6th Race [6th Jefferson Park, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-01

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filll RAPE J1 lilts ayearolcls Claiming March 17 1O2O 145 45 45HILLHOUSE HILLHOUSE b c 3 103 By Honeywood Geheimniss by Saia SaiaTrainer Trainer A C Porrctto Owner W J Kramer Breeder Nevada Stock Farm 68406 Jefferson 51 f 1OS fast 7 1021 1 3 31 G4 A Abel 8 Kaffles ElizabBcan Fcrnandos C83G7 Jefferson 34 l14fast 10 106 5 2 Il 1s A Abel 12 Full o Fun Radiant Fernandos 08133 FGrnds 34 l15sslow 15 10412 12 9 9s B Harvey 12 Rupee Tender Setli Radiant 08010 FGrnds Im70y l46fast 30 104 7 10 10 10 E RcnzcttilO Yorick Gbost Marjoric Wood 07482 FGrnds Im70y 149 hvy 20 102 3 2 41 41 J Wallace 8 AlStebler MarjWood PGorda 07458 FGrnds 34 llghvy 7 112 4 6 6 G J Wallace 7 Macbeth Rork Flying Devil 67250 Jefferson 34 l15fast 15 103 1 4 3l 3J C Lang C Bedazzle Leslie Al Stebler REFORMER b c 3 M 103 By Berrilldon The Busybody by Meddler MeddlerIrthur Trainer J Arthur Owner J Arthur Breeder L Garth 68448 Jefferson 1 11G l53hvy 1S5 103 1 1 3 31 A Abel 7 Reel Foot Bonfire Little Ann 68389 Jefferson 1 116 l47ifast DO 103 7 7 7 7 A Abel 7 Ed Gray Chiva Pce of Umbria 68131 FGrnds 34 l16slow l 5 103 7 3 2i 2k A Abel 13 CAReinliart RCrown LiLAnn 07983 FGrnds 34 114 fast 15 110 10 8 61 G A Roach 14 Eulalia Sultan First Blush 67878 FGrnds 34 l14fast 20 107 8 11 10l 11 A Abel 11 Childs PJay Poor Sport Rork 67560 FGrnds 3J l14fast 12 105 5 4 4l 4 i A Abel 13 Stone Age Nuyaka Temptress 07437 FGrnds 34 117 hvy 15 116 2 8 71 7 A Abel 11 Amolc Prince Til Til Rupee RupeeRUPEE RUPEE ch e 3 108 By Delhi Lucrative by Mordant MordantTrainer Trainer W Shields Owner J L Holland Breeder P T Chinn 68444 Jefferson Im70y l49 4mud 1S5 108 3 2 21 2 F Murphy 7 Al Stebler Glabella Yorick 68331 Jefferson 1 116 l4S ifast 8 10S 4 3 2 21 F Murphy 9 Slanderer Kcnnmare AlStebler 08246 Jefferson Im70y 147 fast 31 10S 5 2 21 3s F Murphy 12 Ghost Slanderer Sweet Mama 08133 FGrnds 34 l15slow 12 106 10 4 11 1 F Murphy 12 TenderSetli Radiant FlyDevil 07941 FGrnds Im70y IMSTJfast 41 1091 2 2 II 21 E Pool 12 Kennmare AAmerican Lucidus 07850 FGrnds Im70y l47Hslov 115 10S1 4 3 2 2 E Pool 14 Nuyaka Juno Kitty Carpenter CarpenterC7814 C7814 FGrnds 34 116 hvy 135 115 C 4 31 4 F Murphy 12 Fernaudos Sultan Bonfire BonfireBLUE BLUE BIRD br f 3 M 103 B BTrainer By Zeus Bavonroost by Pringi of Monaco Trainer F Wright Owner C H Knebelkamp Bleeder White Garnett 68240 Jefferson Im70y 147 fast 15 106110 11 71 T1 A Wilson 12 Ghost Slanderer Rupee 07750 FGrnds Im70y 146 fast 7 109H 9 6s 6 A Wilson 11 MinnieB Keunmare TCI 07088 FGrnds 34 l14 fast 12 104112 5 51 54 A Wilson 12 Begum Ghost Kinsman 07604 FGrnds lm0y l16fast 10 9311 9 91 S10 D Jones 11 Irish Pat Ghost Slanderer G75GO SlandererG75GO TemptressG730G FGrnds 34 l14fast 4 10011 9 9 61 J CrcoranlS Stone Age Nuyaka Temptress G730G Jefferson 1 l12fast 10 107 3 5 Es 51 A Wilson 7 Vennie Roseate II Lady Inez 07173 Jefferson 34 l17 hvy 8 112 5 G 41 31 A Wilson G Gail Ford First Blusti Rupee 07109 Jefferson 34 l14Tisood 6 106 S 5 34 315 A Wilson 10 Admirer MWood BofBRidse GLABELLA b f 3 98 98Trainer By King James Colorvieto by Collar CollarBreeder Trainer T Scott Owner G W Butler Breeder H T Oznard 08444 Jefferson Im70y l49 mud 4 ICO 4 4 3 3s J Chlmers 7 Al Stebler Rupee Yoriek REEL FOOT ch e 3 By Rapid Water Nigella by Ornament Trainer J S Everman Owner G L Hoffman Breeder W Caskay Jr 08448 Jefferson 1 11C l53hvy 4 10S C 2 H Il J Owens 7 Bonfire Reformer Little Ann 08370 Jefferson ImTOy l45 fast 30 30 94 in 7 6 6 b b 614 W w Fronk 7 DukeJohn HPdncr OBthd OBthday R240 Jefferson ImTOy 147 fast 20 10S 12 12 12 12 = = N Swart 12 Ghost Slanderer Rupee 080G8 FGrnds Im70y 14S hvy 25 110 S 5 25 2 J Owens 10 All American Fleeting Bonfire 08010 FGrnds ImTOy l46rsfast SO BonfireSO 103 S 5 Gh 5ci J McCoy 10 Yorick Ghost Marjorie Wood 07941 FGrnds ImTOy 145 = fast SO WoodSO 106110 6 9110 A Wilson 12 Kennmare Rupee AllAmerican 67750 FGrinds lm0y 146 fast 20 109 9 10 10IS10 B Harvey 11 MinnicB Kennmare Temptress IRISH PAT b g 3 By Berrilldon Mollie Kean by Bobbie Kesa Trainer E J Crawford Owner J J Lyons Breeder R R Howard 08331 Jefferson 1 116 l4Sifast 6 110 8 5 71 7 F Smith 9 Slanderer Rupee Kennmare 08204 FGrnds 1 142 good 30 100 2 S 7 7 J Mooney 9 Shamrock EdwardGray KentL 67907 FGrnds Im70y IMl fast 20 1CS 3 2 31 3 J McCoy C Goldencrcst Siiperbum Glabella 678G1 FGrnds Im70y l46 iBOod 15 110 6 5 B1 G J McCoy S Superbum BchBnty AlStebler 67754 FGrnds 1 l404ifast 15 104 G 7 S5 S J McCoy 9 PecTiiTii Roseate Majority 67085 FGrnds 1116148 fast 8 109 1 7 7 6 F Sharpe 7 Superbum BchBcauty Glabella 07G04 Glabella07G04 FGrnds lm0y l4G7ifast 6 109 3 1 I1 1 J McCoy 11 Ghost Slanderer Mildred Ruth 07550 FGrnds Im70y l45 good 25 102 S 2 61 6 i J McCoy 10 Vennie Roscatel Setting Sun 07482 FGrnds Im70y 149 hvy S 109 8 8 6 6 E Smwod 8 AlStebler MarjWood P Gorda

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923030101/drf1923030101_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1923030101_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800