Speedy Motor Cop Fails: Age Gives Away Before Youth in a Dazzling Performance.; Jack Bauer and Lucky Button Lead Home the Former Crack Sprinter--Snooksie Bradley Gives Good Performance., Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-01


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SPEEDY MOTOR COP FAILS Age Gives Away Before Youth in a Dazzling Performance Jack Bauer and Lucky Button Lead Home Homethe the Former Craok Sprinter Snooksic SnooksicBradley Bradley Gives Good Performance SAN DIEGO Cal February 28 For the greater part of one race and this was the afternoons feature at Tijuana all eyes were centered on two horses and then as they turned for home one retired The two were Jack Bauer the Colonel Vennie gelding from the Colonel R L Baker stable and Motor Cop flying the colors of C B Irwin which needs no introduction It was at five and a half furlongs and these two essayed to make it a twohorse race but ere the end was reached speed and age made its demand to be served and Motor Cop fell back to be third to Jack Bauer and Lucky Button The latter from the A C Bostwick string was not prominent in the early part of the contest Jockey Stevens rode a heady race in that he figured that Motor Cop and Jack Bauer would cut out the pace and that by keeping his mount under restraint he might catch the leaders tiring tiringThere There was scarcely a nose difference be ¬ tween Jack Bauer and Motor Cop as they made a sizzling pace a pace so fast that others in the field aside from Lucky Button were unable to match Something must crack under the terrific strain It all hap ¬ pened at the turn for home Here youth scored over age and this gave Jack Bauer the victory Lucky Button made a valiant fight to overhaul the leader but was far from being equal to the task for Jack Bauer won with some to spare The Bost ¬ wick entry was much better than the tiring Motor Cop and the latter had to be content with the consolation end of the purse purseBEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL WEATHER PREVAILS PREVAILSBeautiful Beautiful weather prevailed for the after ¬ noons sport and the big crowd was made up largely of the fair fans for it was ladies day dayIn In the twoyearold dash which ushered in the sport of the afternoon Snooksie Bradley from the stable of J W March bank of San Francisco made it two in a row when she decisively defeated a smart band of juveniles at an even half mile The pleasing looking daughter of Rock View and Russian Sable accomplished her victory in a manner which left little doubt in the minds of the critical ones as to her quality Away slowly she worked her way into the lead just before entering the stretch and then to make her triumph more convincing she in ¬ creased her advantage and ultimately won in a canter by four lengths Closest to her at the finish was A Lester an outsider in the wagering which outstayed Seths AkSar Ben which in turn was but a head better than Miss Leggo LeggoThe The second race a dash of fiveeighths brought together a band of thirteen in which the favorite Jack Pot had a narrow escape from defeat As it was he barely managed to nose out Huzzas which came from back only to fail by the narrowest of margins marginsDalton Dalton proved the best of nine maidens which faced starter Morrisseys barrier in the third and despite the fact he was ridden by the unfashionable jockey I Fletcher he proved an easy winner from Virginius and the Rancocas Stable castofC Cedric In jus ¬ tice to Virginius it must be said that the latter was pounds the best as the race was run The colt was away badly being pinched out of it as the barrier arose However undaunted he raced after his opponents and finishing two strides to the winners one he was wearing him down at the end endBlack Black Thong was the offending favorite in the fifth a gallop at one and oneeighth miles Although lie drew the bulk of the wagering he ruled an It to 10 choice in the betting he was woefully shy of speed and never figured in the running being far back at all times With Black Thong out of contention it was an easy task for Piedra to race past the leaders in the stretch and that aged campaigner won by a length and a half from Reydo and Orleans Girl GirlThe The failure of jockey Erickson to get Col ¬ onel Matt away from the post in the seventh race at threequarters of a mile brought about the defeat of that first choice Harry Rudder carrying the colors of C B Irwin showing high speed took a commanding lead soon after the start and under hard riding held Ollie Wood and Yukon safe for first honors honorsIn In the concluding dash there were four horses which found favor in the eyes of the public It finally ended in Blossom House being the favored one at 2Vi to 1 The field was at the post only the fractional part of a minute Philanderer and AAar Penny al ¬ ternated in setting the pace and as they rounded the far turn it appeared that War Penny might be the winner However he did not have enough stamina and faded out of the picture When they reached the stretch Philanderer had assumed the lead with Summer Sigh in second position and Blossom House near by Jockey Watrous riding Blossom House had judged well of pace and distance He called on his mount and midway of the stretch he forged to the front to finally win by the major part of a length Philanderer hung on tenaciously and saved second place by a nose from Summer Sigh SighOwner Owner C B Irwin had his big string de ¬ pleted yesterday when he lost Black Betty out of the last race via the claiming route H D Cates was the one to lead the mare away having claimed her for 2200

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923030101/drf1923030101_12_1
Local Identifier: drf1923030101_12_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800