Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-27


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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesTIJUANA TIJUANA TUESDAY MARCH 27 WEATHER CIEAU TRACK FAST Tha figures under the heading Rec in the entries beloxv show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1920 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than fast or good track abbreviations show track ccnditions Racing starts at 153 p m Chicago time 355 Superior mini runner X loud mini runiiar Fair mud runner SI Maidens Apprcntici lloivaiice b Kllnkers First Race 34 Mile Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Dec 20 1916 111 111Inil 3 110 110Todays Todays Inil Horse Wt UPC AWtlInn 688911 W C Dooly Ill 114 7 110X72 68910 = Mr Krutcr 112 115 115688SO 7 110 720 688SO Kmma Weller 90 114 6 1130715 68869 blink Tenny 114 114 7 108X715 68944 Yon Bet 105118 G 10SX710 68771 Yorkshire Maid 4 10G710 68890 Little Abe 113 114 11468S90 11 115X705 68S90 Do Admit 108 115 115G8910 5 103 705 G8910 Kuth Harrigan 104 114 114C884S G 10S705 C884S Mae Seth M 3 DS700 68843 Cabby K M 3 100 700 68910 Kl Sabio 117 114 13 110X700 68771 Norain 115 110 G 115 700 68943 bllunters Point 107 119 119Second 5 115X700 Second Race 34 Mile Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Track record Dec 20 1916 111 689103 Midnight Bell M110 110 G8420 Bittern 100114 4111X720 4111X7206S9263 6S9263 Trippawa M 109 110 3 H3X715 H3X715G8944 G8944 Freddie Fear 107 115 4 113 715 715C7702 C7702 Clare Frances 93 115 5 108 715 68889 bSteve 50113 0110X710 0110X710C8666 C8666 Maudie Wilson 115116 5108X710 68890 The Cure M 0 115 710 63910 Kon Sante 99 113 7 115 710 67435 Madrono 109 115 G 115X705 63712 Martha L M 97 117 4 10G700 68911 Dr Cunard M114 117 5 110 700 68914 Auditor M 8110 700 68849 Trulane 110113 11 113 700 700Third Third Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse GOO 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Dec 20 1910 111 3 110 110C8917 C8917 bMay Maulsby 101 113 S 111 725 68913 Lobelia 115 114 9 10GX720 10GX7206SS47 6SS47 Lenieve 107 114 7 100 715 68930 bTawasentha 107 113 5 1111715 68916 bKaniskane 112 114 4 111X713 111X713C8947 C8947 Virgo Ill 114 9 111X715 68396 Kenecia 108114 0111X715 68918 bTutt 109 114 5 113X710 68946 Kosa Atkin 103 l10s 5 111X705 68913 bCuba 94114 0111X705 68947 Ispham 100110 Gill 700 700G894G G894G Vera Kita 100 115 5 111X70 68930 Little Gink 111113 10113X700 08375 Pokey K 100113 7110X700 7110X700Fourth Fourth Race 34 Mile MilePiir Piir c GOt 3ycaroIds and upward Claiming Track record Dec 20 191G 111 3 110 63946 Julv Fly 110 114 9 100X723 68950 Shelbyville 113 114 4 100X720 68825 Carl Roberts 110113 10108X715 63730 bKaf forty 115 114 9 113X710 68314 I W Harper 107 113 S 113X710 68855 Nog 111114 8108X710 68825 bUed Man 109 114 9 113X713 68350 Double Eye 112 114 G 108X710 68754 bLewis K 115114 S113X705 68918 Tco KreckenridgelOt 113 7 111 705 68300 Poor Puss 90 115 3 91X700 63754 Lariat 113 115 7 113X700 606053 Jewel City Ill 11G S 113 700 63947 Nizam 114 11G G 113X700 Fifth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purse 700 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record March 10 1923 142 1426891G G 118 6891G bllarry Rudder 113 144 7 10S725 63814 My Rose 108 145 510GX720 68827 Yukon 10S 1 G 108X715 6S9323 hClip 7 113X700 63935 Royal Maid 3 80X705 G38753 bPeter Pierson 3 103 700 700Claiming Sixth Race 5 12 Furlongs Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingS122 Track record Feb 2i 5 1923 103 S122 68826 COCA COLA 116 108 5 110X725 68948 Uing 109 l0i 7 113 715 GS395 bDr Johnson 117 107 S 120X713 68895 Doctor Corbett 105 1OG 10 123X715 68911 bTubby A 110 107 5 112X710 68916 Ollie Wood 109 lOS G 107X710 68671 bCorncutter 94 105 9 10SX703 67853 Klue Kelle 105 107 5 113X703 68337 Norfield 101 110 3 102 700 Seventh Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsPurse Purse 000 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record March 10 1923 142 6 118 GS953 She Devil 107 144 144G8910 7 10GX723 G8910 Inspector Hughes G 108X720 08927 hWater AVillow 103 141 14168S50 7 111X713 68S50 Wise Judge 10S 1 140 4G 5 10SX710 68896 Eugenia K 105 105149 149 5 111X710 68897 Peace Flag 83 83145 145 3 92X703 68896 Doctor Tubbs 103 14S 4 10SX705 68892 Lichen 88 147 1476S950 3 92X700 6S950 Lavaga 97 147 l47sy G 111X700 G89173 F G Corley 7 113X700 113X700Eighth Eighth Race 1 Mile MilePurse Purse GOO 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record June 17 191G 138 3 93 63910 bKreeze 107 139 9 108x72 68929 Mr X 100 139 5 103 720 720639S03 639S03 George Muehlebach113 141 7 10SX715 10SX71563S49 63S49 bDonatcllo 10S 141 G 10S715 63926 Calithump 5 10GX710 10GX7106S91G 6S91G bltoisterer Ill 140 G 10SX705 68911 Hal Wright 88142 4 104 700 Ninth Race 4 12 Furlongs Furlongsand Purse GOO 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Jan S 1921 53 10 103 68631 bAryanna 101 53 5 110 725 G8G47 Little Pointer Uli 53 5 110X721 CS756 bFnll Moon 5 110X715 6S826 Hazel Dale 103 55 10 110X715 6842G3 Angola 107 54 4 110X715 6S9113 Lady Tiptoe 103 54 5 110 715 68773 Charmant 5 110X710 63401s Tabloid 4 110X710 68911 Loch Lcveu 5 110X705 C8730 Kva Song 5 110 705 67765 Lady Marac M 4 110X700 68935 Pay Off 8 110X700 G8897 Regular Girl M 3 100 700 Yinsa 4 110

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923032701/drf1923032701_5_4
Local Identifier: drf1923032701_5_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800