3rd Race [3rd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-01

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r 512 FiirlniiKS ye rol l and upward Claiming Fell 115 PHEONE WABB cb m 7 108 108Trainer By Prospero Lulu Marr by Florist FloristBreeder Trainer C B Irwin Owrtr C B Irwin Breeder S A Bcckham C7833 Tijuana TijuanaC7G42 51 f 107 fast 12 116 2 11 21 P Martinezl 1 Tnle FlorceDeen Sister Susie C7G42 Tijuana 51 f 103 fast 115 111 4 12 Il J Thomas 9 Icon Daik Agis Tabloid 07579 Tijuana 41 f 54 fast 95 112 C C5S 3 = 1 33 J Thomas S Settle Sister Susie Pueblo 075 10 Tijuana TijuanaG7473 5S 102 fast 21 110 4 Il I1 J Thomas S Hoiliiira Pay Off Do Admit G7473 Tijuana TijuanaG745G 4 f 51 fast 4 ICG 3 3i 4SJ D Hum 7 Kinglikc Incognanee Tubby A G745G Tijuana 58 l009 fast 710 114 4 45S S51 3 D Hurn 8 CocaCoIa Aryanna M Manage 07112 Tijuana 5S 59t fast 2f 52 4 5s 71 P Hurn 10 Lion dOr MotcrCop LButton 07301 Tijuana 51 f lC7fast 1310 109 1 1i l k M Fator 7 Eltiown BlSlkwell Cltarthell 07249 Tijuana 6 f 108 fast IOS 7 2 2 M Fator S MMaiilsby AR gina CocaCcla 05879 Hthorno HthornoG5G89 51 f l08 = ffast 15 109 3 3CI 4i G l D Hurn 9 llairylt llrilliant Kay Diomed G5G89 Ilthorne IlthorneG5G21 CI f 1OS fast 10 107 4 S1 S D Hurn 12 Tuseola LinaCIark MossFoxII MossFoxIII1 G5G21 Omaha 31 l137sfast 145 112 112m I1 D Hurn G Icon Maysville Bob Giles KAYFLOWER en m 5 113 By Harrigan Lady Hildreth by Golden Garter Trainer W J Bscohue Owner J Humbrecht Breeder S II Telie 5S 101 lifast GHf 113 7 C 3 4i AV Pool 12 IlazlDil JoclUair MissriUoy OH301 Tijuana 34 l14 fast G 113 5 2 3 3 = AV Pool 12 Amkassin Slitlbyville Man I i 07830 Tijuana 68 1 01 ifast S 113 5 50774G 3 33 S = C Thpson It Due d Cnise Neg Toombeola 0774G Tijuana 1 143 fast 9 113 7 707G79 2 2 = 3si II Molters 11 H Rudder F Corley DSlesou 07G79 Tijuana tS 101 fast 15 111 7 707G43 9 S2 i 3 M Slghterll Angela Joe Tag Full Moon j i 07G43 Tijuana 5S l01 l01sfast = sfast 17 IOS 3 3f7545 4 31 1 11 Moltcrs 7 HiltonA LIointcr StanlevII f7545 Tijuana DS l01jlast 2 110 6 6G7510 3 31 33 II Mollers 12 OlWood J Campbell M sIMi G7510 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 3 IOS 2 3 4 4 = 3 AV Pool S Angela SwcepUpZI DonJose 67407 Tijuana 5S l01ifast 4 111 5 5FOND 4 41 Sl E Petzoldt S HamiltonA ITag Merry Ixiss IxissBy FOND HOPE b m G 103 103Trainer By St Switbins Boll Weevil by Caynga Trainer B Creech Owner B Creech CreechG8084 Breeder E H Amrurs G8084 Tijuana 5S 102 good Sf IOS 2 1 1s lh AV Martin 9 LitllrPointfr NIK ILBiirgoyne j 07982 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud 4 IOS 3 3 3l 41 F Stevens G DdeCnive KillyJoe Hazel Dale 07933 Tijuana 5S 104 hvy 185 105 2 1 1 = 1J F Stevens 11 Philander FulIMoon CtlSoris 07897 Tijuana 61 f lG9imud 11 IOS 4 2 2J 2i W Martin 9 DdeGuise CountHoris FCCley 07851 Tijuana 41 f 5G mud 9 101 2 20G72 2 2J AV Martin S Corneuttcr QliincyWard Angela 0G72 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 15 110 2 1 1i 1 AV Martin 11 Nebraska Lad Nizam Ispliam j 754 G Tijuana 5S 102 fast 5 110 3 5 G 5 II Loin 11 Kill Moon Kilns Red Man 07511 Tiiuana 5S 102 fast 15 IOS 1 6 Gl 7i AV Martin 8 HazelOale RLOwcn FiiilMoon i 07432 Tijuana 5S l01 ifast 9 ICS 2 1 1 1 = 1 W Martin Tl Vcra Uita Angela Phyllis K i 07100 Tijuana 5S lOG7thvy G 107 3 3 5l 57i M Fator 8 llelenMajor liaisy Wise Judge 07133 Tijuana 5S 1 014ihvy C 110 1 1 2 5SJ H Molters S Cuba Pinaiiiiana Celebrate Celebrate5S 5S l044imud ll10f 107 2 2 2l 3 AV Martin 10 Merry Ins RaUy Phyllis K 113 By Marchmont II Locust by Gorman Gormanharkey Trainer J J harkey Owner J J Sharkey Breeder J W Fuller 4 l14fast i710 111 1 1 1 I3 AV Garganl2 Ddanccy Virge Vera Rita 084 01 Tijuana 5S l01 = ifast 12 HG 3 4 41 34i W Gargan 9 Dirk Ages Tabloid Meleliolr 07802 Tijuana 51 f l07 ifast ifastC7724 21 113 553 4 = 1 O Atwell 10 Lobelia Poacher Yukon C7724 Tijuana 34 l14Hfast 16 113 3 1 2 i O Atwell 10 Purl Horace Lereh It 07492 Tijuana ImOy l47itfast l47itfastG743G 20 110 6 3 5 5ci O Atwell S YermaW Walter Dant CtRoria G743G Tijuana 1 142 fa fast 17 110 2 3 4 5 = i O Atwell 7 Rtgrco Yermak Cafeteria 07380 Tijuana 34 l14 l144ifa l144ifa072G4 fast fast072G4 10 113 9 3 Z 3 O Atwell 11 Aryanna She Devil Lnvaga 072G4 Tijuana 34 l144ira l144ira0720G I144ira3t 51 116 G 2 21 51 O Atwell 8 CSnider DonJose lWllarper 0720G Tijuana 34 l16iisic l16iisicVANESSA 22 112 1 1 1s I1 O Atwell 7 Neg EvalynlPgan Strylianner VANESSA WELLES ch m 8 113 By Bick Welles Vanessa by Sclvldero Trainer J J Quirlan Ownsr Quinlan Eeipei Breeder T Piatt 68422 Tijuana 34 134fast 134fastII 4 111 G 7 i3 8ei M Ga rett 10 Amkassin EmWilm HRudr 07833 Tijuana TijuanaT7743 II t 07 fast 45 11G G 10 10 = S M Ga rftt 11 Tulp PlironcWard FlorVcDten T7743 Tijuana 34 14irast 16 5 116 1 3 Sl 13 M Ga rott 9 Cabin CVk Poacher Pretender 07021 Tijuana TijuanaG7470 1 44ifast 4 112 G 2 Gl 73 M Ga rett 11 TccFlas Piociuation Oenczir G7470 Tijuana 34 147ifast 7 7Ci 5 111 211 l M Ga rett 10 View Pliiitigpiii t Red Man 67299 Tijuana Ci f OS ifaat ifaatE 4 103 4 6 C 53 M Ga rett 7 Oilway ThiilvSvn Al Porter 07247 Tijuana TijuanaC7080 E f 071ifa3t 071ifa3tE 10 109 3 5 4 4J M Ga rett S Herder Horace ICTch Nrg C7080 Tijuana TijuanaC0919 E f 12 hvy 7 112 4 4 41 3 M Ga rett 7 Joe Tag Vera Rita Tcnnilre C0919 Tijuana TijuanaOG920 34 lG islop islop5S 3 115 6 C Il 53 R Cartr 7 LFlorcnce NthShore CKobla OG920 Tijuana 5S l024i nud 4Z 2 i M Garrett G lIoriGoorge UancClrl Angela By Norita Bemiy by Albert Trainer W D Mard Owner W D Mill rd Breeder V B OR223 Tijuana 6E lOI4imud 41 113 7 2l C Thpson 7 llitrfl Dale J x Tag C Master 07740 Tijuana 1 143 fast 3i 110 8 Ci H lons 11 IIKiuldcr FCCorUy Mflower 3772S Tijuana 31 l14ifaHt 4 112 1 1CS 3 H IxnK 10 Piul lliirjux I T b Don JOM C75 2 Tijuana CS 101 fast 13 105 5 55S SJ H Long 8 llonislCrp HazelDale PayOff 07537 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 3110 110 7 5j W Pool 7 Settle Coriicutter Don lose 074 08 Tijuana 58 l01 = fast 8 108 C 13 H Ions 7 yImlo Angela Haxi1 Dak ¬ 07 131 Tijuana II t l12 hvy 2 ICG 8 3i K Petzoldt 8 CornciitliT SlicnnanA Joe Tag G7079 Tijuana 61 f lllhvy 1710 101 3 2 1 1 K Petzoldt S Cascade Chrome Cuba G703G Tijuana Ei f 111 hvy 1110 100 7 3 2 i l C Halls 11 SHU Sux Choir Master Midia DELANCEY b P 10 115 By Bock Sand Delusion by Meddler Trainer E Valdez Owner E Valdez Breeder A Belmont 08423 Tijuana 34 l14ifast 135 113 5 2 21 23 AV Pool 12 July Fly Airge Vera Rita 68297 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast S 113 1 1 1J1 1J E Fator 10 No Wonder Cannonball Flame C8145 Tijuana 34119 mud 4 112 2 25J 3 10 10 E Taplin 10 CloverJunia Plunger AuRevoil 08102 Tijuana 5J f l08ifast 2 115 1 2 2 23 E Taplin 12 PrivntePeat SanthiaC ThrceX 0778C Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 5 115 1 15S 2 11 2 k E Taplin 11 GoldUryan RosaAtkin PokeyB 07722 Tijuana 5S l02ifast 95 110 5 3 2 21 P Martinezll Yukon Phyllis K Norfield 7617 Tijuana 51 f l09 = ifast 4 110 1 15S 2 2 31 F Stevens 11 Midian Caneion Pokey Jane 07597 Tijuana TijuanaSAN 5S 102 fast 7 110 1 2 2J1 2 F Stevens 12 Lobelia Aiew Plantagenet SAN HEBRON blk gr 4 1U 1UManale By Bisguise Katherin G by Bick Finnell Trainer J Manale Owner J Marale Breeder 3 H Rcssetsr 08300 Tijuana Im70y l46V fast 15 105 6 3 3 443 E Petzoldt 9 Don Jose El Rollc Reydo 08244 Tijuana 34 118 hvy 9 110 9 9 7 = 1 612 F AVatroiis 9 LFlorencc Delliimar DrTuhbs 08184 Tijuana Im70y l49 = fhvy 2110 103 S 2 3 in E Petzoldt S PlSteel TheVgeance LcwIMi 68171 Tijuana 34 llShvy 3 ICO 10 7 2 2 E Petzoldtl2 Ihilander I wisR Doc Tnbbs 08045 Tijuana 1 150 hvy 20 111 8 1 1El II 11 P Martinez S MKmR Chloylloy DocTlmbs 073S1 Tijuana 1 l4S7rmuil l4S7rmuilIm70y El 108 9 G 51 51 T AViison 10 NthShore dI5ryan ChIeyHoy 07928 Tijuana Im70y l5Shvy l5ShvyImTOy 6 310 S 2 2S 23 I1 D Hum S Liriat Hackamorp Doininator 07871 Tijuana ImTOy l43vimul S 114 2 1 l i 131 P Martinezl2 Oen Ryng Plnnser StarRanr G7787 Tijuana 1 142 fast S C 5I D Hurn 12 Hkamore Plger TheVgeance TheVgeanceBy BROWN BELLE br f 3 95 95Trainer By Atheling II Washoe Belle by Sweep SweepBreeder Trainer S Polk Owner S Polk Breeder Nevada Stock Farm 00713 Mrlboro Ab 5S 103 fast 910 111 1 1 2 = II B Parke 8 Ssand Satin Pikesve AunEra 0048G Laurel 51 f 110 fast 5 112 5 5GG353 4 4l Sl R Parke 14 Kghthd Radiant Sand Pretty GG353 Laurel 5i f l075fast GG 99 5 5JACK 7 S 82 S McLane S Sweetheart Bueado Lilt LiltBy JACK LEBI b s 5 110 By J H Houghton Myrtle Ledi by Campus Tranner G AV Crippen Owner W E Worley ev Breeder J A Elackweil ElackweilSI 0812S Tijuana 34 l14fast IS IOS 9 9 SI G5J G Rose 12 July Fly Delancey Airge 08204 Tijuana 51 f fC8202 10shvy 115 IOS 7 7 75H Gsl 31 G Rose 9 Kin Williams Kimono H Rudder C8202 Tijuana 5 5H f 11 mud B 110 7 4 4 lk G Rose 8 DrTubbs HazelDale QuinWard 08143 Tijuana 1 47 5niKl 2710 113 2 2 2 2 M Andson fi Pueblo Olympiad Alazon 68055 Tijuana 51 f 13 hvy 75 110 3 1 1 I5 AV Pool S Billy Joe Conichon Midian 08044 Tijuana 51 f 12hvy 2710 106 4 2 2 2 ° AV Poo 7 JoeTag OllieAVood iGWilliim9 0802 1 Tijuana 34 19 mutl 3 110 5 4 3 21 G Rose 8 Don Jose Fickle Fncy Itaisy 07934 Tijuana 34 340792G 7Ulivy 19lt 107 G 5 53i 3 1i G Iose 9 Plurality HansTopaz Youltet 0792G Tijuana 3i 3iVESA llSihvy 31 103 7 2 2 2s T AViison 11 Choir Master Ualfotir View VESA RITA gr m 5 By J F Crowley Cisne by Flambeau Trainer w L Stanfield Owner W L Stanfield field Breeder W L Stanfield 0842 Tijuana 34 l14fast ICf IOC 3 61 44J F Stevens 12 July Fly Delancey Airjro 08084 Tijuana TijuanaG8020 5S 102 good 2 IOS 7 7 = 7 2 F Stevens 9 Fond Hope Little Pointer Neg G8020 Tijuana TijuanaC8000 34 119 mud 6 IOS 3 GJ I F Stevens 7 Midian CMiiohlrbach TItoacu C8000 Tijuana TijuanaG7933 5S l04imurl 15 114 2 41 4J M AndsonlO Yukon Plow Steel Billy Joe G7933 Tijuana TijuanaG7G73 5S 104 hvy 22 111 G 6 Gi H Molters 11 Fdllope Philanderer FnliMoon G7G73 Tijuana 5S l01 5fast 30 110 2 2Gl S 7 3 AV Martin 9 RLOwen Lcnieve Due deGulse 07545 Tijuana 5S l01 fast Gl 110 7 G 6li AA Pool 12 OlWood JCampbell Mayfloer 07490 Tijuana 5S l02ifast 1910 10S 1 4 = 1 11 AV Pool 10 Tillotson Norfield Pokey Jane JaneBy KIKONO b f 4 112 By Horron Negligee by Marta Santa Trainer J S Baldwin Owner J S Baldwin BaldwinG8423 Breeder J B Gorham G8423 Tijuana 34 l14fast 17 108 10 S S082G4 411 543 M Andsonl2 July Fly Delancey Airpe 082G4 Tijuana 51 f linihvy 14 10 5 3 3i 2 M Andson 9 KWilliams JkLodi II Rudder 08172 Tijuana 34 119 hvy 710f 107 S 1 2 3J F Stevens 9 ChMaster Ncj KninaWilliams 07897 Tijuana 51 f l09imud 13 110 S 8 71 6s J Pevic 9 Ddettuise Fdllope Countltorui 07746 Tijuana 1 143 fast 4 IOS 10 9 71 7i J Pevic 11 HKudder FGCorley Mflowe 07537 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 35 IOS 6 3 4h 41 M Andson 7 Settle Cornciitter iJon Jose 07375 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast G 113 4 3 3 3 = 3 J Vevic 0 F G Corley Nej Tutt 07210 Tijuana 34 llG slov 7 101 5 2 2VELVET 31 4s M Amlson S Bill Head Cafeteria Romulus RomulusBy VELVET ch m 9 113 113Trainer By Transvaal Fair Allen by DiimHe Dinmont DinmontBreeder Trainer W Gargran Owner W Garjran GarjranG8202 Breeder Hindo Baker G8202 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud 114 113 5 5 71 711 w Gargan 8 Jack Iedi IJrTubbs HaznlDale 07999 Tijuana 5S l05 = stnud 5 114 3 4 4 441 AV Gaif an 7 Careen Cicely Kay Don Jose 07912 Tijuana 5S l04ysmud 10 114 2 1 1P7848 I1 11 AV Garfanll PlantaRenet Loneline Mistake P7848 Tijuana 51 f inOTJmud 5 115 1 2 21 55 AAr Gargan S HosiAtkii OlympM JollySailor 07540 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 19 107 4 7 9 S8i AV Pool 11 Full Moon KliiiR Red Man 07431 Tijuana 5S l01fa t 11 107 11 10 1 10k 9 91 = H 3 Molters 11 Airge Alajah Syncopation COL SNIBER ch E By Fireman Helen Scott by Contestor Trainer J Edwards Owner Maple Leaf Stable Breeder J B Clark GX319 Tijuana S 101 fast 6S 112 7 433 D Powell 7 Aiipcl Settle Ask Jessie G7G22 Tijuana 34 l14fast 4 102 11 7 J Thomas 11 Royal Maid Poacher El Roble 07193 Tijuana 1 l42fast 21 IOS 6 33i H Lons 7 Charhoy SumrSiBh Gipsy Joe G7390 Tijuana 1 f l07fast 41 107 6 21 H Long 7 CnlMatt Cornciitter RosaAtkin 07204 Tijuana 34 l14 ifast 3710 109 5 ls H Lon S DonJose IAVIPprr PO Corley 07210 Tijuana 34 l16Vsslov 9 101 3 7 F CantreJ S Hill Head Cafeteria Romulus 05218 Hastings 34 119 slow 2710 113 Il P Martinez i NthShoie Cascade MissSedalla 04813 Bghouse 34 l142 fast 1710 111 I4 J II Eakerll LittleAbe SkyMan ILKAsher G12G2 Hastincs Ab 5S 1 H Long 10 Eye Bright Cascade Sky Man

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923030101/drf1923030101_9_1
Local Identifier: drf1923030101_9_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800