Mobile Jockey Percentages., Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-27

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MOBILE JOCKEY PERCENTAGES From January 1 1922 to Slarcli 12 I Inclusive At or Over OverPO JocKcy JocKcyPool PO Wt Mts Pool K 19 109 G49 Morris I IS 111 425 425IS Wayt T IS 110 49S Butwell J 18 115 291 Kmallwood B 17 108 432 Moore E T 17 108 383 Murphy F 16 10S ISl ISl1C Brooke T 1C 113 179 Jlelloway R 15 106 189 Burke II J 15 112 379 Owens J 14 IOC 1015 Jackson C 14 109 163 Graham F 14 115 7 Majestic J 14 99 289 Harvey It 13 100 182 Itarnes E 13 112 328 Wilson A 13 101 675 McUerniott L 13 107 528 Mein G 13 103 353 Petz J G 12 114 8 Itomanelli II 12 103 147 llabin G 12 109 175 Kelsay W 12 110 384 Mooney J D 11 113 400 Snart N 11 102 359 Thcmas II 11 103 790 Thnrber U 11 103 240 Abel A 11 99 237 Rogauowski W 10 102 673 Chalmers J 10 92 692 Msngan G 10 102 87 Martin E 10 105 303 At or Over OverPO Jockey JockeyMcCoy PO Vt 1st 2d 3d McCoy J 10 100 19 18 24 Hell J 09 112 Dority R 09 112 Doyle K 09 102 Martz E 09 107 33 37 44 Reid W 09 94 Rochm E 09 107 Wallace J 09 9G Smith F 09 105 105OS Mooney J OS 100 Frieshon A 08 103 Frank W 08 94 Atkinson E 07 109 Itrydges 11 07 100 6 4 10 Harrington R 07 100 15 28 IS Itonch A 07 104 10 9 9 Sbarpi F 07 102 19 1C 31 Ilarbourne E 00 105 McCrann K 00 107 Costello R 05 93 Bonhain T 04 90 Smith J 04 IOC Accardy A 95 Fraley A 100 Gourley W Jones I Kessner J Kiniry F Matthews U Moellcr K Hobbins E Ward L Wilcox F

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