4th Race [4th Mobile, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-27

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1 3Iilc Rets Mercantile Company Purse 1yearolds and up ¬ ward Claiming March 24 192 145 15 S 119 FITTER HamburgTrainer PATTER ch g 6 110 By Broomstick Rainy Days by Hamburg Trainer 7 J Foley Owner M C Pritciard Breeder H P Whitney 68881 Mobile Ab 61 f 127 Rood 135 117 3 1 I I1 R Rice S Ruggles Tricks Gvpsy Light 08830 Mobile Ab 5S 103 hvy 7 120 4 3 3 = 2s R Rice S Grandee Happy Girl FastTi FastTrial 68691 Jefferson 1116149 fast 7 114 5 4 1 9l W Bogskil2 Black Hackle Bonfire Corsi Corson 08371 Jefferson 1 116 l4S fast 100 112 1 6 91 9J W BogsklU Diimbfnder Exborter WHaven 08220 Jefferson 1 11G l49jfast 40 114 9 11 9i 10 W Bogsklll Ashland JFairman yTUaven 07989 FGrnds 1 11G l47fast 50 103 4 S SJ S = W BogskilO TMcTagt Carmencita Natnral 67043 FGrnds 34 l14ifast 30 110 3 5 7 73 Vv Bogsklll Feodor Adventure Blkilacfcle BlkilacfcleEXHORTER EXHORTER PersimmonTrainer b g 9 115 By Sunder Persuasion by Persimmon Trainer T Scott Owner T Scott Bred in England by J B Joel 68879 Mobile 1 149 good 32 109 4 3 21 2 L Gregory 7 Herald JacoUan Sandy U 68610 Jefferson 1 11G lGl4Sfast l4Sfast 41 10610 5 71 8 R Doyle 12 Natural Fluff litlle Ammie 68371 Jefferson 1 116 16 IMS l4SUitast tast 2 107 2 1 1C8229 2J 2 = G Mein 10 Dumbfounder WhiteHaven Ace C8229 Jefferson 1 116 16 l49Hfast 6 114 4 2 21 2i E Smwodll Trooper Mormon Elder Maire 08031 FGrnds 1 S16 16 AsuliiiidS 202fast 8 104 S 3 4 7 5 R Doyle 10 Repeater Wvlie Asuliiiid 7883 FGrnds 1 1S S l55vifast 6 107 11 8 Si S = i A Abel 12 Carmencita Holster Ailliro AilliroS 67028 FGrnds 1 1S S l54 l54stast stast 10 10S 5 2 2Giii87 3 7 E Pool 11 Waltllall iJspoIelie tIond Giii87 F Grnds 1 S1G 1C tIond1C 202 fast 3 107 3 2 2FINANCIAL 1 2 J Crcoran 7 King Trojan Magician Pbelan PbelanR FINANCIAL ROOSTER R Grangenard b g 6 110 110Trainer By Little Dutch Cloisteress by Carlton Grange Trainer W Barnard nard Owner R Warfield Breeder R Warfield 68901 Mobile 1 IM l451Efast ifast 20 107 G 3 35 2 E Demayo 7 Magician Grayfon Matineeldol 68879 Mobile 1 149 good 10 114 6 5 5 5 R Holton 7 Herald Kxhorter Jacobean 08859 Mobile 1 l50 i low 1 115 2 2 3I831 E Martin G SUghtlll Tyranny Spearlene 08840 Mobile 1 l32 islow 7 114 2 4 4G8783 3 3 R Bolton 4 Grayton Herald Marimba G8783 Jefferson 1 316 16 205hvy 30 110 11 11 11 11 = R Harton 12 Escarpolette Devonite Ettahe 08052 Jefferson 1 31G 16 202 fast 30 113 4 455 o = 5 E T Moore 9 Darkllill TheWit LittleAmmle 68597 Jefferson 1 12 2 23Gi faHt 20 112 G 3 3J 25 E T Moore 7 Stanlev Moodj Little Ed 67750 FGrnds 1 116 16 l47Sfast 30 109 9 12 12JACOBEAN 11 = S9 E T Moorel2 Gen Cadorna Stanley liuionj JACOBEAN b g 5 115 By Folymellan Jacobs by J ck Atkin AtkinBreeder Trainer F R Doyle Owner S Jones Breeder H T Oxnard 8910 Mobile Ab GJ f l23 = ifast 113 110 1 1 I1 1 R Doylo 7 Stevenson Ailliro Winall 68879 Mobile 1149 good 20 109 3 2 3 3 R Doylo 7 Herald Exhorter Sandy II 68860 Mobile Ab G i 27slow 8 109 4 5 4 = 411 R Doyle 5 Verdi Ix on Jaco Little Pstsy 6889 Mobile Ab 5S l02Vihvy G 11G 4 3 3J Z J Bell C Jago Search Light III StJust 68697 Jefferson 34 l15Vislow 10 115 8 5 61 4i R Doyle 12 Stamp Runnyol Twopair 68511 Jefferson 34 l16Vsfast 4 2 3l R Doyle 12 Anticipate Fiiten A Alexander 68283 Jefferson 51 f 107 fast 30 111 7 10 10 10J W Kclsay 12 Whalebone Osarite Guviior TULANE b r 4 4Trainer 114 By Wrack Augusta Victoria by Sain Trainer D Womeldorff Owner W D Bernhardt Breeder S K Nichols C8898 Mobile Ab 5S 59 fast 10 10G8473 126 6 6 C C X Burger G Assume Vansylvia CAComkey G8473 Jefferson 1 116 l53Hhvy 10 10G8390 103 754 4 R DoIe 7 SPURS Kepeater Dumbfoundor G8390 Jefferson 1 116 lM7fast 10 10G8325 103 5 3 3 G3 B Harvey 11 StDouard Sergcmaii Gondolier G8325 Jefferson 1 11G l48 ifast 20 20C8192 110 2 3 2h 2 J Chlmers 7 Neddani Transient Jordan C8192 FGrnds 1 1S l Sihvy 20 100 3 8 9 9 B Harvey 9 Devonite II Pardner WarPrize 68009 FGrnds 1 116 l17fabt 12 1111 1 4 G5 60 J D Mney S AttaKoyll MKoberts HGear 67944 FGrnds 34 l12 fast 20 20G7420 112 1 4 7 Gl A Roach S KlmerK UClinrlic Mavournu G7420 FairGds 1 11G l52hvy 10 107 7 8 S1 S J Oncns 10 Itntna OurKirlhday Cantilevei XINGLING II b h 10 10Trainer 115 By Ethelbert Kings Favorite by Hanover HanoverJ Trainer J P Maybsrry Owner J P May berry Bred in France by A Belmont C8940 Mobile Ab Gl f l23fast 4i 4iG8903 115 5 4 4 5J U McCVnn 7 Jacoboan Stevenson Ailliro G8903 Mobile Ab 6S f 125 fast 41 41G8857 113 4 4 3i 3e R McCrnn 9 GypsyLight Amnnda M Jimmy G8857 Mobile Ab CJ f 128 slow 3J 122 4 4 43 41S K Parton 7 Sandyll MarseJimmy Consort 8290 Jefferson 1 1S 156 fast 20 109J 1 II 11 s E SmWodll Kiixom Pastoral Pirate McGcc 67554 FGrnds 34 l147sgood 30 30G7362 107 2 11 11 111J A Abel It Hillsdalo Younoed Clarkson G7362 Jefferson 34 lHfast 30 105 12 11 11 II15 G Lans 12 Itoyal Dick Grayson Jock Scot 67220 Jefferson 34 lilSHslow 30 110 9 10 SI 9ts A Abel 12 Mcnse Gen Cadorna Hereafter 66791 Marlboro 1 116 153 fast 1 16G77G 109 1 1 I1 1 K Jelley 7 JapMuma GWashgton SirJack 6G77G Marlboro 1 116 l5Sgood 3710 me 71 2 22 A Abel 7 Plantarcde Horcb Dottas Best

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923032701/drf1923032701_4_6
Local Identifier: drf1923032701_4_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800