147 18 25 82 Hum D 100 IS 12 54 Jnxw P 122 17 12 77 Molters H 119 10 14 80 Pickens A 74 10 14 23 Martin W 121 16 10 74 Ilaivey B 107 15 12 70 Owe us J 135 15 14 93 Abel A 97 15 8 02 Olick II 98 14 13 62 Morris L 51 14 8 20 Williams G r 7 13 9 23 I ang C 107 13 15 2 Walls G 02 12 10 30 Claver A 92 12 10 49 Chalmers J 102 11 9 72 Callahan J 47 11 Fator E 92 11 11 00 Bructer J C2 11 C 29 WiUu A SS 11 7 00

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923022701/drf1923022701_12_5
Local Identifier: drf1923022701_12_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800