When Two Champions Meet: Great Antipodean Horses, Gloaming and Beauford, in Races.; Each Wins Two, but Out of the Struggle New Zealand Gelding Takes the Honors--Details of the Contests., Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-01


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WHEN TWO CHAMPIONS MEET Great Antipodean Horses Gloam ¬ ing and Beauford in Races Each Wins Two bnt Out of the Struggle cw Zealand Gelding Takes the Honors Details of the Contests A notable feature of the racing in and around Sydney Australia in September and October of last year was a series of thrilling contests between G D Greenwoods Gloaming and AV H Mackays Beauford Both these horses are geldings Spice was added to lh 5 keen rivalry between them and their owners and trainers by the fact that Gloaming repre ¬ sented New Zealand and Beauford New South Wales In the circumstances Beaufod was naturally enough the idol of the crowds that flocked to see the two horses whenever they met but Gloaming nevertheless re ¬ ceived his share of the cheers whether he won or suffered defeat defeatBeauford Beauford was a sixyearold by Beau Soult by St Simons son Soult Gloaming a year older is by the Flying Fox horse The Welkin Gloaming was bred in Austra ¬ lia and bought as a yearling by Mr Green ¬ wood for 1150 He won the Australian Jockey Club Derby in 1918 and has been a fiequent visitor to Sydney but has done most of his racing in New Zealand where his owner a Yorkshire man born at Haworth the home of Charlotte Bronte lives and has his chief interests though a big land owner in Queensland Beau Soult the sire of Beau ford was bred in New Zealand where Soult was for many years the leading sire sireCHAJP1OXS CHAJP1OXS IX TOUIl KACES KACESGloaming Gloaming and Beauford opposed each other in four races The first was the Chelmsfcrd Stakes run over a mile and an eighth at Randwick in September A crowd of over 50000 people was attracted and there was great excitement There were fourteen run ¬ ners Odds of 10 to 1 were laid on Beau ford and 2 to 1 against Gloaming When making the turn into the straight Gloaming was leading from Soorak afterwards beaten a shcrt head in the Sydney Derby Bellambi Furious David Keneppil and then Beauford At the distance Gloaming and Furious were in front side by side Meanwhile Beauford had been making headway and presently raced up to the two leaders It was a thrilling spectacle and the crowd went almost fran ¬ tic A hundred yards from the goal Furious weakened and amid a scene of tremendous enthusiasm Beauford passed Gloaming to win by threequarters of a length David two and a half lengths away beating Furious a neck for third place David was a 50 to 1 chance chanceGLOAMING GLOAMING WIXS AT KOSEIIILL KOSEIIILLThen Then a week later at Rosehill came the contest for the Hill Stakes at a mile In this Beauford was penalized for his victory at Randwick and had to allow Gloaming seven pounds Nevertheless odds of 5 to 2 were laid on the son of Beau Soult and 5 to 2 against Gloaming Mr Greenwood and his trainer the Alec Taylor of the Antipodes were this time confident their horse would win because they believed the former race was just the one canter Gloaming needed to bring him to his best Their faith was not misplaced because Gloaming beat Beauford easily by a length and a quarter Soorak finished third another six lengths away awayThere There was an interval of two weeks before the Australian Jockey Club spring meeting at Randwick The first day Beauford and Gloaming met in the Spring Stakes a mile and a half race to which 2500 was added On this occasion the two horses again car ¬ ried equal weights Beauford was an even money favorite against Gloaming odds of 2 to 1 were laid laidBeauford Beauford came into the straight three lengths in front of Gloaming his jockey hav ¬ ing stolen a march after going about a mile Gloaming challenged resolutely at the dis ¬ tance but after a most exciting tussle Beau ford beat him a neck The mile and a half was covered in time a second and a haiC faster than that taken by the Derby winner an hour earlier It was a tremendous fight over the last sixteenth The general impres ¬ sion seemed to fre that Beauford was better served by jockeyship than his rival rivalGLOA3IIXC GLOA3IIXC WINS CKATEX PLATE PLATEFour Four days later the fourth and last of the series of duels was witnessed in the Craven Plate at a mile and a quarter von by Beauford last year to which 15000 was added Both horses were backed at even money and this time Gloaming won in effortless fashion by three lengths so hon ¬ ors were even Unprejudiced critics after weighing up everything came to the conclu ¬ sion that Gloaming proved himself a slightly better horse than Beauford if only because the latter had most of the luck when he won the Spring Stakes StakesBut But there can surely be little between them A hope was entertained that Gloain ing would go on to Melbourne and try con elusions with the Victorian champion Eu rythmic but he and Mr Greenwoods other horse were shipped back to New Zealand immediately after the racing at Randwick was over Twelve days after landing in New Zealand Gloaming easily won the Champion Plate over the mile and a quarter route at Wellington beating the New Zealand Derby winner Winning Hit HitThere There is a somewhat remarkable feature in Beaufords pedigree His sire Beau Soult is by Soult a son of St Simon from Out Lady by Simmer son of St Simon Blue ford the dam of Beauford is also from a daughter of Simmer There are thus three close crosses of St Simon in the pedigree

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923030101/drf1923030101_12_6
Local Identifier: drf1923030101_12_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800