2nd Race [2nd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-27

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2nd RACE ISI ISIii ii Claiming Deo 2O 1JKJ MIDNIGHT BELL fclk f 3 M 98 98Trainer By Lay Low Violet May by Peep oDay Trainer G Cconey Owner G Cooncy Breeder G Coon jy ftS910 Tijuana TijuanaG8818 51 f lC8fifast 8 9S 11 3 3 34 C Rails 12 InspHughes MrKtcr SHkins G8818 Tijuana TijuanaG8773 41 f K fast 41 1U7 3 10 71 J j M Garrett 13 KlmerW LitSmile Mayllruen G8773 Tijuana TijuanaG8710 51 f lOSfaat 29 9S 6 5 3 2 M Jarrett 12 Charmant Prince Henry Onwa G8710 Tijuana 5S l0lfaat 13 98 11 S S S ° M Garrdt 12 StyMias MrKruter InsHugnes InsHugnes9f 08000 Tijuana TijuanaG8338 58 1C3 slow 9f 9S 6 3 3 4 M Garrett 12 Gal Hurry J Campbell Onwa Onwa52f G8338 Tijuana TijuanaG8298 4J f 553ifast 52f 1U7 3 7 71 55J K Fator 11 Norlloney LitSmile Mae Scth G8298 Tijuana TijuanaJ8237 34 1U fast 3 110 5 6 6 G M Wood G ilonnrdelli Cedrif NforilHomy J8237 Tijuana 58 107 hvy 26 99 5 6 6 7 M Wood 7 KIRoble Trippawa Nd Houer BITTERN b f 4 111 By TJncle Biwksliijht by Hawkswick Trainer L 0 Cassity Owner L 0 Cassity r Brooder A Smitha Smithat T8120 Tijuana 51 f 1 CG faat 7 100 7 C 4 451 II Ix n ng 10 Vibrate JCanipbcll DauegCirl GG977 Tijuana 34 117 hvy 19 103 7 5 4 4GG93G 21 II Long 8 HlUkwell HontGrgc PlStefl GG93G Tijuana 51 f lOS thvy 3310 105 5 5 6 6G5040 = H Lons l Jcxlla J Harry 1 Romulus G5040 Bghouse 1 116 l4Ssgood 135 92 11 II Long G PVDirvct Kcnmorell Conichoii 64951 Bghouse 34 l14Tigood 4 103 4i F Seremba 7 Money UIIIackwell FlorDeLn 64812 Bghouso 24 114 fast 7 102 102G412S F StTcwba 9 Sloney Smiling Maggif Velvet G412S Hastings Ab 58 l00good 11 103 Fell F Sremba a VMunoz Delteers CACornkey 61391 Hastings Ab 5S S9iinud 3 j09 j09TEIPPAWA a7 F Seremba 7 JtaFredick Mali Rule K Fancy TEIPPAWA ch f 3 M 93 93Trainer By Ormesdale Helen Pink bv Pink Coat Trainer J S Baldwin Owner J S Baldwin i Breeder F J Kelley 0892C Tijuana 1 l43ifast 93 93 4 3 4 51 I Parke 10 Calithump WannGirl CavoMan I 68818 Tijuana 41 f 6 fast E G K Knger 13 IilmorW 08750 Tijuana ImTOy l46fast 20 SS 3 Pulled upAV Dean 9 JiisiRIght YorkLassle LorMi 08605 Tijuana TijuanaIJ8398 Ti f liii slow 13 103 2 7 71 12 F Weiner 14 Itiingeorci Contriot Hig Indiai IJ8398 Tijuana TijuanaG8338 ilOSfast 3 91 6 7 G1 431 W lean 12 lietSliiarl Calilliiunp Sthia r ri G8338 Tijuana i f 5V fast 9 105 1 4 41 M Andsonll Norlloney LitSmile Mae Seth 8237 Tijuana TijuanaG7799 58 107 hvy TS 105 2 3 41 2J F3 Potzoldt 7 Kllloble Ndlloney ljoa lliikc G7799 Tijuana TijuanaC7712 I lliikcI f l0 faat 43 SS 7 7 9 9 L Cretry 9 MainXorrn Nizam Piniiiiina C7712 Tijuana 53 1 0 = ifaat 20 110 S 2 41 J Pevic 11 Iris Girl Itacchua Elmer W FEEDDIE FEAB br r 4 113 By Lomond My Choice by Kismet Kismetd Trainer C Heed d Owner Eeed tc Kiefnr Breeder Carr Tear TearIf G8891 Tijuana If 109 fast S 112 7 10 S 7 1 J Maiben 14 Huzzas W C Dooly Onwa Onwai G8772 Tijuana i f 109 fast 9 112 S 7 6 4J W GarganlS Phyllis K Kahani TennileT G8646 Tijuana 1 f lOS1Jfast 5 112 9 S 41 3J J Maiben 11 DodeAdams RoscoeGse HInda G8502 Tijuana 58103 fast Ct 107 366 Gl L Armsfg 13 Chrome GalHerry KImer W 68482 Tijuana 34 I14ifa3t 44f 10T 5 7 7 7J I Armstir 11 MManape GladNews LyTipto 684 19 Tijuana 1 f lOSifast IMt 106 5 5 31 I L Armslgll Syncopation GladNews OJauaei OJauaeiII G8196 Tijuana II f l12 mud 6K 10J 6 7 GJ 6JJ II Long 7 Hlack Pat Cannnnball Onwa C79I1 Tijuana 5S 101 mud 8r 109 4 6 5J 7J II Molters 14 Cicely Kay You et Car CLARE FRANCES b m 5 103 By lovotio Amelia Jcnks by Atmeath H HTrainer LivingstonG7702 Trainer R Lovoll Owner H T Palmer Breeder Mrs L A Livingston G7702 Tijuana 31 f 108 fast 113 108 S S 9 9 W Martin 11 StAngelina RosaAtkin Coomb CoombG7225 G7225 Tijuana 3S 102 good 40f 109 S 10 91 9 W Dean 11 7indo Mayflower Tom Roach RoachGG1G8 GG1G8 Akron Gl f l GHslow 5 107 5 J Pevic 8 Kfficient Qof thcSpa Camlier CamlierGG332 GG332 Akron Gi f l23 faat 9 101 Ii J Pevic 8 PrcclJonero JMuma Safra or orGG2GI GG2GI PolygamittGG018 Akron 61 f 125 fast 73 102 3s J Pevic 8 Cavalier Kayman Polygamitt GG018 PunctualG57JO MHghta 34 119 hvy 4S 107 9 1 Allen 9 Malilen Voter CanGiri Punctual G57JO WillSoonG3419 NKton Gl f 121 fast 141 101 5 G Ma ngan r Capers SlipperySitver WillSoon G3419 NKton Ab 5S I0l7sfaat 2t 105 6 J R Lux G Right Angle Pomerene iIIope iIIopeSTEVE STEVE WatarbnyTrainer b s 6 110 By rncle Strito by Watarbny StableG8889 Trainer J D Rice Owner J D Rice Breeder Oneck Stable G8889 MullcrG8770 Tijuana ImTOy l47Vfaat 27 10S 9 4 4i 4S II Zander 12 Mr X Fizer Camilla Mullcr G8770 Tijuana ImTOy 149 fast 10 113 li 5 3l 4J J Maiben 10 Tom Hrooks Dienero Cork 68625 DoolyG8239 Tijuana 34 l15 = fast 2f 10211 S 71 S H Zander II Clearfield Dora W Cj Dooly G8239 Tijuana ImTOy 153 hvy 43 113 7 5 61 611 E Dugun 8 AnitaK Plurality Little Dear DearG8182 G8182 TomOwenGS040 Tijuana ImTOy l51 shvy 13 114 S S S S E Dugan S OMcKna Mistake TomOwen GS040 Tijuana 1 l30 thvy 7 115 6 3 5 5 P Marline 7 TheVgeantv Dissolute TagDay HcdronG7GI8 67703 Tijuana 1 l43fast 7 11T 3 9 10 10 O Atwelt 10 Fireworth Starlike San Hcdron G7GI8 DayC513 Tijuana 1 1S l5Sfast 5 115 4 1 1 4 P Martinez 8 Swcnson Al Vick Tag Day C513 Tijuana 1 1lC l19Bfast US 115 566 6 O Atwell S Sliorcarre lariat Rhymer RhymerMAUDIE MAUDIE VILSON ch m 5 103 By Harridan Mazonia by Mazagan JonesG8GGG Trainer R Campbell Owner Campbell Kipp Breeder B A Jones G8GGG PhyllisKG8G25 Tijuana 51 r lOStfast 327 11210 12 11 10 10J J D Powell M TUkridse ISSiinto PhyllisK G8G25 Tijuana 34 l15iast 44 112 9 10 W 3 D Powell 11 Clearfield Dora W C Dooly 08502 WG8039 Tijuana 5S 103 fast 7S 112 12 11 11G8039 S S51 C Thpson 13 Chrome Gallerry KImer W G8039 Tijuana 5 f lll ihvy 9 108 3 3 5 Ti M Milrick 11 Rig Doll Onwa Tempy Duncan 07355 Tijuana 34 l19fehvy 5 111 3 5 5G7890 4 G = J S Sylc Sykei 7 Slielbyville CliarSmith Thrills G7890 Tijuana 34 llSmud 10 110 3 2 2 = 3 H S JoneslO DbieKye LonePine C Master MasterlOf 67850 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud lOf 113 7 5 5G7785 4 25 H S JoneslO Aiazon Coombs Mistake Mistake37f G7785 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 37f 115 11 10 10THE 9 9 i II S Jonesll OHcnesfil MissDbar Itcview THE CI7RE br h 6 M 115 115CTrainsr By Von Tromp Trained Narse by Yo El Hey HeyP DuffyG8890 CTrainsr H E Davis Owner P Duffy Breeder E Cebrian G8890 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 173 1CS C G GG8792 9U10 R Bauer 12 Illglndn PrlessOne Ronnebelle Ronnebelle7f G8792 Tijuana 41 f 56 fast 7f 113 12 11 12 11 E Fator 14 HMcyers Riglndian KTemplar 68605 Tijuana 31 f 110 slow 168 113 11 6 6C8398 13 14 = 1 Glass 11 Rungeorge Contriot lig Indian Indian67f C8398 Tijuana 51 f CS fast 67f 113 5 3 3J8210 S5 ll M Andsonl2 lielStuart Calithump Sthia C J8210 Tijuana 5S l03ihvy 252 108 8 S S S = 13 Kenger S Pilly Joe Poacher IlelenMajor IlelenMajor21f 07851 Tijuana 41 f 56 mud 21f 112 S S S S E Fator S Corncutr FdHope QucyWard BON SANTE b s 7 115 By Tho Sharper Lillypad by Blackstock BlackstockF Trainer F Kinehart Oarrer F Einehtrtl Brooder W E Moody G8010 Tijuana 51 f lCSifast lOf MoodylOf 113 10 10 93 S D Hum 12 InspIIugluw MrKruter MPcll MPcllTC G8807 Tijuana ImTOy l4sfat TC 110 7 4 1 7 E KenserlO JoilySailor Modiste Ykussie Ykussie19f G8729 Tijuana TijuanaG8G6G 34 l14Vsfast 19f 110 9 9 91 11 G llose 12 PPierson PlkMonkey Fiesta Fiesta31f G8G6G Tijuana TijuanaG860G 5J f l03Vifast 31f 108 6 4 4J 2 M MilrickH TPkidgc PhyllisK MissJanc MissJanc4i G860G Tijuana TijuanaG7892 5S 103 slow 4i 113 9 11 12 12o W Garjjan 12 Gal Kerry J Campbell Ouwa G7892 Tijuana 3 11S ruud 124 1 7 S 7 103 10le E Douhiiel2 Fickle Fancy View Knnitana Knnitana29f 6785 1 Tijuana 41 f 56 mud 29f 112 7 7 S 7 E Donahue 8 Corncutter FdHope OcyWard MADRONO ch g G 115 By The Manager Fancyxvood by Prince of Monaco Trainer R Barnett Owner Z Z Barnett Breeder J H Rosseter 67135 Tijuana 1 116 150 fast 7 113 1 3 Fel M Slghtcr 7 W Daut I ivaga C Parklcy 67339 Tijuana 1 18 l54 ifast 19 111 7 6 6s 0 J E Petzoldt 7 Knccnia K Vic Doiph 67303 Tijuana 1 1S l5rSfast 13 104 5 G 6 G5J Petoldl G Regreso Sum Sigh Dissolute 7218 Tijuana 1 1S 155 fast 6 101 5 5 51 GJ E Petzoldt li Myltosc SuniSigh llucklioriiH llucklioriiHS5 Ot89 Tijuana 1 116 l5l = ialop S5 106 3 4 4 4 M Fator Pill Head Ieti Dolnh GG081 Hthorne ImTOy 202 mud 4 111 3 5 Lost ridM Shter G Sea Way Lendonii Madze F GGOI1 Hthorne 1 l51ihvy l51ihvyMARTHA 10 113 C 5 41 3s M Slgliter 8 Money Kdua D Elias O MARTHA L b f 4 M MTrainer 106 By Martinet Responsful by Meddlor Trainer W T Andsrson ner San Diego Stable Brooder Williams Bros BrosS9S 58712 Tijuana 5S 101 fast S9S IOC S 11 11 lll W Dean II Heverwyek Cedric May Brucn Brucn22S 08017 Tijuana 5S l01ifast 223 305 12 13 13 13 7 W Dean 13 LitPnter ColMatt GalUerry 00275 Tijuana 34 lUJ good 33 97 4 6 G 5 = 1 3 C Ktuder 7 Trusty MayMaiilshv KUnnkin 50729 Tijuana 51 f 109 fast 17 110 10 4 7 79 795S044 9 11s 11 C Studer 12 KveStories Iml Prince 1 Right 5S044 Tijuana 5S 103 fast 5 112 12 5 9 97 7 T5 71J C diuaer 11 SUrceze KvSlories IttIDream i846 Tijuana PS 101 fast 23 112 12 5 2 21 215331S 1 2l 2 C Studer 8 CapClover BtifulDrui DFieia 5331S Tijuana 31 f 424a3t 33 115 15 J 3 3DR 4 4 L Gauge 7 Flycast BlazingFire Candurota DR CUNARD ch h 5 H 110 110Trainer By Dr Root Princess Cunard by Cunird Cunirdsslie Trainer E Linnell Owner Leslie sslie Stable Breeder J H Baraett G891 I Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast 225 111 6 7 7 7 J Maiben S TubbyA Ioch Levn LyTiptoc LyTiptoc17T G8822 Tijuana 17T lit 12 10 S51S E Fator 12 Cedric PlntiI Contriot Contriotii 68C81 Tijuana ii 107 2 3 3s 31 E Fotnr 10 AnnsSisttr Kahani Malzavena MalzavenaSIC C8502 Tijuana r C3 last SIC 108 7 10 S3 7j F Stevens 13 Chrome tinl Kerry KImer W W1C 6733G Tijuana 4 llC ifast 1C ill 2 S Ti G i E PetzolHI2 Xiram Norfield Glenzar Glenzar4f 0721 1 Tijuana ImTOy 14S fast 4f 109 10 10 10 10 H Molters 10 LittleOrphan Reydo Deckhand G7076 Tijuana 34 121 hyy 2710f 108 9 S 41 4 = 1 M Fator 12 NTMsLast ArgFort CaveMau ATOITOR ch g S M 110 By Starbottle Uarda by Strathmore StrathmoreBroader Owner McCarty Sc Landrnm Broader G W Wingfield 08914 Tijuana 08 l01 fast 2Gf Wingfield2Gf 115 12 12 12 ll W Wiley 12 Jack Pot Jo Tag Vinre G2G81 Omaha 41 f 53 fast 9 116 2 F Grimes 7 Corncutter Mayo 15 RubyOriole 62618 Omaha 51 f 110 fast 30 117 2J1 F Crimea D KdL Van Sir John Jr Virgin G254G Omaha 41 f 06 hvy 53 113 S F Grimes 10 PhroueWard ItulaMaid OldCoin TRULANE b gr 11 115 115Tiainer By Atkins Princess Tulane by His Highness Tiainer R Riplcy Owner H HighnessH Ripley Breeder B A Jones JonesICG 08819 Tijuana 34 llttast ICG 110 6 7 94 9 II Zander 12 liarslleir IiispHughes ITmline ITmlineG 68124 Tijuana 58 l02ifast G 113 5 5G77G5 G C S F J Dakerll UaheKuth GaIIerry TI ncan G77G5 Tijuana 5S 1niiifaat 10 112 9 4 41 4J R Carter 13 Angelo ChlaSmilli T Duncan C4 Willows 34 l17 = jfast 52 114 S1 U Small S Lady Small Lobelia Cafeteria 567S1 Bhouae 3J f 108 faat S 111 Gl R Small 12 MParnell CMaster GsFavte CG129 AVillows Im70y 150 fast 45 106 1i E Neal G CMulier YkLassie Royallrish M 54 AVillows 34 l17fast 7 107 21 E Xeal 7 Tiliotson Thrills K Harrigan EG20T Hastings 34 lUSVsiast 2310 119 Z E McCown G IJcvo Due de Guise ChrMaster

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923032701/drf1923032701_6_2
Local Identifier: drf1923032701_6_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800