2nd Race [2nd Jefferson Park, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-27

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2nd RACE 117 olds ami up Tard Claiming Dec SI 301O FUSEE ch f 4 105 By Fair Play Ferment by OctB a aTrainer Trainer W A Bnrttschell Owner J R Sldnker Breeder A Bolmont G7984 FGrnds 34 lltfast 3 103 1 6 ° 73J J CorcoranlO Younecd Mahony Rolo 67935 FGrnds 34 113 faM 3 102 3 31 3 = G Mein 11 Mom Sandalwood I carno carnoEti C7730 FGrnds 34 l13fast 3 102 7 Eti 54 J Corcoran 1 Rdbiiity RStride Flibtygt FlibtygtG G7219 Jefferson 34 l15slow 20 109 10 G 61 E Barnes 11 SprgVale SmtGuy Winnecne G68riG Bowie 61 f 122 fast fastIm70y 11 9S 10 109f 41 34i II Shillickl2 Cum Sab Ettahe Kirah CG158 Laurel Im70y l47fast l47fastIm70y 9f 101 8 837f 61 11 S McLane 12 Feignedeal TheWag IidyZeui GG321 Laurel Im70y l463fast 37f 105 9 9S 7 91 E Barnes 11 FySnoezy LitAmniic Antilles 66071 Laurel 34 116 hvy S IOS 9 97f 91 S14 B Barnes 15 Delhi Maid Ira Wilson Kirah G5G49 HdeGco 34 l14fast 7f 109 9 7 61 E Barnes 14 IraWilson JockScot Salt Peter PeterBy I SANDALWOOD ch h 5 112 By Luke KcLuke Duchess Kathleen by John Trainer G Arvin Owner J B Cloher Breeder Keene Schorr G8321 Jefferson 51 f l07fast Si 115 4 91 IO14 G Mein 12 Birdie G Sultan Dumbfoundor GS20S FGrnds 34 l14slow 6 101 6 3l 21 A Abel 11 Terminal MinuttMau Runnyol GS005 FGrnds 34 l134fast 41 113 5 5iO 5s 441 H TburberlO Locarno Black Hackle Aleill Cii935 FGrnds 34 11 fast iO 103 4 4G 21 H Thurbcrll Mom Fusee Ioeirno G7128 Jefferson 31 lISmucl G 113 S G ol II Thurberll FireCracker Hutchison HoraM G7092 Jefferson 34 llCfchvy 20 111 4 91 94 H Thurberl2 Whalebone SewCombs Ettahs GG993 Jefferson 34 11S mud 163 IIS 6 2 21 41 II ThurberlO Mary G Lnra Mahony GG778 DadePrk 34 l16 hvy 35 107 1 1 = 1 H Thurber C TtheMk Marniile CaatCirl DadePrk 34 118 hvy 4J 111 G E1 5 II Thurbcr 8 Serbian Mabel Rule RoyalDick in i L JadePrk 34 l17Amud 2710 f 105 41 5 ° II Thurbeil2 Herald Mabel Rule Tthc Mark MarkBy JACK FAIR1IAN b c By Marts Santa Bettie ODay by Peep oDay Trainer J H Burns Owner S N Holman Breeder G Waits 08225 Jefferson 1 116 l49ifast 115 107 2 21 25 B Harvey 11 Ashland Whitellaven Phclan C81ir FGrnds 1 1S l54fist 31 95 4 1 23 2 = W Fronk 10 Scrgeman War Prize Fornovo FornovoS 08073 FGrnds 1 116 l50fehvy S 101 2 1 23 23i7005 4i W Fronk 12 Ballybcll Buxom Fornovo i7005 FGrnds 31Grnds 1 316 20 fat 10 91 9 3 31 9 W Fronk 10 Iluonec Esloletle 3llenTVtt Grnds 1 1S liESrigood 30 97 5 2 3l 3lb 2i W Tronic 10 Ettaho Gen Cadorna Tulsa b s KGrnds 31 l12fast 30 103 10313 13 14 14 14CG528 14 = 4 R RomelliU RapidDiv Monastery Sngame CG528 Toledo Ab 34 110 fast S 105 2 1 1 1s 1sGGIGl = I3 E Petzoldt 7 TlirEnqrer Magician Am Eagle GGIGl Toledo 5i f l0775fast 13 107 2 1 1 in 21 G Mangan 7 ColMntt VanWelles Mess Kit GG393 Toledo Ab 34 114 hvy 20 105 4 4 4 3s G Mangan 5 Delhimar Lit Less J Hoffman DIANA b m 6 HastingsB 112 112Trainer By McGea Flycatcher by Hastings Trainer B T Branncn Owner B J Braanon Breeder C W llooro llooro1G 68207 FGrnds Im70y 143 good 1G 941 1 G o3 5s J Crcoran 7 Servitor Runtiuoi Episode 67984 FGrnds 34 l141sfast 3 102 7 7 4b 4bG7752 4 = 1 G Mein 10 Younecd Mahony Rulj G7752 FGrnds 34 l12fast 33 99 9 10 12 = IO13 II Shillick 14 RapidDay Monastery Sagama i7G89 FGrnds 34 l12fast 20 105 2 S S1 713 II ThoniaslO HJewel IIonMan TheFciscan 57 5 80 FGrnds 1 116 l4Sfast 7 105 1 1 3J 3JGGG31 3i S14 II Thomas 9 Gem Slippery Elm Tin Wit GGG31 Latonia Im70y l4rifast 11 102 2 214 214GG589 1 4 7J C Rails 12 Gem Dimples Locust Leaves GG589 Latonia Im70y l44fast 6 104 2 2 4 4s F Smith S PlucUltra TdIIonr BelnQun 6G185 Latonia 1 139 fast 4 105 4 5 6 6GG314 64 R Harton G Missletite MarCorps AtBoyll GG314 Latonia Im70y l44fast 1710 10 107 3 1 11 11GG197 lii 2 E Ambrse S LoeLcaves BritisliMaid Mcgau GG197 Latonia 34 114 good 16 107 5 578 578FLIBBERTIGIBBET 7 8194 F Smith 10 Ruby Royal Palm Lugs FLIBBERTIGIBBET blk g G 117 By Peter Pan Paintbrush by BrocmsticV Trainer W Caywcod Oxvner W CayTvoc l Breeder Harry Payne Whitney CS503 FGrnds 34 lUslow 7 112 9 S 71 6J M Schwtzll Terniiual Samlahvond MinMan 940 FGrnds 1 116 l4Sfast 6 116 12 12 12 1243 G Mangan 12 Ailliro My Ro ie Fist Trial 836 FGrnds 34 115 hvy hvyii 5 116 9 3 2 21 G Mansanll Alva Ardilo Bnipoyne ii 730 FGrnds 34 l13ifast l13ifastC7624 3 114 5 a 3 = 3l E Pool 11 Rt ljilily RapStride AXAkin C7624 FGrnds 34 114 fast fastG7517 G IIS 5 3 2 2 J Bell 14 War Pennant Hysteria l or G7517 FGrnds 34 l14 = igoocl igooclGG870 12 114 4 4 22 3 i J Bell 11 GrnRoId Reliability F Rooster GG870 Bowie 6S f l lTjfast lTjfastGG8G2 28 107 9 9 71 7i G ilansan 12 Picnic Cahalan Wraith GG8G2 Bowie 61 f l22fast IS IIS 2 2 2 2 = G ManganlS Belmon Joseph Brant Purl PurlCSf I G6821 Bowie CSf 112 Left at post T Rice 13 llidJewel Ettahc Camouflasc i Bowiei HERALD b g 8 112 By Coy Lad Aneerona by Sir DIxon Trainer J If Good Owner J T Looney Breeder H H Hewitt OR074 FGrnds 1 116 150 fshvy 13 113 1 1G7808 6 IO1 12 J D Mneyl2 Loveline s Execution WCares G7808 FGrnds 34 l14Hmud 12 109 7 7C7G24 7 64 G W Frnk 9 RalUick Grayson MiniitcMan C7G24 FGrnds 34 111 fast 19 112 13 13G7497 10 10 9 C Lan 14 VMennant Iibiypibt Hysta G7497 FGrnds 34 l14igood 12 107 2 2G7128 31 7 W Fronk 14 WofCtoman farubina Ixicarno G7128 Jefferson 34 l18Hmucl 21 110 5 5G6783 2 3 W Fronk 11 FireCiackrr Hutchison Foodor G6783 DadePrk 1 116 l52 hvy 4 113 1 1GG751 22 3s W Fronk 4 Repeater Dadjt Pec Wing GG751 DadePrk 34 l17mud 1710 112 2 2GG712 1J I3 J D Mneyl2 MabclRule T the Mark Arietta GG712 DadePrk 34 113 fast 19 112 1 6 6 ° W Kelsay 9 Grace E Graysou Frank Boyl 6G583 Latonia 34 l13 = ifast SS 100 7 9 111 112 W Fronk 12 Topmost Sagamook iminah EMDEN b jr 10 117 117Trainer By Broomstick Miss Hamburg by Hamburg HamburgBreeder Trainer T Coffey Owner T Coffcy Breeder H P Whitney Whitney4l 66460 Toledo 51 f lOSfast 17 107 6 4 4l 1 J Majestic 8 Ras Puff Ball F G Corlcy 66394 Toledo 51 f l12 = 5hvy 5 108 3 3 4i 571 G Corey 10 Heliocross SkrFace DudleUnir G625G Toledo 51 f 108 fast 14 110 3 u 7s Cl T Wayt 9 Lura DcLund Cook o the Main G5938 MHchts El f l07fast 8 111 4 = W Bogski 8 Ioeh Lcvcn Discussion Capers 65799 MHghts 51 t 107 fas 11 113 441 T Wayt S ILBurgoyne Redmon SpgValo G570G MHghts El f l07fast 4 IOS 31 W Bogski S FstConsul MayMaulsby Mlmont G5465 XKton 34 117 fast 21G 110 usi C Eames G She Devil Advance Loch Ixven G53I7 NKton Ab 5S 100 fast S95 115 2l S Wida 5 OKing Marionllollins Huronll 64899 Dufferin Ab 5S l027tfast 195 115 115HARIMBA 3l II Chapell S DDick G Scrapper Hockgardva HARIMBA b f 4 105 105Traiser By TJltimus Mattie C by Out of Reach Traiser J B Partridge Owner W M Cain i Breeder B Combs 67837 FOrnds 34 l14lshvy 20 102 2 7 74 7 R Doyle K Sagamore MiiinioMiin Ouvnoi 67555 FGrnds 34 l13good 10 104 6 7 71 6 1 R Doyle 13 May ISodine Alex II Spugs 67325 Jefferson 34 116 hvy hvyG7219 10 102 7 2 41 4 R Doyle 8 IIKrniblc Camflage Wlilmiin G7219 Jefferson 34 l15 = slow slowG5132 SO 109 3 3 3l 11 R Doyle 11 SprgVale SiuMGuy Winnecius G5132 Thncliffe 34 114 slow slowG505G 3 101 S 8 S 8 = E Petzoldt S LUrkShecp BobAlIen Graysn G505G Thncliffe 34 l15 uvy uvy64GG7 3 102 M 2 4 = 43J E Petzoldt 7 Betsinda Ablaze Slkhlm 64GG7 Devshire 34 115 slow 41 106 G 4 41 S3 E PotzoUU 8 LitlS Sheep Delhimar BrilRav 64135 FortErie 1 116 l47good 9 100 1 V go s14 E Pctzgld 9 BrassTacks Crk oGold Sword 4091 FortErlo 51 f lllbvy lllbvyC4072 5 102 4 3 2l 1 J E Tetzsld 9 HidJcwel Peaccral Ciimfltgu C4072 Ham ton 34 l16irnud 175 96 7 5 21 2n E Petzgold 9 Rolo Bengalcse Nomis NomisBy TICKLISH b g 7 117 By Kins James Tickle by Filigrane Trainer H Randolph Owneer W H Fizerl I Breeder A D Parr GR321 Jefferson El f l07fast 10 120 3 9 S1 S11 J Wallace 12 Birdie G Hultan Dtinibfoiimlcr G79G3 FGrnds 34 114 fast 10 1CS 12 4 10s 10 J Vallace 12 Oralegso Granny Lte Burguyne C2034 Belmnt 34 MC l12fast 6 110 3 6 71 5TJ G Babm 9 Cum Sail Colo dOr End Mna GJ370 HdeGco 31 l13fast 16 11113 11 IO1 1311 J Shelepctsl5 Jock Scot Tidings Trantnla C1174 Bowio 34 l14 tfood tfoodANNETTE 5 116 Left at post F Murphy S The Lamb UltraGoId KiugJohn ANNETTE TELLER b m G 107 By Magneto Ililldale by Miller Trainer J H Buscher Owner F Be Lataur Breeder J C Milam 67G82 FGrnds 34 l13 fast 103 105 7 6 D 10 J A Wilson 10 Camfiuue RalCIiHe MRcdine 67644 FGrnds 34 l13jfast 60 96 5 7 S4 S J ChlmerslO Fire Cracker Pietrii Thco GC992 Jefferson 34 118 mud SO 10S 10 12 12 12 E Martin 12 RoyalDick Mhavtlli Wnecne G6955 Jefferson 51 1 f l08fast 40 109 9 11 II4 11 L McDoU12 Mchiavelli CnlTiylor Rugsles G12C4 Bowie 51 1 f l10mud l10mudG0938 TSf 108 10 11 11 10 T Brooke 11 Spugs HappyBuxtun MParnell G0938 Mobile Ab 5S MParnell5S 5Sfast 10 106 9 S S1 S13 A FrieshonlO Assume ClusA Byrne Dahinda 60881 Mobile Im70y 70y Dahinda70y l50fast 50 109 1 6 71 9I T Wayr 10 CaptBurns OJanics Bombast DIOCLETIAN blk g 5 112 By Dick Finnell High Degree by His Highness Trainer W H Snearley Owner F H Sevin Breeder J D Carr Eros ErosS G7242 Jefferson 1 l42good GO 10S 1 S S T BonhanilO Dr Rae Doctor Jim Attoo G7011 Jefferson 51 f l10mud SO 106 6 G G12 T Bonham S Monastery Last Effort 0 rite G65G9 Akron Ab 5S 100 fast 21 113 21 II Chppsll S Flip Right Angle Elgi C6538 Akron Ab 5S 59fast 13 110 2Z P Gross 7 Loch Ltven Woodpili Big Son G6505 Akron Ab 5S lGOslow 94 105 6T P Gross 7 Panaman Redmon Cold Chance GG403 Akron Ab 5S l02mud 75 112 2i C Eames G Woodpile Pomcreiie Goldie S CG3G8 Akron Ab 58 l00fast 3310 110 11 C Eames G Rig Son Rurgoyno Loch Leven GG149 MHghts 34 l22raud 1710 113 341 S WMda 7 Will Soon Reillaml Malvolio G5799 JLHghts Ei f 107 fast la 117 5J1 H King S ILBurgoyne Redmon SpgVala ARDITO ch h 6 117 By His Majesty Etily Rose by Star Shoot ShootBreeder Trainer E C Lucas Owner E C Lucas Breeder G A Cochran G783G FGrnds 34 115 hvy 20 IOS 11 S 4 3 i J Wallace 11 Alva Flibbprtygilibct Bgoyne GG427 Toledo Ab 34 lICssIow 67 107 7 7 7 7 J Majestic 7 MissCtha TEnqulror ArPolnt C57U4 Mneuve Ab 34 llSfast G 110 7T1 R McAney 7 Kling Red Post King B 654 II Kempton El f 1OS fast 6 111 S75 C Forrest 5 ILCoLufky SgVaK Drftsman G521G Dorval Im70y l49slow 29 103 9 9 9 9 9s = s L Cargata 9 Tamper IfM Stevens DukcRiiff 65171 Dorval 34 l21hvy IS 102 5 1 Il 1 L Carneta 8 Al Pierce War Fox Poker IS G50G1 Dorval 34 l17mud G5 103 8 9 81 7 E Ambrsel 1uly Luxury Jacobina Flea FleaHIGH HIGH VALUE b g 5 M 117 By Ferole Malaohitn hv Kn V SanL Trainer W J Foley Owner M C Prichard Breeder A Belmoat BelmoatG80G9 G80G9 FGrnds 34 1 lGthvy 100 109 S 7 73 713 W Bogski 8 Jago Jacobina Anticipate 6085G Anticipate6085G Mobile Ab 5S l00rhrast 30 120 10 10 10 10 = J DmlnickK MissLaVeitu Crest E Princess SS157 PrincessSS157 Empire Im70y 149 good 50 104 7 5 5 6 73 7 G W Carll 9 Smarty Scotsli Chief Titanium 3 026 Jamaica 1 11G l49fast 23 105 2 3 3 4 43 4 1 A Gantner 5 Canso ISurley Titanium 57761 Jamaica Im70y 146 fast CO IOC 5 6 6 G G 6 J Mcllugh G Gem Fluff Titanium 57711 Jamaica 34 114 fast GO 110 10 10 10 10 10 W Obert 10 Esquire Rolo Trader 5464S Trader5464S Belmont 34 l12Hfast 20 113 18 16 16 152 15 C Kummer20 Invincible Phoenix Polar PolarSILENCE SILENCE br h 6 J17 By CeU Silent Queen by Forfarshirn Trainer J K Brown Owner W T Eickoy Breeder A B Hancock G8137 FGrnds 1116149 slow CO 110 5 7 71 S E Atkinsn 9 PioTom Cauncita GDxlorty G80G2 FGrnds 34 1 15 imud S GDxlortyS 108 11 11 11 9IJ E Atklnsnll Clkson Dbtounder ItfesWing 67942 FGrnds 34 l13rifast 12 113 10 S G1 G3 E Atlinsnl2 LLtenhm InaKay TCassidy 67830 FGrnds 34 115 hvy C TCassidyC 103 7 10 11 10 C Lang 11 Alva Flibbcrlygibltt Ardito G7751 FGrnds 34 l12fast 12 108 11 10 C E5 R Romollil3 Stock Pin Oraleggo Jago G75GG FGrnds 1 116 l48sfast 8 107 10 10 9l 91 E Itoehm 11 IxiocharesII MyRosie I Fishcr G7478 FGrnds 34 llGhvy 8 114 10 8 5l S1 E Smwoodll Moon Winks Feodor Execution G7344 Jefferson 34 116 fast 12 115 2 G 51 34 G Lang 12 Ina Kay Twopair Lura GG79G DadePrk 1 l44r slow slowLIARSE 8 IM C G 6 5 J Bell 7 MPperity Montjoy TtheMark LIARSE JIZolIY b h JB 112 By Cmeron Bermuda by Frederick Willioni Trainer C S Wilson Owner C S Wilson Breeder J Sureget Sureget6794S 6794S FGrnds 34 l14fa t 30 110 10 8 95 9 R Doyle 12 Feodor Adventure BlkHackle G7348 BlkHackleG7348 Jefferson 1 316 203fast 20 105 3 6 10 IO13 T Bonhamll J Overtoil St Germain Bermont C7238 BermontC7238 Jefferson 1 l43good 30 IOS 30 7 6l 4 1 T Bonharnl2 WliIIaveu Hutchison Warlike G7175 WarlikeG7175 Jefferson 1 116 l53hvy 13 111 11111 11 7 7 = 7 E Smwodll Wylie Aslilin Hope GG993 Jefferson 34 11S mud EO 106 7 1 G F Sharpe 10 Mary 0 Lura Mahony CG900 Jefferson 34 l13fast 30 111 9 1 615 J D Mneyl2 Mahony Esquire Youiiocd 66502 Akron 34 11S slow 7 107 Si J Pevic 8 Enos Right Angle Mab 6G30 Akron 61 f l2lfast 9 115 31 L Mink 5 Clip Briarcliff Mad Nell I LURA b m 5 112 By Sir Huon Hortense by Alvoscot Trainor L Haymaker Owner R V Haymaker Breeder G J Long G771 1 FGrnds 1 1S 155 fast 30 102 2 11 9s 9 J ChImerslt LitAmmie Encrinito W Prize G7344 Jefferson 34 116 fast G 112 7 i 31 4s H Thurberl2 Ina Kay Two alr Stlciics 66993 Jefferson 34 11S mud G 107 3 4 43 2s J CirimerslO Mary G Mahony Sandalwood G6928 Jf Iferson 24 llfrsfast 12 107 4 4 El S4 J Chlmersl2 Gniyson ien Cadorna Flip OG359 Toictlo El f l06fast 2110 113 4 E S1 2 G Corey 7 llItlaikw DoLuul JFairmaa G62 Tcedo Ei f 108 fast S 113 G 41 I1 G Corey 9 Deland C o the Main Elmont I 65987 MHghLs 31 llCislow U5 106 11 G Corey Heliocross Ferrtim July Fly 65937 MHghts 34 114 fast 6 106 341 G Corey 10 FGCorley MnjorDomo Elmont 65S1G MHghts 34 l14 ifast 6 IOS IOSC57U5 G41 G Corey S MessKit Col Murphy OlyKing C57U5 MHEhts 34114 fast 6 113 113FLIP 61 G Corey 9 JHfman FGCorley MCKS Kit FLIP br m 5 112 By Setback Lclia by Leonid LeonidBreeder Trainer E Lutz Owner H McClelland McClellandG8005 Breeder W MeLemoro MeLemoroT G8005 FGrnds 34 l135fast 20 106 2 1 T Cl G Mein 10 Ixniirnu Black Hackle AlexH G7305 Jefferson 34 l14fist 12 103 4 7 = G E T Moorel2 Fluff Grayson Silver Springs 67127 Jefferson 34 l17imud 12 112 1 91 914 E T Moorel2 Anticipate Alra Helen Atkln GG928 Jtfferson 34 l14 = ifast 2 107 7 1 1GG5G9 21 33 E T Moorel2 Jrayson G Cadorna Fin Rooster GG5G9 Akron Ab 5S 100 fast 5 114 114CG467 11 E T Moore 8 Diocletian Right Angle Elga CG467 Akron Ab 58 l01slow 2 113 II E T Moore S Port Light Zainer Pokey Jane 6C331 Akron Ab 5S lOOSjfast 13 IOS IOS1G5842 I3 E T Mooro 7 RightAngle AtAgnen NoWder 1G5842 MHghLs ElflOSfaat 19 113 E31 S Wholm 7 AVhiypering lloliocroHS RAngle 63748 ilUghta 34 114 fast 7 113 4si S WthohnlO TtheMark Montperri Blazonry GEN PETAIN b h G M 117 By Textile Do Ra He by Buckeye Leaf LeafTrainer Trainer W M Glover Owner H Madden Breeder P J John JohnGG992 GG992 Jefferson 34 113 mud 25 110 S 7 71 7 = A Wilson 12 RoyalDick Mhiavelli Wneene WneeneG587G G587G irthornc 34 l16ifast 135 112 3 2 2 3 T Carroll S Roy C Little Uiiiie Lcndonia 10 51 f lOSHfast 20 110 3 10 7s 7 J Carroll 12 Plantoon lo Iaml 15111 McCloy hts 5 f l06 l06sfast = sfast IS 11211 9 10s 10 A Romelltl2 PromTom II Huston LenoraP LenoraPC3403 C3403 FortKrie 34 l14fast 5 112 8 4 41 5s R Romelli S Ruddles DaccingGirl Bl Tryic

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923022701/drf1923022701_4_4
Local Identifier: drf1923022701_4_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800