untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-27


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f Hlf IllviaUll 4 0 Iiriliivril HANDTCAPPFR H IJIl 59 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Look Saturdays Big Cleanup CleanupRAFFLES RAFFLES 41 WON WONPOOR POOR SPORT 31 WON WONKEWPIE KEWPIE ONEIL 75 WON WONMONDAYS MONDAYS OCCASIONAL OCCASIONALMY MY REVERIE 115 WON WONI I am telling you again the CHICAGO HAirDI CAPPER certainly is delivering the GOODS EVERY DAY Get in line and WIN WINTODAY TODAY A 61 LONG SHOT SHOTis is what they promised me Certainly the horse ought to bo Gl as ho has not shown ranch bat I have the 0 K today Never mind his races this is the spot ask your newsdealer for tho thoCHICAGO CHICAGO HANDICAPPER 50 CENTS MAILED Z WEEKS 5 5CHICAGO CHICAGO PUBLISHING CO 333 SOUTH DEARBORN ST CHICAGO ILL WONDERFUL WINNING SYSTEM SYSTEMA A cool conservative method wherein success is assured Can be played at or away from the track with large or small capital It gives a few SELECT PLAYS each week that nearly all win Won big money on a straight flat play Stood the acid test with WONDERFUL SUCCESS for six years This marvelous method stands out like a MAN 0 WAR IT IS FAR SUPERIOR My system gives many longpricod winners winnersPoacher Poacher 2320 Little Ammie 51 51Sempronia Sempronia 71 Hyanpom 3580 3580Norfield Norfield 1680 Vcnnie 41 41Ike Ike Mills 101 Fincastle 51 51Brilliant Brilliant Ray 7280 Dumbfounder 201 201Hundreds Hundreds of testimonials from satisfied clients showing proof of what my system is doing sent you FREE STOP LOSING AND START WINNING RIGHT AWAY Those with honest intentions can get my System on easy terms Small payment down balance as yon win Send your name and address I will send you absolutely FREE OF CHARGE a review of the best known Racin Sys ¬ tem published and facts rejarding Systems that will open your eyes Write at once or call callWATSON WATSON CORNELL 311 WEST 45TH STREET NEW YORK CITY

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923022701/drf1923022701_11_2
Local Identifier: drf1923022701_11_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800