untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1923-04-15


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YOU ARE INVITED TO A FREE PARTICIPATION IN THE BIGGEST WINNING OF THE YEAR The manufacturer who knows his product to he superior to that of his competitors, or to be all he claims it to be, markets same with a money -hack guarantee or free trial. I am applying that principle to racing, knowing the class and strength of my connections to be second to none. I am willing to prove it to you without any promise or investment on your part. Wednesday, the 18th, is the date selected, and the horse is one that has improved so greatly it will require but little effort on his part to be returned an easy winner, although he should be a juicy price due to the public being un. familiar with his 1923 form. Telegraph or write me at once, giving your correct street address no attention given any reply without a street address, and remember. Wednesday, the ISth. is the day. axd it is given free as proof of what is to come later, I know you will be fully satisfied with both the result and the price, and after you have profited from this free demonstration of my ability we can arrange terms for future transactions on a basis mutually satisfactory. Isnt this a fair proposition? I have the thing you want. 1 am willing to give you a sample. Come on, you skeptics; make me show my ability. Address ROBERT RICHARDS RICHARDS BUILDING : : : : HAVRE DE GRACE, MD. WONDERFUL I WINNING SYSTEM: A cool, conservative method wherein success is assured. Can be played at or away from the track, ] with large or small capital. It gives a few select j plays each week that nearly all win. Won big money en a straight flat play. This marvelous method stands out like a Man o War. It is far superior. Stood the acid test with wonderful success for six years. My system gives many long-priced winners. Figuration ...0.40- Fannie Bean .50-82 Jerry .80 Al Stebler . . . 0.70*2 Camouflage . 4.60- Antes Sister 1.00- Spugs 6.50- Dare 0.80- Hundreds of testimonials from satisfied clients showing proof of what my system is doing sent you FREE. STOP LOSING AND STAHT WINNING EIGHT AWAY. Those with honest intentions can get my system on easy terms. Small payment down, balance as you win. Send your name and address. I will send you absolutely FREE OF CHARGE a review of the best known Racing Systems published and facts regarding systems that will open your eyes. Write at once. WATSON CORNELL 341 WEST 45TH STREET, NEW YORK CITY • JOE McCARTY SARATOGA SPRINGS. N. I. High-class racing information right from track by an expert of thirty years experience and well known from coast to coast. Bowie meeting shows a profit and several unusual plays expected at Havre de Grace. Wire name at once. BALTIMORE ADDRESS: 816 CATHEDRAL ST.. BALTIMORE, MD. CENTRAL HANDICAPPER 50 Cents Daily At All Principal Newsstands YESTERDAYS ADV. GETAWAY SPECIAL: TICKLISH 2.60-.WON We sure knew something to ADVISE you to get down for the LIMIT on this fellow. TOMORROW MONDAY AN OPENING DAY SPECIAL AT HAVRE DE GRACE Here is one that comes from the same source that gave us TICKLISH. Rush right now to your newsdealer and ask for the Central Handicapper ONLY 50 CENTS MAILED TWO WEEKS Remit to CENTRAL PUBLISHING CO. 35 S. DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO. ILL. For sale wherever Daily Racing Form is sold. Get new book on sale now. It sure will convince you that it is easily the best on the market. 35c at all newsstands. Mailed direct 3 copies .03. Mondays form Special: March Orange-13-40-63-30 STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403. 22 W. Quincy St. Chicago, 111. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form I ] j JOE BRAND 301 WEST 58TH ST., NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. An introduction is hardly necessary as all fol-I lowers of the turf know me. Last fall I sent out 27 winners in "5 days. Some record. Looks like I will even better last yeor s mark from the way I started at Bowie. AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL TRY ME. Yesterday my followers received: IDLE THOUGHTS .49-SS WON Tuesday my followers received: BIFF BA1SG IMJHIWfB Monday My Followers Received: SPUGS C.5»- WON Saturday my followers received: REPARATION 2.40- WO Friday my followers received: FLYING DEVIL .90-$:! WON Thursday My Followers Received: TIDINGS 6*0-$:! WON* Wednesday my followers received: ASHLAND tl6.00-.s»-$: WON Tuesday my followers received: EULALIA .»0- W ON Monday my followers received: BYGONE DAYS .00-?2 1VOV SPECIAL NOTICE BIG HUNDRED DOLLAR Commission Horse Goes Monday Will be riven absolutely free to all weekly subscribers. MONDAYS HORSE W ILL BE ANOTHER II U M ■ E R ■•■■■■■SSflMBBiDBBBSEMKWaBMBBniSlBKWMaMHlMMiS- Should pay at least 10 to 1. Start with me today and be convinced. TERMS: 0 DAILY; 0 WKF.KI.T Wire subscription by Western Union. Send your street address. THE LAMB .... 9.10-Won was yesterdays Saturday Special. Terms for This Service: .00 FOR THREE OCCASIONAL INCLUDING ONE SATURDAY SPEIIAL. Send in your subscription today so as not to miss next Saturday. NATIONAL 0. K. PUBLISHING CO. 411 Baltimore Building Chicago. Illinois Havre de Grace Special I am expecting something that looks extra good for next Thursday. This should pay a good price. Usually have two or three good plays each week. A trial should convince you. Results count. Terms to reliable people only, winnings of a 0.00 straight play. Write quick for code and free particulars. L. WILSON BOX 133 DAYTON. OHIO u — ■ Annua! Racing Form for 1922 On Sale Is Now DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. i 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET, NEW YORK. N. Y. | 74 EXCHANGE STREET BUFFALO. M. Y.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923041501/drf1923041501_11_3
Local Identifier: drf1923041501_11_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800