Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-04-15


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Entries and Past Performances TIJUANA : SUNDAY, APRIL 15 WIATUB CLEAKi TRACK IAST. The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse lit the dista-ico since J.-.nuary 1. 1921, no matter where it finished. In cases whcie k oril was made on other than a last or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. , i Rar inp starts at 1:55 p. m. Chieapo time 3:55. ® Superior mud runner. X Good mud runner. :•: Fair mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentice allowance, b Blinkers. First Race — 4 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 2 year-olds. Tr.iU record: Jan. S, 1621— B %— M MB. ! Todays I j Inrt Horse Wl. Rec. A.Wt H:in I I fE584- Snooksie Bradley.. 116X123 I 68277 Ida Frances II*.. 720 , 69094 Matte R 113.. 715 I ; 69029= Al Hotfoot 11S -..V..i 122. .715 j 69094 A. lister iMl 110. .710 69094 Wiki Jack Ml 110. 710 68942 Miss Lcpgo 116x700 I 1 Salt Shot 116 SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. Purse $.".00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiminp. Track record: May 20. 1920— 39— 1 107. 69081- Philiipe Lugo 113 1:02 ■ 11.1. .727 69049 laud.- Weaver ...112 1:00- 10 115.720 69201 •bperoh 114 1:00V; B 10- • 71.". 69222 LSteve Ill 1:03 8 113X712 69049 Operator 119 1:02--. B 115. .713 69080 Trulane 112 1:02% II 115. .710 69078* Pokey Jan.- 110. 1 :02 % 8 1 1 2 X 710 685S5 Hanovers Topaz ..112 1:02% I 11.7X710 69201 Hon Sane 115 1:03 7 1 1".. .70.r. 69119 May Sotli M 101 1:03% 3 100. 701 69223 •Skookum M 109 1:03% 7 110. .700, 69159 Ruth E. Ml 100 1:02--. 4 112. .166 1 | I 69142 Pal Carter M ..109 1:02V. S 11.1.. 700 68771 Call Me 110 1:03V. 7 11.7.700 69081 bCave Man M 116 1:02% b 111x700 Third Race — 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiminp. Tra.k rccoid: May 20, 1920— ."!» 4 107. 69£00- «Midnipht Pell M 9S 1 :03% 3 9.1.. 72.1 69222 Tempy Duncan ... 91 1:01% 12 166X726 69142* •Ieifeot Day 105 1:02% 8 M6X 15 69201* *Mr. Kruter MB 1:01% 7 110. .71". 691S0 l.Iiunters Point 99 1:02-.-. .111.1X711 69180 L. Gentry 97 1:01 r. SHI.. 71.1 63223 l.Maiy D 101 1:02V. 4 112. .710 69222 Jack I -e 168 1:62% .1111. .710 69180 Dal— ai 113 1:03-.-. • 111-70". 69223 •Cliariotta Sinitkl M101 1:02% 4 107X700 68965 Yinsa iMl 4 112..7WI 69222 Arponne Forest iMHOfi 1:03% .1 113*700 69222 Dewy Field M . . . 104 1 :03% 4 114X700 69180 Little Abe 103 1:04% 11 11.7x700 69179 Laaaa Bay D...1U IM| and in. .700 Fourth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. t J«ai aMl and upward. Claiminp. Track record": Feb. 25, 1923— 1:05-B 122 69203 ♦I.Harripans Heir ..109 1:07-.-. 6 186X125 69225 l.Pne de Gaiee 110 1:07% 7 111.. 720 69185 Silver Maid IN 1M 3 MX 713 69225 *Fay Off 105 1:07% B MSxTIS 86168* Tlnrtajja 109 1:07"- 4 105. .715 63974»UIobn Jr M 10SX715 69082 July Flv 10", 1:07V. 9 111x717 69185 *.Mivs K.lna 101 1:08% I 93x710 i 69183 MBajar House 1 »4 1:00% 7 110x710 i 09229 •Itllerdrr 10-1:07 B 168x165 69225 bMaytlower 1M 1:07V .7 111. .705 69084 Review 1 10 1 :0S % 8 1 13 X "07 6S064 Helen Major 100 1:66% 4 1MX7M i 69230 Muba 110 1:09 0 111X700 M 69203 VUArVO ltou 1»UU Jo»e JUMfT 112 11- J 1:07V .VI 5 S O 113:-: i i- - 700 t JJ t i ! I j I I I , I ; j I 1 1 | I i i i M t Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. Pmso 1923.sh00. 4 year o!s and upward. Claiminp. Track record: Pec. 21. 1910 1:11% -3 -110. . 69142 Miami Sweep Ill 1:M% .1113X725 6914- «M: s Manape 113 1:13 7 100. .720 69158- Car 113 1:14V. C.I13 711 C9208 •Flea 99 1:13-. .1100 710 "I 69185 Ccrpo James M 1:14% .1113x71.11 i 6202 *Tkaraaa 112 1:15% 5 100x710 ! I 69112 •GeM Brjraa 6 166x165 ! CS127 Poker B 10G 1:13% V 111X186 I 1 6921-0 bOlvm;i:aii King ...1011:14.-. S 113. .70: ;i j C9185 aPIaatageaet 114 1:14% 11 115X130 q 1 j 69144 CaaaoaaaB MS 1:15% 5 11CX700! j I j i Sixth Rax:e— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 5700. 3-vcar-olds and upward. Claiminp. . | Track record : Feb. 21. 1628—1:66—6—122. I G3C60 *CARL0S ENRIQUE 93 145% 3 10.7x725 7 69183 *II.irrv I 101 1 :06% 9 112x715 5 6910! ! *o.-H Cola 115 145% r. 115X715 0 CE529 Anna Repina 114 1:07 0 110X710 0 69146 »Ijoea Leraa H3i:0S r. 866X168 1 6318S Private Feat MB 1:61 0 114. .707 1 C9169 bSam Reh 103 145% 7 117x753 I 85361* UMtaa 117 1:07% 4 119.. 700 0 Seventh Race — 1 1-4 Miles. Pane 00. 4 vear-oltN and upward Clain.inp. Track record: May 16. 1920 —345% 0-115. 69205- liFnir Orient 109 2:07V 10 113X725 65228 Mollis 1012:0! • MB. .125 6911C* •Tom Oveaa .". 10S..715 . 63205 I.Water Willow 3" -:0".% 7 111X71:. 69229 •Baaatefle I« - :15% 5 MS..1M ■ 69148 »Mr. X 5 108. .705 |T 1 69185 RIivmk.- 1012:00 9 113X710 ■ 69158 Annettes Sister... 5 111. .707: Eighth Race — 3-4 Mile. Turse 1923.sh00. 4 vear-o.ds and upward. Claiminp. Track record: Pec. 20. 1910 -1:11%— I 110.1 69180 1 Filial ■ 90 1:13V, 4 101. 72.7 .-, 69202- hPamir.p Girl 113 1:14 7 111x720 0 69230 •Uoniuliis 115 1:13 .1111X717; r, 09230 bltinp Rose MB 1:13% .1113.. 71.7 .7 j 69184-" *W.»odic Montpomcry 53 1:13% 10 155X710 . 6S146 Tabloid 99 1:15 4 100X705 0 MBit* •Mis Dmbar MS 1:14% B l"ii. . 705 1:, 69202 •Krmitana 112 1:15% 51S5X1O0 Q 69159 •MaBraaa 155 1:15% B 155x150 IB 69203 Galway IM 1:15% 7 113X700 • Sixth Roce— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 1855. 4-vear-olds and upward. Claiminp. , "" Track reeari: March 10. MSB— 1:42%— B— life. 09205 aCtta 112 1:45% 7 109x725 3 69149J ItJudpe David 110 1:47% 7 112X721 ■ 692C4 •l.I.acher 110 1:47% 8 112x715 69122 •Tart Laaate MB 1:43% 8 152X113 - 69122- bHackamore 115 1:41% f. 112*7131 - 69201" O.lie Wood 10S 1 :4 .% 1112x715 69182 *01vn:piad 107 1:50 4 112X715 I 69148* Dolpli 110 1:46% 8 185X710 q C9182 Ib.w Steel 104 1:47 4 112x7071 11 69182 May Mac 109 1:40% 4 101X70. ! I | 69182= GeM Flu-h MB l:«%a 1 112.. 701 ril | 69120 *l.ittle Giak 186 1:43% 18 1124:750 VI 69158 McCroan MB 1:48% 7 109x700 M 69228 Yermak 113 1:45% 10 109®700 M Tenth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Pane 8885. 4-year-aMa and upward. Claiminp. Track rccarB: March 15, 1525— 1:42%— 5— U5. 60182 bWalter Pant 115 1:45% 8 109.. 72.7 S 69122 Jerry 185 1:41% 10109X720 38 , C9149 Palfour 113 1:40% 5 109x717 19 69185= Senator Donlaii ..165 148% 4MB. .713 l; 69202 •l.l.iuasitha 102 1:43% .1102:1:710 69182 »Lavap.i 1111:47 0 102 -.710 l 692C33 *Co!. Snider 165 1:45% CUM.. 710 " 69181 Pills Puck 1011:40.-. 4 107X71.". " G9229 •lo.n raven 109 1:40% 4 10!..7i 5 »! 1 69051 *Freddio Fear 4 154. .155 »! 69165 »I.itt!e Orphan 110 1:40%. 6 104X70* lr : 691813 Fiz.r 112 1:44 9 107x700 • 69204 Shoreacres 105 1:40% B167X7M , 69184 PhMM 1001:14% 8107x7111 J! bCaaiaano 110 1:45% 8MB. .780 J 69120 U91andU l/ .; »; i i:.i nv *■ * « »•-— d — — — - - - — ■

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923041501/drf1923041501_7_1
Local Identifier: drf1923041501_7_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800