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Latest Training Gallops 269 UOHJnrWTLLM. Ky.. May If..— Todays training gallons here included the following : CHURCHILL DOWNS. Weather cloudy ; track sloppy — Three-Eighths Mile. 2fi: Burnt Orange M% Post 3 Ts 26C-Robs Mary 30 149 Sway 3and~h 2 0-Orlox 37* Half Mile. 267 Alice It. Gown 4X 256-Glyn 50 265 -Blossom Time 4S/i Krishna 48% 263 Boy O Boy Wa 2." 6 K. Williams ..50-; 265 Beginners LmMB% 2T 9-Mnry Lynn . . ." 0i 29 Colonel Baker. .5133 261 -Paul G. BiowuJO-ls 2«:» Cheny Pie Z% Tost Di*pjtch 494a 265-Chickvale 51fc 267 Swift Water . .50Ji 267 Dust Flow er . . . ■ 266-Ten - I ee 4S 262-Knchantinent ..• r.. 267-Yoshiuii Wrs 264 - Kei Bullous 50-fc Five -Eighths Mile. 212-Avispa tsMfa 266-Miss Cerina .MB% 26.". By Cosh 1:0.it5 266-Orlova 1:02 266-BilIy Star ...1:07 Teds Blum ..1:0ot5 Three -Quarters Mile. 266 Brookhelt ...1:16!s 177-hids Play .1:17% 2«6 Betty Beall .1:1S% 26: -Kinbnrn 1:18% 206 lotn. MtMkinl :19-i 266 Miss Claire ..1.26% One Mile. 265-Bek Servant 1 AT, 2 H5 I liyful Miss .1:50 265 Bet Mosie ...l:4r Mutate 1:55% 264-Uant. Spray .1:4". 265 Willow Tree 1:40,., Mile and a Quarter. 256-Asi iration ...2:14 DOUGLAS PARK. Weather cloudy : track slcppy — Three-Eighths Mile. SCO-Eddie Jr 36% 266 Mabel Hue ...37!s 266 Lord Allen ...37% 266-Wolfs Cry 3* Half Mile. 26S-Banter S3 206 U IMMMn M % 251-Blue Devils ...54 202 Tody 50 £ 266-Claymore 51 Five -Eighths Mile. 267 Court View .l:07fe 263-Sewell Corr.bsl:07% 267 -Gen. Average. 1:10% Tulip 1:10 253 J et sum 1 :0S% 256-Ta n Son 1:00 Three -Quarters Mile. 267 Be ;ood 1:1S Hi Eulah F. ...1:22% 262-Broken Bomsll9«i 252-Colde:i Flo a. 1:21% 267Buekwheat .1:23 26S Mayor Cartel. 1 :24% 84-Dr. Hickman. 1:21% 200-Sea Way 1:22% One Mile. 268-Rrunswiok ..1:52 266 Elias 0 1:52 265-B. of Ktown.l :4.-S% 2tiS-Wyoming ...1:52 221 De Bonero ...1:51 265 Walnut Hall. 1:55 208-Kerguson .1 :4S% Blorscm Time did an extra speed trial. Alice Blue Gown acted like a sloppy track suited her. Ten-Iec, an extra good mud runner, showed high speed. llrookholt did a good work. Black Servant and Bet Mosie did good work together. Aspiration was under restraint. NEW YORK. X. Y., May 15.— Todays training gallops over the metropolitan courses include the following : AQUEDUCT. Weather cloudy : track heavy — Three -Eighths Mile. 047 Dunboyne 36 265-Valor 36% 260- Invietus 35%. Half Mile. 263 Atherstone 49% 165 Spartina 51% 203 Glectilt 49% 61-Trebora 51% 259-Nightboat 50% 266-Zealot 56 Three -Quarters Mile. Bluemont ...1:19 260-Spread Eagle 1:18 113-Car. Iantagesl :17% 264-Sunferenee ..1:22 268 Dry Moon ...1:15% 266-Tikeh 1:17% 265-Jyntee 1:18 262-Valeria 1:16% 262-Mon. Mornin? 1:19 266-Woodlake 1:19 266-Mclvee 1:14 Seven -Eighths Mile. 203 Bayonet 1:30% 266-Ieddler 1:31% 265-Cs Examiner 1 :31 % 57-Thores 1 :33% One Mile. 266 All Over 1:43% 723 Story Teller .1:47% 266-HonorabIe 1 :4.N 264 The Corsair ..1:40 264 -Brinre James 1:48 258-Tliimble 1:43% Glentilt and Atherstone galloped on even terms. Bluemont was under restraint. Dry Moon ran well. McKee showed marked improvement. Peddler was not extended. Thimble looks good. All Over ran well. JAMAICA. Weather cloudy ; track good — Three -Eighths Mile. By Play 40 266-L.ighter 40 250-Beana 36% 26«-Ie Adrin 38 266-Better Times .37 265-Mary Agnes ..39% 266Costigan 40 258-Primus 36% 265 -Donagbec 35% 206- Romany 40 257-Herbv Coles ...39 263 Sue Donovan ..37 262 11. T. Waters. 3S% 263-Sea Cove 39 Half Mile. 206-A. Marrone II. .51% 200 Little Alfred 53% 282-1.. McLghlin .-iHj 205 -Masquerade ...." % 256-1. of the Yy M 268 -Montalvo 49% 265-Exeelsis 48% 200-Si!eut King ...52 266-Frigate 50% 205 Stony Point ..50% 208 -High Prince .5 » 268 -Someib.v 50 266 High Chief ...49% 205 Ting-a -Lung ..52-. 266 Lady Rose 50% 266 Ticker 53% Five -Eighths Mile. 266 Damage 1:06% 266-Bond Lilly ..1:03% 2«-Daydue 1:04 265 Piquant 1:07 263 Hephaistos ..1:02% 263 Sandimas ...1:05% 204 Iilly 1:05!., 263-Zeus Lassie .l:08Vi 265-Btrvieux ....1:07 Three -Quarters Mile. 263 Broomster ...1:18% 204 I/Effare 1:18% 265 Chief Klynn .1:16. 266 -Nantokah ...1:22 268 Its llghter 1:15% 26*i Polythia 1:22 265 Irish Bgadierl:24 2 M-Koseute II. ..1:19 Seven -Eighths Mile. 208-Nose Dive ..1:32% One Mile. 264-Ren Wood ...1:47 268 -M a w reoron ..1:45 251 -Dexterous ...1:51 205-Bunga Buc-k 1:46 268 Kd ward Gray 1:44, 206-San ho Pansy 1:51 2« Great Man .1:13 264 Whisk 1:40% 264 Irish Pat 1:46% Mile and an Eighth. 288-Red I* gs ... 1 :.V.t ;, Hephaistos seems fresh and good. Great Man was not fully extended. Ked Begs galloped easily. Lally locks good. Bunga Buck is training well. Mawrcc.ron was under restraint. Ponaghee showed useful speed. Edward Gray ran well. Whisk and Bon Wocd worked together. BELMONT PARK TRAININU TRACK. Weather cloudy ; track slow-Three -Eighths MRle. 254 Blissful 36% 205 l/eliable 37 252 Ely by Day ...36% 266 Right Royal .. 258 Intrepid 37 / / - j I Half Mile. | Amity Claim ..51 263 Our Boots 54% a 265-Black Box ...50 2C6-Peu to Beep ..51% 26". Black Kiiday .50 Royal Airman . .51% 263Clou.5hjordan ..49% 265 Tester 49 a 252-Eaglet 52% 258-Tlnee Square. 256- Insurance 50% 264- Wishbone 50% C 205 Keenan 53 264-Whirlwind 49 = 1 264 -Mabel M Kane.52% , Five -Eighths Mile. f 251 Bethany 1:07 2C5-Stroller 1:05% 262-Parasol 1:03% | Three -Quarters Mile. i 260 A r. of Gold .1:19% Dunsandel ..1:18 268-Berpagliere .1:19 266-Moody 1:22 j 262-Canaqne 1:18 266 Merrvmas 4..1:22 r 266 Cum Sail ...1:18 264-Bandowdy ..1:18% j 148-Cap.Costigan 1:18% 264-Solisa 1:18% i 266-Chestibrook 1:22 265-Tryster 1:18 j 266-Cnrtis 1:17 263-Toil 1:19% V 268Cimiu 1:19 One Mile. 1 268 Biumelina ..1:51 245 Ma idee 1:55 J 205-Dustabout ...1:45 268 Knts Bridget :50% 260 Faith 1:56% 280-Moonraker ...1:45 260-IIell Gate ..1:37 249-Purity 1:57 Pandowdy and Solisa galloped easily to- J gether. j Moonraker and Dustabout were in com- f pany. Tryster and Canaque both worked easy. ,s Curtis showed good tpeed first part of his j gallop. J Whirlwind was under restraint. j I TORONTO. Ont, May 15.— Todays train- J ing gallops at Woodbine included the follow- J ing: j WOODBINE PARK. Weather raining; track sloppy; "dogs" up — , Half Mile. Avion 52 53-FIoralia 54 6-Brass Tacks .52% 52-Flowerful 54 , 80Brill"t Jester .50 Smoothie-. 52 Five -Eighths Mile. 57-C.allipot 1:09 55 Rex Gaiety ..1:06 Three -Quarters Mile. i M?, Balsam lake. 1:20 249-West Pittstonl:20 2C5-J. F. Olhil I H One Mile. 253-Opperman ...1:58 KING S PLATE ELIGIBLES. Rallim. 1 1-4—26%, 53, 1:18%, 1:47. 2:16; finished • a t. j