Hopeless And Nassau, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-27


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HOPELESS AND NASSAU LEXINGTON Ky March 2G Frederick Johnson did not tarry long at home He ar ¬ rived in Lexington Sunday afternoon from New York and will remain here until Thurs ¬ day He has Nassau in training at the Ken ¬ tucky Association track for the Kentucky Derby and that is why he came back as soon as he got over his illness Nassau is in Hal Price Headleys stable but Johnson himself is giving W Buford the veteran colored trainer directions as to what is to be done with the son of Nassovian NassovianThere There is another personally conducted Derby eligible in Bufords charge in Hope ¬ less The son of Huon which was a good twoyearold Headley is saying what is to be done with and for Hopeless but neither he nor Johnson have any dcfiinite conclu ¬ sions about the chances for their respective candidates If Nassau goes ahead satisfac ¬ torily Johnson will have Arthur McKnight come to Louisville about two weeks before the Derby and finish the colts preparation There is little likelihood that both Hopeless and Nassau will start In the Derby DerbyHal Hal Price Headley and his three young daughters will be company for Fred John ¬ son on his return to New York The Head leys are going to spend the Easter holidays with Mr Headleys sister Mrs Christian De Wall in Brooklyn

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923032701/drf1923032701_1_7
Local Identifier: drf1923032701_1_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800