3rd Race [3rd Havre De Grace, Daily Racing Form, 1923-04-15

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Q_J RAPP 5 ■*"- Knrlonj-;*. Tiptop Inr»p. P.-j enr-€»l«lH. Allowances. April Ol U nHOC m, iMi — 1:45 i-.-i — :: — ios. LILT b. f. 3 107 By Spanish Prince II.— Melody, by Meddler. Trainer, H. McDaniel. Owner, J. K. L. Host. Breeder. J. K. L. Ross. •MM Pimlico 3-4 l:12Wa*t 1? Ill 1 6 9 Sl C Turner 11 Bloss. Time. Rigel. Whirlwind 66353 Laurel S| f 1 KV.fast 8-5 107 2 2 2 3l C Turner S Sweetheart, Pn-ado, OoMenllule 05959 I.iur.-l 3-4 l:12andmud S 114 3 1 l1 5J C Turn, r IS Wilderness. Dunlin. Scribble 4.577! Laur-d 3-4 1 :13Vfcfast 4 101 2 1 l1 2k P Walls S Itialto, Carol. Valador 65582 Woodne 1 1:41 fast 3-5 110 5 1 1« 2J C Turner ■ Pilsmnr. V.P:ilr::-!v Donshgan M4M Woodne 1 1::!9 fast 6-0 92 4 1 1* 3;" P Walls 7 Wake Pp. Ioulette, Estero 61799 B.Bnnets 51 f l.Kifa.st 1-:! 113 3 1 2* 2 C Turner I htkUlM, . Clayton. Vespra 6 1108 Windsor 5J f l:05%fast 19 10 112 1 1 l5 V C Turn r l~ Tjllf . Buc.hIo. I.ady Boss 63908 Ham ton 5 f LOSVtslop 6-5 114 1111 lJ H J Burke 0 Ijidy I?oss. Bucado, Old Top MARIONETTE, br. f, 3 103 By Olambala— Mauviette. by Mexican. Trainer. F. M. Bray. Owner, T. Monahan. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 67102 Havana 5-S 1 :00**fast 1-2 111 3 1 I1 1* ■ Amhrso 0 L.Mcellia, F.Cadian. M.Laasie 67293 Havana 3-4 1 :11%goo«l 13-10 117 1 1 II 1| E Amliree S HI. Hawk. Mam. Ware, L Smoke 67113 Havana 3-4 l:12SL"-3t 12-10 115 2 1 1» lJ W Obert 7 KpinMary. .VnOlide. Winpog 66910 Havana ft litWt 2 5 109 3 11* lJ W Obert 7 NoonC.lide, Fr .Cnnndn. Iliiisnt 66883 Havana 5-S 1 :01Afast 3-5 104 1 1 1* 1* W Obert 7 Gonwithim. NnGiide, Mar. Ware 66342 Empire 51 f 1 :06-Vfast 12 109 1 1 41 6»J E Taplin S Amusement, Solisa, Gadfly 66235 Empire 5J f 1 :05**fast 3 109 2 3 3* 5« E Taplin 9 How Pair, Oadfly. Lustrous 65646 Aqueduct 5-8 1:00 fast 2 114 1 1 1* 1» E Taplin 8 Contour. Mazeppa. W Pittston 65291 Aqueduct 5-8 59%faat 31 104 1 2 2 4* E Taplin 7 Silk Tassel. Intidy, Gadfly 65230 Aqueduct 5-8 59 fast 20 114 6 3 3 E Taplin 10 HowFair, Mormaw. Helphnzonia FLY BY DAY. ch. f. 3 107 By Broomstick— Fly by Night II., by Peter Pan. t. Trainer. F. Hopkins. Owner. H. P. Whitney. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 66878 Howie 1 l:43fast 10 104 1 1 I* Il C Lang 6 Gen. Thatcher. Vigil. Moonraker 66851 Howie ll:4!Hfast H 106 4 2 3J 4| J Callahanll Oui Oui, Vigil. Moonraker 66813 Howie 3-4 1:14 fast i 103 1 1 1 1-J C Lang S Comixa. Amuserat. SundayRcst 66815 Howie ::-4 1:14 fast 2-2 104 I 1 2* 2» C I-ang II Hest I»ve. Felside, Brilliance 66594 Pimlico 3-4 1:12 fast 41 104 S 9 10 10s* J Thomas 10 Hoys Believe Me. Crochet, Bagel HIM Saratoga E| f 1:09 hvy 1 112 3 1 1» 2"« L McAtue U EJict. Brocade, Betty Heall 64491 Saratoga 3-4 1 16 mud 11 10 109 1 1 1" 1" L McAtee 12 BarbyBush. Herein 3, PowWow GOLDEN RULE. b. c, 3 106 By Wrack— Golding. bv Flint Rock. Trainer. W. Garth. Owner, 3. S. CcsdenL Breeder, Mrs. L. Viau. 66353 Laurel 51 i 1 :07«*fast 2 M 3 3 4 Il C Lang 8 Sweetheart, Hucado, Lilt 66223 Laurel 5J f 1 :08*fefast 7-5 107 2 2 4 2JC Lang 7 Moonraker. Comixa. Bet. Times 64403 Saratoga 5i f 1 :iMJ-:.fast 3 115 2 1 I* I* la Ensoc 11 Pitlston, Aspiralion. Quarrel 63285 Aqueduct 5 8 1:02 fast S-5 115 1 3 3" and* E Sande 8 Dunlin, Caveat Emptor. Fullon 62864 Aqueduct 5-S 1:0 good 3 115 2 1 2| 2i C H Millerll C. de Lion, Mac Lir, lark Hill 62809 Aouedutt 5-8 59%fast 13-5 115 9 7 7» 4« L Lyke 12 Wildrake. Mad.ir. Doughoregan MM Helmont 4i f st 52%faat 12 110 3 3 31 2» E Sande 5 Canaque. WfulWaiting, Crocaet LADY BOSS. ch. f. 3 107 Bv Manager Wait-v—Viola Guild, by Masetto. Trainer. G. C. Winfrey. .Ovner, G. C. Winfrey. Breeder, W. W. Darden. 65817 I aurel i| f 1 :07%f ast 7 106 5 4 ij1. . E Smwod s Heeltaps. SwpHawk. Felicitous 65673 H.det-.ce 5i f 1 :07fast 12 5 109 9 3 M 6"J ■ Smwod ! Heeltaps. Druid Hill, Tassell 65340 H.de ;-ee 5J f 1 :08%fast 19-10 114 6 4 3-3= E SmwoiH2 Mabel K., Felicitous, Racket 64 555 Devshire r,i l:06%fast 4 115 3 1 lJ il ■ Smwod 9 M Blanche. Tvccon, Duck wheat 64108 Windsor K| f UBUflll S 112 7 7 53 4 J McTag112 Lilt. Tycoon. Hucado 63908 Ham ton 5i f 1 :uSy5slop 7-5 114 3 2 2s :!J J Rowan i Lilt, Hucado. Old Top 413815 Kworth 5l f 1 :iW%fast 6 lit 3 6 7 6*i J Owens 7 Arendal. Canmore, Donges MV4M Kworth 5-8 1:00 fast 13-5 113 1 1 lJ l1 J Rowan- S Vennie. Rustem. Oakwood 63599 Windsor "i-8 LOlHslow 1 116 3 1 1« 1» D Stirling 10 Vennie. Mait OHaia, Old Top 63463 Windsir 5-8 59«tfast 4 112 1 1 21 35 M Huxton 8 Hopeless. Lathrop. Arendal SUNFERENCE. ch. c. 3 119 By Sun Briar — Conference, by Rock Sand. Trainer, W. Shields. Owner, W. S. Kilmer. Breeder. W. S. Kilmer. 4i30C2 Aqueduct 3-t l:12sop 8 IS I 4 51 7" A Johnsonl2 Martingale, H.Ixrner. Goshawk 62826 Aqueduct 5-S ."tffast 10 125 2 1 1» 2 A Johnson 13 Goshawk, Budl.cnier, Aut. Belli 62655 Aqueduct 5-8 .".Sfast 30 114 1 1 IJ l»k A Johnson 13 Cherry Tie, Bud Lerner. ZeT 62394 Belmont 5-8 st 59 fast 7-5 109 5 2 2- 5-J A Johnsonl4 Newmket. St.Valtiue. Margale 62269 Heimont 4J st 52%good 4 115 6 2 2J 3"k A Johnson 14 The Kiss, Vigil, Soldier II. BLUE HAWK. br. c. 3 108 By Atheling II.— Chocolate Lady, by Kltfmat. Trainer. F. C. Frisbie. Owner, O. Yzquierdo. Breeder, Nevada Stock Farm. 67591 Havana lm50y 1 :41*f,fast :, 05 1 1 1 2 A McLlin 4 Mas. Hand, ScaPrince, Cromwell 67293 Havana 3 4 1 :14»igood C -5 119 ! 2 2» I| ATryon ." Marion I e. Marg.Waie. L.Smoke 67234 Havana 5i f 1:11 mud 23-10 M 1 2 M l1 A Try on 10 L.Marcellia, M.Ware, Advturess 67196 Havana 1 1 :38%fast 3-2 93 3 4 41 5s A McLlin I L.H.Sheep, Hud.Kean, Rom. Mary 66864 Howie 7-8 l:27«ifast 5 114 1 2 1" Is J McTagt ! PayDeav. ElDorano, KockRotoi 66857 Howie 7 S 1 :2S/ifast 5 106 3 5 51 5«i A Tryon 9 KiiigSol.sSeal, Felside, L.Myra C6822 Bowie 7-8 1:28 fast 14 M 1 3 3!1 2* A Tryon 10 Vigil. Osprey. Sunday Hest 66661 limlico 3-4 l:13slow 9 116 2 6 6l 75i B Parke 9 Lun.inist. Sweetheart, Frank G. HEELTAPS, ch. f, 3 107 By Ultimus — Queen of the Water, by Waterboy. Trainer, W. Irvine. Owner. W. Irvine. Breeder. W. B. Miller. 66815 Howie 3-4 1:14 fast 13 112 4 J 3» 5«1 E Smwodll Hest I»ve, Fly by Day, Felside 66800 Howie 6i f 1 :20%ifast 9 111 9 8 73 I0J E Sm vodl4 Uca. Ihatdier. Osprey, Vigil 66661 limlico 3-4 l:13%slow 8 120 1 3 3! 4i J Butwell 9 Luminist. Sweetheart". Frank G. 66489 Laurel 51 f 1:09 fast 4 101 1 2 2- 1" B Maritlli 7 Carol. Sweetheart. Moonraker 66350 Laurel 51 f l:07*ifast 2| 110 1 1 1| 1» B Marielli 7 Comixa. Woodland, BetterTimes 66252 Laurel 3-4 l:13Ssfast 9 11 2 1 11 65i J McTagt 7 Hliieraont. Transom. Carol 66005 laurel 51 f 1 :08 fast 6-6 1131 2 1 and 1iJ Butwell 6 Valador, Crochet, tank O. 65817 Laurel 51 f 1 :07**fast 11-10 116 1 1 1« lJ J Butwell 8 Spllawk. Felicitous, Thr.Square 65673 H.deGVe 51 f l:07fast 17-10 119 1 1 1« l5 J Butwell 9 Druid Hill, Tassel. Susiana FOREST LORE, ch. c, 3 106 By Campfire— Ma Wen Dear, by Love Wisely. Trainer, T. -. Healey. Owner, R. T. Wilson. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 66871 Howie 3-4 1 tfast 4 114 1 M 7- 2« F Keogh 11 RoiiipiiigHeme, Caladium. Fside 66851 Howie 1 l:43%fast S 5 loj 11 || ]. 9» E Bell 11 Oui Oui. Vigil. Moonraker 6684 1 Howie 7-41 l:2S4fa.st 11-10 104 6 11= I* C Lang 12 It. Bottom, Pay Dear. R. Wreath 66829 Howie H t l.WU*wH I M 1 3 31 2" E Hell 7 Jen.Ttcher, K.Sol.sSeal, Carol 66800 Howie CI f 1 :20~jfast 10 104 13 14 14 14!« R McXae?14 Gem. That her. Osprev, Vigil C6272 Empire Ab 3-4 1:10 fa3t 4 97 4 3 31 3J E Bell 4 Ruddy, Fullon. Romping Home 65948 Jamaica 3-4 l:l27sfast 0 JC3 f. 7 72 7» H Calll:an S Hest Love. Battersea. Aladdin 65758 Jamaica 51 f 1«|M 20 97 9 9 9 9" H Call han 9 WilmTell, Aladdin. BlancSeing AUTUMN BELLS, br. c, 3 106 By Ballot— Autumn II. , bv St. Frnaquin. Trainer, M. Hirsch. Owner, J. B. Smith. Breeder, H. T. Oxnard. ;4366 Saratoga ::-4 1:15 hvy ;S 115 M 9 7 771 A .TohnsonlO 7,ev. Dunlin. Hud Ixruer 64107 Saratoga 3-4 1:18 hvy 7 115 8 6 5* 5=1 H Mari elli 9 BoMcMn. D.E.OSuln. T. Timber 63240 Aqueduct 5-S 1:00 good 18-5 115 6 4 21 l| E Sande 7 Vigil. Anonymous, Cheapside 63062 Aqueduct 2-4 l:12slop M 112 S 10 10s 8" J D MneyLJ M.iilingale. It full. Joshawk 62989 Aqueduct 5-8 5s*sgood 5 110 11 8 SJ $ » J D Mnei 14 Shuf. Along, Wil.Tell. Slockmar 62826 Aqueduct 5-S M%f»1 20 112 8 7 S! 4« I D MneyL! tiosiiawk. It— f 1 1— III. BudLerner MSU Belmont 5-S st 58fast 40 115 10 5 41 3°i J D Mne 12 Martingale. Iravus. lark Bill SOGGARTH AROON, b. c, 3 108 By Bard of Hope— Running Vine, by Transvaal. Trainer, G. E. Hall. Owner, G. E. Hall. Breeder, P. M. Walker. 69131 Howie 61 f 1:21 fast Si 113 I 1 U 1" O Lang 9 Flying Devil, The saly, Oran 69035 Howie 51 t 1 :075sf ast 10 108J I 2 2* 2*1 C Lang 7 Gen. Thatcher. Tl.eClown, Vennie 66800 Howie 61 f 1 MlbfMt 73f 104 11 11 12* 9" E Weiner 14 Gen. 1 hatcher. Osprey, Vigil 66653 Pimlico 3-4 1 :12 -5fast 37 117 7 6 6» 6: i C Kummer 8 IowWov. Pettifogger. Whirlnd 66609 limlico 3-4 l:ll%fast 46 113 5 6 6* 7;i E Sande 7 Dunlin, Little Celt, Bluemont 66489 Laurel 51 f 1:09 fast 26 110 7 7 6* 6* J Callahan 7 Heeltaps, Carol. Sweetheart DANIEL, ch. o, 3 112 By Rock View— Marie Frances, by Sir Dixon. Trailer, J. S. Dann. Owner, .T. S. Dann. Breeder. Belair Stud. 66851 Howie 1 1 :13«%fast 10 104 9 $ 6» 6J F Weiner 11 Oui Oui. Vigil. Moonraker 66822 Howie 7-8 1 :2S fast IS 114 9 9 9* 6 F Weiner 10 Vigil. Blue Hawk. Osprey 66622 limlico 3-4 LLiVsfast 44 114 5 7 7 6Ji A Johnsonll Bloss. Time. Rigel. Whirlwind 66420 Laurel 3-4 1 :14fast 7 110 1 7 5 PW Kelsay 10 Mai tingale. Ambler, Vigil 66252 Laurel 3-4 l:13*»-.fast IS 109 3 5 o* 4* W Kelsay 7 Hliiemont. Transom, Carol 65959 Laurel 3-4 LUVsmud 37 119 S 11 91 S7 W Kelsay 13 Wilderness, Dunlin, Scribble C5771 Laun-i 3-4I:13fefast 15 114 4 a ol 5"» W Kelsay 8 Itijlto. Lilt. Carol MARK TWAIN, b. g. 3 106 By George Smith— Droll, by Dick Wellei. Trainer. T. J. Healey. Owner, W. J. Salmon. Breeder, W. W. Darden. 65440 llJiCcfl 51 f 1:08 fast S 113 1 4 4 4-1 J Butwell 10 Blue Peler. Rialto, Sun Doll 65128 H-lmt i| f 111 1 :05*-;fast 7 115 6 4 41 5» J Butwell 9 Curtis, Newmarket, Flagstaff 64913 Belmt l| f MC lMWCMt I 11313 4 5" 5* J Butwell 6 Shamrk. MissStar, WilliamTel] 64272 Saratoga 1-4 Lll.fast 15 11 21 i 7 7» 7° J Butwell 13 Messenger. DustFlower. Donges 64046 Saratoga 3-4 1:15 hvy »-6 115 10 13 13 13,T J Eutwell 13 Marfgale. hickvale. Cartoonist C3678 Empire Ab 3-4 1 :102ifast 6-5 113 1114 l"J J Butwell 9 Mutiny. Dustabout, PrimeTiiTii 63497 Empire 51 f I tfiillll 7 115 1 2 2" 2 J Butwell 13 High Chief, Bayonet, Fullon 63328 Empire 51 f l:07siow 8 1091 4 4 4* 57" C H Miller 9 Wildrake, Bet. Luck, N.H pshire 63238 Aqueduct 5 S 1:00 good 3 IM 3 4 4 2i J Butwell 4 HetterLuck. Raffles. Hest Love 62989 Auueduct 0-8 OSVsgood 41 115 9 6 6: 10s C II MillerH Shuf.Along. Wil.Tell. Stockiuar ETHEL CLAYTON. h. f. 3 103 By Adam Bede — Tea Biscuit, by Rock Sand. vTraincr, H. G-. Bedwell. Owner. Kenton Stable. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 66835 H-.wie 64 f 1 :21*fefast I 112 I 10 M 104H Ptutts 10 Bucado. Lit. B*ffC, Adventuress €5824 K worth 2-4 1 :12Sf «st 41 112 1 4 31 l|J M.Tagt ! S.sl.emon. D.Oaiety. Bkwheat •5347 Woodne 3-4 1:12 fast 6-5 108 4 3 l 7** F Wilson 9 Ro kery. First Ward. Patchwork 65213 Uorval H t l:o9°slow 3110 106 2 1 1* 1" E Barnes 7 WeeTodr, S.slmon, H.sJewel 65063 Horval 3-4 LIS mud 3-2 113 3 2 2* 2s H Erkksn « Iatchwk. NicKiiame, Rkgardeii 64799 B.B nnets f l:06*»fast 11 103 14 4* 3*1 E Barnes 5 Seths Lemon. Lilt. Vespia RESTING TIME, bik. f. 3 103 By Black Tony— Breathing Spell, by Dark Ronald. Trainer. K. Spence. Owner. Audley Farm Stable. Breeder, A. B. Hancock. M1M Howie l-i ItWtful 2 102 2 I 53 7s H Stutts 7 Setting Sun. the liinvn. Eulalia 66630 Latonia 2-1 1 :12*ifast 7 1 J7 2 12 12 12s W Pool 12 Red Arrow. Jupiter. Certain 66600 Latonia 3-4 1 Lfast 1!2 109 i 5 10 17E Martin 10 Iii.Mnioriii. HoMcMillan. CrtJaz 66552 Latonia 3-4 LllSfast 5 112 7 7 10 10*1 M darner 10 A.B.Gowu. InMetnm. D.K.OSn 66166 Latonia 2-4 l:13fefast 12 109 5 2 2 1» E Scobie 10 Triumph, Aspiration, Away 66001 Latonia 3-4 1 :15*tmud 6 107 1 6 6 6«» E Scobie 6 Oui Oui, AliveHl .Gown, Uivinia C5967 Latonia 51 f l:06«ifast 19 109 4 4 4 4* E Scobie 9 Lathrop, Banter, Banner Bearer

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923041501/drf1923041501_5_1
Local Identifier: drf1923041501_5_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800