5th Race [5th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-01

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TIJUANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES PERFORMANCESContinued Continued from ninth page C4U DIOCT IMile Jlyosirolils ami upward Handicap Dec HO 1J1 bill nAlrt 111 s y no KREWER b h 6 108 By Aldford Keadean II fcy Gallinnl GallinnlTrainer Trainer C Kirschoaum Owner J Crano Breeder F JoimsJn GS439 Tijuana 51 f 105 fast S 109 5 55i 10 V 551 W Pool 10 Abadane Oil Man Feylance 08302 Tijuana TijuanaG7789 5i f ltaV fast I 113 3 33S 2 3 3JJ C Rails fi Kniglilhocd OilMan Corncutter G7789 Tijuana 3S S9 fast 45 lit 3 35X 5 4l 2l E Taplin 7 MotoiCop DrCorbett Knighthd 07720 Tijuana TijuanaG7C62 5X f 1OG fast 1110 106 4 4 2i 1s E Taplin S MolorCop BrillntRay Sunnyld G7C62 TijUana 58 f9 fast 7 107 3 35i 4 35 3J E Taplin S Keylanee JPryor BrilliantRay 07330 Tijuana 5i f 107 fast 710 114 1 1 I1 1 E Vaplin 7 Mcssinea Oil Man Incogiiance 07491 Tijuana TijuanaG7412 34 l12ifast 10 110 2 25S 3 4s 4s E Taplin i Lion dOr Abadane LButtor G7412 Tijuana Tijuanat178 5S 53 fast 10 IIS 5 7 GS G E Taplin 10 Lion dOr MotorCop L Button ButtonG t178 Jamaica 34 l12Cat 115 114 3 G 8 61 C Kummer 0 OuWatcli CalJane Muskallouge 5G75D Belmont 34 MC Illfa3t 3 2J 2h E Sande 3 Crocus Step Lightly KNIGHTHOOD b g 3 By Theo Cook Cowl Tjy Disgniss Trainer J W Healy Owner A C Bostwick Breeder Xalapa Farm 08439 Tijuana 51 f 103 fast 3110 100 4 9 10 S H Lone 10 Abadane Oil Man Feylance G8302 Tijuana 51 f l05 faat 4 S8 1 1 I1 I1 II Long 0 Oil Man Krewer Corncuner 07832 Tijuana 34 l121sfast 910 92 3 1 I1 1 H Long 8 Coca Cola Dr Corbett Settle SettleG 07789 Tijuana 5S itf fast GS 9J 7 G G 41 J Thomas 7 MolorCop Krewer Dr Corbett 07358 Tijuana 34 l12 fast 2710 112 G 3 3G0018 3l i l J Thomas 7 Dclante CEnrique Mart Bunch G0018 Pimilco 5 f 107 fast 13 103 2 1 1CG180 I1 1 M Fator 9 Tassel ESawyer Peter Biowu CG180 Laurel 5i f 110 fast S 115 G 1 I1 Il D Stirling 14 Radiant S and Pretty Papillon 06282 Laurel 34 l14fast 3 115 5 1 1GG221 21 4 ° i C Kummer G SogAroon RosaYcta TMinutes GG221 Laurel 5J l09Hifast 10 115 2 1 1JUDGE la 41 C Kummer G Vanlnirg KogAioon DruidUHl DruidUHlBy JUDGE PRYOR br g 5 101 101Trainer By Vulcain Frances M by Filigrane Trainer F Brooks Owner R L Baker BakerG3301 I Breeder S K IIicuuIs G3301 Tijuana 55 f l06faat 23 lit 3 7 G1 5 W Pool 9 Brilliant Rav Dolores Feylance 08221 Tijuana 34 llG mutl 21 120 2 2 4 = 1 4JW Pool 5 Vaulatrick Ilarryl WFIower 07720 Tijuana 5J f 1OG fast K 110 3 2 41 5J W Pool S Krewer MotorCop BrilliantRay 0700 Tijuana 5S uO fast S310 110 2 2 2G7195 Ih 21 W Pool S Feylance 1 rower BrilliantRay G7195 Tijuana 51 f l06 fast 2 156 I 1 I3 I8 W Pool 9 Fireplace Messines Csrabosse 07412 Tijuana 5S 59 ffast S9 93 3 5 5G6597 S S W Pool 10 Lion dOr MotorCop LButton G6597 Latonia 34 l12fast 6 103 2 4 7 710 M Garner 7 Ararat Marine Corps JrcenGold 00445 Latonia 34 lll fast U IOC 5 8 91 9 = W Pool 11 Make Up Be Good Abadaue 00833 Havana 1 l3SKfast 85 IIS 1 1 1 2J L Penman a Eleanor S Plus Ultra Queaada i BRILLIANT RAT b g By Pennant Sunglow II by Sundridgo Trainer M Smith Owner M Smith Breeder C D Widener WidenerG 84 Tijuana 54 f 105 fast 30 107 3 G C1 G J E Fator 111 Abauani Oil Man Feylance 08382 Tijuana 31 lll fast 53 110 1 1 1 25 V Pool 0 Feyliince Dolores Polly Vtale 08301 Tijuana 35 109 1 1 1J li E Fator 9 Dolores Feylance Lky Putton G8080 Tijuana 5 111 1 1S 2 2s E1 W Pool 0 Abadno Coca Cola Dr Coibett 07789 Tijuana 5S 53faat S 93 G GS 3 51 G C Rails 7 Molor Cop Krcwcr Dr Corbett G772G Tijuana 51 f 1OG fast S 102 2 1 31 3J5 F Stevens 8 Krewer Motor Cop Sunnyland G70G2 Tijuana 58 E9 fast 15 103 4 3 4i 4i F Stevens 8 Feylance Judge Pryor Krewer 07378 Tijuana 34 113 fast 33 101 1 1 13 12 F Stevens 8 IkyButton Cofficld DrCorbett 07470 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 115 109 4 2 3 41 E Petzoldt 7 Harryl BBIackwell GrarcK 07435 Tijuana 34 l12fagt 22 103 5 2 41 551 E PetzoidtlO DrCorbett Cofficld MMauIsby MMauIsbyBy TEN BUTTONS b m 5 107 By Ten Point PointTrainer Buttonhole by Stalwart StalwartBreeder Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Breeder A L Aste 08403 Tijuana 1 11G l15 fast 12 103 3 1 2s 2s D Hum 0 TSReanlon SpanMaizo Planet 08303 Tijuana 1 1S 132 fast U5 lOt 2 1 li 1 li W Pool PoolC8301 5 JPJones Etludiau PrDircct C8301 Tijuana 5i f l06fast lOf 114 6 6 7s 7 7s E Dugai082S2 Dugai 9 Brilliant Ray Dolores Feylance 082S2 Tijuana 1 116 147 slow 65 108 2 1 2i 2s II Long S Ahndane 1 PJones East Indian i 08200 Tijuana ImtOy llGmuU 32 1 21 3s P Hum 3 Rebuke Scrapis Sunnyland 08107 Tijuana 51 f l06Vifast 3 2s 11 D Hum 7 Dolores Joelia J Coca Cola 68058 Tijuana 1 l45 4hvy 1 2 4 P Hum 9 Abadane TlorMaid Bkhornll 7931 Tijuana 1 14 2 11 11 vy 4 6J G D Hum iiickliinill Tailor Mairt G7S74 Tijuana 1 11G 1 I1 I1 D Hum G Carabosse Bkhonill EIndian

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923030101/drf1923030101_10_3
Local Identifier: drf1923030101_10_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800