7th Race [7th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-01

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11 0 Miles 1yearolds and upward Claiming June U 1O1G 11C 3 HO SUNDIAL H HTrainer ch g 7 108 By Fanchcur Martha Gorman by Sir Dixon DixonC Trainer C Buxtan Owner C Buxton Bred in France by J E Widener 68405 Tijuana ImTOy 144 fast 75 1C3 5 1 13 2 J MerimeelO MarceliaBoy BlBetty BlUouse BlUouseC5 67768 Tijuana ImTOy l44fast C5 115 5 1 2l 3 i M Andson 9 Bkhornll VPatrick KRankin 67705 Tijuana 34 l12fast 66 107 7 7 6l 5s M Buxton 7 Ten Buttons Settle Messines G7578 Tijuana 34 113 fast 184 112 S 8 61 G 3 M Andson S BrilRay LuckyButton Cofficld 66870 Bowie 61 f l21fast 17 105 12 12 11 9 1 E KummerlU Picnic Cahalan Wraith 66721 Pimlico 1 12 235 fast 5 104 5 3 4 4 B Marielli r Yorkist Gallivant FrzySneezy 666G3 Pimlico 1 l40slow 12 108 12 10 101 7 B MariellllS Kof the Hr Sweepy IlidJcwel G6G35 Pimlico 1 140 fast 6f 113 13 9 6s 510 E Kummerl4 Leghorn Cum Sail Attorney HYANPOM ch g 5 5Trainer 112 By General Roberts Frill by Burgomaster BurgomasterP Trainer P Hierel Owner P Hiegel Breeder G M Vata Gorden 68317 Tijuana 1 l40 = fast fastG82C2 17 10S 4 5 Il 1s E Fator 7 BlUBctty VPatrick Philandir G82C2 Tijuana Im70y l49Hhvy 3 104 5 3 21 3s W Pool 9 DdeMorny Louanna BlkBetty 68149 Tijuana ImTOy l49 mud 1 106 5 4 4s 453 F Stevens 7 FkFogarty GlenWell Ix nanna 67958 Tijuana 1 146 hvy 7 103 4 4 3l 2Z M Slehter G Dorius Ix uanna Due de Mornj 67895 Tijuana 1 144 mud 35 107 4 4 5 5 E Fator 8 CMarrone Dorius Bowsprit 66642 Latonia 1 1S l53fast 6 110 9 4 11 I1 W Pool 11 SamReh Wickford Morm Elder REGRESO ch g 9 UK UKTrainer By Hastings Arline by Tho Commoner Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Breeder C C Patrick 68365 Tijuana 1 116 1 4Tfast IS 113 9 S SC82G2 5 451 F Cantrell 9 Philanderer BlUouse SumSigh C82G2 Tijuana Im70y l49Xhvy 65 110 9 6 6681S7 CJ G E Dugan 9 DdeMorny Louanna Hyanpom 681S7 Tijuana ImTOy 14S slop 15 108 7 4 41 31 E Petzoldt 8 Rajah Horace Lcrch Whippct 68109 Tijuana ImTOy l44fast 45 115 5 4 6 6 D Hurn 7 Irosity Barriskane Donatello 67931 Tijuana 1 14 2ll hvy 45 112 S 8 8G7804 8 S P Martinez S Halu Buckhorn II Tailor Maid G7804 Tijuana ImTOy l42fast 7 101 13 S 9s 91J D Hurn 15 Snnnyland Coffield Abadane 67707 Tijuana Im70y 145 fast 3 121 5 4 21 21 P Martinez 7 FFogarty WMgomy CliBoj 67677 Tijuana i 116 l4554fast 6f 111 5 8 8 S11 P Martinez 8 Adonis Paisley Alleden 67619 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 93 123 8 4 4ROMANY 11 13 P Martinez 8 WMgomy KRankin Whippet WhippetBy ROMANY blk g 6 108 108Trainer By Ecouen May Dora by Isidor IsidorBreeder Trainer A G Blakely Owner W Daniel Breeder J Sanfcrd 67733 FGrnds ImTOy l43fast 15 100 7 8 8G7G83 7 = Tl J Merimee 8 LouisA JackllareJr Fantoche G7G83 FGrnds 1 11G 147 fast 13 104 2 C CE73SO 5 ° 5i J Merimee 6 Parader AmericanBoy Colando E73SO Aqduct 1 l39fast 95 111 2 4 4 2 2E719S 21 21 L Fator 10 CrystiilFord Thimble StIsidore E719S Aqduct 1 l37 = 4good 20 10 674 5 6 6 F Cltiletti 7 Gcorgie Thunderclap CThierrj 57064 Belmont 1 l3Sfast 10 106 3 3 5 5 556SS4 5 4 G W CarIllO Sunnyland War Note Rep 56SS4 Belmt 78 MC l257tfAst 10 100 2 1 6 7 61 6 1 G W Carllll Whisk Carpet Sweeper Valor ORLEANS GIRL br si 6 6R By Jack Atkin Lady Installator by Installator Trainer L R Knifong Owner Knifong Breeder T Shaw G8465 Tijuana 1 18 l55fast 4 3 2 33 E Petzoldt f Piedra Reydo Gold Bryan G8425 Tijuana ImTOy 146 fast I 844 4 M Milrick S Vic Poacher Hackamore 68381 Tijuana ImOy l4G5sfast 5 5 51 3l M MUricklO Poacher IeacePIas Theresa G7928 Tijuana ImTOy l53hvy 3 6 7J 7le C Thpson 8 San Hedron Lariat Hackamore 67915 Tijuana 34 117 mud 7 8 8 8l = H S Jones 8 Pclamatn DancGirl CabCrk G7436 Tijuana 1 J 42 fast 566 f 3 II Long 7 Itegreso Yermak Cafeteria 67398 Tijuana 1 18 Ib4fast 3 G 6 61 H Long G Kegrcso Just Right Madge F 67278 Tijuana 34 l14ifast 7 4 61 61 H Long 9 DtorTubbs SheDevil AuRevoir 64876 Bghouse BghouseOLD 1 116 l4Sfabt 6 1 II Long 9 YLassie Tawasentha Deckhand OLD FAITHFUL br K 5 108 108L By Horron Smlrr by Carnage CarnageBreeders Trainer A L Briggs Owner A L Briggs Breeders Milton Young and J B BGorham Gorham 68405 Tijuana Im70y 144 fast 7 G i P Walls 10 MarceliaBoy Sdialll BI Betty 08365 Tijuana 1 11G l47iast l47iastImTOy 9 8 = AV Pool 9 Philanderer BlHouse SSigh 68149 Tijuana ImTOy l49mud 40 95 6 5J 5 3 P Walls 7 FkFogarty GlenWell Louanna 07851 Tijuana 1 116 l49 mud 60 108 7 7 71 W Martin 7 CMarrone J Dundee Lonanna 66808 DadePrk 1 12 243 mud 10 105 1 4 4 E Petzoldt S L Wrack HonoBoy Buckboard 66741 DadePrk 1 14 2OTSsfast 32 105 1 lh 11 E Petzoldt 5 SpecGirl HonoBoy WdsLast 66685 DadePrk DadePrk665G7 1 18 l53Hfast 24 102 4 47G 3s 2 E Petzoldt 5 Raider Smuts Honolulu Boy 665G7 Toledo 1 116 l47fast 7G 107 3 6 6f3 M Fator G LucyKate Murray Blosmllouse

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923030101/drf1923030101_11_2
Local Identifier: drf1923030101_11_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800