4th Race [4th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-01

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4th RACE i4 31 lie yearoils autl uiiivard 111 5 110 EL ROBLE ch c 3 100 100Trainer By Honeywood Pepperwood by Eddie Jones JonesBreeder Trainer 0 B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Breeder McKeon Chrislenson 08400 Tijuana 1 1S l55V fast 99 4 1 11 2 D Hurn 10 TomOwcns Dolph Little Dear 08302 Tijuana 34 l14fast 109 7 7 41 4 F Cantrell 8 Norfield Athanna ClkStoekn 08300 Tijuana Im70y l46fast 5 92 3 4 23 2s H Lons 9 Don Jose Reydo San Hcdron G8237 Tijuana 58107 hvy 310 107 7 5 I1 I1 F Cantrell 7 Trippawa Ndllonpy IolaFIuke IolaFIukeSS 08201 Tijuana 5S l02mud SS 100 7 7 G3 = F Cantrell 7 Paisley Joella1 RoyalJlaid i 3043 Tijuana 51 f lllhvy 7 101 4 5 5s 5 D Hurn i Serapis Reap Lavinia 07875 Tijuana 1 11G l lmud 13 91 3 5 5l G15 P Hurn S Hriskane AVhippet FkFoparty 07770 Tijuana 51 f lC7fast 41 90 9 S 62 55 AV Martin II Incoriiiince HonICpe Tubby A S7 0 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast 21 ICfi 4 3 32 33 E Fator S Reap Faber Lady 1 onid KORFORB HONEY br c 3 100 By Honeywood Norford Rose by Norford Trainer Neal Owner Neal t Bartholomew Breeder Neal Bartholomew 08338 Tijuana II f 55 fast 1 104 5 1 11 I1 R Lee 11 LittleSmilc MaeSeth Trippawa 08298 Tijuana 34115 fast 33 112 3 2 Il 3J R Lee Mon rdella Cedric May Uruen 08237 Tijuana 5S 107 hvy 21 112 3 2 3i 3 T Wilson 7 KIKoblo Trippawa Lola Fluke 08169 Tijuana 31 l19ihvy SS 91 3 1 2 44 AV Dean 7 Kndivc Brian Kent Bowsprit 08123 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 2710 104 4 4 4 433 F Stevens 11 QiincnpIL SmA ain KlmcrW 08017 Tijuana 4 f oSsmud 13G 93 2 3 21 S15 II Howard 8 QyWard Operator Pokey R 07827 Tijuana 41 f 54fast 51 103 5 4 3Z 231 C Studer 12 Norfield Qinenciipll LitSmile LitSmileCLOCK CLOCK STOCKING br f 3 93 By Pataud Met Mexican by Mexican MexicanTrainer Trainer AV A Cameron Owner W A Cameron Breeder W C Goodloe 08441 Tijuana 1141 fast 8 S9 5 2 11 23 P Hurn 9 Purl FannieNail HonestGeorge HonestGeorge083G2 083G2 Tijuana 34 l14ifast 31 111 60S1 33 M Milrick S Norfild Athanna Kl Roble 08220 Tijuana Im70y l4 imud 1S5 S9 4 3 21 4 P Hurn 0 Rajah FFogarty Marcella Boy 08087 Tijuana S4 l14 ifast 11 92 10 S 4 Sl P Hum 10 Flor Dcen Horinga John Jr JrrH02S rH02S TiJuana 34 llSimud 41 84 G 3 21 1i H Howard ti Pliilinulerer Pueblo Ncg Ncgia ia 34 l16mud 22 95 8 4 4l 451 P Hum 10 MEmmaC Nhour MolRarne 07311 Tijuana 1 142 fast 7 89 o 1 2 5s II Lons 7 Rill Mead Yoimak Just Right 07017 Tijuana 34 l17mud 32 llfi 6 G G S5 AA7 OKeefe 0 RoyalMaid Piiii iiana RKent 34 l13 ifast Slf 109 2 11 12 12 E Martin 12 AVaywsamo PeeTiiTii Bedazzle SACRAMENTO ch h 7 By Joe Carey Kismet Queen by Kismet Trainer AV H Debolt Owner Hall Debolt Breeder J Green G8402 Tijuana Im70y 143 fast 20 IIS 3 2 3 Sl C Thpson ii ScotlandYot Kastille Dissolute 08303 Tijuana 34 l12ifast 111 113 4 4 53 C l C Thpson 7 Tacklinncr CBnriiiue IHubtful GS7S7 Reno 5i f l07rjfast 8 109 3i II Molters S LadyTiptoe KuseniaK RlkTop 03481 Reno 34 l15Vifast 1 301 1 H Molters S Do Admit Indianola Ktbel G3359 Reno 51 f 108 fast 6 IOS 2 H Molters 9 Rkworm Pltagenet MDIxon G3271 Reno 51 f 108 fast 21 109 623 1 Caron S MerLass LHourbon HunPoInt HunPoInt5S 03025 Reno 5S l01Hfast 43 107 7 P Caron 8 RLOen DdeGuise JSWgina BLACK BEER blk c 4 113 113Trainer By Atheling II Ida by Peep oBAy oBAyT Trainer E AV T Moore Owner E W Moore Breeder Nevada Stock Farm 08043 Tijuana 51 f lllhvy 21 111 5 2 31 415 M Andson Serapis Reap Ijivinia Ijivinia5i 07530 Tijuana TijuanaC7412 5i f 107 fast 13 113 7 7 7 7 = H Molters 7 Krewcr Mcssines Oil Man Man5S C7412 Tijuana 5S 59 ifaat 142 SG S 10 10 105 AV Martin 10 Lion dOr MotorCop L Button 07281 Tijuana 34 l13faat 7S 93 2 2 f u C R Flynn S IVylance Abadane DrJohnsou 07135 Tijuana 51 f lllhvy 910 111 4 1 11 1 R Flynn 9 PeaccFlas Kiippen Dominator BR T S BABNEY ch c 4 113 By His Majasty Mario Odile by Star Shcot ShcotTrainer Trainer A G Blaseiy Owner W Baniel Breeder G A Cochran 07898 FGrncIs 34 l15fast 41 102 G 1 S1 GC3 J Merimeell Thcleruvian Fluff ItobbyAllen 00988 Jefferson 34111 fast 12 10511 9 91 9 J Meritneell Hadrian Pietrns Guvnor Guvnori GG509 Empire Ab 34 l10fast 4 101 S 8 73 C ° l J Merimee S TheAlinoner GbodTimo Shaffer 55914 Empire 51 f 105 fast 20 IOS 3 G G 6 = C1 A Collins 7 Runstar June Grass Ray Jay 55464 A fduct 5S 59fast 7 112 2 4 4 = 3 = 1 F Keogh 11 Klk Unseal Riidana Knot Grasa 55382 AfMuct 34 l S slow 20 122 1 24 6 ° C4 A Collins 7 Olympus MustdSd AVilliaiaA AVilliaiaALAAVRENCE LAAVRENCE MANNING b g 4 113 By Hessian Erla Lee by Hindoo HindooTrainer Trainer F Brooks Owner R L Baker Breeder R L Baker 08405 Tijuana Im70y 114 fast 29f 102 6 5 10 10 W Pool 10 Mrc llali v SdiallL 151 Betty 07725 Tijuana 34 l13fast 31 112 7 2 41 7s AV Pool 8 Silk Sor Herder ISarriskane ISarriskane07G78 07G78 Tijuana Im70y l45rSfaHt 4 10G 5 2 2 3l AV Pool 7 Tasentha SnmSish WaltDant 07580 Tijuana 51 f l07 ifast 35 101 5 4 41 4i F Stevens 7 Etlielirown Herder Rarrlskane RarrlskaneG7531 G7531 Tijuana 34 l14iifast 2710 111 4 2 I1 13 AV Pool 11 PeaceFIag Contriot Malzavena 07411 Tijuana El f 107 fast 4 105 5 4 PullupAV Pool 7 HarryD PPrkwell Incicnce 05522 Lexton Im70y l44fast 1 110 4 3 3 35 M Garner 5 HrillSiar MJDaly DTokalon G543G Lexton 34 l15sood 10 103 7 6 5l 4Ti W Pool 12 Ly Fnikes Rrown Eyes Spodi SpodiPyiLTON PyiLTON ch g 4 113 By Lough Foyle Woodland Nymph by AllanaBale AllanaBaleTrainer Trainer G P Sherman Owner H F White Breeder J A Buchanan 08463 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast 7f 115 4 3 3CGS1G 2l 11 I Fletcher 9 Virsiniiis Ceslric Kof the Spa CGS1G Laurel 34 llGfast 6 115 3 5 61 7 I Fletcher 15 Paul Micou Racqnetta Papillon 05918 K worth 7S l27ifast 4 104 5 2 2s 2 F AViison ti RUIK Fair Airfjinia Sat ana 05870 Kworth 34 lllifast 19 103 8 3 41 3 F AViison 9 Gin field Tricks Dark Ages 05104 Dorval 34119 hvy f6 110 7 7 6s G71 J Simmons 7 RlyRoIle Anticipate Roisterer 04890 IJlinncts 34 l14ifast 7 j 5 7 703G1G 65 5 J Simmons S FrzySncczy Tamper Florentine 03G1G Mt Royal 34 l14 l14ifast sfast 35 105 34 P Poirier LitUShcep CSponsor Jacobina Jacobina5S 03209 KingEd Ab 5S l01Hfast 65 110 110G2G77 2s S AVida S JoyccHoffn AdcliaS CaptBob G2G77 Erie 31 l15ifast 15 95 Cl J Pevic 7 Magician Shifty Amer Eaglu Eagluh MISSOURI BOY ch h 5 115 115Trainer By Harrigan Shrewd by The Sharper SharperConnell Trainer C McConnell Connell Owner C McConnell Breeder E M McCulloch 58404 Tijuana 58 l01ifast C9f 115 2 7 G 33 II Molters 12 Hazel Dale JofWair Mayflower 108108 Tijuana 58 101 l01ifast fcfast 32f lit S S S05G28 St S H Molters 10 Angela Pay Off Hazel Dale 05G28 Omaha 6S lOliifast 21 112 112G54G8 31 G Marino LPointer MelodvMan TCubll G54G8 Omaha 58 1 OUslow 12 112 I4 G Marino S TUoach KTemplar Kitty M M5S 05421 Omaha 5S l02rtslow 5 115 2l G Marino Ray Atkin Trinket Quota Quota5S 05308 Omaha 5S l01 = ifast 34 117 5 G Marino 11 Daisy Stevens 1rnDick OMColn OMColnil 04315 Toledo 51 il f l S faat 50 109 7 1 T AAayt S Shoreacres Ollie Wood Cuba SIR LEONID ch c 3 103 By Leonid Rosiris by Joa Carev CarevDaniels Trainer R H Daniels Owner C B Daniels Breeder C B Baniels 07747 Tijuana 1 141 fast 9 94 5 G 6 45 II Long G Paisley Tassel Bowsprit BowspritC7G20 C7G20 Tijuana 34 1M fast 11 S3 7 7 41 3 3 C Rails 7 Delante Spot Cash CarEnriquo 07533 Tijuana 5i f lOSfast 3 107 3 5 5 2 C Rails 5 Athaiina Faber Reap Reap0737G 0737G Tijuana 51 f 103 fast 4 110 10 6 4 3s E PelzoldtlO Athanna El Ruble Miss Edna 07319 Tijuana B f l09fast G 110 4 1 3 11 C Rails 7 PeaceFlsg N Honey LyLIoneM 00998 Tijuana 5S l03Simud 10 115 374 4 F Chiavta S M Hunch PeaccFlag Hoy Maid Maid03G20 03G20 Reno 4 f 5fast 2 41 S Smith 8 Remit Mart Rincli Elmer W WGi274 Gi274 Reno 5S l00 fast 910 lul 31 M Fator 7 Faber Lady Leonid Irosity IrosityCEDKIC CEDKIC b c 3 M 100 By Theo Cook Neva W by Rey del Sierras SierrasTrainer Trainer C Kirschliaum Owacr J M Crane Breeders Hildreth Sinclair 08403 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast 1310 103 2 1 V 3 A Claver 9 Dalton Virginlus Kof the Spa SpaOK298 OK298 Tijuana 34 115 fast 710 112 4 3 2 2 C Rails Mardclla Nfdllonev MRnieu MRnieuG8201 G8201 Tijuana 5S l02Jimud 29 103 5 4 4 1 4 1 A Claver 7 Paisley Joella J Royal Maid 08043 Tijuana 51 f lllSjhvy 4S 101 6 6 C C P AValls G Serapis Reap Laviiiia Laviiiia07S94 07S94 Tijuana S 131 mud 46 105 G C 6 fi E Petzoldt 7 Paisley Jkliailer CarEuriqua CarEuriquaBEVERWYCK BEVERWYCK ch c 3 M 103 By Sir John Johnson Reveille n by Irish Lad Trainer A G Blakely Owner W Baniel Breeder F J Nolan NolanG8204 G8204 FGrnda 1142 good 4 90 G G S1 S J Chlmers 9 Shamrock EdwardGray Kcntl 08153 FCrnda 34 l14Hinud IS 100 C 1 6l 8l J Crcoran 8 Shamrock Body Guard Vennle

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923030101/drf1923030101_9_2
Local Identifier: drf1923030101_9_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800