Jefferson Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-01


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Jefferson Park Form Chart NEW ORLEANS LA WEDNESDAY FEBSTTAET 28 1923 Jefferson Park 1 milo Thirteenth day Jefferson Parish Fair Association Spring Meeting of 28 days Weather cloudy temperature 60 ° Stewards T A Murphy II P Conkliug nnd 7 R Campbell Judges J McLennan J 11 Kccdcr and J B Campbell Starter W Snyder Racing Secretary J 15 Campbell Racing starts at 215 p in Chicago time 215 p in W indicates whip S spnrs 1 blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 1 116 Miles March 17 1920 145 7 110 Purse 700 3ycar olds acd upward Claiming Net value to wiener 525 second 115 third 60 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi = i Str Fin Jockeys O II C P 58371 TINGLING WB 5 112i G 10 4l 41 2l 1s 1s L Morris E K Bryson BrysonG83G7 G83G7 KIT CARPENTERwS 91i 4 2 3i 3 31 21 2J J ChalmersP C Crawford 58347 NEAPOLITAN w 4 108 S 8 G 5 4 = 3 35 H ThomasJ J Farrell Jr 7 S 7 21 G5 58331 HELEN ATKIN WB S 1061 1 3 1 1 11 4s 4t R McCrnnH E Crist 13 CO 20 S 4 8347 WARLIKE w G 110 12 9 9 71 6 7i 5 R RomelliE A Fennell 13 15 15 G 3 G5G822G 8229HUTCHISON w 4 103 10 6 71 S1 7 Gi G1 G Mein J W Murphy 3 6 G 21 G5 G822G CHATEAUGAY WB 4 1CS 11 7 S = 9 9 51 71 P Murphy J B Daniel 10 10 S 4 2 258095WALESPA 58095WALESPA w 4 103 5 1 5 Gl S 8l A Abel Southland Stable 15 15 15 G 3 3Ci8IllGYPSY Ci8IllGYPSY LIGHT w 5 103 2 4 11 11s 111S101 9 R MthewsV II Bond 50 GO GO 20 10 58290 IIANDFULl w 10 110 7 11 10 10 10 11510 E Martz R V Haymaker 8 10 8 3 S5 8226 MY ROSIE w 4 100 3 5 2 2 5 91 11 B Harvey H Opts 3 5 41 2 1 G8391 COMMANDER WB 7 110 9 12 12 12 12 12 12 C Jackson A D Harrison 7 S 7 21 G5 heavyWinner Time 26 52 119 147 154 Track heavy Winner Ch g by DalUousic Tinker by Handspring trained bv T Lynn bred by Mr Thomas Clyde ClydeWent Went to post at 211 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing TINGLING was saved under restraint until in the last quarter where he rushed into a long lead nnd won in a canter KITTY CARPENTER was close up from the start and raced well in the stretch drive NEAPOLITAN came with a rush through the last eighth and was going well at the finish HELEN ATKIN set the pace to the stretch and tired HUTCHISON was always outrun MY ROSIE ran quarterScratched a good half and quit badly COMMANDER was pulled up in the last quarter Scratched GS371sVhite Haven 110 GS G Amanda 103 G8194 Ragazza 105 GS391 Jake Feld 103 GS328 Plum Blossom 103 6S371 Phelan 110 110Overweights Overweights Tingling 21 pounds Kitty Carpenter I Helen Atkin Gypsy Light 3 My Rosie 2 SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlong Dec 16 1913 105 J 4 112 700 Added 3ycar olds Allowances Net value to winner 025 second 13075 third 7050 Index Horses AWtPPSt U i Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 08 100 RAFFLES w 107i 4 5 5G8407 Il I I Il F Murphy J I Holland S5 93 1 25 1G G8407 MACBETH we 105 3 1 31 3 3 2 A Roach L Gentry S 12 12 4 2 22l 58365 = BODY GUARD wu 105 5 2 2l 2 1 2 3s A Wilson Idle Hr S F Stb G 8 G 245 08369 JOHN Q KELLY wn HG 2 6 6J7938 5 6 4 4 F Smith T J Pendersast 25583 710 7104l J7938 MAJORITY WB 110 6 3 4l 41 5 5 A Abel J R Sklnker 10 12 8 21 1 08227 STUMP JR WB 1121 7 4 Gl 5l G G1 J D MncyL H Sewell G S S 3 G5 08068 MAJOR CHILTON w 100 1 7 7 7 7 7 B Harvey W Perkins G 10 10 4 S3 heavyWinner Time 24 50 103 110 Track heavy Winner Ch e by Luke McLuke Phebe G by Mazagan trained by W Shields bred by Messrs J O O II Keene KeeneWent Went to post at 240 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing RAFFLES raced into a good lead at once and kept it nut began tiring in the last eighth and had to be ridden hard near the end MACBETH lost ground at the start but came gamely through the stretch and was going fast at the end PODY GUARD raced in closest pursuit to the last eighth and tired JOHN Q KELLY was badly outrun for the entire race but gained in the stretch MAJORITY tired badly MAJOR CHILTON was always far back backScratchedOS ScratchedOS oa Eulalia 103 CS240 Sweet Mama 100 CS10G Flying Devil 103 103Overweights Overweights Raflles 2 pounds Stump Jr 2A THIRD RACE 34 Mile Dec 31 1319 112 3 117 700 Added 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 525 second 313075 third 7050 Index Horses AWtPPSt StrFin Jockeys Owners O II G P 08225 SAGAMORE wn G 107 26 G 1 Ill A Abel J Arthur 1 111091013 1G 08408 RALCO w G 115 1 4 3i 4 31 2 J Owens H S Bowns G 12 12 4 85 8508408GUVNOR 08408GUVNOR w 5 113 7 3 21 2 2 3 F Smith T II Bernhardt G 8 S 3 G5 G508190SEWLL 08190SEWLL COMBS wu S 112 6 2 1 3 4 = 4J B Harvey W M Cain G 8 8 3 G5 G58410JMOM 8410JMOM w 4 113 51 5 a 5 5s J Wallace G C Winfrey 5833 G5 08548 SUNNY GIRL wn 5 IDS 3 5 41 7 GJ G = J McCoy I Liebling 10 15 13 5 2 273THEO 73THEO WB 4 101 47 7 G1 7 7 J ChalmersL II Sewell 58721 58721Time Time 24 50 117 Track heavy heavyWinner Winner Ch g by Uncle Lydia II by Luke Blackburn trained by J Arthur bred by Mr Hal Price Hoadley HoadleyWent Went to ixjst at 305 At post 7 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing SAGAMORK away poorly but helped by the going moved up with a rush wiien fully settled in his stride and racing into the lead held the others safe through the stretch RALCO raced prominently from the stnrt and finished fast GUVNOR showed early speed but began tiring after reaching the fttrctcli SKWKLL COMBS dropped back after showing the most speed for a half MOM acted badly at tiie slowlyScratched post and was always outrun THKO raced poorly after beginning slowly Scratched CSHVItarraeuda 109 CS327 Ablaze 103 FOURTH RACE 1 116 Miles March 17 1020 145 7 110 Ozone Handicap Purre SlCGO 3yoarolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U Vt StrFin Jockeys Owners O II O P S 08368 BLARNEY STONE w 5 110 3 5 5 5 3U 1i 1 E Martin M Reiser 21 1S531 G5 35 08 JO AUNTIE MAY w 5 110 1 1 2 2U 1 21 21 W Kelsay G T Worthingtonl 4 3i C5 35 35C8368DOUBLE C8368DOUBLE CROSS wn 4 103 2 3 1 1 2 3 3l H ThomasR J Gilmore 5 7 7 21 1 08 109SERV1TOR WB G 113 4 1 3 3 41 4 4 G Babin G P Winfrey 2 21 11513 13 13C83303BR1DESMAN C83303BR1DESMAN wii 7 US 5 4 4 4U 5 5 5 F Smith J H Tevis Ll 31 31 G5 35 35Time Time 25 50 J 117 J 146 15354 Track heavy heavyWinner Winner 15 g by Berrilldon Toy Rock by Rockton trained by M Reiser bred by Messrs W L Garth GarthWent Went to post at 323 At post 1 minute Start good nnd slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing PLAHNEY STONK racing In his trne form and well ridden moved up in the first half and raced into the lend in the stretch to win as his rider pleased AUNTIE MAY was restrained in close pursuit until in the last quarter where she raced into the lead but tired in tho stretch drive DOUBLE CROSS FCI the early pare nnd tired but came again iu the stretch SERVITOR was done after going three quarters BRIDESMAN was never prominent f O FIFTH RACE 1 110 Milea March 17 1920 1454 7 110 700 Added 4year fl C olds and upward Claiming Net value to wiener 525 second 13075 third 7050 Index Horses AWtPPSt VI J i StrFin Jockeys Owners 0 II C P 68104 SPUGS wn 5 110 3 3 11 1s 1 1 I5 A Abel F J Kearns 2 3 1351 12 12G8270 G8270 REPEATER WB G 113 14 4 45 3 3s 2l J Bell F Swain 4 7 7 21 G5 G5C8371DUMni C8371DUMni NDER ws 4 103 2 1 2l 2J 2 2l 3 G Mein C Houbre 554 3233 68390 TULANE wn 4 103 4 7 at 51 5 41 4s R Doyle W D Bernhardt 6 10 10 3 83 08325 CONSORT wn 4 103 3 f 31 31 4l 5 5 E AtksonE J Crawford IS 20 20 S 4 4689lTOM 689lTOM CASSIDY w 4 108 6 6 6 G G G G B Harvey II Akers 21 3 3 G5 35 35C8285 35C8285 C8285 IRISH DREAM wn 3 115 7 2 Lost rider F GrahamA Swonko 77485 45 45Time Time 25s 51 113 145 153 Track hsavy hsavyWinner Winner 1J g by Charles Edward Shoo Fly by Meddler trained by J Kearns bred by Mr Eugene Rucker RuckerWent Went to post at 353 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing SPUGS favored by the going raced into a long Ifad soon after the start and increased his ad ¬ vantage throughout winning eased up REPEATER gained fast through the last eighth and outstayed DtMBKOrNDEIt The latter raced in closest pursuit to the last eighth and began tiring TOM CAS SIDiT was badly outrun all the way IRISH DREAM began well but ran out on the turns and striking tiie fence unsontoil his rider on the backstretch backstretchScratched Scratched CS433 Serbian 115 6QAJT7A SIXTH RACE 1 116 Miles March 17 1920 l45i 7 110 Purse 700 3year O i 6 dt olds acd upward Claiming Net valua to wiener 525 second 115 third 60 Str Kin Jockeys Owners 68203 FLIBBERTYGIBT w G 112 1 3 Gl 4 2 2 31 L Morris W Caywool 33245 23 OR449tHERALD wn S 105 4 2 11 I1 I1 2 AV Fronk J T Looney S 12 12 5 21 OH209 EXECUTION w 4 IDS 7 4 4 61 6 4 31 H ThomasL Fisher G 10 S 3 S3 08331 WRANGLER w3 7i 9 5 3 5s 4l 31 4 J Wallace G Peterson 15 15 12 5 2 f81o7 BEES AV1NG w 6 103 W 7 1C1 9J S G 5 1 Chalmers W Aerne G S S 3 S5 G81IITHE S5G81IITHE DECISION wn 10 IK 3 1 2s 21 3 5J G R CostciloA Swenke 15 20 20 S 4 083S1JACOBINA w 3 100 G 9 9i S 91 S 7 B Harvey W M Cain 8 10 10 4 2 08390 STRAIGHT SHOT WB 4 10S 5 10 S1 7J 71 7 S J McCoy F P Robie G 10 S 3 S3 08371 MA1XE w 6 103 21111 11 JO3 10s 9 R Doyle W H Fizer 8 12 12 5 21 08133 TRANSIENT w 3 103 S G a 3 5 9 = 101 G Mein W J Kramer 15 15 15 G 3 08209 MIRCLE MAN WB 4 10S 11 8 7 I0ti 11 11 11 A Abel D L Richards 3 41 41 S5 45 heavyWinner Time 25 51 113 147 154 Track heavy Winner I lk g by Peter Pan Paintbrush by Broomstick trained by W Caywood bred by Mr Harry Payne Whitney WhitneyWent Went to post at 420 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the P same FL1BBERTYGIBBET moved up steadily in the last quarter and linishing gamely outstayed j HERALD The latter showed the most speed and finished gan ganCUTION CUTION made a fast finish WRANGLER showed speed but began tiring in tiie stretch THE DECISION raced well to the stretch MAIZE was away badly MIRACLE MAX was fur back all tin way Scratched wayScratched 5S3U1 Black Hackle 103 Will Adventure 103 07712 Anzeua 113 CS371 Pitter Patter 110 07DCS Satana 105 OS351 Fast Trial JOS 08391 Lo Gaulois 110 110Overweights Overweights Wrangler 2Hs pounds Flibbertygibbet 2

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Local Identifier: drf1923030101_3_2
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