Latonia Derby Entries: One Hundred and Eighteen Nominated to Covingtons Big Race, Daily Racing Form, 1923-04-15


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c . I i i e | I I" a t r I i i I a | j I ! 1 r i . i l . j t . , " . , , . 1 1 ] i 1 j j 1 1 h | I i i i i I 1 j LATONIA DERBY ENTRIES ■ ■ — — ♦ — ■ One Hundred and Eighteen Nominated to Covingtons Big Race. ♦ Pmctically All Track Candidates for lite Preakiie«ss and Kentucky Derby Are Among Those Named. , « COVINGTON, Ky.. April 14.— The Kentucky Jockey Club today announced the entries for the 1323 l atonia DaihjL One hundred and eighteen nominations were received for this popular lixture that has been run annually at fair I.atonia since 1SSS. It is at the real Derhy distance of a mile and a half. Practically all the most prominent of the Kentucky Derby candidates have been named for l.atonias big three-year-old fixture, a notable absentee being August Belmonts Messenger. It is. however, a wonderful array of entries and coming as it does after both the Preak- ness and Kentucky Derby the public will bare a much bettter opportunity to judge the merits of the prospective starters. The following are the nominations for the I.atonia Derby : All-n, L R. — Calcutta, ch. o. by Colin — Jamma. Anderson. IS. H. — Actuary, br. c, by Uick i ■ iaue.1 — Alice Raird. Itaker and Nichols — Aictoire, ch. f, by Uncle — America. ■lack, Benjamin — Retter Luck, b. c, by North Star III.— GraiL Bradley. 1.. R. Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable — Bright Tomorrow, ch. c. by North Star HI.— Sweet Alice. Bradley. K. IS. Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable — Roys Believe Ale. ch. c. by North Star III. — Believe Ale Boys. Bradley, K. R. Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable - Betty Reall. ch. f, by North Star III. Alica- roon. Rradley. K. R. Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable - Blossom Time. br. f. by Noith Star III. — Aaila. Rradley. E. It. Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable* — Rody Guard, b. c, by C.oldeu Alaxim Jleii- -:;nde. Rradley, E. R. Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable — Rlue Nose. br. c. by Black Toney — Renauet. Itradley and Lyne — Ii i "-liriiout. ch. g, by Wormleigh- ton Pirate Iolly. Brown. J. L. — Right on Time. b. c, by Jack Atkin — Susan Iienox. Brjaaa, ■. K. — Setting Sun. ch. g. by Olantbala — Sunburst. Rurton. B. AL — Red Mulligan, eh. c. by Little Dutch — Cloist cress. ochran. Q. A. — Goshawk, blk. c, by AVhiskbro iiu II. Povelet. Cochran. 1. A. — fimbria, b. f, by His Alajesty — Livonia. Cosden. J. S. Dunlin, ch. c, by Fair Play — Dona Roca. Cosden. J. S. — Alartinga!,*, b. e. by Martinet- Lady Irma. Caaiea, J. S. — Golden Rule. b. c, by AAraek- Golding. Cosden. J. S. b. Ballot — Cyclone, c, by S.veep — Girl II. Cosden. J. S. — Doughoregan, ch. g, by Celt — I.ogis- tilla. Daniel. William — RIanc Seing. ch. c, by North Star III. Red of Roses. Dardeu and Perkins — Ilayfull Jliss, br. f. by George Smith Alisplay. Dann. J. S. — Daniel, ch. c, by Rock A"i.-v — Alarie Frances. Batter. Airs. IL- srarie Rlanche. br. f. by Water-1 vale- Topsy Belle. Dattuer, Mrs. H. Henry Dattner. br. c. by Water-vale— Alice Dale. Dodson and Alatlack Freeholder, ch. c. by Alain-tenant— Ija Bavonitte. Fleher, H. C. — Cartoonist, ch. c, by Celt Honey Bee. Fisher. H. C. — Hyperion, br. c. by Sunstar -Alel-rhjae. Gallaher Bros. — Cherokee, b. c, by Sweep— rabia. Gallaher Bros. — Triumph, ch. c, by Tueo. Cook— March. Gallaher Bros. — Indian Trail, br. c, by Delhi — - Gulaiy. Geriy. Robert I..— William Tell, b. c. by Rock Aiew -Arrow-shaft. Gerry, Robert L.— Errand Boy, b. c, by Wrack — I«tdy Errant. Glenn, W. Frank. Jr. -Dr. Glenn, ch. g. by Di k Welles— Floral Day Continued on eleventh page. LATONIA DERBY ENTRIESl Continued from third page. Glenn. W. Frank. Jr.— The Plainsman, blk. g, by Dick Weiles Edna Shannon. Hay. C. W— Taylor Hay, oh. c, by Faux-Col— Emma Star, Headley. Hal Price— Hopeless, b. g. by Huon— Kolinsky. Headley. Hal Price -Uusticator, blk. g. by Getrge Smith Rustic Maid. Hewitt Estate. H. H. — Aspiration, b. c, by George Smith — Inspiration. H»»itt Estate. H. H— Metric, br. c, by Short Grass — Star Maid. Jones. Montfort ft B. B.— Oui Oui, ch. f, by Sir Joim John on — Parisian. Jones. Montfort. ft B. B.— Dan E. OSullivan, br. g. by Celt — Toots. Jcnes. Montfort. and B. B. — The Clown, br. c, by Hessian witrui. Jones. Montfort. ft B. B - The Sage, br. c, by Geo. Smith — Chapala. Johnson. Frederick— Nassau, br. c, by Nassovian— Pliilistia. Keene. -T. t . ft G. H— Alic-e Blue Gown, eh. f, by Luke Mcl-uke Carene. Keene. J. O. k ... II . — Flowers of Love, ch. f, by I-uke Md-aike — Woodlane. Keene. J. O. ft •. H. — Chittagcng. b. c, by Ijike McLuke lirginia. Kilmer. Willis Sharpc- Sallys Alley, b. f, by Allu- mi ur Salvol.ilile. Kilmer. Willis Sharpc — Sua Fey, blk. f, by Sun St. Fey. Kilme:. Willis Sliarpe — Sunference, ch. e, by Sun Briar — Conferen -e. Knapp. II. K. — Hobgoblin, br. c, by Luke McLuke — Sprite. Lester and Head Wild Life. eh. g, by Ma ter Robert — Gliding Belle. Livingston. Jefferson Donegal, b. c, by Royal II. — Orlo. I Locney. .1. T- Evcrhart. br. c, by Everest — Top All. Ix.uelihoiin. ]. If Mm4 ;ranite, b. c. by Granite — Devonsliiie Dolly. Looehheim. J. H. Blue Stone, br. e. by Granite-Jane Cowl. MolKiwell. Thomas C— True American, ch. g. by Manager Wait.- True Blue. j McGinn. J. B. — Wise tiny, br. c. by Sager— Lady Kecveena. M.-Ginn. J. P.— Maude Harvey, ch. f, by Alvcscot — Belie Scott. McKay. J. C. — Melachrino, b. e, by Atheling II. — Roselawii. McKe.m. John— Trince Tii Tii, b. c, by Spanish Prince II- Queen Tii. M I-eai:. E. B. fllsMW. b. f. by Maintenon -Gibberish. McNaughton. Sandy -Little Celt, ch. c. hy Celt-Little Flower. Madden. J. E. --Squander, blk. e. by Hessian — Millinery. Madden. J. E. - Mai 1.4r, ch. g, by Friar Rock — Sea Air. Madlen. J. K. - Flintstone, ch. c, by Friar Rock — Problem. Maloney. T. F. — Crudenas, br. c, by Cruz,idos- Ardenes Marliall. U F.— Prince K., b. g, by Mont dOr II.— 1 envois. Marshall. Body. P Vanishing Boy. blk. c, by Smoke House The Widow Moon. Martin. Wm. Vulador, ch. c, by Short Grass — Cheer. Milam. J. C— Dust Flower, ch. t, by Peter Quince — Stick Pin. Moshier. George G — Cukamo, ch. g. by Great Bri tain — Benonl. OBrien, Thos. W AH American, ch. c. by Pluvious Ma rear* t Ixiwry. Fendergast. T. J.— Bo McMillan, ch. «. by Ballot Nettie Hastings. Resposs. J. B.— Tycoon, b. c, by Dick Welles Jennie Gedde. Ri sposx. J. 11. - Banner Bearer, b. c. by Colonel i-li o .e fall ilc! Rogers. A. L— Luclc Hugh, ch. g, by Incle— Royal Lauj. Ross. J. K. L. — Canmore, b. c, by Marathon — Can ice. Salmon. Walter J. Vigil, ch. c, by Jim Gaffney — Vignola. Salmon. Walter J. — I.uminist, b. c, by Hourless — Luniinciise. Sanford. John Aragon. ch. c, by Spanish Prince II. - Mabel Strauss. Sanford. John — Glontilt. b. c, by Ecouen -Glorit.i. Sanford. John — Dalby. b. c, by George Smith— Eleti- sinia. Sinclair. II. I". -Satellite, ch. g. by Ogden— Star of Danube. Sinclair. H F.— Aladdin, br. g, by Dick Finnell— Viola Vail. Sinclair. II. F. — Coour de Lion, ch. g, by Fair Play — Couronne dc I-aurier. Sinclair. II. F. — Whirlwind, ch. g, by Iltimus — Sarnia. Sinclair. H. F. — Zer, br. c, by The Finn— Miss Kearney. Sinclair. H. F. — Bud I »rner, b. c. by The Finn — Dreamsome. Sinclair. II. F. — ICigel. ch. c, by Ballot Pictons Pride. Smith. James B. King Solomons Seal, b. e, by King James -Himation. Smith. James B. — Caladium, br. c. by Vulcain — Cadeau. Sinitli. James B.- Autumn Bells, br. c, by Vulcain — Autumn II. Smith, James B. -Scarlet Bugler, b. c. bv Superman —Turkey Red II. Stanley. J. E . — Fitzrue. ch. c, by Fitzwilliam — Mary Steet. Vickerman. R. E. — Park Hill, b. g, by Zeus EJna Collins. Vickerman. R. E. -Palruba. br. f, bv Von Tromp — Dally. Vickerman. R. B. — Trebora, ch. f, by Von Tromrt — La Borgia. Ward, John S.— Donges. ch. c, by Celt-Bessie Melton. Weil. I. —Tip Toe Inn, blk. f. by Hessian- Lizzie Dixon. W ideniann. Carl—In Memoriam. b. c, by M«Gee — Enchantress II. Weiilemann. Carl Mon Pere. b. c. by Friar Rook — Ashtoreth. Whitney. H. P. — Picketer, b. c, bv Chicle--Pank- hurst. Whitnev. H. P.— Flagstaff, ch. c, by Broomstick-Inaugural. • Whitney. H P. — Chickvale. b. c. bv Chiclt — Green-vale. Wl.ilney. II. T. — Enchantment, b. g. by Chicle — Knchanting. Whiiney. Mrs. Payne tireentree Stable — Burba ry Bush. ch. c. hy Whisk Broom II. — Caidamine. Whiliier. Mrs. Payne Greentree Stable. Rialto. b. c. by Chicle — Matinee. Whitney. Mrs. Payne Greentree Stable- Cherry Pie. b. g. by Chicle — Cherry Malotte. Wliiiii.v. Ml*. Payne l ;reoiitree Stable -Dust-about, br. c, by S«-eop~ Kojje. Whitney. Mis. Payne Greenin-e Stable — Son-o- l nc ch. c. by Incle— Idle Tale. Whitney. Mrs. Payne iGreentree Stable- Moon - raker, ch. c, by Broomstick Alster Cress. hifncy. Mrs. Payne Greentree Stablei -Pandowdy, b. f, by Peter Pan -Winifred A. Wilson, R. T. Wilderness, oh. c, by Campfire-— Genesta. Wingfield. George I Nevada Stock Farm I General Thatcher, br. c, by Sweep Polistena. Wingfield. l.eorge Vevada Stock Farm -Hum boldt, b. r, by Aiheliug II. Celesta. ♦— m

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Local Identifier: drf1923041501_3_3
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