1st Race [1st Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-27

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4 Mile Clalmiiis Dec 2O 111 25 S HO Index Course Dist Time Tck Odds Wt St Sir Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FinishW W C DOOLY b p 7 110 By Prince Frederick Millers Daughter by Belvi BelviTrainer Trainer D Y Elander Owner Elander Bros der Breeder W C Dosly 68891 Tijuana 51 f 1C9 faat 9 113 9 3 2 2ll H Molters 14 Huzzas Onwa Mary Jny 68711 Tijuana 5 5S l01fast 22 11313 12 10 9 H Molters 13 Rcseoe Goose Perch Coombs 68625 Tijua a 3 3G8167 34 l15fast 2110 107 7 3 31 F Stevens 11 Clearfield Dora Canvasback 68167 Tijua a 5 5S Irt6ihvy 1G 316 9 S1 Tl II Molters 10 IvyGray YouHet Aictory AAon AAonG8I04 68 G8I04 1 04 Tijua a 3 34 116 fast 9 112 7 4 G1 II Moltersl2 Plow Steel llalfour Thrills 68039 Tijua a 51 f lH hvy 21 115 S 7 = 1 Ci T Wilson 11 Ras Doll Onwa Tempy Duncan 67892 Tijua a 3 3G7S28 31113 rrud 19G 112 9 51 5s T Wilson 12 Fickle Fancy Aiew Krmitana KrmitanaG7S28 G7S28 Tijua a 3 34 l15fast 10 115 9 2 1 2 T AVilson 10 LewisIJ PinkTenny SanthiaC 67575 Tijuana El f lS9fast 129 110 Left at post E Blind 11 Due de Guise Jrsz Aiazon 07221 Tijuana 5 S l02good 176 1W 10 10 10 10 K Dlind 10 ColoucIMatt MissDunbar Aelvo AelvoMR MR KRUTER ch g 1 110 By Transvaal Lillin Kruter by Orimar OrimarTrainer Trainer r Mjr Marmot Owaer R llarmct Breeder M Doyle 08910 Tijuana 51 f lCSfast 51 10S G 2 2 2 F Stevens 12 InspHuphes MIJell SIIawkins 08823 Tijuana 5 58 l01fast 10S C 7 4J Jl F Stevens 12 SwpUpII IJckl rince Tennilet 08710 Tijuana 5 58 l0lfaat IDS 3 5 45 2J F Stevens 12 StyMisi IiisHushes PhHLugu 08359 Tijuana 3 34 113 fast 112 5 1 I1 21 F Stevens 12 Flame Cave Man Limerick 68340 Tijuana 5 5G8038 58 I0l7jfast TCf 113 9 6 4 4 = J T Rae 9 Cnnnball IlMeyrrs J Campbell G8038 Tijuana 51 51G6571 Campbell5J f l13Vywy icr 115 4 3 751 S 1 Pevic 8 HarIliirgoyne Tlirills Itacclms G6571 Akron 61 61G6IG9 I l24fast 36 104 2 P Gross 10 Cavalier qof the Spa IllackPtit IllackPtitGl G6IG9 Akron Gl f l26Kilow It 115 45 T Rae S Star Itanner Rashful Uranium G5G59 NIvton 1 147 fast Ll 111 111EMMA 5J C Eames G Reveler Kapidan Poiiderosa Poiiderosai EMMA WELLER b i m G 113 113Trainer By Boots and Saddle Marty Lou by Marta Santa Trainer J Green ecn Owner P Glixraaa Breeder D Lehar Lehar51fl08fast 03830 Tijuana 51 51fl08fast f l08fast 17 111 2 2G8711 1 4 4 J Maiben 12 ligliun PrlessOne Bonnebcllc Bonnebcllc5S G8711 Tijuana 5S l0tfast 21 ICG 10 5 6 7J F AAatroual3 Rcscoe loose Perch Coombs Coombs5S 68607 Tijuana 5S ItfJislow 5i ICG 3 5 4i 3 F Watrou 8 CRoberts MFlnke Love Bird 08502 Tijuana 58 103 fast 2 JOG It Itijuana 7 7 9TJ F Watroasl Clirome Callerry KImer AY ijuana 31 l15 fast 7 111 3 1 1 2 F WatrouslO Woolday Modiste Kmcldi 08083 Tijuana 1 11 115 slow 53 10S 4 423 4 E Fator i CRartlicll GItryan LitFlcrce 34 llSiimud 135 110 5 2 3 4 T Wilson II VledColn Canvasbk MnFluke na 34 113 fast fastIWK 23 108 S 5 li 4s W Wiley 9 Slieka View Cannonball IWK TENNY ch m n 7 103 By David Tenny Friam by Pacemaker Pacemakerin Trainer G Lyon in Owner G Lyon Breeder Sirs E J Schwartz 88G9 Tijuana ImTOy Cigalero fly 14S fast 15 10S 1 3 4 9i R Bauer 13 TrnnHoc Cork Cigale 08750 Tijuana ImTOy ro l4 l4Rfast jfast 0 1C8 7 2 3J 5 E KenRcr 9 Jnstltisht YorkTasale LorMoss 08624 Tijuani 34 4 lBffast lBffastG8399 S 112 7 6 4l 4 W Garsan 12 ICbell DodeAdams PrlessOae G8399 Tijuani 34 4 lMfast 22f 114 7 4 41 3s W Garffanl3 Mistake JoeCampbell MissKdni 08359 Tijuani 34 4 115 fast fastG8103 2G 111 10 10 10l 10 R Eauer 12 Flame Mr Krnter Cave Man G8103 Tijuani 34116 4 116 fast fastG7890 S 111 6 5 lll 12 J C Thpsonl2 View Plurality Cannonball G7890 Tijuani 34 4 llSmud 9 105 8 7 64 7 E KengerlO DbUKjc Ixiiioline MdieWiln 07828 Tijuani 34 l15titast l15titastG7723 13 108 3 7 4i 31 E KengerlO Lewis AVCDooiy SanthiaC SanthiaCOy G7723 Tijuana ImTOy Oy lifsfast 1C 110 6 4 71 10 E XcncerlO Cafeteria Sirs Pat Au Ievcr Ievcr10S YOU BET ch r = t 10S By Sir John Miss Sly by Illowaho IllowahoLett Trainer H A Lett Owner M Anderson Breeder V T Eranscn 7 109 7 4 7J CJ F Seremba S Pjl ski Sarlliia C Krniitann C8i38 Tijuana 34121 hvy 4 113 223 45i F Seremba 9 Jazz Kins Worth Mistake MistakeG8IG7 G8IG7 Tijuana 5S lC6hvy G5 8S 4 2 2 2 = 1 F SerembalO IvyOriy Victory Waon H Point PointG812 G812 Tijuana 58102 fast 52 IH 4 7 51 C II Molters 12 SCtleman J Cpbell II Point PointJ80I7 NorMHoneyG79ril J80I7 Tijuana 4J f 5Stmuil 2 103 4 4 4 6IS AV Miller S QyWanl Opera tor NorMHoney G79ril TopazG7911 Tijuana 3ll174hvy 11 103 2 1 1 45 M Milrick 9 JLcdi Plurality Ilans Topaz G7911 GentryC77GI Tijuana 5sl01 mud Sf 105 1 1 1 2i W D Mlerll Cicely Kay Car L Gentry C77GI Tijuana as l021ifast 4310 11010 8 7 6 H Molters 12 Cancion Santlila C Woolday WooldayYORKSHIRE YORKSHIRE MAID br f 4 JOG By Yorkshire Lad Miss Alvescct by Alvescot AlvescotTrainer Trainer T Martir Owner Martin Barlow Breeder E D Adami AdamiG8771 G8771 Tijuana ImTOy l4Sfast 2f 102 4 8 G 45 L Creery 11 JayMae CliattanCourt Ernelda ErneldaG8GI5 G8GI5 Tijunna ImTOy l45 = fast 91f 101 11 11 11 11 I Creery 11 Maysville JustUiglit Lit Dear DearG85J2 G85J2 Tijuana 51 f 110 mud GSf 103 8 S 8 7 L Creery 8 MissKdna JCampbell LitSmile 8455 Tijuana Im70y 1M7 fast I3f 9J 3 12 12 S L Creery 12 ralfour Meteor llopover 83 D Tijuana Im70y 118 fast IK 3V 13 8 71 11 L Creery 14 LittleGink Glenzar Lucky Pen rl rlG32r G32r 7 Tijuana CS l03Tihvy C25 101 S S 7l 6 Gl X L Creery S K Review vicw Clrirlot CliirlutSmith Smith James 08038 Tijuana 5 f l13 hvy 16f 106 7 S 8 7 L Creery 8 HarIJitrgonc Thrills liacchu 07891 Tijuana 31 llSJimud It 100 6 7 7J 9 L Creery 11 VledColn Canvasbk MnFIiikt MnFIiiktLITTLE LITTLE ABE ch K 11 115 By Abe Frank Irish Gardia by Irishman IrishmanTrainer Trainer P Dwyer Owner P Dwyer Breeder J F Newman NewmanjR890 jR890 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 23f 113 3 5 S 8 II Molters 12 Hisliidn PrlessOne IJonnebelle IJonnebelleC8GGG C8GGG Tijuana TijuanaG8624 51 f l08iifast 41 113 988 S H Molters 14 TUkriilce HSante PhyllisK PhyllisKG8G24 G8G24 Tijuana 34 l15 fast ISf 109 5 5 f 7 1 H Molters 12 JCampbell DAdams PecrOne 08 08104 1 04 Tijuana TijuanaG7721 34116 fast 44 107 1 3 101 IC3 T AVilson 12 Plow Steel lialfour Thrills G7721 Tijuana 51 f l09Hfast 13f 115 6 9 9 J Glass 12 Prophecy Nonsuit Flame 65150 Hastings 34 119 slop 17 112 112G499 7 P Martinez 7 North Shore Cascade Overstep G499 64990 Ushouse 34 l17slow 1910 lit litG4907 Il P Martinez 9 Ch Master enCzir LitGinl G4907 Bchouse 1 116 l41Vfast 8 111 111G1813 4 P Martinez GrnMint Mont ISelle ClJunia G1813 IVghouse 34 l145 faat 9f 112 112DO 2 P Martinezll Col Snider SkyMau lIKAslier DO ADMIT b m 8 108 By Bey Hindoo Admit by Tngoldsby Trainer G H Lambert Owntr Millerick Bros Breeder Mrs L D Eumsey G8890 Tijuana 5Jf l08fast S5 113 a 3 31 G51 C Thpson 12 lUglndn PrlcssOne llonnebellc llonnebellcG8729 G8729 Tijuana 34 l14 ifast 10 IDS 6 5 Gl 6 J F Watrousl2 PPieison ItlkMonkcy Fiesta FiestaG858G G858G Tijuana 51 f l09 hvy 32 109 6 C 5l 5 1 M MUricklO DancinsCirl TubbyA Cliarmaiit CliarmaiitG812I G812I Tijuana 51 f l07fast 9 10G 1 2 2 2zi M Milrick 8 HoritiKii GrTrimble ChSmilli ChSmilliG8I2G G8I2G Tijuana 5S l01fasc 34 111 4 3 3 6 M MHrick 9 SisSusie LylVibon Dane Girl GirlG1329 G1329 Tijuana 5S l04hvy 14f 111 5 6 91 11 M MUrickll MKmG KosaAlkin Pinaqiiana PinaqiianaG7833 G7833 Tijuana 51 f 107 fast 132 103 7 5 5 71 M Miirickll Tue PlironeWnrd FIorceDeen FIorceDeenC7G42 C7G42 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 46 103 9 7 S1 S11 M Milricl 9 Phrone Ward Icon Dark Ases AsesBUTH BUTH HAESIGAN b m 6 108 By Harrigan Trreo by Eroomtick Trainer E M Phillips Owner T Weeks Breeder B A Junes JunesGR910 GR910 Tijuana 51 f l08ifast lOf 110 S 11 It5 9 F Serembal2 Insp Hushes MrKrutcr MIIell MIIellC8773 C8773 PrIIenryG7702 Tijuana 5A f lOSfast 92106 3 12 liu II11 F Seremba 12 Cmant MidtHcelle PrIIenry G7702 Tijuana 51 f 103 fast 27C 113 11 11 11 11JI F J Bakeril St Angelina UosaAtkin Coombs CoombsG5257 G5257 Hastings 1 11G l52Kood It 112 4 J Dawson 3nonhin HclleFIower Samllil1 Samllil1G5152 G5152 Hastinps ImOy lM islop 145 111 4i E McEwen 7 Con Ilyn Circulate M Fuller FullerG5081 G5081 llastiiiKs ImTOy l31Vmud 4 109 3e3 F Baker 7 Lola MontIelle ItillUeitchmnn TOy IMT jgood J9 113 Gl J II BakerlO Capon KesYouu D of Wrath 01350 irjliouso ImTOy l4Tgood 25 106 2 J H Bakerl2 GeoJames GenIyns DesUosu M810 Bshouse 51 f lOS f st 17 107 S H Lonj 11 WolheWisp MIIility Review MAE SETH ch f 3 M 93 3 3Trainer By Seth Hae Erwin by Baaquo II IIBreeder Trainer C C Richards Owner F A Breit Breeder F A Breit G8848 Tijuana TijuanaT87I2 11 f EG fast 16 107 1 S 3 93 D Hum 13 KlmerW lJtSmle Mayllruen T87I2 Tijuana 58101 fast 358 101 1 S S1 SJ Hurn 11 ISeverwyck Ccdric May IJrucn 68131 Tijuana TijuanaG8I19 1 I43 fi3t 9 102 4 S Sl 9IS F Weiner 12 aillieCarter SMliiaC VannCirl G8I19 Tijuana TijuanaG8380 1 f lOSrifast 4 101 3 2 2G8380 41 5J F Weiner 11 Syncopatn FdieFear GdNews G8380 Tijuana TijuanaG8338 51 flOSfast 98 6 3G8338 3 7 5J P Hurn 12 Krmiiana llonnebcll lAdans G8338 Tijuana Tijuanai797G 41 Trippawa5S f 55fast 37 103 2 2 2i797G 2 3J J Maiben 11 Norlloney LitSmile Trippawa i797G Tijuana TijuanaG7869 5S l05mu I 16 102 6 S SG7869 S S F SUvens 10 Squash lUccliiis Onwa Onwa5S G7869 Tijuana 5S l03iniud 7 92 4 3 3CABBY 41 T II LOUR 12 Careen 7ainer Cicely Kay KayM CABBY 3 b c 3 M 100 100Trainer By Tha Wolf Kismet Girl Trainer A Gibmey ibmey Owner A Gibmey GibmeyG8848 Brecrter A Gibmsy G8848 Tijuana 41 f EG fast 42f 109 10 7 7G8772 S 7 F Seremba 13 KlmerW LitSmile Maylirucn G8772 Tijuana 51 f 109 fast 13f 100 11 13 13 1313 T Wilson 13 Phyllis K Kaliani Teiinilee 08605 Tijuana 51 f 110 slow 13of 100 10 9 S 11 M Garrett 14 UiiiiKwrge Contriot I g Indian 08237 Tijuana 5S 107 hvy 141 1W 6 7 7 6 F Seremba 7 KilJoble Trippawa KM Ilouejr IlouejrEL EL SABIO brs 13 110 By Sorcerer Echwalbe by Sain SainTrainer Trainer E Vo el Owner E Vogtsl Breeder B Schreiber 08910 Tijuana 51 f l08ifast lOf 10S 3 S S 10 I Parke 12 InspHushes MrKrutcr MIJell MIJellC3924 C3924 Pihousa 5S 1 01ifast 6 111 7 3 McE wen H Celebrate M Hurry LKdmntot 63592 LitOnuG3522 Reno 5S 102 fast S 108 3 P Caron 9 DSMurray MayDawn LitOnu G3522 Reno 3S l01Vtfast 1910 108 1 11 Molters 9 OliveD Plantacenet SanthiaC 03428 Reno 51 f lOTbfa3t 10 10S S1 R Duggan 9 IJmkwell Kingldor ColMatt 03301 MDbarU3273 Reno 34 lai faat 7 108 II Molters 9 OHomestd MvFuller MDbar U3273 Reno 51 f lOT ifast 16 10S 3 It Dussan 8 SMaggie Shelbyve JSWigns Trainer G A Luckey Owner Lnckey Reeves Breeder Hits Anita H Baldwin G8771 Tijuana ImTOy l48fast 6 113 6 4 7 = Gi J Maiben 11 JayMae ChattanCourt Kinchin 8358 Tijuana ImTOy 149 mud 50 106 7 G = 5 W Miller 8 George James Dora Veteran VeteranKSK5G KSK5G Tijuana IrrTOy 1 4T 4Tsfast sfast 23 ICG 13 12 13 13 P Polrier 3 IUyPearl SenDonlan McCroar McCroarG8 G8 102 Tijuana ImTOy 145 fast 111 115 455 511 P Poirier 5 SootldYet HastiHe Sacramento SacramentoG83I3 G83I3 Tijuana ImTOy l4Trofast G JOt 12 10 9J S G Rose 12 Plinger Vork lassie Ilalfour 08279 Tijuana 34 l6alow 33 102 7 9 S 4 = 3 G Rose 10 Caamano Dovesroost Canubiill 871 Tijuana 31 llShvy 2lf 112 11 12 12 12 G Bdfoot 12 PhilumlVr KHedron Ixwis 15 15G401G G401G Urhousc 1 18 l34 fast 13 103 6 W Miller 7 Missoula TawVntha Pr Direct DirectHUNTERS HUNTERS POINT b g S 115 By Von Tromp Zorita by Cerito II Trainer D S Fountain Owner D S Fountain Breeder E Ccbrian CcbrianG8891 Onwar8792 G8891 Tijuana 51 f 1 9 fast 18 11310 11 9 ST1 W Gargan 11 Iluzzau W C Dooly Onwa r8792 KTemplarJ32S8 Tijuana 41 f 56 fast 30 113 1 10 Si 7s W GarganH Meyers Piglndian KTemplar KrniitnriG8167 J32S8 Tijuana TijuanaG8I67 58103 hvy 8 111 G 6 C 5 = 1 G Rose S ISrolrski Sauliiia C Krniitnri G8167 Tijuana TijuanaC8125 58 lCCshvy 51 116 7 3 4 J M AndsonlO Ivy IvyGray Gray You Ilet Victory Won C8125 Tijuana TijuanaG8039 58102 fast JS113 1 3 3 3i M Andsonl2 SGlleman J Campbell Review G8039 Tijuana TijuanaG7977 51 f lll shvy 10 113 4 6 9 10 E Dugan 11 Rae Doll Onwa Tempy Duncan G7977 Tijuana 58 l Minud 28 116 6 6 G 6 E Dujjan 9 Xainer Tabloid Review

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923032701/drf1923032701_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1923032701_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800