untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1923-05-16


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21 DAYS RACING MAY 30TH— JUNE 23RD NEW KENSINGTON, PA. Auspices Allegheny Fair and Racing Association 18 MILES FROM PITTSBURGH Via Pennsylvania Railroad. Entirely rebuilt. JUDGES: Jos. A. Murphy, F. W. Gerhardy STARTER: Marshall Cassidy Annual Spring Meeting MAPLE HEIGHTS MILE TRACK CLEVELAND, OHIO. Seven Races Every Day For 19 Ways — Closing May 28. S. N". HOLMAN, Manager. ORGANIZATION FINANCE COMMITTEE JOSEPH A. MIRIHY IIARKY .1. 1ASSADY, ehairman Director tit-neral and General Manager WILLIAM K. DKK ,AMKS NA«:UTEN riTS CUAS. T T. KSSIC B8H3 , JOB1 1UWIN ltesidrnt Manager and Secretary .T MES II CANNON ALBKKT SABATH JOHN K. BAUKETT Chairman Organization and Legal D.-poi. D. G. KLBY EXECUTIVE OFFICE The Chicago Business Mens Racing Association SUITE 409—117 NORTH DEARBORN ST. Phone Central 8147 Chicago FELLOW SPORTSMEN: THE PROSPECTUS WILL EXPLAIN EVERYTHING CONCERNING "RTVERDALE PARK". The perronal pride that every red -Wooded citizen takes in his city is being manifested i:i the present drive for Life Membership in the Chicago Business Mc-jt Racing Association itiverdale Park. Hundreds of letters are pouring in from points outside of the city, but first in consequence i3 the stiong ••pcrsenal pride" exhibited by Chicagoans — for th.3 Chicago spirit predominates. Let Chicago and her people have their o*n plant. Judge Joseph A. Murphy, in announcing that The Chicago Business Mens Racing Association ■was to te purely a Chicago institution and fcr the people, ard not a proprietary organization, meant ju*t what he announced publicly in February. Every living soul who calls Chicago his home is er.titled to consideration. You are cordially invited to become interested in promoting a racing plant and sportsmens park that will be the garden spot of Chicago. Thousands have airanged to go to Louisville to witness the running of the Forty-Ninth Kentucky classic — the Kentucky Derby — on May ISth. Chicago is calling you. Lets bring to Chicago Ln 1924 a meeting that will prove to the world that there ia real spirit in Chicagos famous "I WILL." THE CHICAGO NATIONAL DERBY. IN JUNE. 1924. HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED— 0 000 ADDED— THE FLOWER OF THE THREE -YEAR-OLDS TO PARTICIPATE. We have prepared the setting. We have arranged the details. But we want to interest you and your friends. The "Eooklct" contains many interesting facts: no doubt it will inte:est yoa. Send us the names and addresses of your friends a:_d we will be only too glad to mail them one! Phone, write or call. THE CHICAGO BUSINESS MENS RACING ASSOCIATION, Charles T. Essig. Secretary. j I

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923051601/drf1923051601_10_4
Local Identifier: drf1923051601_10_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800