Rebukes Splendid Victory: Captures Valuable Coffroth Handicap for J. K. L. Ross After Feylance and Muttikins Fail., Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-27


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REBUKES SPLENDID VICTORY Captures Valuable Coffroth Han ¬ dicap for J K L Ross After Feylance and Muttikins Fail SAN DIEGO Cal March 26 Black and orange flashed across the horizon at the Tijuana race track Sunday afternoon the black and orange of Commander J K L Ross famed Canadian turfman turfmanIts Its Rebuke shouted the crowd of 30000 and thus came the end of the richest allage stake in America This was the Coffroth Handicap at one and a quarter miles The Ross coffers had been enriched to the tune of 29175 29175What What a triumph it was for that veteran of trainers Henry McDaniel the discoverer of Exterminator Sir Barton and other real good horses However as shrewd as is this man McDaniel in the conditioning of horses he had not expected to win the race with Rebuke Feylance was the main reliance of the orange and black establishment And then he also had Muttikins to call on onRaces Races will come and go Turf history is ground out every day in each calendar year but Sunday was the day of days for the West and rightly too for a field of eighteen thoroughbreds were contesting for the richest prize of winter racing racingCheers Cheers and motion picture cameras greeted the winner and then out of the judges stand stepped a sprightly matron to crown the winner This was Mrs J P Atkin wife of general manager Atkin of the Tijuana Jockey Club She placed the laurels of victory over the neck of Rebuke and the horse bowed graciously in acceptance It was not a new thing this string of garlands for Rebuke for down in Havana they put a floral horseshoe on his neck when he was the winner of the Cuban Derby DerbyThere There was a delay at the post of nine min ¬ utes This was occasioned principally by the mare Muttikins which kept the others tusy dodging her heels Finally starter Harry Morrissey with a twist of his hand sent the eightteen away in good alignment Polly Wale with her light impost of ninety three pounds was first to show in front and she led past the stand and around the first turn to the half Feylance with his 121 pounds which had raced in closest attendance then wrested the lead Around the far turn he took up the running and the shout arose Its Feylance FeylanceThere There was a general closing up of the field as they entered the stretch Prince Tii Tii showed his muzzle in front and for a brief moment and it appeared as if victory was within his grasp Then he faltered and Continued on cigMli REBUKES SPLENDID VICTORY Continued from first page Adonis loomed up as the winner However there was Rebuke yet to be considered Jockey Pool had riddeil him wisely and well He had something left With hand and heels Pool urged his mount through on the inside and in one of those finishes that makes blood course through veins as will nothing else the black son of Dick Finnell downed Adonis and won by a neck The race was run in 206fe and the Ross entry paid 3 to 2 Adonis one of the outsiders was second best by a length Third was Supercargo the Californiabred runner which came from far back to take Prince Tii Tiis measure by a nose Fey lance found his weight of 121 pounds a crush ¬ ing burden and although stout of heart his stamina was spent ere the end was reached reachedIt It was extremely lucky for jockey Pool that he did not leave for Kentucky a few days ago as he planned Just on tlie eve or his departure he was offered a mount from the Ross stable He accepted and it fell to his lot to guide Rebuke Jockey Claver the senior rider of the establishment was given first pick and chose Feylance Jockey Walls elected to ride Muttikins so it was left to Pool to ride the third one of the Ross entry destined to be the winner There was a rich reward for young Pool for aside from the liberal sum given him by the stable for riding the winner he was presented with 1000 by the Jockey Club ClubMany Many celebrities were in attendance these being from various parts of the country Among those noticed in the clubhouse were Jack Dempsey worlds heavyweight cham ¬ pion John Rosseter prominent California breeder Gerald Beaumont writer of racing fiction Barney Oldfield dean of automobile racing drivers Colonel R H Moise of Chi ¬ cago T H Mulvey secretary of Superior judges of San Francisco District Attorney Mathew Brady of San Francisco Alex Pan tages wellknown western theatrical mag ¬ nate Fred Harlow and Frank Hennessey The movie colony at Hollywood contributed the following screen favorites and directors Harold Lloyd Xorma Talmadge Mildred Harris Larry Semon Lottie Lorraine Joe Scheniek Jack Pickford Priscilla Dean Carl Laemmle Douglas McLean and Hoot Gibson

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