Bowie Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1923-04-15


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■ Bowie Form Chart . i BOWIE. MD.. SATURDAY. APBIL 14. 1923. Prince George Pnrk 1 mile. Twelfth nnd last day. G Southern Maryland Agricultural and Fair Association. Spring Meeting of 12 days. Weather showery. I . , — _ __ — _ ; j Steward Representing Maryland ISacing Commission, George Brown. Jr. Stewards, George ilrown. 6 Jr.. H. P. Conkling and Raker Waters. Judges. Joseph A. Murphy. Edward Tribe, J. H. Anderson and . , 6 George T. Miller. Starter. Marshall Custody. Racing Secretary, Joseph Mclennan. ■ — . _ , i , fi Racing starts at 3:13 p. in. Chicago time 1:1.1 p. m. W indicates whip. S spurs, 1? blinkers. Fig- ; G tires in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. •Indicates apprentice allowance. AQOAQ FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. April 4. 1921— 43— 2—114. Purse ,200. 2-year-olds. j Otf5f Jj Claiming. Net value to winner |S00; second, 00: third. 00. I A. Index Horses AWtPISt i i *i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt I ; 69I0i-»IDI.K THOlC.HTS w 111 5 1 1* Is l| A Roach M J Mi 220-100 . «.»12K»*I.ADY CBOOO w 110 7 3 P| I | P B Smwod .1 A Cobirn 4O-100 , NUI*LH ADIUN w 101 2 5 4" A ?.* J Wallace W H Kiaer 1200-100 _ 09071 AIXT .TANK w 112 3 4 5J 5l 4* ■ McLaJM Wcsoort Stable 230-110 I i c «9102 ANNA HORTON w 113 4 2 :U 2J 5= H Lunsfd Audley Farm Stable 4725 100 j 09056 *A. J 1UJA w 105 16 fi 8 I A Abel K K Bryson 845-100 I SMAhL STAR w 109J 6 Ieft at the post. Q Dyson P Powers 5570-100 _ Time, 25, 50. Track sloppy. mutuels paid. Idle Thoughts. straight. .00 place, .40 show. Lady Choco. .50 place. .10 show: Lee Adrin. show. Equivalent booking odds — Idle Thoughts. 220 to 100 straight 100 to 100 place. 70 to 100 show; Lady I Choco. 175 to 100 place. 105 t. 100 show: Lee Adrin. 205 to 100 show. Winner- Ch. f. by Dick Fiunell — l-ady Manager, by The Manager trained by J. G. Wagnon: bred by Mr. W. S. Throlkcld. Went to peat at 2:17. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow for all but SMALL STAR. Won easily; second and third driving. 111. K THOUGHTS t..ok the lead at once and, making the pace fast, j won all the way. LADY CHOCO raced in nearest pursuit and made a game finish. LEE ADRIN fin- | ished fast and outgamed AINT JANK. The latter began slowly and was badly ridden. ANNA IIORTON had no mishaps. SMALL STAR acted badly at the post. Overweights — I.idy Choco. 2 pounds: Small Star. 4-_.. : C nQn-| * SECOND RACE— 7-8 Mile. Nov. 21. 1916—1:26—4—116. Purse ,200. 3-year-oULs DulU and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPStVi M ft Mr Via Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt ! WIOlIH H I Mil wb 7 112 M I 2= t | 1 | 1* V J Wallace W H Fizer 1530-100 6915«VRAN«;I.I:R W 3 107 :t 5 4* 6| 5J P P ■ Martz G Vererson S10-100 . " t 69166 *1 KLH1 MAID wit 4 110 E 1 "l 2i 2* 21 3" A Abet W J Kramer 545-100 i 69I29 *ST DONAK1* wr 5 117 I 7 71 51 31 41 4l K Smwoii II Aker 1IU5-100 j 6913CHOR1:y HAKKR wn I 112 I 2 5- 4" 4 %- 5| J Denni.son .1 Bat -atowski 1580-.00 | 0 «.9I90*MINI TE MAN w I 117 7 10 S5 7» 7! 61 6* Q Mein A Swenke r.5-100 69167 KIRAH w 8 109 1 4 1J 3* 6l 7» 7« E Soobie T ii Crist 710-100 69171 *ENPI.OSIVK w 5 105 4 8 10 10 10 Hi 8 S McLane n I" Summerfield 4"65-100 1 .9I29«7.KNNTTA w 4 100 9 S 91 8 8 9° 95 W Brown M Grant 9135-100 | , 69152 .SlETAN wb :: 107 I 9 6" P 9" M N R Romelli s C Denham 2210-100 Time. 26, 51. 1:17%. l:9»%. Track sloppy. mutuels paid. Ticklish. 2.00 straight, 3.30 place. .OO show; Wrangler. .60 place, .30 , show: Delhi Maid. .90 show. I , Equivalent booking odds- Ticklish. 1530 to 100 straight. 505 to 100 place. 330 to 100 show: Wrangler, j 280 to 100 place. 115 to 100 show; Delhi Maid. 145 to 100 show. I. Winner— R. g. by King James — Tickle, by Filtgrnne .trained by H. Randolph; bred by Mr. A. D. . Parr. Went to pest at 2:47. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driv- j . ing. TICKLISH, beginning well and helped by the going, was taken through the best going and. racing KIRAH into eatly defeat, took the lead and came away fast to win easing up. WRANGLER finished ; | . fast on the inside and outgamed RF.LH1 MAID. The latter ran well and had no mishaps, but was tiring i at the end. ST. DONARD closed up seine ground. HORF.Y RAKER ran fairly well. KIRAH quit badly after showing the most early speed. AlINITK MAN ran one of his bad races. , Scratched 091S! Cork Kim. ! : 091531 Forest Queen. 115; OHM Inn Kay, 102. • Overweights Wrangler. 1 pound; Kirah. 2; Explosive. 3; Sultan. Cft. . — | nQT -| -g THIRD RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. 20, 1917— 1: 19 5— 4— 112. W., B. and A. Claim- » Dt? Jil ing Handicap. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 00; . I second. 00; third, 00. l Index Horses AWtPPSt If M ft Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt [ j , I 09IM*CAJfOUVTJaGB w 7 110 2 2 Ill* 1* l« V ■ Sm wod Q C Winfrey IS-Mt 1 69130 ISIHGS W i 108 4 1 3» r P 2s 25 H Shillick AV Kearna 21.100 !9087 -DICKS DHTER w ?. 107 1 4 2 3" 4! Z*- P C;j C A Applegate 1540-100 ! j j 69104,CI.ANDO W 4 111 5 5 0k 4* 3i 4» 4° Q Mein C Phillips 58". -100 691323DLKE JOHN w 7 109 3 2 5 5 5 a 5 A Abe! J R Skinker 1085-100 Time. 25. 50/5, 1:19%, 1:22%. Track sloppy. mutuels paid. Camouflage, .50 straight. . i 0 place, .30 show; Spugs. .90 place. 20 show; . Picks Daughter. . SO show. , Kq«iiTalent booking odds--Camouflage. 125 to 100 straight. 40 to 100 place, 15 to 100 show; Spugs. • ; 45 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show; Meka Daughter. 40 to 100 show. , 1 , Winner— R. g. by Star Shoot — Busy Maid, by Meddler .trained by G. C. Winfrey; bred by Mr. John 1 E. Madden. Went to post at 3:22. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driv- , ing. CAMOCFI.A ;E was rushed into a good early lead and easily won all the way. SIMOS had no mis-haps i and was hard ridden through the stretch in an effort to catch the winner. DICKS DAUGHTER 1 j raced forwardly. but was tiring at the end. COLANDO and DLKE JOHN were always outrun. Scratched 09i9l Tuibulent. 107: 09131 Oran. 104. ! Overweights - Dicks Daughter. 4 pounds. : . , i C*flf*-4 Q FOURTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Nov. 25. 1915—1:48 — 1—116. First Running PRINCE ; 0«_fX GEORGE HANDICAP. ,009 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner r S3. 370: second. ,000; third. 00: fourth. 50. j . Index Horses AWtPPStVi K s» Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt | I i . «9I3»RAMA WR 5 103 4 I 1* 51 51::1 l« .1 AVallace C A Coyle 1810-100 0 69037 "FAIR PHANTOM w 4 US 6 1 lJ 1J l«| 1"| 9 ■ Scobie Audley Farm Stable H*-M§ • 69169-TIPY WITCHET wk 8 113 5 8 6? 64 4* 2- ?.- B Rom elli L. T Bauer tl* 5-10 69106 COlF"R. DEMON w 5 116 1 4 9 9 9 :.- 4s E-Smwo.l Pastime Stable 7S5-00 I • 69104 IRKPARATION wb 4 112 8 6 2s l*| 21 6t 5" S McLane J ■ Davis r.41-iO0 a; ; 69105 iSKTTl.NCr SIN w :; 108 I i P Z?* i 61 A Abel E K Br son 895-100 1 ■ fJtlMPANMIB BEAN w 4 103 9 9 S-J S"» 8i 7 71 Q Mein J R Skinker 3410-10 | , 69105 VENN11". Wl 97 7 7 4» 4" 6" S5 SJ Q AValls Kirkfield Stable 1740-18- ■ j j 69l:19HilFF BANC. wn 8 108 I 2 7s 7J 7* 9 9 J Zoeller E T Bauer t t | tCoupled in betting as L. T. Bauer entry. Time. 25. 50, l:162i, 1:44, 1:51. Track sloppy. I mutuels paid. Rama. 4.20 straight, 1.20 place, . SO show; Fair Phantom. . SO place. .90 show: I. T. Bauer entry. .00 show. j Equivalent booking odds- Rama. 1010 to 100 straight. 400 to 100 place. 110 to 100 show; Fair Than- - i t.nn. 90 to 100 place. 45 to 100 show: L. T. Bauer entry. 100 to 100 show. I Winner— Ch. h, by Ballot— Jamma. by Delhi trained by .! . 11. Ruscher: bred by Mr. G. Starr. I Went to post at 3:44. At post 1 minute. Start good ami slow. Won handily; second and third driv- - ; lag. RAMA, greatly favored by the going, was aved under restraint la the stretch and, saving ground; I : on all the turns, .aught FAIR PHANTOM tiring in the final eighth and. passing her. was going away r : ; at the end. FAIR PHANTOM sprinted into the lead at once and set a good pace to the stretch turn. • ; where she was brought a bit wide in search of the i est going, but tired badly in the last eighth and II just last..l long enough t i save second place. TllIlTY WITCHET finished tmat and gamely and would I j have lieeri second in a few more strides. COIlKR DKMON was badly outrun to the stretch and came e . fast when l o late. SETTING SIN r.-.ced well to the stretch and tired badly. FANNIE BEAN began a slowly and was always far back. RKPARATION ran a good three -quarers. Scratched— 69109 Ro.kminist r. 126. Overweights —Biff Rang, 5 pounds. - ■QQ*?~f ° FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. April 10. 1919— 1:4s1 s— 4— 107. Finale Purse. Ot/M lO Pu-rre ,200. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second, . 00: third, 00. ludex Horse* AWtPPSt1* V-. ai Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt . 69105"THE CLOWN w S 111 3 I 2 3 Ill* 1* H EunstM Audley Farm Stable 140-100! 0 C9I68M.ADY MYRA W :; 103 4 4 1- l1 1* 2:12« G Mejn S I.ouis 1115-100; fl 69168 -FLYING DKVIE w I 102 5 G 4J 2» V 4" "1 A Abel S Gooch 280 -100 g 69170 HIGH SlKED wb 4 103 2 1 3 41 5» Zk 4 " J Wallace R AIcKeever 3780-10 69168tAL STKUI ER w :". 107 6 5 5- G 8 5J 5J ■ Mart/. Q Ieterson 445-100 • 09132 TRAJANLS wit 4 113 12 6 5s 4J 6 8 R Rom elli J Boden 995-101 0 Time, 26. 51Vs. 1:17, !:*•%, 1:50. Track sloppy. mutuels paid. The Clown. . SO straight. . SO place, .70 rhow; Eidy Myra. .70 place. .70 • show: Flying Devil. S3. 00 show. Equivalent booking odds- The Clown. 140 to 100 straight. 90 to 100 place, 35 to 100 show; Lady Myra, l. | 235 to 100 place, sr, in 100 show: Flying Devil. M to 100 show. Winner R. c. by Hessian — Witful. by Mirtiiful trained by K. Spenee; br"d by Mr. R. H. Anderson, . i Welit to |M»st at 4:29. At p st 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon easily: second and third driving. TDK CIjOWN was much the best and, racing LADY MVKA and PLYING DEVIL into defeat. ; rushed into I butg b-ail in the stretch and won in a canter. LADY MVKA showed a good llight of speed 1 in the going in pacem.iking and was coming again at the end. FLYINO DKVIL showed speed and had 1 no mishaps, but tire.l badly iti the stretch. HIGH SPEED ran in improved furm. AL STERLEK ran a poorly and inconsistently. Scratched 0914! Mountain P.os.. II.. 113. 03177 Plio nix. 110. Overweights lhe Clown. 4 iKitinds; Iady Myra. 3: Al Stebler, 2. = pQOj A SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. April 10. 1913— 1:45 i- 1 ■ 107. Purse ,200. 35/ A "1 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00: third, [ 00. Index Dorset AWtllSt :i ft ft Str Fin Jockf.vs Owners Equiv. Odds Strt _ 69171 "THE T.AMB wb 8 1*5 8 3 1 li -S 2; | l1 S M.I.ane A Swenk- 855-10 w G9I92»DANTZH wit ■". 107 2 2 2U 1 4« 4 9 W Wilcox T E E.lwards lUfr-Mt D I I 09156 -■•!. ADS LoVE w 7 104 44 3J P :.- 3 P A Abel AV J Kram-r U0 10 H 69092 BUXOM w I l«S| i 7 V* V* V 7»« P H ShUUck AV H Fizer UB-N ■ . 69152 RADIANT w . M I 5 4: :J li li H J AVallace A G Robertson 1070-!•» ; . 69166 -JOHN At Kit I I.I. wit 4 10.".: 7 6 6" 6 •" 6» 6 6* 1 M-in 1 W Foreman 15-100 H 1 4.9129 QUKBN BliNDE -vit s tM| 1 1 5* 51 5* 5 T" H Stutls C AV QaaMt 2..J0-IO0 W ti9192 BLAZONRY wn S 1 8 S S 8 8 s S 8 E Smwod i H Mason MMN 0 j T.nie. 26l,s. 52. 1:17. 1:46. 141%. Track sloppy. inutiicls paid. The Itmb. 9.10 straight, .00 place. .90 how ; Dantzic, 3.90 place. .40 0 Show; live. .10 show Kiuivalcnt liooking odd- The L«Sah, BSB !o 100 -traight. 3S0 hi 100 place. 195 to li show; Dantzi. . 5:5 . 1 H» Bteec, 170 M 100 -how: L.i.i-- Ijve. 55 lo lot show. Winner — U. g. by L uc Wiuitred A., by Sir Dixou trained by A. Swenke; bred by Air. W. R. i. Miller. Went to post at 5:02. At pest 4 minutes. Start good and slow for all but RI.A7.ONRY. Won driv ! ! ing: second and third the same. THB LAMB was raced into the lead quickly and saved ground on the ic- : turns and, after being headed, responded gamely wle n called on and got up to win in the final strides. n. DANTZIC nuisli.-d with I rush, but tired right at the end. LADS I.OVK ran well and was in .lose ie q. i liters at the finish. RIXOM closed i big gap. RADIANT tired after racing into the lead. JOHN N MORRILL ran poorly MJMIHV would not go and was whipped away from the |M st. Scratched -i«9131j Miracle Man, 102; 09130 Diadi. 1U7; 09100 Bobbed Hair. 106; 09137 Kirtle. 102. 1 ■ i G I ; j 6 . , 6 ■ i , fi ; G j I I A. ; . , _ I i c j I _ Overweights- The I-amb. 3 pounds; Dantzic, 5; Lads Love, 2; Buxom, 2-; John Morrill, IVi; Queen Blonde, 2U. DQn-| pr SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-4 Miles. Nov. 30, 1922— 2:09%— 3— 100. Purse ,200. 4-year-UomIO olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 00; third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt ft ft ~t Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strl •BITSUICY KATE w 5 102 I 4 2J l*| t»| P 1"" S McLane P J Miles 925-100 69171 -SMARTY WliWli 1 111 II 1| »• O Mein J M Collins 255 100 69I0H ANNIVERSARY w it G 1 05 4 7 31 31 41 45 3« J Wallace D Barzilay llO-lOO 69157»TiM CASS1DT w 4 107 7 2 5* 41! 5= V 4s ■ Martz H Acker HhMM 69l." r*AISTRAL W S 1 W 1 8 7" 7 3t 5» 5» C Lang A Swenke MS-MI CtlMDR. RAE wit 7 107 6 I S 8 71 P* 6* H Stutts B E Chapman 720-H» MBSX LA KROSS w 7 105 2 6 6 61 62 62 7» A Abel Pastime Stable 2290-1OO 69154 WARLIKE WS 8 Ml 8 3 41 5= 8 8 8 R Romelli R Cook 740-1,0 Time. 27, 53. 1:11%, 1:4725, 2:141j. Track sloppy. mutuels paid. Lucy Kate, 0.50 straight. .30 place. .50 show; Smarty. .20 pine. .40 show; Anniversary. . SO show. Equivalent booking odds Lucy Kate. 925 to 100 straight. 305 to 100 place. 275 to 100 bJiow; Smarty. 110 to 100 place. 70 to 100 show: Anniversary. 290 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. m. bv l"nc!e- Roval Lady, by Royal Flush III. trained by P. J. Miles; bred by Mr. I,. Rogers I . Went to post at 5:40. Al post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. LltY KATE, suddenly improved, raced in clo-est pursuit of S.MAKTY to the last eighth, tli-n challenged gamely and outtinished him. The iatter set a good pace and finished gamely, but tired when the winn T chalb nged. ANNIVERSARY ivn well and was going fastest at tile end. TOAI t ASSIDV ran W--11. Al STRAL raced into contention after rounding the far turn, but the effort told on him near the end. Scratched — 69150 Mystic. 100: 09192 The Clockmender. 100. Overweights Smaity. : ;. ;,..iinds; Tom Cassidy, 3: Aus:ral. 1; AVarlike. 3.

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Local Identifier: drf1923041501_3_1
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