Mobile, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-27


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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesMOBILE MOBILE TUESDAY MARCH 27 27WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST Tho figure under the heading Rec in the entries below show the best time of each horso t the distance since January 1 1920 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track conditions Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 230 Superior njiid rrriner X Good mini runner Fair mini runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance b Blinkers BlinkersFirst First Race About 58 Mile MilePurse Purse 500 3vcarolds and upward Claiming Track record March 13 1922 5S 9 121Todays 121 Todays AWtlIan AWtlIanC C8779 Spring Vale C 11GX725 11GX725r 68878 = Fringe r IK 720 68890 = Flip r nc7ir 68511 Macliiavelli 5 121 7ir GS9373 Propaganda 7 121X710 68857 bMidnight Stories 4 121 710 710r 6889S Sea Hoard r iix705 68937 Rochambeau M 4 121 700 68009 bTimbiel 4 121 700 63S80 Nylorac M 3 103 700 Second Eace About 58 Mile MilePurse Purse 45500 3yearolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record March 15 1922 5Ss 0 121 68760 Panasain 1JOS725 68900 = Pat Ilampson 111 720 68900 Rockgarden 113X715 113X71568S77 68S77 Sweet Mama 113X715 68489 Rjuleigh 11S710 11S7106887S 6887S bTlic Mulestinuor 111X705 68900 Fernamlos 113X700 113X700Third Third Race About 6 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurc Purc 500 3vearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record March IS 1922 123 S 120 1206S898 6S898 Royal Dick 5119X725 6889S bAssume 91 91C873S C873S bGuvnor 5 l i 68901 Grayson 8122X715 68901 Serbian 6385S Daliinda 68933 = Royal Crown M 3 1CGX705 1CGX705Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile MileReiss Reiss Mercantile Company Purse PursePurse Purse 500 4yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record March 2C 1923 l44i 3 105 68881 PITTER PATTER 110 140 G 110 725 68879 = Exhorter 107 140 9 115X715 63901 = Financial IloostcrH3 143 6 110X710 110X7106894C 6894C Jacobean 105138 r 1157a 68893 bTulano 93 139 Jfe 4 114X705 68940 Kingling II 109 140 10115X700 Fifth Race About 6 1 1Purse 2 Furlongs Purse 500 3yearolds and andTrack upward Claiming Track record March IS 19i 19i6S837 2 123 = 5 8 120 6S837 Maccbiua 5 110X725 68941 Ruggles 4 11S720 68881 Tricks 4 IISX15 68325 Jordan 4 11 710 68880 Normandic 7 120X710 C8936 Miss Sterling 8 115X705 68881 Ely C 120X700 6S878 St Just G 120X700 68857 Sacajawea 5 115X700 68937 llot Foot C 115X700 Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purse 500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record March 17 1922 148 = 5 1 109 68879 bAmaze 100 145 68879 bArdito 109 149 CS9023 Tokalon March 114 145 68861 Harvey Smarr 104 147 68902 bHritish Liner 68739 Viva Cuba 68859 = Tyranny 68859 Kebo l07 152 63903 bSpcarlene 103 143 68880 Flypaper 107 146

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Local Identifier: drf1923032701_4_1
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