6th Race [6th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-27

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C4h 25DIP DA PC G 12 Fnrlonsrs Kyearolds and upward Claiming Feb 25 DIP nAUt 1J 23 105 8 l COCA COLA br n 5 116 By Superman Rnpicola by Advance Guard GuardTrainer Trainer W Walker Ownar W Walker Breeder H T OTCSTI OTCSTIG882G G882G Tijuana SI f l06 fast 3 105 6 4 41 Ss F Stevens C J Bauer Brilliant Hay JoelleJ 68488 Tijuana 61 f l07fast 21 116 1 S 1 I1 F Stevens 9 Dr Johnson lull Moon Kabcr KabcrG8344 G8344 Tijuana 51 f lC6fast 41 104 7 7 6 61 F Stevens 8 JItaucr CiirKnrique LIutton LIuttonG8107 G8107 Tijuana 51 f l06 fast 14 109 2 4 43 4 F Stevens 7 Ten Buttons Dolores Joella J J6808G 6808G Tijuana 51 f l06ifast 335 107 6 5 3 3 F Stevens 6 Abadano Itrillitltay DrCorfcclt 67959 Tijuana 5S l02hvy 4 107 3 4 3j 21 F Slevens 5 Harry D DrCorbett DrJnron 67832 Tijuana 34 l12Jsfast 31 107 4 3 21 2 F Stevens S Knighthood DrCorbett Settle 67549 Tijuana El f lOSXfast 32 116 6 2 13 13 F Stevens G Ring Grace K Spinaway SpinawayRING RING blk m 7 113 By Leonid Hands Around by Parpent ParpentTrainer Trainer A L Briggs Owner A L Briggs Breeder W McLemore McLemoreG7549 G7549 Tijuana El f l06fast 21 313 1 1 2 23 C Rails G Coca Cola Giacc K Spinaway 67320 Tijuana 1 l41 = fast 1110 106 4 1 I3 I3 F Stevens S SilkSox Proclamation Theresa TheresaG591S G591S Kvrorth 7S l27 = ifast 5 IOS 1 1 1 1 F Stevens G Dalton Fair Virginia Satana SatanaG5754 G5754 Kworth ImVOy l45vifast 35 101 9 9 9 9 F Wciner 10 Ogaritc Blarney Hoy Penelope Penelope65G81 65G81 Kworth 34 l13fast 3130 107 1 2 2i 5J T Nolan 10 ThornyWay TNoiiuew Huddle HuddleG5401 G5401 Woodno 34 113 fast 13 113 3 6 51 4s M Fator 9 Spiuaway Sagamure Ogarito DR JOHNSON b g 8 120 By ByTrainer Sir John Johnson Quack by Ogden Ogdenriggs Trainer A L Briggs Owner A L Briggs riggs Breeder J E Madden 68895 Tijuana 5S l00 sfast 15 110 2 4 41 53 E Fator 5 llriUntHay JkltaiUT Kingllke 68798 Tijuana 34 333sfast 41 117 1 1 li 1 E Fator 11 Dalton CnrKnriqui LitHeacli 68735 Tijuana 51 f 107 fast 2 120 6 4 ol ai E Fator G DrTSDaby L15eacli TubbyA 68631 Tijuana is f 54 fast 41 115 3 3 3 23 B Fator S Kinglike MotorCop DickTerpln 68529 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 2 117 5 1 I1 1 E Fator S Pay Off Trusty Inoupnanni 68488 Tijuana 51 f l07iifast 11 117 5 1 2124 E Fator 9 Coca Cola Full Moon Faber FaberBy DOCTOR CORBETT b g 10 123 123Trainer By Rapid Water Bridge Light by Lamplighter Trainer R M Hollenbeck Owner R M Hollenbeck Breeder T H Jones 68895 Tijuana 5S lOOMfast 12 110 5 5 5 44J W Pool 5 HrillntKay JkHauer Kingllki 68732 Tijuana TijuanaG8344 34 l13ifast 12 113 3 1 Il 1J W Pool 7 P Wale WMtgomery 111 Hetty G8344 Tijuana TijuanaG8301 El f 306 = jfast 11 110 6 5 41 41 F J Baker S JRauer CarEnriqup UButtod G8301 Tijuana TijuanaG8086 El f 3 6fast 6S 111 7 C 6l 6f3 C Thpson 9 llrilliant Kny iiolorcs Feylanca G8086 Tijuana TijuanaC7959 51 f 306Vifast 12 109 4 4 4l 4 1 E Petzoldt G Abadane llrillianlHay CocaCola C7959 Tijuana TijuanaTUBBY 5S 302 = ibvy 23 109 5 E G 351 R Flynn 5 UarryD CocaCola DrJohnson DrJohnsonBy TUBBY A b g 5 112 112Srent By Transvaal Pegg L by Von Tromp TrompBreeder Trainer A Srent Owner A Brent BrentE Breeder J F Adams 68911 Tijuana E f 108 fast 33 131 4 1 1 Il J Merimee 8 LochLcvcn LyTiptoe HWright G8735 Tijuana 5 f 107 fart 41 310 3 6 31 3s G Rose DrTSDaby LIJench HarryD G8651 Tijuana 34 l13fast 20f 110 S 4 4s 43 H Long 12 Dalton Finplace Vibrate G8586 Tijuana 51 f l09 ihvy 1 111 5 1 I5 2 W Martin 10 DnnringUirl Chnrmt Occidenta 67917 Tijuana 51 f 309mud 15 112 4 3 2 = 21 II Howard S Xoonhoiir IlillHIackwcll Settle TJjuana 51 f lOSmud 9 ICC 1 2 23i 21 A Claver S Kinglikc Cliartliell Fireplace 0 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 9 306 2 2 2 331 E Petzoldtll liuoirnniici IlontGgp Athna 67473 Tijuana 41 f 54 fast 6 103 5 4 4 33 C Rails 7 Kinglike Incognce 1hr Ward WardBy OLLIE WOOD ch g 6 107 107Trainer By Doncaster Seddie King by Leonid Trainer J Kern Owner J Kern Breeder G E Reynolds 68916 Tijuana Im70y 145 fast 6f IOS 4 9 91 913 I Parke 10 Purl Itreezo ivilnidonr II 68854 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 212 107 3 7 7 57 I Parke 9 LnrkylStitton Trusty Fircplacs 68730 Tijuana 1 l2fast 1119 113 2 1 I3 I3 D Powell 10 Kirkwood Haffcrly Midian 68716 Tijuana 34 l14fast 4310 110 4 1 1 I2 D Powell 12 Delancey EWilliams CRobta 68545 Tijuana Im70y 149 mud 7 110 6 6G84G7 7 61 61 G Rose 7 Walter Dant Dolph Doc Tubbs G84G7 Tijuana 34 113 fast 22 11G 7 5 2 23 O Powell 9 Harrylludder Yukon Col Matt 08437 Tijuana ImTOy l45ifast S IOS 3 4 43 4s G Rose 13 XebrLad HHmtder WlspJudce 68422 Tijuana 34 l13ifast 5 71 4J F WatrouslO Aurkassiu EinWirms HRudr PORNCUTTER br g 9 103 103Trainer By Corrigan Grasscutter by St Carlo CarloBreeder Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Breeder C B Irwin 68671 Tijuana TijuanaG8302 Elf 105 fast lOf 93 2 4 410 ji Long 7 Fcylanro Dolores Ten Rutloni G8302 Tijuana 51 f l05Mfast 31 96 5 43 4 1 P Hum G Knighthood Oil Man Krcwcr 284 Tijuana TijuanaC8003 41 f 54islow 0 110 2 25S 4s 44 H Long 9 Kinglike Angola Incognnnce C8003 Tijuana TijuanaG7S9G 5S lC3mud 35 113 6 21 23 E Petzoldt 9 ItIUackwl It Prince AmackIn G7S9G Tijuana 51 f l09mud 2310 110 2 25S 1s 1s II Long S NShore EItriglit Lit Pointer 67872 Tijuana 5S l03mud uio 315 2 13 1J1 P MartinezlO Mlldn Count Poris North Shore 6751 Tijuana 41 f E6 mud 710 107 1 I3 I1 II Long 8 Fondlloiie QuineyWard Angela AngelaBy BLUE BELLE ch m 5 113 113Trainer By Transvaal Aunt Belle by Sir Dixon DixonBreeder Trainer J Pelter Owner Pelter Bros Breeder Morris Walden Walden4h 67853 Tijuana 51 f 1OS mud 9S 102 4 6 4h 4T1 E Kenger 8 HarryD Incognancc Iiihn Jr 7705 Tijuana 34 l12fast 47 102 5 4 4C7578 61 E Ken per 7 Ten Iluttons Sfttle MeKsinrn C7578 Tijuana 34113 fast 19S 104 7 7 7C7536 71 7 J Kenger S UrilItay Luckyllntton Cofficld C7536 Tijuana 51 f 107 fast 32S 109 6 6 61 57i J Kesscer 7 Krcwer MessintH Oil Man ManBy NORFIELD ch c 3 102 102Linnell By Enfield Nonna O OBreeder Trainer E Linnell Owner Leslie Stable Breeder S S Eakle 68897 Tijuana 41 f 55 fast 3S 101 7 61 553 J Maiben 11 Hon George MotorCop DkAges G8528 Tijuana 5 f l07fast 18 302 6 6IXf Fell M Andson S SisSusip Herder Hrigansllutr C842G Tijuana 41 f D3ifaat IXf 101 3 43 43 W Pool 9 ItlMliagapo Incognance Angela C8362 Tijuana 34 l14fast 7 105 1 1IS lh jh w Pool 8 Athanna ClkStocking BIHoblu C8314 Tijuana El f lOSV fast fast5S IS 100 2 I1 I1 A Claver 12 Nizam Mciry IJISH Cicoiy Kay GS240 Tijuana 5S l05 hvy 20 99 7 7 7 J F Watrous 8 Hilly Joe PoncIur llelcnMajor G799G Tijuana 51 f lllmud 51 104 S 6s 5 1 F Stevens 11 Caunzel TheVeugeance USmith

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923032701/drf1923032701_7_3
Local Identifier: drf1923032701_7_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800