9th Race [9th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-27

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Furlonsrs 5y earolds and upvard Claiuiiu r Jan S Sy y i n 10 ion ARYANNA ch m 5 110 110Trainer By Uncle Helcn Barbee by Peep oDajr oDajrrner Trainer B F McClain Owner rner HeadleyISO B F McClain Breeder H P Headley G8G31 Tijuana 41 f 54 fast ISO MotorCopJS 102 5 7 71 7Ti R Flynn 8 KSnjjlike DrJuhnson MotorCop G842G Tijuana 41 f 53fast AnselaIS JS 101 9 7 8l SJ F Weiner 9 IHMHafjase Incognance Ansela 08212 Tijuana 3 f lllihvy IS 107 6 G 6 F Watrous G Harry I Jack Bauer FullMoon G8127 Tijuana SS l01fast 45 111 1 1 I1 I1 E Petzoldt 9 Dark ARCS Endive StAngclinn 07552 Tijuana 58 101 fast 4 1C6 6 3 3 5 1 J Thomas S Honest Ccoigc Hazel Dale It G751G Tijuana 53 102 fast 165 110 657 74 II Long S PhWard lloringa Pay Off G745G Tijuana 58 l00fast 8 105 3 2 2 2s H Long 8 CocaCola PliWard MManage G7380 Tijuana TijuanaLITTLE 34 l14 iiast iiastch 3 105 3 1 1 1 II Long 11 She Devil July Fly Lavaga LITTLE POINTER ch m 5 110 By Heno Stiletto by Star Shoot ShootH Trainer H E Davis Owner H E Davis Breeder Belair Stud 08GI7 Tijuana 58 l01 fast 95 106 2 1 I1 1 E Petzoldtl3 CoIMntt UaLIJtrry ItosaAtkin G8G2 Tijuana 51 f lOTfast 7 105 2 6 3 2 E PetzoldtIO ViiiW H s Fdllope HUudiler 08524 Tijuana 53 l01faat 5 108 2 2 1 1 1 B Petzoldtll JofTag llallouIUrry Stanley G84G7 Tijuana 34 111 fast 20 103 5 S 9 J E lvs dl 9 HarUudder OIlio Wood Yukon G8423 Tijuana 34 l14ifast S 111 7 7 7 9J II Long 12 Juljr Fly Dolancey Vir e 08404 Tijuana 58 l01ifast 24 113 9 9 9 = 1 731 II Long 12 HszelDale JoeBlair Missriltoy G8172 Tijuana 34 119 bvy 15 110 2 5 5l Sil H Zander 9 Choir Master Neg Kimono FTTLL MOON blk m 5 110 110Trainer By Dick Finnell Caller Ou by Oddfellow Oddfellowr Trainer R E Lovell Owner r J McGinn McGinnG8750 Breeder McB Monrn G8750 Tijuana ImTOy IMajfast 2 112 5 4 51 4 J II S Jones 7 Dolhimar Herder Mclchoir 08736 Tljuani ImTOy l44fast 12 112 5 2 2G8688 3s 3s H S Jones 8 Purl Harry Kuddnr llreeze G8688 Tijuan 1 l41 fast 129 112 1 2 11 21 M Mlliick 10 Occident Melrhoir Delhimar 08651 Tijuan 34 l13fast VibrateG2 21 ICO 4 S S1 9 j M Milrickl2 Dallon Fireplace Vibrate 08589 Tijuan 34 l14hvy G2 93 5 6 Gl G J M Milrck 8 Jkliauer Littlcllope LkyUutn 08488 Tijuan TijuanG8242 51 f l07 ras t 34 10S 3 G 3l 351 M Mirrick 9 Coca Cola Dr Johnson Faber FaberS3 G8242 Tijuan TijuanG8199 SI f lll hvy S3 10G 3 5 4 31 M Milrick t HarryD JacklSauer Ineognance G8199 Tijuana 51 f l10gmud 21 108 2 1 1 1J1 M Milrick 8 CicelyKay Don Jose Caunzel HAZEL DALE ch m 10 110 By Barnsdale Tern by Black Dean Trainer C 2 Irwin Owner C B Irwin Breeder L C bloan bloanG882I G882I Tijuana 51 f 1 OGVsfast 12S 1K 136 6 F Cantrell 15 JItaiicr PrilliuntUay CoeaCola 08073 Tijuana 34 111 fast a 111 3 2 4J SJ G Rose 12 PayOff DamOirl Sisler Susit 08031 Tijuana 41 f 51 fast 19 103 2 6 G1 6 1 F Stevens S Kinglikv Dr Johnson MotorCop 08104 Tijuana 5S l01fast 1110 114 3 1 I1 1J F Cantrell 12 JoeHlair Missouiiltov Mfloiver 08213 Tijuana 41 f 57V hy 1310 112 2 1 1s I1 F Cantrell 7 JoeTac IJklrirce SGontleman SGontlemanG8223 G8223 Tijuana 33 l04fcmud is3 114 2 1 Il I1 F Cantrell 7 It Joe Tag Choir Master ANGELA ch f 4 4Trainer 110 By The Wolf Mona Canomann by Elmer L LOwner Trainer R M Hollenbeck Owner R M Hollenbeck Brseacr P A Klitsicin 08120 Tijuana 41 f K fcfast 910 107 4 3 3 3s M Milrick 9 niMItiigsase Insnaiue Norfd 08319 Tijuana 33 101 fast 95 101 3 4 Il 1J M Mifrck 7 SVltle Ask Jossii Co Snider SniderG 08281 Tijuana 41 f 54islov G 102 1 1 1i 2 M Milrick 9 Kinulikc Innignanre rorncuttcr 08108 Tijuana 53 l01 ifast ifastG7079 1310 109 2 1 I1 1 E PetzoldtIO IayOff HazoIDale CoIcnclMatt G7079 Tijuana 58 i01 fast 4 103 3 1 I1 1 K Petzoldtll Joe Tas Full Moon 1ay Oft 07510 Tijuana f 8 102 fast 3110 103 3 1 1 1 C Rails 8 SwnlpII DonJw Mayflower 07095 Tijuana 5S 101 hvy 9 103 2 1 1 IJ C Rails Cornell tier K Waldo Plantaje LADY TIPTOE ch m 3 110 By Lay Low Lady Stalwart by Stalwart StalwartTrainer Trainer J T Strite Owner Strite ft Valentine Breeder G Cooncy 08911 Tijuana 51 f 10 fast 61 109 343 31 T Wilson 8 TuhbyA IochIxven Hal Wright 08733 Misriltoy08G31 Tijuana fl f l07 fast 19 109 2 2 4110J T Wilson 13 Trusty MissManagf Misriltoy 08G31 Tijuana 41 f 51 f st 124 55 6 6 5l 5S3 T Viljon S Kinglike DrJohnsun MotorCop 08482 DangCirlC8401 Tijuana 3J lilifast 17 113 2 1 2ll SJ E Fator 11 MManage liladVews DangCirl FlyC3737 C8401 Tijuana 53 l01rast 41 11G 5 2 3 S E Falor 9 Dark Agts Tabloid Julv Fly C3737 Reno Cl f l07fast 3 107 lll S Smith 8 Eugenia K Sacrntato BlkTop CHARMAIJT RequitalTrainer ch m 5 110 By The Rascal Linolin by Requital Trainer A J Noyes Owner Ferguson Noyes Breeder V7 B Watkins WatkinsG8773 G8773 Tijuana 31 f l0Tsfast 45 111 2 1 1 1 Jl Molters 12 MidntlJell Priucellenry Onva OnvaG8729 G8729 Tijuana 34 l14Vfast 11 113 334 = 4s II Molters 12 P Picrcou 151k Monkey Fiesta 681380 Tijuana 51 f lOD fchvy 15C 111 4 3 33 3T II Molters 10 DancliiRGirl rubttyA Occidenta OccidentaG84GG G84GG Tijuana 55 f l06 tfast 311 114 1 8 S 3 1 Motsrs S Jltatier LuekyHutton MotorCop 01137 Tijuana 34 l15Kgood 7 10S 4 2 21 S P Hurn 0 Ola Lee Al Porter Mary Jay Jayb1083 b1083 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 6 109 4 3 4 G W D MlllerlO Fdllope HalWrisht Al Porter PorterG105G G105G Tijuana 51 f l07fast 12 106 3 4 5t 5 J P Hum 7 SmilMaRsie IItonA Ptascnet 61033 Tijuana 34 l14slow 12 105 4 2 21 2 P Hurn 7 July Fly Ixibolla I AV Harper 9 106 1 3 21 2J1 P Hum 9 CMurphy OHomestd VRita By Atheling II Lenore by Sempronins SemproninsBreeder Trainer A E Stokes Owner A E Stokes Breeder Nevada Stock Farm 08401 Tijuana S I0l7ifast 7 111 4 3 23 2 T Merimeo Dark Ages July Flv Melclioir MelclioirS G8339 Tijuana S 102 fast 32 104 6 1 11 I1 W Martin 12 JarkPot Cocmbs Amor Maid MaidS C8240 Tijuana 58 S 0ihvy 4G 110 G GG7977 2 23 41 C Thpson S Hilly Joe Poacher lleloiiMnjur lleloiiMnjurS 07977 Tijuana 5S S 04mud 73 110 2 2G78SO 4 2l 21 C Thpson 9 Xainer ISeview American Maid MaidS G78SO Tijuana 5S S 01Mfast 41 110 6 6G7G79 646 = Si C Studer 9 Due do Guise Xcg Mayflower MayflowerS G7G79 Tijuana 5S S 01 fast 12 103 2 2 3i 9J1 C Studer 11 Angela Joe Tag IM Moon Moonf 7G42 Tijuana 51 f OS fast 23 103 7 7G7552 3 4 4s M Garrett 9 PhroneWard Icon DarkAges DarkAgesS G7552 Tijuana b8 S 01 fast 13 10S OS 3 3LOCH 5 G = l C B ParUe 8 Honest Jeorgi Hazel Dale It LOCH LEVEN b m 5 110 110Trainer By Meelicb Dona Hamilton by Donald A Aroll Trainer R Howell roll Owner R Howell HowellC8911 Breoder G L Baciford Bacifordf C8911 Tijuana 51 f 103 fast 11 111 2 2G8819 2 21 21 W Gargan 8 TubbyA LyTiptoe HalWright G8819 Tijuana 34 4 ItlJftfast 30 113 1 1G8523 1 3 5s3W Garganl2 HarsIIcir InspIlnglics Tudinu TudinuS G8523 Tijuana 5S S l011ifaat G5 103 2 3 31 41 W Martin H Iobelia KoMooGse KosaAtkin KosaAtkinf 67579 Tijuana 41 f 51ifast 49 107 1 6 7 7 O Atwell S Settle Sister Susie PhroneWard 07552 Tijuana 58101 8101 fast CO 111 2 2G7342 4 7 = S1 O Atwell S Honost George Hazel Dale It ItS G7342 Tijuana 5S S 101 fast 28 107 5 5 4s 41 H Long 7 Puiblo IlniniltonA Corncuttcr Corncuttcrf 67268 Tijuana 51 f liOTOsfast 9 102 2 2G715G C C 7 i W Martin 9 Pay Off John Jr Full Moon Moonf G715G Tijuana 51 f l12fchvy 3 102 2 2 23 5J C Rails G Silk Sox Harrv J Count Uoris EVA SONG ch m 5 110 By Eustace Morning Sonc by Joan Bereaud Trainer M F Williams Owner P E Lalane Breeder J H Smith 68730 Tijuana 1 l42sfast 93 111 3 9 9 S15 J Maiben 10 Oliie Wood Kirkwood RafOry RafOryai 68481 Tijuana ai f lOS fcfast fcfastG7806 S9 110 12 12 12 12 J Maiben 12 Conichon Miss Meelick Aitgelo G7806 Tijuana 1 14 209 209sfast sfast sfastG7395 20 10S 11 11 11 11 = = F Stevens 11 Dominator Keydo John Arbor ArbortiTOy G7395 Tijuana ImTOy tiTOy 14S fast fastG7322 31 110 G 12 12 12IJ J Thomas I liuiaColupn I iriat Khymcr KhymcrnTOy G7322 Tijuana ImTOy nTOy l45fast 40 100 4 7 7 73 H Long 7 Piedra Mannikin II Louis G7278 Tijuana 34 l14 ifast 41 110 1 2 41 51 M Fator 9 DocTnbbs ShoDevil AuUevoir 66948 Tijuana 34 117 slop 3 113 4 3 5 5IJ J Sington 7 John Jr Whippet Shoreacres ShoreacresI 66574 Akron Ab 1 I 1S l53Vhfast 11 105 44i N Burger 9 Puzzl Le Illcuet Drifting LADY MARAC blk f 4 M 110 By Peter Quince Little Oasis by Bclvidere Trainer C J Gamble Ownor H Thompson ThompsonG77G5 Breeder J H Ripple RippleSS G77G5 Tijuiina SS lOUfast 2lf 110 S 12 13 13G7429 13 T Rao 13 Anselo ChtJiSniith T Duncan Duncan5S G7429 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 34f 110 12 12 12 12 T Rao 12 I idySmall Ilonkworm OlympM OlympM5S 61378 Tijuana 5S l01 ifast 14G 103 10310 10 10 9 31 AV Davis 10 Miss Clark Foeman Cancion 61240 Tijuana 5S l02 = ifast CG4 100 10 11 11 II13 E Petzgoldll Joelilair SqiiHIawkins OliveD FAY OFF ch m 8 110 By Meelick Hyacinth by Previous PreviousTrainer Trainer H Cooper Owner R Cooper Breeder C J Burcli 8955 Tijuana 1 l43ifast 32 110 214 6 G Rose S Lady Leonid Silk Sox Faber FaberG8875 G8875 Tijuana ImTOy 14T fast 7 11 1 5 5l GJJ J Merimee Herder Cancion Peter Pierson PiersonCS75G CS75G Tijuana ImTOy l43fast T 110 6 5 4 = 5T1 W Martin 7 Delhimar Herder Mechoir Mechoir68G88 68G88 Tijuana 1 liii fast S 103 9 4 4 = 5 1 G Rose 10 Occidenta Full Moon Melclioir MelclioirG8G73 G8G73 Tijuana 34 111 fast 319 111 1 3 11 1 A Claver 12 DancGirl SisSusie M Manage ManageC8529 C8529 Tijuana 5X f l075fast 11 105 2 3 21 2i E Petzoldt S DrJohnson Trusty Incognanrc Incognanrcsmud smud 25 10S 4 S 71 T E Petroldt 8 HarryD CarlosKnrique RMaid RMaidG8I08 G8I08 Tijuana 51 f l01Vsfast 7 11G 4 G 5J 2 W Pool 10 Angela Hazel Dale ColMatt ColMattG7805 G7805 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 32 10S 2 2 11 13 E Petzoldtll Vibrate Ncnnhoiir Putblo PutbloREGULAR REGULAR GIRL ch f 3 SI 100 By Pataud Biscayne by Rensselaer RensselaerTrainer Trainer W T Anderson Owner San Diego Stable Brooder W C Goodloo 68897 Tijuana 41 f 55 fast 9f S3 9 9 11 10 W Dean 11 IIonGeorge MotorCop DkAges DkAgesG8822 G8822 Tijuana 5S l01 = ifast 52 103 4 9 10 105 W Dean 12 Cedrie Plutrel Contrliit GOOS Tijuana 31 f 43 fast 45 103 6 4 5 = 1 3 3 C Studer 7 NWinct Babe Until PHampn PHampnYHISA YHISA br f 4 M 110 By Waldo Mattie Keraan by Kilkerran KilkerranTrainer Trainer H Tullett Owner Tarn o Shaater Stable Breeder B A Jones First start

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923032701/drf1923032701_8_2
Local Identifier: drf1923032701_8_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800